The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 23, 1906, Image 4

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    When the
Hair Falls
Then it's time to act! No time
to study, to read, to experi
ment! You want to save your
hair, and save it quickly, too!
So make up your mind this
very minute that if your hair
ever comes out you will use
Ayer's Hair Vigor. It makes
the scalp healthy. The hair
stays in. It cannot do any
thing else. It's nature's way.
Tho boat kind ol a testimonial
"Sold for ovor sixty yoara."
Mad by J. u. A jr Co.. Lowell, Mui,
lio manufkoturora or
Business College Notes
. eraaml Island 18. Red Clwd t.
The game between Ued Cloud and
Grand Inland Uuslncss colleges
milted at above.
The football game today will be a
fast one. The Grand Ihlatid ltuslucss
College team stands away up toward
the top and If our boys ean give them
tho game yet, won't we feel
A eall caiuu this week for two sten
ographers who are Oliver operators.
It seems as though the Oliver is get
ting to be the machine. It will not
bo long until we are able to supply
home of these demands that arc made
upon us.
A new class of seven students has
taken up the Charticr shorthand
course. Tho way all the largo schools
aro taking it up, wo believe it is the
greatest thing in rapid writing ever
gotten out. You can learn shorthand
in ton weeks. What is the use of put
ting in ten months on any other sys
tem? We are hero to show you.
Prof. Dictrick Vead from the life and
work of Sam Jones Thursday, and
then road a little poem by Jack Craw
ford on tho deatii of Jones. Sam was
surely tho greatest and best paid man
. on the lecture platform. His cutting
(.words, with tho soothing sympathy
" that followed, will be remembered by
all who ever knew him.
Uev. Cressmau made tho school a
very pleasant talk Wednesday morn
ing, llov. Cressmau is one of those
ministers of Jesus Christ. He is not a
little, two-by four preacher who
thinks his church and his creed form
tho only way to the successful life,
but stands ready and willing to give
us all a lift, even though we belong
to different churches. His talk was
brimful of good, honest humor and he
placed his truths down in such a way
that if we follow his advice we will
not miss the best in this life and the
one to come. We want you to come
agaiu, Uev. Cressmau, and we will try
and return the visit.
Miss Grace reterson's school had a
basket supper last Friday night, with
l'rof. Dictrick to do tho entertaining
along with tho pupils in their songs.
Quito a number of the college btu
dents were there, namely: Don Clark,
Miss Heckwith, George Corner, Frank
Watson, Jesse Null, Fred Spence, Eva
Myers, Miss Mcffurd and Glen Arnold.
Misses Lockhart and Morrison, from
the high scjiool, also attended. Charles
Schultz, Esther Peterson, Ada Schultz,
Lucona Schultz, Wilbur Peterson and
Dave Whitaker, from lied Cloud, help
swell the crowd. All had a great time
and the baskets sold for 8110.20, which
will be applied on an organ.
The reception given by the old stu
dents to the new ones, last Monday
evening, was well attended. Miss
Ueckwlth, Miss Hermanson, Mr. Wat
son and Mr. Palmer were tho commit
tee that arranged the- good time we
all had. Miss Harlow and Mr. Clem
mons made candy, and I tell you it
was good to bo there and have such a
good time. A guessing game was
played In which a phonograph fur
nished tho music from different in
struments which were guessed at by
the htudents. We wore sorry to post
pone the time from Saturday evening,
as a number came Saturday who could
not como again. We want all old stu
dents to feel welcome to any and all
of our good times here.
Red Cloud G, Lebanon 0.
Another pretty gamo of football was
played in Ited Cloud yesterday after
noon before a large and enthusiastic
crowd, when the Lebanon high school
team, met defeat at the hands of the
lied Cloud high school. As in tho
game with Franklin, the first half
ended without a score, with the ball
well down in tho visitors' territory.
At one time tho homo team had the
ball on Lebanon's five yard ' line, but
lost the ball on downs. Ued Cloud
again got tho ball on downs, and
Sherwood tried a place kick for goal.
Lebanon got the ball and made a
touchbaek. Tho ball was kicked off
from Lebanon's llfteen yard lino and
the half ended with tho ball on the
visitors' twenty-five yard line. On
the first line-up in tho first half Estey
Smelser got a bad cut over his right
eye, which compelled him to retire
from tho game,. Ferguson was placed
at fullback, and Whitaker was substi
tuted at end. The only penalty im
posed upon Ued Cloud was fifteen
yards because Whitaker failed to re
port to the referee when ho entered
the game. Whitaker more thati made
up for this loss, however, by the splen
did manner in which he 'broke through
and covered Lebanon's fumbles.
lloth teams quickly warmed to the
work in tho second half, and repeated
gains through the center and uround
the ends by Hedge, Johnston and
Sherwood brought the ball danger
ously near Lebanon's goal, but Leba
non agaiu got the ball on downs and
through a series of center smashes
and a beautiful forward pass worked
the ball down toward Ued Cloud's
territory. Another forwurd pass was
attempted, but Lebanon's right end
was not out the required five yards and
tho ball was carried back to where it
started from. Ued Cloud got, the ball
on downs, and from that time on the
play was very fast. Quarterback runs,
center rushes and a forward pass to
Uobinson which netted twenty yards
brought tho ball back into within
striking distance of Lebanon's goal,
Johnston was pushed over for a touch
down and Sherwood kicked goal.
Score: lied Cloud 0, Lebanon 0.
There was an entire absence of slug
ging and other unfair tactics on the
part of either team. Tho Lebanon boys
aro a gentlemanly set of young fel
lows and took their defeat gracefully.
The teams lined up as follows:
Ilislon center Jeruberg
Huchanan. . . quarterback . . .Sherwood
Uickabaugh. right guard ...Uockwith
A nderson left guard Heal
Mays right tackle. .C. Kellogg
Merry left tackle I. Kellogg
Forgy right end Uobinson
lver ! end.j::;SS
Linton I'ight halfback. .Johnston
Weysel left lialtimelc Hedge
. , .in i. .... Smelser
iltlUIUS lUUUUUHi ) 11
Real Estate Transfers.
For the week ending Tuesday, No
vember 21, furnished by tho Fort Ab
stract Co., L. II. Fort, Manager.
Emanuel Peters to Julia A. Lane,
so so 28, hw sw 27-1-9, wd 300
Julia A. Lane to Thomas F.
Taylor, sw4 sw4 27-1-1), wd 2100
Emanuel Peters to George L. Col
umbia, sw4 se4 28-1-9, rwd 1000
Janna Uosc to Arthur L. Nichols
lot 1, Illk. 14, Uosemont, wd... 150
Clarence E. Wescott to Edwin S.
Wundorlioh, s2 19-1-10, wd ... 0000
Charles J Piatt to Paul S. Moore
w2 no nw se, lots 1, 2, in 11-1-11
wd rroo
Maud Myers and Paul S. Moore
to llcnjamin F. Mlzer, n2 nel,
nw4 set, lots 1, 2, and part w2
of 11-1-11, wd 20,000
Gertrude Knight to T. J. Sherer,
pt nw4, 31-2-10, qcd
Edwin U. Sharer to T. J. Sherer,
pt nw 31-2-10, qcd
Darl Eddy to T. J. Sherer, pt
nw 31-2-10, qcd 10
Cordelia Wagoner to T. J. Sherer
pt nw 31-2.10, qcd
Munch May Wright to T. J.
Sherer, pt nw 31-2-10, qcd ....
Emanuel Peters to II. F. Cooper,
pt se sw 3-1-4, wd
J. S. Dyer to W. II. Taber, lot 5,
Illk. 7, Ued Cloud, wd 125
W. C. Frahm, Co. Treas., to
Eugene F. lturton, lots 15, 10,
Illk, 15, Cowles, tax deed
State of Nebraska to Elizabeth
Ilodgcrs, se 10-2-12, deed
Eugenia Douglass to Prudence D
Moore, lots 15, 10, 17, 8, Hlk.
1J, Smith & Moore's add to Ued
Cloud, wd
Charles Spence to Eli Collette,
lots 1, 2, Illk. 4, Spence's add
to Illaden, wd 250
Dillie I. Cox to Clarence Ileeve,
e2 se 10-2-9, wd 4000
Susan Portoner et al to Sherman
Woodward, se2 n2 se4, se ne
10-2-9, wd 4750
L. E. Spence to Sarah F. Kimmel
lots 3, 4, Illk. 2, Spence's add
to Illaden, wd . . ., 150
Charles Spence to George G,
Greg, all Illk. 1, Spence's add
to Uladen, wd 075
Charles L. Lenora to Charles F.
wd 400
toll. D
Diedrlch, lots 3, 4, Illk. 2, Gar
ber's 1st add to Ued Cloud, tax
deed, 4.80
In anything in
Men's and
Boys9 Wear
All the newest in Suits, Overcoats, Hats,
Shoes and Furnishings. In the Sum
mer lines there are some good things,
and these you may have at prices that
will surprise and please you.
Every Garment Guaranteed.
' ' '!"'& HI'IZ' ''&' "Sf 'g '' ' .& .. a:
Gund, no 11-3-11,
W. C. Frahm Co. Treas.
Mortgages filed, 814,400.
Mortgages released, 82750.
No Longer an
The idea that has become general that first class building material
could no longer be had is 'certainly knocked out, when you take a
look at the complete line of clear Soft Pine Finish and Siding
carried in stock, by
Saunders Brothers
Don't Kill the Squirrels.
llccauso of its isolated position in
the statute book the law protecting
red foxes and grey squirrels has been
overlooked by many persons, and be
cause of their inability to find tho law
under the proper heading they have
been led into tho belief that there is
no law against killing squirrels. Tho
law is there, however, and is very
strict. It provides a fine of 5 for
each grey squirrel or red fox killed by
any person, or found in his posses
sion. The law also provides against
the chase or pursuit of thess aniimils,
and fixes the same penalty. There is
no "open" season. ,
Bible School Rally Day.
Sunday, December 2, is lllble School
Ually Day, and the following is tho
program which will bo rendered at
tho Congregational church:
10:30 Church bervice.
Sermon, "Tho Church and Sun
day School."
11:35 Song, "Nearer My God to
Thee," without books.
"To you, gentle guests and
members all.
Our gratulations How."
Miss Winifred Perkins
Uecitation Dow Kaley. (
"Sunday School When I Was a
Hoy" A. 11. Pierce.
Anthem Choir.
Heading Selected, Prof. Paul
S. Dictrick.
"Sunday Schools of tho Coun
try" Dr. 13. A. Thomas.
Remarks Superintendent.
Secretary's report.
12:45 Conclusion A. A. Cressman.
of Ued Cloud, Nob. What is also pleasing to tho buyers of Lumber
and building material is tho fact that their prices are reasonable,
nnd they guarantee a SQUARE DEAL. They also have a nice
lino of Oak, Hickory and Poplar Wagon Material. Soo their Shin:,,
glos. Vou can not help but admire thorn.
Tho members of this entorprisiug firm, assisted by plenty of
excellent help, are always glad and take pleasure in showing to tho
public this nice stock.
Fourth Avervie
A Certain Cure for Chilblains.
Shako into your shoos Allen's Foot
Ease, a powdor. It cures chilblains,
frostbites, damp, sweating, swollen
feet. At all druggists and shoe stores
25 cents. Sample free. Add row
Allen S. Olmsted, LeRoy, N. Y.
When your Watch Stops
You cannot make it go by shaking il.
When tne bowels aro
constipated you can
disturb them with
cathartics but, like
tho watch, they will
not bo able to do
their allotted work
until they aro put
into proper condi
tion to do it.
Ono cannot mend
a delicate piece of
mechanism by vio
lent methods, and
no machine made by man is as fmo
as the human body.
Tho use of pills, salts, castor-oil
and strong cathartic medicines is
the violent method. Tho uso of
tho herb tonic laxative.
i Lane's Family
is tho method adopted by intelli
gent people.
Headache, backache, indigestion,
constipation, skin diseases all aro
benefited immediately by tho use
of this medicine.
Druggists sell it at 25c. and 50c.
A cold taken at this time of the year
is generally hard to get rid of but it
will not be ablo to withstand Uee's
Laxative Honey and Tar. That will
cure all colds, coughs, croup, whoop
ing cough, etc., by driving them out
through the bowels. If you have a
cold, try it, and if not cured get your
money back. No opiates. Sold at
Henry Cook's drug store.
Mystic Curo for Ithcumatlcm fund Neuralgia
radically cwiYH In 1 to3dnyn. Its action upon
the byhtem Ih remarkable nnd myMorlous. It
remove ut oiico tli- can hi- mid tho dlecHkO Im
mediately dltiippcnrH. Tho II rM done greatly
ben-fltc, 75 c ntH and $1, Sold by II. E. Quick,
druzglst, Itcd Cloud.
Bid BnrAuIn Week.
During tho week of December 21 to
28 inclusive, tho Nebraska State Jour
nal will accept S3 from mail subscrib
ers for tho whole year of 1007, without
Sunday, or S4 with Sunday. The regu
lar price is 4 and 85. This cut price
is only good during this bargain
week, and all you have to do is to
Our Prices are the Best
Prop. I
subscribers direct by this big bargain
offer. The coming session of tho leg
islature will be tho most interesting
one ever held in tho history of tho
mail your remittance to the State . state, and lio matter what your poll
Journal, Lincoln, Neb., during that, tics are you should read tho State
time and you will receive tho paper . Journal during this time. Ueforms
a cut will bo made in our
the whole year of 1907. Such
price is possible on account of largo
savings made by taking solicitors off
the road. Instead of paying out rail
road faro, hotel bills and other ex
penses, these savings aro given to cur
present laws, re
forms that interest you in dollars and
cents. No matter what other papers
you are taking, during such a session
of tho legislature you should be a
Journal reader. Write a postal ask-J for you.
ing for a sample copy. The Journal
stands for all that is best for Nebras
kans and wants you to feel that what
ever is fr tho public good is for its
good. There Is a new deal in Nebras
ka governmental affairs, and you
should bo watching every move. Far
mers and all the other producers of
the state aro vitally interested in what
will bo done at Lincoln this winter,
Uemember tho Uargain Week Dc-
cemoor hh. tiio Journal s thn
"WP wiw' f !yT9?ffvpJ7',",
",.!. .j,! "t -- J1 - " JiJl,
t tf&jAokJfcsJaa it3tifeiuA1vaflafefttjt