The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 16, 1906, Image 8

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Jletusy Notes from
j n if T ifi ify if f p T 1 T T f T 9 1 V T 71 " 1
(From the Advocate.)
A comont Hldowalk Is being put down
from tho livery barn to tho school
Dr. Sumner an 1 U. 11. Warring aro
putting down a comont sidewalk In
front of tlioir stoics.
Wm. A. Colo Is pulling in a comont
hidowalk in front of his lots on tho
houth side of tho square,
County Treasurer Drown today ac
cepted iSOl.lKl as partial payment of
the rail roa?) tax Tor this year tho total
n iiouiit being Sl",77.'t.00.
Tho Republican Valley Telephone Co.
has this week boni making tho ar
rungomonts for trun-foriiig tliocoutral
olllco into their now building.
II. S. Evans, who for the past season
lias been acting as agent for tho rail
road at thi place, was lot out tho first
of tho week. It hooms that ho had
boon in tho habit of withholding half
of tho 820 salary every month that
Dude Koolmel, tho messonger boy, was
expected to havo and upon boing re
ported tho company sont their auditor
horo, who chocked Evans out of their
(From thollevlow.)
Ed Slmingtou is tho fathor of an
eight pound boy which arrived Tuos
Mrs. Vorda Wickstrom, who has boon
vory ill for tho past wook, Is roportod
Bud Danker is In Mnryvillo, Mo.
this week. Ho will bring homo 400
shoop bolonglng to E. IMorpoiut.
Potor Ivorson and Miss Mary Gablo
woro quietly married at tho Congrogu
tlonal parsonngo Wednesday morning
Nov. 7.
Mrs. Cnrpontor colobrated her 01st
birthday with her son-in-law, Mr. II. B.
Slot, about all of hor sons and daugh-
orsaud grandsons being present, at
dlnnor ' j
A. H. Byrum and Prank Walrath
vroroin town Monday trying ti find
out who broko into the school building j
Halloween nightand destroyed somoof
tho books and furniture. They were
Botweon olovou and twelve o'clock
Saturday night tho police stealthfully
sneaked up to Fred Stolliugs' abodo
aud arrostod a portion of tho gaug of
pokor players that had cougrogatod at
that dlaco, and was in tho midst of a
livoly gamo at tho timo tho polico ar
(From the Express.)
Born, to Mont Harding and wifo, this
wook a son.
Dr. L. H. Bock Is visiting his brother
in WyoklltTo, Ky.,whois roportod quito
Mrs. Abblo Adams is in Boston this
wook finishing up tho work of tho
W. 11. C.
Tho Santa Po pushed a largo rof rig
orator car olf tho track at tho east oud
of tho depot Wednesday night.
Mr. Eborsol's now houso is up and
enclosed and when complotod will bo a
valuable addition to that part of tho
YoungJPiorco, who was in tho stab
bing affair here last summer, was ar
rowed In tho north part of tho county
tho othor day on tho chargo of assault.
Mr. Ervvin on tho Hardy road Is just
comploting one of tho best barns in
tho country. It is -lSsriO with hip roof
to accommodate a vast amount of hay.
Through tho efforts of Mayor Adams
and tho Commercial Club. Superior
will onjoy groatly facilitated mail sor
vico from Omaha to Suporior, which
will bringyOmaha mall leaving thoro
at 8:50 to Suporior at 0:11 in tho morn
ing iustoad of r:."0 in tho evening.
(From the Times.)
Dr. 11. B. Mays arrivod Tuesday from
Garden City.
Dr. Mays reports a girl born to Mr.
and Mrs. Idloman on Monday Nov. 5th.
Carl A. Sorlvou of this city and Mrs.
Bird Watson of Burr Oak woro unitod
in marriage at Mankato Saturday,
Nov. 3.
Tho husky farmor lads, who consti
tute tho foot bull team down in tho
Stuart country, camo up Tuesday and
Neighboring Totans f
" 1 " 'P " 1 1 1
mot defeat ut tho hands of tlio Lobiinon
High school toiitn by tho score of 10 to
Co'rruptlon'ln politics, not only in
Lebanon but nil ovor tho state, hits
oaiiHed a great land slido to tho Demo
cratio parly.
Wo uudcr.Htund that tho Dorgo Mor,
Co. will boon j)ii t in an oxeluslvo
clothing Ntoro in tho building now 00
oupiod by J. N. Peters.
Nato John has an apploHorchurd on
his Pleasant township farm that triod
its lovol best, to raiso him two orops
this your. Tho trees, which produce
tho oarly variety kind, turned off a biff
crop in August and at ottce begun a
thrifty, healthy growth of tho second
In tho attachment oaso of Mary
Goldlo vs Roy Drown in 'Logan town
ship before Jako Williams, Justice of
tho Peace, judgment was1 rendered in
favor of Drown. Keoney it Saylor of
Jtid Cloud woro tho attorneys for tho
plaintiff and Geo. N. Hawkins of this
city and Scott Rico of Smith Coutor
attorneys for defendant
(From tho News Letter.)
W. II. Darcus, who has been on tho
tho sick list for several days, is out
Low Ely has commoncod tho erection
of a dwelling house on his lots on north
Main street.
II. D. Hunter has beou losing a num
ber of good steers of lato by a disoaso
supposed to bo black leg.
Emmet Hagan was .thrown from n
horho tho foco part of tho wook and
had his side protty sovoroly injured.
Ed Garbor whacked his hand so
florcoly ono day last wook that it has
baen placed indefinitely on tho retired
Goorgo Richard was called to Cam
bridge Thursday to attend tho funeral
of n nephew who died from blood
Well, wo got tho boot that beat tho
beot mentioned last week. Isaac Crow
brought a rod turuip beet that weighed
eight pounds aud ono ouuee.
Wm. Kirkpatrick has bought a lot
with sixty foot front from Mart Hagan
just south of tho hitter's rosideuce and
will soon commenco tho erection of a
dwelling thereon.
Mrs. Dean, mother of J. M. Dean
died Wednesday at tho homo of hor
sou and was buried in Pleasant Hill
cometory Thursday. Sho was about
eighty years of age.
While Van Dunbar's two boys wero
out hunting tho fore part of tho wook
ono of them accidoutly shot tho other
in the arm, but wo boliovo tho wound
in not considered daugorous.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Soeloy woro
called to Cambridgo Thursday by tho
serious illness of Orris Seoley, who wo
roportod last week as having been ac
cidentally shot by a companion.
P. M. Risk, tho tlnnor at. tho Marsh
Hardware, is au uccomplishod photo
grapher, and rccontly took a photo
graph of tho interior of Hayes' store
that equals any work of tho kind wo
huvo seen.
(From the Sentinel.)
Married Ward Hildroth to Vivian D.
Fouto, in Chicago Tuosday, Oct. 30,
Jim Bell has sold his beautiful homo
on West avenue to Hiram Tockor, who
will take possession soon. Tho consi
deration was S3 )00.
II. C. Smith, a young doctor whoso
homo Is in Nebraska City, has located
in Franklin oud announces himself at
tho sorvicos of tho public.
John Kelso is tho proud owner of 11
young colt, which is a jumbo in its
kind. It is scarcely moro than 11 yoar
old and wolghs 800 pounds.
Prof. Allor and family havo roaohod
Berlin and aro comfortably located in
tho homo of Miss Dortha L. Boltel, a
sister of Rov. Boiol of this oitv.
Tho s'plondid twolvo foot flag pre
sented to the school some time ago by
Mrs. Soaton and tho pupils was float
ing above the school houso this wook.
Ernost Poory has decided to engage
in the stock buying business at Mait
lund, Mo., "about sixty miles north of
St. Joo. Ho and his family started for
tholrnow homo Wodnosday morning
Another conflagration urousod alarm
aud oxcitomout in tho Lau Bach an
nox to tho white brick yesterday uftor
noon, but was quickly extinguished by
tho uso of water and flro fighting
Wo boliovo E. Hancock can boast the
longest continuous record for voting
In Nebraska of any man that wont to
tho polls on Tuesday, at least in
Franklin. Ho has voted In this stnto
every year sluco 1870 and never missed
a voto.
(From tho Monitor)
E. L. DilltiiHti roturnpd
from a tour ovor tho Union
giving rocitals.
Winnie Thompson was quito badly
bitten through tho eyelid by a rat
while a sloop Saturday night.
II. A. W. Pock was judgod insalio in
probate court last week and has been
in tho county jail awaiting couvoyanco
to tho asylum.
.Tcsso R. White, who plays right, end
on tho K. U. toiun, was honored by
having a full length picture in the
Sunday Globo Democrat.
Last Wednesday in probate court
Myrtle Pedrio was tried on a chargo of
lunacy but tho jury refused to sustain
the chargo, and pronounced her sane.
Hiram Dulse returned to Topoka
today after spending a couple of weeks
horo harvesting his appio crop on his
farm, one milo eat of town. His 40
aoro orchard yioldod about 1100 bushels
1 Thos. Gliok and wifo returned last
Friday from au oxtondod visit in Indi
ana, Ohio, Pennsylvania nnd Illinois.
Ho saw tho court houso whoro Lincoln
triod his first enso at law. Tom so
cured several pieces of wood from the
Interesting Items Gathered
i by Our County Reporters
Arthur Morris loft Monday for Kan
sas. Bert Carr of Rod Cloud is painting
for G. G. Holt.
Mrs. Boyco has roturnod from her
visit in California.
There will bo a spelling school at
this place next Wednesday evoning.
Every body como.
Mr. Diotriok gavo an entertainment
at this place Wednesday evening, that
was well attended and vory much ap
preciated by all. 1
Mrs. Colburn and her son Elmer,
from Colorado, arrivod hero Thursday
and expect to inako this their future
home. Mr. Colburn will come later on.
James Saunders was in town Sunday.
Boru, to Mr. and Mrs. Jatnes Green, a
Miss Grace Reed visited homo folks
Byrd Kilo and family visited at Wm.
Kilo's Sunday.
Miss Doha McCallum spent Sunday
visiting homo folks.
Wm. Stahloy Is moving his houso up
in tho west part of town.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence 'McCoy are
parents of a baby girl, borui Nov . 9.
Mr. and Mrs. John Jones aro parents
of a baby boy, born Friday Nov. 0.
The first snow of tho season camo
Sunday, but it melted as fast as it; fell.
A now postmastor nrrived nt tho
homo of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bennett
Quito a number from here attended
tho Frank Wheat sale, east of Blue
Hill, Tuesday.
Mrs. Sam Hogato's sister has ro
turnod to hor homo In Indiana, after
spending a mouth visiting hero.
Mrs. Wm. Stahloy and children loft
Wodnosday for Fairfield, whore sho
goes to visit hor mothor, Mrs. Truo.
Ed Wratton has gono in partnership
witii Moll Crow, In trapping skunks.
Tho boys havo booi vory successful so
Mr. and Mrs. Joo Krall and son
Frank, roturnod from n two month's
visit in Illinois and othor eastern
Quito a numbor from hero attended
tho Sunday school convention at
Plainviow Suudiiy. Mr. Wolf took tho
school down in a hay rack.
B. E. Boworsox has sold his confec
tionery store to Mr. Snyder's brother-in-law
of Rosoland, who took chargo of
tho storo tho ilrst of tho wook.
Mra.,Farloy roturnod Saturday from
u vlslt.wlth hor parouts in tho northern
OUR MOTTO: ''Satisfaction or
you' money back"
combined with plain figure
prices stMlily adhered to,
has brought us a constantly
growing business. Quality
.first, price next. Nothing but
standard made, reputable
goodsn lowest profit prices.
A ways willing to
and coviftarc prices
or Chicago houses.
Newhoise Bros.,
Jewelers and Opticians.
part of tho state. Her little sister
Adolino Scott accompanied hor homo.
English Rector Once Preached a Ser
mon In Its Favor.
Apropos of the crlnolino scare, I
must relate a quaint story told mo by
s gentleman old enough to remember
tho "age of steel," and who was Inti
mately acquainted with the country
parson who preached tho sermon he
quoted from.
His church was a very small ono,
and his congregation a large and .
fashionable one. Tho rector was
neither narrow-minded nor behind
the times, and his taste was catholic
enough to embrace even the crinoline
of tho early 60s. He did not find fault
with their appearance, only with the
undue space they usurped.
On one memorable Sunday morning
he electrified his congregation by dis
coursing on tho subject. He dealt ten
derly with the offending hoop, and
began by making a singularly unprac- 1
tlcal suggestion, with all tho ignor
ance of his well-meaning masculine
mind, to tho effect that they might
wear these appendages during the
week with great eclat, but leave them
off on Sundays.
Then, when the flutter his audaciou
BUggestion had begun to subside, ho
declared himself no enomy to, but
eminently the friend of fashion;
changes of stylo in dress, ho inti
mated, were pleasing to the eye, and
excellent Jor trade; they encouraged
Ingenuity in work and gave lessons in
"I havo no intention of disparaging
your crinolines, my friends," ho said .
benevolently, "but would rather draw
a lesson from them, and wish with all .
my heart that your virtues may bo as
largo as your skirts, and your vlcea
as small as your waists." Gentle
"When You Are Getting, Why Not Get
the Beot."
Let young men and women let other
books alone, say, for five years, and
feed on Shakespeare, Milton and tho j
Blblo not nibble the cholco parts
but thoroughly chew and digest, as !
they read, and tho highest mental
forco and equipment will bo the re
sult. By tho wny, It Is not necessary oven
to go out of Georgia to point tho
moral of this little sketch.
Herschol V. Johnson was a great
thlnkor and a great man. IIo said:
"I know nothing of fiction."
But he know much of Shakespeare,
Milton and the Bible!
Benjamin H. Hill was a great thlnk
or and a groat man.
Ho never read but 0110 novel In his
life, and was not conscious of deriv
ing any benefit, from that I mean
mental growth!
But he know his Shakespeare, his
Milton and his Bible. Why multiply
illustrations. Herschol V. Johnson's
state papers nro models of tho boat
English. Bonjamin Hill played upon
tho English language like a harp
Well, manner and matter Is about
all you can got out of literature
When you're getting why not get
tho best? Atlanta Journal.
shozv our goods
zvith either local
B. & M. Watch Inspectors
Pepys Quaintly Records a Scene lit
His Household.
There was a servant problem in th
seventeenth century but it was solved
In a rough-and-rcody fashion. Pepys.
records, on April 12, 1C67, that he
came home, "saw my door and hatch,
open, left so by Luce, our cook-maid
which so vexed me that I did glvo her
a kick In our entry and offered a blow
at her." Two days afterward ("Lord's
day") Pepys wrltos this: "Took out
my wifo and the two Mercers, and two
of our maids, Barker and Jane, aad
over the water to tho Jamaica houso,
where I never was before, and thcre
the girlB did run for wagers over the
bowling green; and there with mueh.
pleasure, spent little, and so home.""
Luce was not there, but the other
maids were treated as members of th
U1ID nil QAM
Cletntet and beautlflci the b&l&R
lTomcxe luxuriant growth.
Never Fails to Ileitoro army
Hair to Its Vnuthftil Cotat
CujM teslp dlifUM-i it hair lalitag.
gQc,andUiUt DruggliU
Miss Jessie Wert
Piano, Organ and Voice
Studio at Mrs. Josie Moran
villo's, two blocks cast of
school houso. Phoho 201.
Six Companies
800 policies represent
ing over $2,000,000 in
surance in Webster
county. Now is the
time to get in the
Band Wagon.
Insurance and Notary.
Telephones: Country, No. EC:
Bell, No. 98.
Local Grain Market.
(Furnished by J. B. Wisecarvor
ngont for Updike Elevator Co.)
Ear corn 31 i0
No. 3 corn 32o
No. 3 Yellow corn ,32o
No. 3 Whito corn 33o
No. 3 Whito oats 23o
No. 3 Mixed oats .'210
No. 2 Hard whoat 5i0
No. 3 Hard whoat mQ
No. 2 Spring whoat 5i0
No. 3 Spring whoat .480
No. 2Ilyo 30Q.
,', I
"H!ci-LJlJS?rk MfcOUfW
4, iV
, .,p
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