The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 16, 1906, Image 6

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    I? '1
Heavily Armed Masked Man Goei
Through Sleeper on Train.
Kansas City, Nov. 10. A lono rob
ber, heavily masked, barfrded tho ronr
sleeper of tho cdstbouml California
limited on tho Chicago, Rock Island
and Pacific, between Slater and Glas
gow, robbed threo passengers und es
caped In tho darknoHS. According to
tho local ofllcera of tho Pullman com
pany, tho robber secured but $G5. The
robber, who Is described as being tall
and weoring a block overcoat and a
ninBk, boarded tho sleeper at Slater.
When the train had gained heart
way ho entered tho Bleopor and en
countered L. S. Pearson, Pullman con
ductor; C. W. Roller, a flagman, and
It. Wood, a negro porter, all of Chicago.
Lovellng two revolvers at tho train
men, the robber commanded them to
proceed ahead of him and wako up the
passengers. As his command wns car
ried out, tho robber, forcing the con
ductor, porter and flagman ahead of
him, secured what booty ho could In
his hurried "march through tho car.
"When ho had reached tho front end of
tho car ho started for tho second Pull
man. Tho porter, however, had man
aged to get Jar enough ahead of the
othors to miiko a dnsh for tho second
car and slammed and locked the door
in the faco of the robber. The train
then waB at a point about ono mile
cast of Olasgow. Realizing, that ho
could proceed no further with his
work, tho robber pulled tho air rope.
"Whllo tho train was slackening Us
speed ho Jumped off nml disappeared
In tho darkness.
Five Fires In Two Blocko Arouses
People and Woman Dies of Shock.
Now York, Nov. 10. Ono woman is
dead, a man in a hospital suffering
from severe burns, 2,000 persons fled
from their homes in panic and thou
sands nioro passed a sleepless night
as a result of a series of incendiary
flros in tho two blocks bounded ly
Sixtieth and Sixty-first streets and
Columbus and WeBt End avenues.
Scor6s of persons whoso lives wero
endangered by the conflagration were
Toscued by firemen. In all there were
five flres, every ono of them incen
diary, between midnight and 3 a. m.
The woman who lost her life was
Mrs. Caroline Swain, seventy years
old, whoso home adjolnB ono of the
buildings which was fired. She died
of heart failure, induced by fright.
Adrian Tompkins, in a hospital with
his handB and feet severely burned as
a result of climbing down a redhot fire
escape, is in a serious condition.
Tho rapidly succeeding fires, the
crowds of evicted tenants and the ter
rifvlng rumors- spread through tho
neighborhood, with tho constant ap
pearance and roappearanco of the fire
engines and tho big squads of police,
""raised the people throughout tho vlcln
'lty to a high pitch of excitement,
which did not lessen until daylight
brought a measuro of assurance that
tho incendiarism was ended tor a wniic.
Three Warehouses of Snuff Trust
Wrecked With Dynamite.
Nashville, Tonn., Nov. 13. Tho
warehouses of tho American Snuff
company at Eddyvllle, Princeton and
Frodonln, Ky., have been wrecked by
dynamite. Citizens of Eddyvllle were
awakened by the shock of tho explo
slon, which shattered windows for n.
wldo radius. Hloodhounds wero se-
cured and followed tho trail of tho
wreckers for ten mllos into Caldwell
county. Several months ago trust
warehouses in tho southern part of
Kentucky wero dynamited and grow -
r v,i, sni.i tnhnGGo to tho trust ro-
ceived warning messages from tha
"Night Riders."
Government Won't buy Any More Un
til Price Falls.
department received offers for tho'
m r aiivor m tho BOvr.imont. at !
sale of silver to tho government at
72 cents per fino ounce. These offers
wero rejected and Secretary Shaw
stated subsequently that no more sil
ver would bo bought at present high
prices. Tho government has on hand,
ho said, sliver enough to keep tho
mints open for somo time and ho re
gards tho present prices as tooliigh to
warrant tho government in making
any more purchases at those figures.
Book Dates Back to 1309.
What is boliovod by antiquarians to
bo tho oldest paper book 'la exlstonco
is tho "Red Book of Lynn," an ancient
register belonging to the corporation
of King's Lynn, England. This vol
urao Is known ns tho "Red Book"
from its original binding having been
of that color. Tho first entry Is a
transcript of tho will of Potor do
'Thorndon, burgess of Lynn, dated
1300; tho latest entry Is dated in tho
15th year of King Richard II. Fifty
years ago tho book was repairod and
robound, and tho leaves, which ago
had reduced to a looso, fibrous sub
starfco, wero carefully resized as an
aid to preservation.
Author of "The Wintfo of (he Mornin"
Copyright, 1901, by Edward J. Clodo
(Continued from Pago Threo.)
with food nniPwhler against any kind
of emergency; but, of course, they
made every effort to rench the ship
which had Hunk them rather thun en
deavor to sail back to this coast. As
the Esmeralda was under steam at the
time, her boilers exploded ns she went
down, and this undoubtedly caused tho
second catastrophe. The captain no
ticed that tho strange ship went off
close buttled to the wind, which blow
steadily from the west, so lie, In tho
loading boat, with your father and mo
ther, you anil my wlfo and child, fol
lowed In that direction. Ho shouted to
four men In tho second boat to keep
close, as the fog was terrific. The
bark, the John S., hearing the noise of
the bursting boilers, promptly swung
around, and in the effort to render as
sistance caused the second and far
more serious catastrophe. The cap-'
tain's boat encountered her Just as the
two crafts wore getting way on them.
Some ono In tho boat shouted, they
heard nn answering hall and instantly
crashed Into tho bark's bows. The sail
became entangled In the martingale of
the bowsprit, the boat w;is driven un
der and filled, and tho second boat
crashed into her. All tho occupants of
the captain's boat wore thrown Into the
sea. You were grasped by a negro, a
powerful swimmer. Ho, with yourself
and two sailors, were rescued, and that
was all. Your father was a stroug
man, ami no eoniu swim wen. lie
must have been stunned or injured In
some way. The two sailors Jumped
from the second boat and clung to the
bark's bobstnys. The whole thing was
over in a few seconds."
Mr. Traill rose and paced slowly to
tho window. Tyne stared Into the fire.
There was no need for either of them
to conjure up the heartrending scone
ns the shnrp prow of the sailing ship
cleft through the seas and spurned tho
despairing bauds clutching at her black
Too often had the older man pictured
that horrific vision. It had darkened
many hours, blurred mnny a forgetful
moment of pleasure with n quick rush
of pain.
Even now as ho looked out into the
still street he fancied he could see
Enid's mother smiling at him from a
luminous mist.
Ho passed a hand over his eyes and
gazed again at tho moonlit roadway.
From tho black shadows opposite a
policeman crossed toward tho hotel,
and ho hoard a boll ring. These triv
ial tidings restored his wandering
thoughts. How tho discovery of his
lost child had brought back u flood of
buried memories!
"It is easy to understand that I
should be fanciful tonight," ho said,
returning to the cheery glow of tho
lire and tho brightness of tho room.
"The whole story of tho disaster cen
tered In tho narratives of the sailors
and tho negro. They nil declared that
both boats went down. Tho crow of
the bark, who ran to starboard, as tho
jeauuijr mini was Hwuiupiui una same
on that side, imagined they heard cries
to port. Rut, though they lowered a
lwit and cruised about tho locality for
". oy muim miming uui wrecu
! hro. You. Charlie, when I wont to St
John's five weeks later, could only tel
me that you had felt very cold and
wet. That Is all I over know of tho
fate of tho Esmeralda until, in God's
good time, I met Stnnhopo on board
tho Falcon."
"Then the mnnner of Enid's rescue Is
"Absolutely. Rut Stanhope, who Is
n f or mul two mc ua,cd SPnco
nml -Tones, who were Brand's col
leagues on tho Gulf Rock at that time,
have helped mo in building up a com
plete theory. It Is qulto clear that tho
second boat did not sink, ns wis ro
ported by tho enptnln of the John S.
She wns dnmnged und bad her mast
broken by the collision. In the dark
ness nnd confusion sbo would bo read
ily cnrrled past the bark, which was
probably trnvolliiR four knots an hour.
The two sailors In springing from her
gunwalo Into tho bobstnys would cer
tainly ennt her considerable, and nt
tho same Instant my poor wife either
threw her child into tho boat with n
Inst frenzied effort or somo ono caught
tho baby from her ns sho sank. Tho
boat wns seen by liquid floating In
with tho tide on tho morning of tho
, 30th of July. Sho had been nine days
nt sea. somo survivor must Iinvo giv
en tho llttlo ono nourishment in thnt
time, ns a twolvo-months-old child
could not possibly havo lived. In nil
likelihood the bank of fog clung to tho
surfneo of tho sen nnd followed tho
tides, ns thoro was llttlo or no wind
on tho dnys following tho loss of tho
yncht. '
"Again, tliero wero provisions In the
boat, but no yntpr. Why? Either tho
water casks had started thHr stave,
when the smash took place or u care
less steward had failed to fill them.
Tho next thing Is the Identity of the
boat. By tho stupidity of a sailor one
of tho Esmeralda's lifeboats was burn
cd to tho water's edge in Norway. lie
upset a tin of petroleum while he wns
opening It, and n lighted match did the
remainder. Indeed, he and another
man at tho oars narrowly escaped
death. A boat was purchased, but ac
cident or mischance prevented tho Es
meralda's niutie being painted on it.
There was a Norwegian port number
on tho stern board, and this was
smashed away by the falling ninst.
As tho sail was trailing In tho water
when tho bpat was found by Brand It
Is assumed that tho survivor or sur
vivors, who paid some heed to the
child, suffered from injuries which pre
vented him or them from hauling It In.
O'no innu'B body was found on board,
and ho bad been dead many days.
Finally we have tho evidence of tho
child's clothing."
"Tho girls told me something of the
story on tho rock," said Pyne. "Gee
whiz, I little dreamed that Enid or
Edith, I mean was my first cousin!"
"You know that her garments were
marked E. T. and that a little shawl
was pinned about her with a gold
brooch sot with emeralds arranged ns
a four leafed shamrock?"
"No. I fancy that they wero hin
dered in their yarn. Believe me, there
wub always enough to do in that won
derful place. Besides, I know about
tho brooch. Had they mentioned it, I
guess tho grny matter at the back of
my head would have becoino agitated
by thought'."
"Yes, of course. I am talking to you
as If you wore hearing this sad history
for the first time."
"It is new enough. It has a fresh
point of view, which Is everything.
Now, about that brooch?"
"I bought It in Bergen. I remember
your poor father laughing about it. It
was odd to find an Irish emblem in
that out of the way little town. I have
not seen It yet, but It Is ludicrous to
think that so many coincidences enn
affect two different children cast adrift
about tho same time In open boats nt
tho Junction of tho St. George's channel
and the north Atlantic." I
"It's the kind of thing that doesn't
occur with monotonous regularity."
agreed Pyne. "By tho way, I have Just
made an interesting discovery on my
own account."
"What Is It?"
"It might easily have hnppened that
not Enid sorry I menn Edith but I
should have been the youngster cast
adrift in that boat."
"Yes, that is so, of course."
"And I would have grown up as Con
stance's brother. Guess things hnve
panned out all right as it is."
It was on the tip of bis uncle's tongue
to nsk for some explanation of the
very gratified tone In which Master
Charles made this remark, but the head
waiter entered solemnly, with the air
of respectful nml discreet decorum
which only an English family butler or
a bead waiter can assume without bur
lesque. "Beg pardon, gentlemen," be snld,
"but I thought you would llko to know
about the lady It No. 11, Mrs. Vnnslt
tart." "Yes; what of her?" demanded
Traill, while Pyne found himself imag
ining that which caused his heart to
beat more rapidly than oven the fight
for life In tho saloon of tho Chinook.
"She wont out, sir, about an hour
nirn iiniV'
"Has she not returned?"
"No, sir. A policemen lias Just called
to say that she was taken 111 and Is
now being cared for at Mr. Brand's
Uncle mid nephew glared at each
other as men do when they call the
gods to witness that no madder words
could be spoken. Before the waiter
they perforce restrained themselves.
But Pyne shouted:
"Where Is the policeman?"
"He Is down below, sir. Shall I
bring him up?"
Sergeant Jenkins, however, was too
loyal In his friendship to Bpand to tell
them exactly bow It came about that
Mrs. Vanslttnrt wis sheltered in La
burnum cottage. He admitted that ho
directed tho lady to tho house In tho
Urst lnstnnco nnd that Mr. uraiui torn
- .. . .
him subsequently to convey tho stated
message to the hotel.
Nevertheless ho was tho richer for n
sovereign ns bo went out.
Mr. Trnlll helped himself to a whisky
nnd soda.
I to de continued.
Jr inraUl0S
I To Cure a Cold in One Day sssu 1
I t. Laxative Bromo OhUmtm. 0j g I
I Savn MMoti fcm- oM ta f wontht. TIME SlgnUire J J
Tho Kind You Ilavo Always
in uso for over 30 years,
Ztas sona
All Counterfeits, Imitations and"'aro hut
Experiments that trillo with and endanger tho health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Fcvcrlshncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. Ifc assimilates tho Food, regulates tho
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
J Sears the Signature of
Bears the
The KM You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
"I J;V.m
The trouble is, your liver's
sick. One of its products,
"bile," is overflowing into
your blood.
You can't digest your food,
your appetite is poor, you
suffer dreadfully from head
ache, stomach ache, dizzi
ness malaria, constipation,
etc. What VOU need is not a
dose ol salts, cathartic water K
or pills but a liver tonic
Tills great medicine ads foully on
the sick liver. It purifies tho blood,
renews thunppetite, feeds the nerves,
clears the brain and cures consti
pation. H Ic .1 rnn inndldnn fnr sick liver
and kl-heyp, Mid regulates all the
festive functions. Try It.
At all dealers In medicines In
25c packages.
Afv3fnP,JIc??l?v"Ti;:I7J1'"1 rnwnncw
Morton L. IIIU. of I.ebnnon. Inrt.. Bays; "Mj
wife had Inflammatory Rheumatism In every
musclo and Joint: hor suffcrlnc wbb terrible
and hor body and faco were swollon almoitbo
nnd reoocnltlon: had been In bed nix weeki
and hnd eight phyplclann, but received no
benellt until she tried tho Mystic Ouro tot
. I IlllClIlllUlinUl. A. " .l..vvi...- iviiv
It Rave imraeuiaie rcuei nuu
Sho was ablo to walk about In three days, late
sure It saved nor me." aoia oy u. a. unci1.
DruBRlBt. Red Cloud.
A Viaranteed Cure for Piles.
Itching, blind, bleeding, protruding
piles. Druggists are authorized to
refund money if Puzo Ointment fails
to ouro in 0 to M days. 50 cents.
rnnt.i l n the virtues
I Thedford s
i Black-DrauEkt
i i
Bought, and which has beca
has homo tho slgnaturo of
has been made under his por-
supervision 8inc0 its infancy.
gft MZ
- v
- TdSV
Ely's Cream Balm
This Remedy is a Specific,
Suro to Civo Satisfaction.
It clonuses, soothes, heals, and protocts the
diseased mombruue. It cures Catarrh and
T 'seCs of TWSE
J. ' Easy to use. Contains no injurious drugs.
i; j Applied into tho nostrils and absorbed.
Largo bizo, 50 conts at Druggists or by
mail ; Trial Size, 10 cents by mail.
ELY BROTHERS. 56 Warren St.. Now York.
A Gentle Laxative
And Appetizer
Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets
A Bnsy Modiolus for Easy People.
Brings Qolden Health and Renewed Vigor.
A sneclflo for Constipation, IndlROitlon, I.lva
.iiii ikii.iiuv xruijiuuH, I'tiuiiiin. 4'.u'cjiiii, uiiiiuw
Wood, Had Ureath, Shiirclsh Rowols, Ileaducha,
and Uaclcncho. It's Iloulcv Mountain Tea In tno-
lot form, !15 conts u hox. Genuine inado by
UoLMSTicn Dnco Company, Madison, Wis.
L I This Morning? I
1. 1 take I
, The medicinal virtues of tho crude Ruma ana reilni
obtained from the NativoPiuo have been recognized
hv f lift medical nrofession i or centuries. Piue-ulea
of tho Native Pine that are o value in reliev
ing Backache, Kidney, Blood, Bladder aud Rheumatic Troubles.
if" -v
ItWH -i -J
. l!-! JhLi-