i ,i . I. i .... 1 .s. Tw :,1 ! V ft:: f LOGALETTES I Dr. E. A. Thomas, Dentist, Damerell fclook. L. II. Itlacklcdgc was in Lincoln tills week. Mrt and Mrs. 1). II. Kaley are home from Lincoln. Al Groat returned Monday from Hillings, Mont. District court will convene In this city next Monday. llornard MeNeny went to Alma Thursday evening. Mrs. Charles Stoner was down from ' naval o Thursday. Miss Marie Olmsted was down from Inavale Thursday. llruec Frame of Hlue Hill spent Sunday In thoVlty. Mrs. Porter Halo was down from Iuavalc Wednesday. Lew White took a trip to Wymore the first of the week. Mrs. Ned (Jrimes came down from Hlue Hill Wednesday. Two car loads of fine apples, just re eeWed. Turnure Ilros. Miss ltessie Diekerson , was down from Inavalc Tliursday. A good barn ,and corn crib to rent. Inquire of A. K. Strohm. County Attorney Walters was down from Hlue Hill this week. Ike Myers, the Lebanon restaurant man, was in town Monday. J. I'. Delaney of Glenvllle, Neb., spent Sunday in lied Cloud. Hiss" Points of Walnut Creek is home from a trip to Colorado. J. O. Lindley and grandson, Ray Khler, went to Hastings Monday. Roy Oatman returned Wednesday morning from a short trip up west. For Rent Two furnished rooms, to gentlemen only. Inquire at this ofiice. Mrs. Walter Roby gave a birthday party for her husband Tuesday eveu lng. Whenever you happen to think of a mews item, phone it to Hell 72or Mu tual 23. Mrs. Fred Hummel 'of Hot Springs, S. Dak., is visiting relatives in this vicinity. r J. W. Warren will go to Omaha Monday to serve as a juror in the fed eral court. Lost opportunity to buy'good apples cheap. Two car loads of them at Tur nure Hros'. Tom Swart, went to Alma last Fri day, where he has a position in his uncle's store. W. R. Parker and wife left Wednes day evening for their new home in Seattle, Wash. Mrs. Lottie York left Tuesday for Hloomington to join her husband's jnedicinc show. A couple of coats of paint would materially improve the appearance of the court house. Rev. .1. M. Hates extended trip in is home from an the northwestern part of the state. .lohn Tulloys, state examiner of county treasurers, was in town the first of the week. Misses Inez and Hazel Holdrege of Inavale attended the Kilties jband concert Tliursday, D. R. Whitaker went to the western part of the stato Tuesday evening on at land-seeking trip. Charles .loyce, the Inavale station agent, took in the Kilties band enter tainment Thursday. Dr. N, II. Morrison attended the dental association meeting at Superior the llrst of the week. . Russell Shields, son of F. P. Shields, formerly of this city, has purchased the Hlue Hill Leader. The high school football team is in Superior today, playing the high school team of that place. Mrs. Joseph Garber returned Wed nesday evening from a visit with her daughter Cora In Lincoln. Lyman Esslg and Sam Heaton, Sr., ench received a big bunch of Colorado feeders Sunday morning. Dr. E. A. Thomas was down to Su perior the ilrst of the week attending a district meeting of dentists. Mrs. G. E. McKcoby left Monday for Pueblo, Col., where she will spend ihe winter with her son Fred. i Overlng Hros. this week put up a flno fnrally monument on the .Havel lot in the Red Cloud cemetery, Clare Nesbitt of Deadwood, S. D., is expected to arrive today or tomor row for a visit with homo folks. A. II. KalcV is here this week from j ijimon, coi. ne is mucu improved in health since removing to Colorado. The Itufitin Creek Ladies1 Aid Society will give a Thanksgiving supper and apron sale at the homo of Jacob Relgle. Dr. E. A. Thomas and Prof. Paul S. Dietrich assisted at the district Sun Sunday school rally In Hladen last Sunday. The Lebanon high school footlmll team will play the Red Cloud high school te.am in this city next Friday afternoon. Tone the liver, move the bowels, cleanse the system. Dade's Little Liver Pills never gripe. Henry Cook's drug store. The ofllelal count In Kansas shows that E. W. Hoch, Republican has been re-elected governor by a plurality of 1,U8(J votes. A colony of gray squirrels has taken possession of the trees in the court house park, and' they are becoming quite tame. Turnure Hros. have just received two cars loads of hand-picked apples. This Is Is the last opportunity to buy apples cheap. "Hank" Richmond, formerly of this city, but more recently with the Omaha World-Herald, has bought the Fremont Herald. Are you troubled with piles? One application of ManZan will give you immediate relief. Sold at Henry Cook's drug store. David Morrison and Sheriff Hedge went to Alma today, where they were called as witnesses in the Shel burnu divorce case. Frank Hines suffered a badly mash ed linger Thursday morning while as sisting in unloading the Kilties' trunks at the depot. Mrs. Carl Ferguson and baby of Or leans are vistlng this ' week at the home of Mrs. Ferguson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. II. Fort. "Soph" Rosencrans is here from Belviderc, 111. He is on his way home from taking a party of landseekcrs out to Chase county. Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Smith, who con ducted the Catholic carnival, went to Hastings today, where they will con duct a similiar event. George Totter came down from Campbell Thursday. He ha sold his livery business at Campbell and is looking for a location. Mrs. A. T. Vance and Mrs. Ritchey of Cowles arrived in Red Cloud Tues day evening on their return home from a trip down in Kansas. Subjects at the Haptist church rnext Sunday: Morning, "The Distinctive Haptist Doctrine''; evening, "Imperial Nebraska and Her Fanatics." The little son of Hert Holdrege of Inavale fell and struck hisjhead on a grating in front of Turnure's store, yesterday, eutting'it severely. Mr. and Mrs. William Myers and COMING NEXT WEEK A CAR LOAD OF Potatoes! EXTRA FINE SEE ME FOR PRICES McFARLAND 15e GROCER All thm Phones .- baby have returned to their home In Alma after a brief visit with Mrs. Myers' sister, Miss Jessie Wert. Sheriff Hedge went to Hladen this morning to subpoena witnesses in the Waulle ease, which comes up for trial In the district court next week. Old time prices prevail at Mercer's barber shop, basement of Potter block. Steam heat and all modern conven iences. Try "The Hrunswlek." A little son of Irving Hates had his right leg badly wrenched by falling through a grating In front of Miss Graves' hair dressing parlors, Thurs day noon. The jurors who were) drawn for the April term of the dlstrietcourt are notified that they are expected to be on hand for court next "Monday, No vember IK. The law firm of Keeney Saylor has dissolved partnership and Mr. Saylor has opened otllces In the rooms formerly occupied J. R. Mercer, in the Potter block. Sam Parkes, one of the early set tlers of this county, came in' Monday evening for a brief visit brother, William Parkes. lives at Garnett, Kan. with his He 'f now t Anna Gould has at last been grant ed a divorce from her French count, Honi de Castellune. She paid seven million dollars to get him. These for eign titles come high. George" Heaton left for Lincoln last Saturday, where he went to J attend the trial of the colored woman "who attempted to rob him while he was attending the state fair. The .Japanese carnival given by thi Catholic ladies Tuesday .and rt Wednes day evenings was highly enjoyed by all who attended, and netted a neat sum for the church building fund. One lesson learned from the Sunday morning lire was that the department needs some now hose. More water was lost through leaks than reached the nozzle to be thrown on the lire. Taken as directed, it becomes the greatest curative agent for the relief of Buffering humanity ever devised. Such is Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. Tea or tablets, 3.rie. C. L. Cottlng. William Wcesner has sold the old Hen Ludlow place, north of town, to Allen Carpenter, and has purchased from D. R. Whitaker the oldSamuel Garber place, adjoining the city on the northeast. "Eck" Drown, who'was recently em ployed In Schultz's photograph gal lery, left Tuesday evening for Frank lin, where he has purchased a lot, erected a building and will soon'open a gallery for himself. Joe Piper of Lincoln, state inspector of jails, visited the Red Cloud jail the latter part of last week. He.said the Webster county jail was the most cheerful and best kept institution of the kind in the state, A committee from the Commercial club started out Wednesday to secure signers to the petition for a new court house. They received a great deal of encouragement everywhere except at Hlue Hill and Cowles. James Peterson returned this morn ing from Omaha, where he attended the joint meeting of the Nebraska, and Western Iowa and the South Platte Implement Dealers' associations. The two organizations failed lo "fuse." Your stomach churns and digests the food you eat, and If foul, or tor pid, or out of order, your whole sys tem suffers from blood poison. Hol lister's Rocky Mountain Tea keeps you well. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. C. L. Cottlng. In speaking of the Sunday morning fire the Com-Ad says: "The depart ment was prompt. and saved the body of the house." Correct, Hrother Hos mer, but you should' have informed your readers that its head, tall and hind legs were badly scorched. Hugh Gulliford got up early Sun day mornlmg, and as a consequence the rest of the town also got up. Mr. Gulliford nroso a little before half past ft and attempted to start a lire in a gasoline heater, which exploded. He lost no time In getting to the lire station and giving the alarm. Prompt response on the part of the citizens resulted in saving the lower part of the house, the roof and seeond.story being badly damaged. During the first few minutes the fire-lighters were badly handicapped by leaky hose and low water pressure. CASTOR I A For Infiuits and Children. Till Kind You Hate Always Bought Boars the "orS Signature Vi Seen J5he New I OVERCOAT? I ?yMfcla. iff fffl& $01 I The We want every young man in to see it. It's certainly a beauty. Drop in any day and see this handsome newcomer in Overcoats. If you want "the" Coat you'll certainly leave your Overcoat money here. It's by all odds the smartest Coat that has been offered for many a day. $10, $12, $15, $18, $20 Men's Suits in all the new Fall Models. We want your business. ?o he Cowden-Kaley Clothing Co., ALWAYS RELIABLE First Door North of Rostohlcc, Rod Cloud, Near. I vvsvvvvvw''wvvA,'rN'' Ladies' Cloaks Skirts, Hats sVe have on sale the largest and most up-to-date line of Ladies', Misses' and Children's Cloaks and Skirts ever shown in Red Cloud. Do Not Be Misled by so-called "special" Cloak Sales. A look at our Cloaks will convince you that we can , and do undersell.all competitors on Ladies' Tailored Skirts. Our stock is now complete and it is recog nized and admitted by even our c'ompetitors that the ? JM0MmM TURNURE BROS. RED CLOUD,NEBRASKA. .vyvyvAAAAvx'!AAvyx' I Copyrlulit 1906 House of Kuppcnhclmcr I I w m & 3k crj$ r. Sheuerman Skirt is superior in style and workmanship to any other. New Pa-ttern. and Trimmed Hats Just in. Come in and see them. i k a 13 '7 I Si. 11 M t i m un H I m f! I I ti Vl i, ia i .n f ' J- I l I I m D .4 r, i ti I 1 VI si ypj ,