li il. - V N i 'A X A Doctors Medicine Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is not a simple cough syrup. It Is a strong medicine, a doctor's medicine. It cures hard cases, severe and desperate cases, chronic cases of asthma, pleu risy, bronchitis, consumption. Ask your doctor about this. I havo tued a ttront deal of Ayor' Cliorry 1'cctorRl for coiikIm nl l'rd "old ". tn cheat. IthMBlwayBdonoiiiBorimi good. It U cnrtalnlr a moit Mondorful cmiKli medj. cine?"-Michael J. mzciSKALD, Medford, N.J. A KUdo by J. O. Ajrar Co., Lowell, Mesa Alio inanufnoturors of f SARSAPAR1LLA. 'ILLS. HAIR VIQOR. yers a You will hasten recovery ny inn ing ono of Ayor'8 Pills at bodtlmo. County Commissioners. Kod Cloud, Neb., Nov. 1 1, 11)00. Hoard of county commissioners mot pursuant to adjournment. Members present, If. (1. Sawyer, W. It. Ander son. V. IMcliurd. .1. 0. Overman and T. J. Chaplin. On motion the bond of the county attorney was fixed at SI, 000. . On motion the insurance on the county buildings was renewed as fol lows: On court house, S1,J00;" clerk's olllce, $1,700; jail and county barn, 81,100. The insurance is for a period of five years. The following road overseers were appointed and their bonds approved: IJeorge Worley, district '.'0; William S. ilurdick, district J,. Adjourned to November 14, 1U00, i November 14, WOO. Hoard met pursuant to adjourn ment. Members all present. Annual settlement was made with the following road overseers: John Weigel, district 1; Otto Miller, district 17; Al Turner, district 51; Charles Holt, district 48; Rudolf Streit, dis trict 30; Win. Crozior, district JJ1; M. A. Michael, district 11; Win. A. Ihm nell, district 22. Tho bond of W. K. Geer as consta ble for Red Cloud, First ward, was approved. The following claims on the bridge fund were allowed and clerk ordered to draw warrants in payment of the same: M. A. Michiel, bridge work.... 8 20.25 W. A. Hun lull, bridge work.... 8.00 Charley 11 -it, bridge work .... 38.00 A. M. Simc-sou, bridge work.. 01.35 .John Konziok, bridge work.... 24.00 George Cla ison, bridge work. . . 188.10 Minutes were read and approved. Adjourned to December 18. Lebanon Bank Robber ir.ts Of? Easy. Tho trial of Hill Chelf, the man who laid his plans to rob the First National Hank of Lebanon and kill the cashier or assistant cashier, came up before Justice Mullen at Smith Center. A proposition was made on' behalf of Chelf that he would leave the state and remain away for a period of not less than two years, he admitting the charge, or complaint, as evidence, if the court would fix u bond in such an amount that he could give it. This proposition was approved by the county attorney and the persons in terested in tlio prosecution, and the bond was therefore fixed at 8500. The defendant, after furnishing the re quired bond, promptly left the state. A cold taken at this time of the year is generally hard to get rid of but it will not be able to withstand Hee's Laxative Honey and Tar. That will cure all cold.s. coughs, croup, whoop ing cough, etc., by driving them out through the bowels. If you have a cold, try it, and if not cured get your money back. No opiates. Sold at Henry Cook's drug store. ' Sold a Mortftaftcd Horse. Vaner McGinnls has at last gotten into serious trouble. A short time ago he bought a learn of horses from Hen Anderson, piing n small amount down and giving a mortgage on the team for the balance. OntS of the horses died and lie sold the other to Joe Chatlin, who in turn sold it to John llarkley. L-ist Saturday Ander son replevlned the horse from Harkley and had McGinnls arrested. Vaner was arraigned in court Monday morn ing, but asked for a continuance of thirty days, which was granted. 250 12.35 U)0 Hee's Laxative Honey and Tar the original laxative cough syrup acts as a cathartic on the bowels. It is made from the tar gathered from the pine trees of our own country, therefore is the best for children. It is good for coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough, etc. Try our free offer. Sold at Henry Cook's drug store. The Kilties' Concert. The Kilties band delightfully enter tained probably the largest crowd ever packed into the "Red Cloud opera house. The entertainment was the first of its kind ever given here and was a revelation to many of those who att6ndcd. The splendid turnout, even at the advanced prices, demon strate the fact that the people of this vicinity will patronize first class entertainments. A sour stomach, a bad breath, a drug store. yuniy- jui'HMe.iuii unit oiuer conse quences of a disordered digestion are quickly removed by the use of Ring's Dyspepsia Tablets. Two days treat ment free. Sold at Henry Cook's drug store. It is a well known medical fact that pine resin is most effective in the treatment of diseases of tho bladder and kidneys. Sufferers from back acie iiid other troubles due to faulty action of the kidneys find relief in the use of I'inc-ules. 81 buys 30 days treatment. Sold at Henry Cook's the Old Ada$e True. If the suckers were all dead, such concerns as tno Globe Association of Chicago, against which the govern ment recently i sued a fraud order, would not exist for twenty-four hours. They advertised to sell a 83.50 pair of shoes for 08 cents, and, strange as it may seem, their mail was 11 xxled with remittances from those wanting to take advantage of this philanthropic order. When will people learn that itcoits about so much to buy good goods any place? A catalogue house can not sell a S3.50 pair of shoes, that are good value and worth that money, any cheaper than any merchant In any town in this state. This same rule applies to any other article. Hut the trouble is, people patronize these in stitutions and imagine they have ob tained a bargain, when they really could have bought the same quality right at home for the same or less money. The fact Is that even mer chants who have been in the business for years cannot always detect the difference in the quality of the goods. Some of these days the large cata logue houses are going to run against the postal laws with a dull thud. Sullivan Lumber Yard Sold. C. J. l'latt this morning purchased t'iu Will Sullivan lumber yard. While Mr. Sullivan has built up a good busi ness here, ill health has compelled him to spend the greater part of his time in Colorado and he finally decided to sell. He has made a host of friends here who will be sorny to lose him from the community. Real Estate Transfers. For the week ending Tuesday, No vember 14, furnished by the Fort Ab stract Co., L. H. Fort, Manager. Frances E Prentice to Philip G Fassler, lots 4 and 5, block 2, Morey's add to Blue Hill,wd..8 1000 Renjamln T Reed to Robert B Fulton, lots 13 to 18, blk 10, Smith it Moore's add to Red Cloud, wp 1G0 Lincoln Land Co to Charles E Uritton, lots 15 and 17, blk 10, Guide Rock, wd 100 Herbert llawley to Joseph I Cook, lot 3 in Hawley's sub div to lot 4 Rohrer's add to Hluo Hill, wd 325 W G Frahm, Co Treas, to II II Moranville, lots 1, 2 and 3, blk 3, Guide Rock, tax deed Marshall G Hagan to Win Kirk patrick, lots 10 and 17, pt 18, Talbot's add to to (5 It, wd. . . W C Friilim, Co Treas, to S P McC'lintoek, lots 20 to 21, blk 3, Garber's add to Red Cloud, tax deed Lincoln Land Co to Jauna Rose, lots 2 and 4. blk 10, and lot 1, blk II, Rosemont, wd Henry Schlichtman to John N Puugli, lots 0, 7, 8 and 0, blk 10, Hluo Hill, wd 3000 W C Frahm, Co Treas, to Ed Dunlin, lot 8, blk 0, Sweezy's add to Itlue Hill, tax deed.... 1.35 W C Krnhm, Co Treas, to Ed Dunlin, lot 1, blk 5, Swcezy's add to Hlue Hill, tax deed 82 W V Frahm, Co Treasurer, to Ed Dunlin, all blk 8, Swcezy's add to Hluo Hill, tax deed 0 Lincoln "Land Co to Itenjamin llrunkc, lot 5, blk 2, and lot 7, blk 15, Hosemont, wd 75 Itenjamin Hrunke to Claas Rose, same, wd 200 W C Frahm, Co Treas, to .1 P Moranville, lots 7 and 8, blk 5, Smith &. Moore's add to lied Cloud, tax deed 2.00 W C Frahm, Co Treas, to George W Hummel, lots 4 and 5, blk 10, lllue Hill, tax deed 3.75 Louisa I Williams to Arthur Uurge, lots 1 and 2, block 1, Sweezy's and to lllue Hill, wd 525 Susan E Ilrady to Wm M Weg- man, n2 nw4 nw4 14-4-12, wd COO Peter Nelson to First Nat Hank of Hluo Hill, swl 3-3-10, wd... 2882 Lincoln Land Co to Wm Reed, lot 1(5 blk 11, llladen, wd 100 William Reed to William Reiher, same, wd 400 Lincoln Land Co to Wm Stahley ' ct al, lot 2 blk 10. Hladen, wd 70 William Stahley to Wright & Kling, w2 lot 2. blk 10, Bla den, qcd 1 William Stahley ot al to Marj' A Chevalier, e2 lot 2 blk 10, Hladen, wd 75 William E Stahley to Mary A Chevalier, e2 lot 1, blk 10, Hladen, wd . .- 150 Mary A Chevalier to William E ' Stahley, lots 1 and 2, block 5, First add to Bladen, wd 250 Total.. 810,203.28 Mortgages filed, 814,08(5.33. Mortgages released, 811,3."0.00. m ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ikf il WE ARE READY TO SHOW YOU THE FALL STYLES In anything in Men's and Boys9 Wear All the newest in Suits, Overcoats, Hats, Shoes and Furnishings. In the Sum mer lines there are some good things, and these you may have at prices that will surprise and please you. CLOTHING, HATS, SHOES, FURNISHINGS Every Garment Guaranteed. ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft 1PAUL STOREY, Clothier 1i .Jir Miss Ella Cook entertained the Junior Whist club at her home Tues-, day evening. It is said that some of the boys had their headgeur badly damaged through one of their number paving the lloor with hats. "Cady" hats don't make very good cobble stones. . Here Is Relief for Women. ' Mother Gray, a nurso in Now York, discovered an aromatic ploasant horb ouro for women's ills, oallod Australian-Loaf. It is tho only certain monthly regulator. Cures fomalo weaknossos and baokaoho, kidnoy, bladdor and urinary troubles. At all druggists or bv mall r0 cents. Sample froo. Address, Tho Mother Gray Co., LoRoy, Now York. - Pincsulvo cleanses wounds, is highly antiseptic, uucqualcd for cracktd hands. Good for outs. Sold at Henry Cook's drug btore. s Letter List. List of letters remaining uncalled for at postollloo at Rod Cloud, Nob., for the week ending Nov. 15 190(5: Edna Cordoll, J. W. Edwards, II. C Howard, Mrs. A. M. Lydick, I. N. Par sons, Lulu Singlor, Luolla Shuts, Clms N. Swinnoy. Theso will tin sent to tho dead lottor olllco Nov. 25), 1900, if not called foi boforo. When calling for abovo ploaso say "advertised." T. C, IlAOKKit, Postmaster. ltllKUMATJSH CUKED IN A DAY. Mystic Curo for IUieumiitlun land NeuralRln radically curt s In 1 to.ldrtjH. Its HCtlou upon the system Is reninrkiiblo mal lnysturloun. It removes at ouco the ciuiso and thu iIIsciinu lm lut'illutcly llniiipearn. Tho first tloto greatly tioiif flu, 73 ceiitH ami Jl. Sold by II. E.Giiiob, (IrujKlM, Itcd Cloud. J. P. Hale's Land Party. Will leave for Colorado Tuesday, November 20, at 7 a. in. .loin this party nnd get a good farm before it is too late. Can sell you as nice land as you ever looked at, within fifteen miles of Denver, with perpetual water right, on easy terms. Often ono or two crops pay for tho land. Faro to Denver and return, 813.50. A Certain Cure for Chilblains. Shako into your shoos Allon's Foot Ease, n powder. It cures chilblains, frostbites, damp, sweating, swollen foot. At all druggists and shoo stores 25 cents. Samplo free. Address Allen S. Olmstod, LoRoy, N. Y. . In every clime its colors are unfurled Its fame is spread from sea to sea; He not surprised if in the other world You hear of Rocky Mountain Tea. C. L. Cotting. Kemps Balsam Will stop any cough that can be stopped by any medicine and cure coughs that cannot be cured by any other medicine. It Is always the best cough cure. You cannot afford to take chances on any other kind. HEMP'S BALSAM cures coughs, colds, bronchitis, grip, asthma and consump tion in llrstt stages. It does not contain alco hol, opium, morphine, or any other narcotic, poison- ous or barmiui drug. No Longer an Impossibility Tho idea that has bocomo general that first class building material ' could up longer bo had is certainly knocked out, whon you tako a look at the comploto line of clear Soft Pine Finish and Siding carried in stock by Saunders Brothers of Rod Cloud, Neb. What is also pleasing to the buyers of Lumber and building material is tho fact that tholr prices are roasonublo, and they guarantee a SQUARE DEAL. They also have a nice line of Oak, Hickory aud Poplar Wagon Material. See thoir Shin gles. You can not help but aduuro them. Tho members of this enterprising firm, assisted by plenty of excellent help, nro always glad aud tako pleasure in showing to tho public this nice stock. Fourth Avervue FURNITURE STORE FURNITURE, , CARPETS and UNDERTAKING Our Prices are the Best ED AMACK, Ex - JL A KJJm X wwvaJ Physical Ills of Temper. Would you bo well? Thon control your tompor. Do you not know that fits of passion, this giving way to tho worst that Is in you, does you not only moral and mental, but actual physical harm? Tompor Invariably Interferes with tho process of digestion; It , carves ugly lines on your faces; it wears upon the Us sues, and leaves us physically jind mentally exhausted, aa , well as morally wealcor after each In- t dulgence. St. Louis Post-Dispatch. Hoodoo on June 1. In deference to a superstition which has prevailed for many years, theie was on Juno 1 a complete cessation of work at Lord Penrhyn's slato quarries at Bethesda, In Wales, where 4,000 men are employed. The superstition owes Its origin to a succession of fatal acldents on Ascension day. Somo years ago tho management succeeded in inducing the workmen to remain at their posts, but, strange to relate, a fatal accident occurred. i I , iV. Wt 1 - . .iWfcW i"'w?-4l cwSn. ff4nw5riS"l"'8- t,rr -"TKW4 Ti