Wlt.Jt.iirt ,-,,, m-a,MM. t -MaflwrfAtt4, w twmam iws .i-wt-uw Mmi1l f TVflT WMTWt-ftMIly t-AV1 ,-V vl iS Iff -: V. ' Vit r . .!" V S LOGALETfES 1 .- "Heap much big medicine maul'' Miss Corn Tullcys is hoinu from Xup once. Dr. K. A. Thomas, Dentist, Dainurcll 'block. W. T. Auld Maine down from Lincoln to vote. Ed Hurr was up from Ouide Itock Tuesday. Ad Spraeher of Cowles was in town Wednesday. 0. 13. Putnam was down from Cowles Wednesday. .1lin Tulloys came down from Lin coln to vote. Colonel C. W. Knley is home from Doulder, Col, Ed Parker of (iuide Itock wasin town Monday. L. II. IHackledge went to Trenton, Neb., last night. Charley llennett was down from Cowles Wednesday. Koy Harbor came down from llloom ington Wednesday. Mrs. E. S. (iarber was up from Guide Itock .Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Hen l'egg iire parents of a new girl baby. Mrs. Matthews and son were down from Inavale Tuesday. N A good barn and corn crib to rent. Inquire of A. 13. Strohm. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Hrooks were in from Catherton Wednesday. M. C. Sherman is home from a three months' sojourn in Lincoln. T. T. Long of Nelson was in ltcd Cloud Thursday on business. Don't miss the Kilties, Thursday afternoon only, November 15. J. F. Brewer of Culbertson was here Monday settling up an estate. A. D. Ranney wrfs down from Blue Hill Monday on legal business. Ernest Moranville of Long Island,! Kansas, is visiting in this city. Ernest McCord and Torn Nichol were down from Bladen Wednesday. George Newhouse made a trip to Campbell and Bladen Tuesday. County Commissioner Richard was up from Guide Itock Wednesday. The usual services will be held at the Baptist church next Sunday. Prof, and Mrs. Brown are home from an extended visit in Missouri. Tickets onsale at Mitchell Jewelry Co.'s for Kilties Band. Get in early. For Rent Two furnished rooms, to gentlemen only. Inquire at this office. Secretary of State Galusha and son JUlair were down from Lincoln this week. Fred Smelser of Cortland, Kan., was visiting relatives and friends here this week. Mrs. J. L. Norris, who has been very ill for several days, is improving slowly. Archie.Boren has moved to the farm near Cowles which he recently pur chnscd. Whenever you happen to think of a 7iews item, phone it to Bell 72 or Mu tual 23. Marion Neal has been confined to his home this week with an attack of lumbago. Henry Stumpcnhorst and Thomas Quiggle were down from Itosemont "Wednesday. Win. Good was down from Cowles "Wednesday to attend the funeral of Donald Storey. Mrs. L. C. Barndt returned Satur day from a three months' visit in Pearl City, 111. James Doyle, living over in Kansas, dedicated his new barn with a dance Tuesday night. Mrs. N. Hurd and Mrs. 13. II. Foe of Cowles returned this morning from a visit to Kansas. G. and D. Polfus of Byron, Neb., were in Red Cloud the first of the week looking for land. "Billy" Barton has invested in a horse and wagon and embarked in the express business. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Storey of Hastings liave been visiting at the home of Paul Storey this- week. Rev. Cressman will preach at the Indian Creek church next Sunday aft ernoon at 3 o'clock. David Best of Bladen assisted the Red Cloud orchestra at the club danco Wednesday evening. Mrs. C. 13. Davis and children re turned last evening from an extended -visit in Kansas City, Mrs, Cora E. Paypc was down from Bladen Wednesday and was appointed guardian of her children. Frank Lee and Henry Houchin have gone to Phillipsburg, Kan., to work for the Uock Island road. Mrs. Henry Ehler and baby of Tren ton. Neb., are visiting her parents, .Mr. and Mrs. J. O, Lindley. The ladies of the Congregational church will hold another market at UrluVth's grocery tomorrow. Don't forget the football game to. morrow afternoon between the Red Cloud and Franklin high schools. C. W. Morgan and wife of Hardy, Neb., visited the first of the week with Mi, and Mrs. Ilomei Morgan. Mr. and Mrs. George Potter returned to Campbell Wednesday afternoon after a brief visit with friends In this city. We are at present engaged In "eat ing crow," and as a consequence we are a little "shy" on news this week. The Indian Creek Ladles' Aid Society will give a Thanksgiving supper and apron sale at the home of Jacob Reigle. Rev. A. A. Cressman will deliver a special sermon to old folks at the Congregational church next Sunday morning. Charley Crablll, who has been in a Kansas City hospital taking treatment for varicocele, arrived home Tuesday morning. Tone the liver, move the bowels, cleanse the system. Dade's Little Liver Pills never gripe. Henry Cook's drug store. Miss Maude Bradley of Cheyenne, Wyo., who has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Cather, left Wednesday for her home. A scrub team from the business col lege tackled the high school football team Tuesday evening and . were de feated 30 to 0. Dr. W. S. Smith left Wcddesday for Sterling, Col. , to visit his parents be fore leaving for his new location in Morgan, Texas. The Fraternal Aid gave a "Dutch" supper and entertainment last evening after the regular order of business had been disposed of. Are you troubled with piles? One application of ManZan will give you immediate relief. Sold at Henry Cook's drug store. Mrs. F. Bradbrook has received a draft for -52,000, the amount of insur ance carried by her husband in the Modern Woodmen. Dr. II. E. Asher, who was recently operated upon for appendicitis at a hospital in Kansas City, is reported to be getting along nicely. Ed and Fred Oatman of Oak Creek were in town yesterday on their way home from Hayes county, where they had been on land business. Harry Tarr, who has been visiting with his brother, Leroy Tarr, of Miner llros,' store, left Wednesday for a visit with relatives nt Sabetha, Kan. COMING NEXT WEEK A CAR LOAD OF r. Potatoes! . EXTRA FINE SEE ME FOR PRICES ( McFARLAND 15he GR.OCER All the Phonos Old time prices prevail at Mercer's barbershop, basement of Potter block. Steam heat and all modern conven ierces. Try "The Hrunswlck." Mrs. J, W. Warren returned home Thursday evening from Preston, S. 1)., where she has been visiting her daughter Jessie, who is very ill. Mrs. A. J. Waskom left yesterday for her home in Hazard, Nob. She was accompanied by her mother, Mrs. Weideman, who will spend the winter there. There was an unusually large at tendance of young folks at the M. E. church last Sunday evening, which was very gratifying to the pastor, Rev. Austin. Dr. Warrick, the specialist, will meet eye, ear, nose and throat patient., and those needing glasses properly fitted, at Dr. Damerell's oilice, Tusday, No vember 15. Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Smith of Chicago are in the city and will have charge of the Japanese carnival which is soon to bo given by the ladles of the Catho lic church. A treat like the Kilties Hand does not come every day. Don't miss this entertainment, as you will always re gret it if you do. Thursday afternoon, November 15, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Thompson of Grand Island are the parents of a son, born Tuesday at the homo of Mrs. Thompson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Lindsey, in this city. Charley llogato of Rlitu Hill was, in town this morning on his way home from Kansas City, where he had been with stock. His firm has shipped over 1200 head of cattle to market this fall. Taken as directed, it becomes the greatest curative agent for the relief of suffering humanity ever devised. Such is Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. Tea or tablets, 35c. C. L. Cottlng. When wanting any Edison or Victor records remember that Newhouse Bros, have the largest line in the city. Remember that they have each month's new records as soon as they come out. Arthur T. Stewart, advance man for the Kilties, is in town today. He is much pleased over the fact that all the merchants nave agreed to close during the Kilties' concert next Thursday aft ernoon. Red Cloud and Franklin high school football teams will play on the Red Cloud grounds tomorrow afternoon. These teams are made up strictly of high school boys and the' struggle will be an interesting one. Water Commissioner John Tomlin son is having dilliculty reading many of the meters, it being necessary in some cases to use a pump to get the water out of the meter boxes before they can be read. Dr. Frank Barlow, who has been blind in one eye for some time, sud denly lost the sight of his other eye Monday. Hope is entertained for the recovery of his sight, as ho has had a similar experience before. Percy Ludlow, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. V. Ludlow of this city, who was in the San Francisco disaster, is now steward of a steamship plying be tween Oakland and Eureka, Cal. He makes his home in Oakland. A sour stomach, a bad breath, a pasty complexion and other conse quences of a disordered digestion are quickly removed by the use of Ring's Dyspepsia Tablets. Two days treat ment free. Sold at Henry Cook's drug store. Your stomach churns and digests the food you eat, and if foul, or tor pid, or out of order, your whole sys tem suffers from blood poison. Hol lister's Hooky Mountain Tea keeps you well. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. C. L. Cottlng. The Kilties Rand of Canada, a Scot tish organization of forty-three peo ple, all artists in their profession and capable of producing the world's finest music. You should not miss this treat if you wunt to enjoy tho best" enter tainment of the season. Thursday afternoon only, November 15, G. M. Plumb of Lincoln was visiting with his brother, Fred Plumb, this week. This was Mr. Plumb's first visit to Red Cloud in twelve yenrs. Some twenty years ago he ran the creamery in tliis city and was afterward engaged in the manufacture of brick with his brother Fred. He is now traveling for a pants maiuifacturlng firm. CASTOR I A Tor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars tho SIgnaturo of &&; 1 CnA-n 7ZA hJnr V7 OVERCOAT ? J The We want every young man in to see it. It's certainly a beauty. Drop in any day and see this handsome newcomer in Overcoats. If you want "tic" Coat you'll certainly leave your Overcoat money here. It s by all odds the smartest Coat that has been offered for many a day. $10, $12, $15, $18, $20 Men's Suits in all the new Fall Models. We want your business. 15 he Cowden-Kaley Clothing Co., ALWAYS RELIABLE First Door North of Rostottlco, Rod Cloud, Nebr. I .yvAnNvvAAv-NvvA1 Ladies' Cloaks Skirts, Hats We have on sale the largest and most up-to-date line of Ladies', Misses' and Children's Cloaks and Skirts ever shown in Red Cloud. Do Not Be Mislead by so-called "special" bales. t look at our win convince vou that we i . i . and do undersell all competitors on Ladies' Tailored Skirts. Our stock is now complete and it is recog nized and admitted by even our competitors that the flllP TIRNURE BROS, RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. I Copyrislit 1906 House of Kuppcnhclmcr I o SSx. t Cloak Cloaks teJ-3 T . . rsAjTttilST can --?'t4f Sheuerman Skirt is superior in style and workmanship to any other. New Pattern and (Trimmed Hats Just in. Come in and see them. 41 t y i I . r I3 I i: I AAAvyW'SAA'NAA'vV