The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 09, 1906, Image 4

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Do you pin your liat to your
own hair? Can't do it?
Haven't enouRh hair? It must
be you do not know Ayer's
Hair Vigor ! Here's an intro
duction! May the acquaint
ance result in a heavy Rrowth
ofrich,thick,Rlossyhair! And
we know you'll never be gray.
" I tlilnk Hint Arrr' Ifnlr Vlnnr I ttm most
liavn iw-il It for mnno time nml I ohm mitli.
rullr r tlmt I am Kr;tly ilca;-i wl li It. I
ctirerfnltv rpnunwn'l It plonnl'l. lirrpa
ration." MIbhV. IMock, Wntliml, Mich.
Played "Indian."
The I'. E. O's. gave a "Hiawatha"'
party at the home of Dr. and Mrs. N.
II. Morrison Inst night. According to
the reports there were "big (loin's."
The P. E. O'S and their guests wore
Indian costumes, but it seems that
Editor Talt and Will Auld, "laboring
tinder a misunderstanding, went to the
function dressed as ordinary people.
When they appeared upon the bcene
they were immediately surrounded by
the "bucks," thrown to the lloor,
"scalped," and then made to smoke
the "pipe of peace." The latter pen
alty was quite severe, as neither of
them ever indulges In tobacco. There
is also a rumor afloat that Dr. Hob
Mitchell created quite a sensation as
the "big medicine man."
tladObT.T.O AYrCo,LowrH, MM
Alto uiuuuiaoiurcra ui
The Com-Ad is pluming itself over
the reduced majority of Congressman
Norris in this county, and intimates
that the Com-Ad had something to do
with it. As a matter of fact, Norris
received 05 more votes than did Shel
don for governor, only six less than
Hopewell for lieutenant governor, and
more than any other Republican candi
date except Thorne for state senator.
The Roosevelt wave of two years ago
greatly helped the Republican candi
dates, and the vote of that year bears
no relation to the vote of this year.
According to Hosmer's theory of the
value of the Corn-Ad's Influence in mat
ters political, the majority of 413 for
lllacklcdge should have been on the
other side, as that paper gave a great
deal more space to booming Mr. Wal
ters than it did to "knocking" on
A cold taken at this time of the year
is generally hard to get rid of but it
will not be able to withstand lice's
Laxative Honey and Tar. That will
cure all eolds, coughs, croup, whoop
ing cough, etc., by driving them out
through the bowels. If you have a
cold, try it, and if not cured get your
money back. No opiates. Sold at
Henry Cook's drug store.
The Vocal iholr.
The famous vocal choir of the Kil
ties (from 10 to 20 voices) renders "Ye
Hanks and Uraes," "Annie Laurie,"
"Scots Wha Hae," "The Hundred
Pipers," "My Love She's Hut a Lassie
Yet," "Robin Adair" and many other
exquisite English and Scottish songs,
harmonized, as well as popular Cana
dian airs. A good indication of the
choir's popularity is the fact that at
every concert given on the various
tours, without exception, their selec
tions were encored from three to six
times. Opera house, Thursday after
noon, November 15.
Berllnghof Investigates Materials
Used at Hastings Asylum.
Lincoln, Nov. 5. Gcorgo Berllng
hof, selected to Investlgato tho con
tract for putting in food elevators at
the Hastings asylum, will mako his
report In 'detail today. Mr. Berllng
hof will report that tho state made a
good contract. Ho will say ho has In
vestigated the material used In the
job, and it Ib all right, and according
to specifications. The motors, he
found, were one-half horsepower In
stead of one horsepower, but that
these had already been held up and
would be changed. Mr. Berllnghof se
cured bids on tho work from various
Arms, and, according to the material
used, he Is BatlBfled the contract is
all right. The contract for furnishing
the elevators was let to Earl Wescott.
A Problem far Mathematicians.
George Clauson, who has been engi
neering a pile driver for more than
thirty years, wants somebody to figure
-out a problem which has been puz
zling him all that time. The pile
, driver which ho now uses has a ham
mer weighing 1,401) pounds, and Mr.
Clauson would like to know how many
times the hammer increases its weight
in a drop of 20 feet. Mr. Clauson has
noticed that tho pile driver will drive
a post into the ground almost exactly
the rtame distance at every blow, not
withstanding the earth becomes more
packed and the post harder to drive
the farther it is driven into the earth.
Ho would also like to know how much
the weight of the blow increases, say
for each additional four inches the
hammer falls. Will somebody please
figure this out and? send the reply to
Tjik Ciiikp?
Bitten by a Cat.
lack Wilmot's little baby suffered a
peculiar injury yesternuy. Mrs. Wil
mot gave tho baby a piece of meat,
and then went into the cellar on an
errand. Hearing tho baby cry, she
hurried into the room and found that
n cut, in trying to trke the meat from
the baby, had nearly bitten oil' one of
its lingers.
X Certain Cure for Chilblains.
Shako into your shoes Allen's Foot
Ease, n powder. It cures chilblains,
frostbites, dump, sweating, swollen
foot. At all druggists and shoe storos
cents. Satnplo free. Address
Al'on S. Olmsted, LoRoy, N.'Y.
Bee's Laxative Honey and Tar the
original laxative cough syrup acts as a
cathartic on the bowels. It is made
from the tar gathered from the pine
trees of our own country, therefore is
tho best for children. It is good for
coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough,
etc. Try our free offer. Sold at
Henry Cook's drug store.
Here Is Relief fer Wunen.
Mother Gray, a nurse In New York,
discovered an aromatic pleasant herb
cure for women's ills, called Australian-Loaf.
It is tho only certain
monthly regulator. Cures fomalo
weaknesses and backacbo, kidney,
bladder aud urinary troubles. At all
druggists or by mail 50 cents. Sample
froo. Address, Tho Mother Gray Co.,
LoRoy, Now York.
Setscrew Seizes His Coat and Twists
It Tight Around His Neck.
Newman Grove, Neb., Nov. G. Mer
rltt B. Otis, a farmer whose home is
twelve miles from this place in Emer
lck township, was choked to death in
a tragic way. Ho had gone up on his
windmill to shut It off. There was no
wind when ho started and apparently
no danger. Before he could turn off
the wheel a breeze sprang up and set
It In motion. A set screw caught In
tho collar of Otis' coat and began
choking him. Ho managed to call his
wife for aid and she ran out of the
house and climbed up on tho frame
and tried desperately to disentangle
his coat from the screw, but failed.
Then she descended and sought but
also In vain to shut off the power.
As a last hope she rushed Into the
house and telephoned neighbors for
aid. When they reached the mill Otis
was dead from choking.
In anything in
It is a well known medical fact that
pine resin Is most effective in the
treatment of diseases of the bladder
and kidneys. Sufferers from back
ache and other troubles due to faulty
action of the kidneys find relief in the
use of Pine-ules. 81 buys 30 days
treatment. Sold at Henry Cook's
drug store.
Family III From Trichina Poison.
Fremont, Neb., Nov. C From eat
ing trichina pork, Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Heine and young son, Wilbur, resi
dents of the new town oLLcshara, are
critically ill. They were brought to
the Fremont hospital, wnere Mrs.
Heine Is In a precarious condition. A
week ago Mr. Heine butchered a hog
the family had raised In a pen back
of the house. Some of the meat was
eaten and the following day the fam
ily were taken ill. When the physi
cians pronounced the disease trichina
poisoning the sick persons were
brought to the hospital.
Men's and
Boys9 Wear
All the newest in Suits, Overcoats, Hats,
Shoes and Furnishings. In the Sum
mer lines there are some good things,
and these you may have at prices that
will surprise and please you.
' Every Garment Guaranteed.
PAUL STOREY, Clothier $
Wants Wife to Work Like Farmland.
Nebraska City, Neb., Nov. 3. Carl
Malzer and Miss Staphlna Hruby
were married, by County Judge Wil
son. They are both Germans and can
not speak a word of English, and tho
clerk of tho court acted as Interpreter.
It developed that the groom had paid
a friend $50 to secure him a wife, and
he-had Induced this 'Jcrman girl to
marry Malzer because he had a good
farm and was well to do. Tho groom
Insisted that the iudco make her
promise to work for him just
a farm hand, because he had to
bo much money to get her.
No Longer an
The idea that has become general that first class building material
could no longer bo had is certainly knocked out, when you take a
look at the complete line of- clear Soft Pino Finish and Siding
carried in stock by
Saunders Brothers
of Hod Cloud, Neb. What is also pleasing to the buyers of Lumber
and building material is the fact that their prices are reasonable,
and they guarantee a SQUARE DEAL. They also have a nice
lino of Oak, Hickory and Poplar Wagon Matorial. See their Shin
gles. You can not help but admiro them.
Tho members of this entorprising firm, assisted by plenty of
excellent help, are always glad and take ploasuro in showing to tho
public this nice stock.
Hut It cannot make n Fair Skin or a
Ulossy Coat.
Women with ood
complexion!) cannot
bo homoly. Creams,
lotions, washes and
powders cauuot mako
a fair skin. Every
horsomau knows thut
tho sutiu cout of his
thoroughbred comos
from tho animal's
"nil-right" condition.
Lot tho lioree got
coat tuniB dull. Cur
rying, brushing and rubbing will nivo
him a clean coat, but cannot proiluco
tho coveted smoothnrst) and gloss of
tho horso's akin, which is his com.
plcxion. Tho ladies will see tho point.
Lane's Family
Is tho best preparation for ladies who
dosiro ft gcntlo luxativo nicdicluo that
will glvo tho body porfoot clcnnliness
intorually and tho wholosowoneas
that produces such skins as painters
lovo to copy.
& Jf
MunZun relieves instantly the pain
caused by those blind, bleeding, itch
ing und protruding piles, It is put up
in collapsible tubes In such a way that
it can bo applied whore, tho trouble
originates, thus stopping tho pain im
mediately. Try one bottle and If you
are not relieved, your money will be
refunded. Try our free offer. Sold at
Henry Cook's drug store.
Real Estate Transfers.
For the week ending Tuesday, No
vember 0, furnished by tho Fort Ab
stract Co., L. II. Fort, Manager.
Albert W Rust to Carl Harms, e2
se I 12-3-1 a, wd S 2 100
Genevieve M Moritz to Emma .1
Hull, lot 0 blk lO.Rohrer's add
to lUuo Hill, wd 1250
Vincent II l'hillips to Fannie M
Phillips, 112 lots In Railroad
add 1) to Red Cloud, wd 500
John W Hughes to Emmanuel
Peters, part lot 12 blk 1 Guide
Rock, wd
Charles W Fuller to F A Good,
part nwl 1-2-10, wd
Mary II Parker to Cora V Potter
lots H, 0 and 10 blk 22, Red
Cloud, wd 2000
Fannie M l'hillips to Martha .1
Lindsey, biles 14, 15, 10, 17 and
w2 18, It It add 1) to R C, wd. . 800
Herman Gross to John W Ilensel
j swl 8-1-12 3200
J John W Hensel to John L Ingcr-
j soil, same, wd
Jacob Hot, to Fred Hot., e2 net
lb,ll" W it t t f t !
llert Collleott to Archie It Moore
I lot 0 blk 3, Spenco's 2nd add to
ltladeu, wd
Archie It Mooro to Daniel E
Crow, same, wd no
Total S17020
Mortgages filed, S3D12.
Mortgages released, S3000.
In every clime its colors are unfurled
Its fame is spread from sea to sea;
He not surprised if in the other world
You hear of Rocky .Mountain Tea.
C. L. Cotting.
Catholic ladies' big indoor fair and
carnival, Woodman hall, Red Cloud.
This popular form of entertainment
Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, No
vember 13 and II. Everybody has a
good time. Novelties, carnival and
other goods for sale. Refreshment
booths of all kiuds. Come early and
get your money's worth. Admission
only 10c to all.
Engineer Hollars of the water works
has been compelled to keep the pump
going almost constantly the past three
or four days in order to keep the
water out of the way of the workmen
in tlie big ditch. At last itseeins that
a plentiful supply of water has been
struck at the waterworks plant, thanks
to the persistency of H. E. Grico and
the Commercial club.
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Fulton returned
Wednesday morning from Kausas City.
Mr. Fulton lias been taking the X-ray
treatment for a growth on his face, and
believes tho treatment has been suc
cessful. Mrs. Fulton has been under
the care of an eye specialist. She will
lose the sight of one entirely, the op
tie nervo being destroyed, while tho
other eye Is also affected.
Ray lieu ton, sou of Sam Hoaton,
Sr., buffered u broken wrist in a game
of "pull-away," hist Friday ufternoonj
at the high school. This game seems
to be more dangerous than football,
this being the second case of broken
limb received while playing it this.
season Glenn Foe, tho llrst victim,
who had his leg broken a bhort time ney
I ago at tho First Ward bchool, is now t heart,
Fourth Avervue
Our Prices are the Best
able to bo around on crutches.
Donald, tho 5-year-old son of Mr.
and Mrs. John D. Storey of Cowlos,
died Tuesday morning at 5 o'clock, at
Dr. Cook's hospital hi this city. Fu
neral services were held Wednesday
afternoon at 3 o'clock at tho Christian
church in this city and tho remains
were laid to rest in the Red Cloud cem
etery. The little fellow had been a
sufferer for about two years with kid-
troublo and enlargement of the
Rev. A. A. Crcssman and C. L. Cot
ting entertained their Sunday school
classes at the Congregational parson
age on Tuesday evening. Superin
tendent Ovoring and several other
Invited guests were present aud en
tered into tho amusements of tho
evening with a zest that showed their
interest in the young people, and all
agreed that Rev.' and Mrs. Crcssman
and daughter know how to entertain
and muke the young folks feel at
home. -
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