w m The Jar of Coughing Hammer blows, steadily ap piled, break the hardest rock. Coughing, day after day, jars and tears the throat and lungs until the healthy tissues give way. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral stops the coughing, and heals tin? tnrn membranes. "I nlw.ivu keop Ayor'n riierrv ITctornl In .. I..1....' ir.fl. i,i.rlit nl ir wl llPVf-r 3 ny ofu I'mvo niiiBlit or Imnl iilil-. ) Iw.e fi ttio nny en lit mill to know utiHl It for 11 ure.it iimiiy jfiimiiiiiitoKiiiw nil iiboiit lt."-Mfl. MAliY OHKKTKAN.Vnryu blirk'. M.V. .Mii.iiwiiiiTiniiriti-nT-nrT-i---"-'mj"1M'tv" I4UOlrJ.C AyiTUO , AiOtvuil, .uuou. Also m.inuiduiururn ui 9 SARSAPAR1LLA. yers PILLS. IIA'.H VIGOR. Biliousness, conotipation roiara ro cove.ry. euro thoso with Avor's Pills. Sir Richard Tanftye. In our lust issue wo erroneously stated Unit tlie lute Lord Scully was u cousin of Mrs. W. N. Richardson of this city. Sir Hieliurd Tangye, who died ut about the same time us Lord Scully, was the cousin of Mrs. Rich urdsoii. and wo. became confused in the names. The last issue of the Scientific American has the following brief sketch of Sir Richard: "Sir Richard Tangye, head of the engineering llrm of Ttmgycs, died on October 14. He was born in ISM. Tun gyes have establishments in London, Jtirmiiighaiu, Johannesburg, Sidney. and other cities. Sir Richard, with his brother, George Tangye, founded the nirmingham Art Gallery and Mu nicipal School of Art. His hobby was the collection of inunuscripts, boohs and other relics of the period of Crom well and the Common wealth. He wrote several books, including "Reminis" cencos of Travel in Australia, America and Egypt," "The Growth of a Great Industry." and "The Two Protectors." He owned estates in Surrey and Cornwall." MARRIAGES. Evans-Thomas. Sunday evening, October 28, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Evans, occurred the mar-j riage of their daughter, Miss Anna' Edna Evans, to Mr. Walter 1). Thomas of Cowlcs, Rev. Wilson of Guide Rock otllciating. Miss Mabelle Evans, sis ter of the bride, was bridesmaid, and Mr. Warren Thomas, brother of the , groom, acted as best man. The happy couple left the same evening for Cowles, near which place they will make their home. ornwt wnnmxuH. Lloyd II. Amuck of Garileld precinct and Miss Luella M. Eeklor of .Jewell county, Kansas. Married by Rev. N. Waggoner. Joseph Rarta and Miss Rcssie Koines, both of Matin precinct. Married by Judge Kdson. George G. Warrell and Mrs. Hattie ll. Viers, both of Guide Rock. Married by Judge Edson. . Republican State Ticket. ICor U. S. Senator NORRIS IMIOWN, lluffnlo. JFor Governor GKO. L. SHELDON, Cass. Tor Lieutenant Governor M. R. HOPEWELL, Hurt. Tor Railroad Commissioners II. J. WINNETT, Lancaster. ROBERT COW ELL, Douglas. A. J. WILLIAMS. Pierce. - Tor Secretary of State GEORGE JUNKIN, Gosper. For Auditor , E. M. SEARLE, JR., Keith. Ifor Superintendent J. L. MclIRlEN, Fillmore. JrJor Treasurer LAWSON G. BRIEN, Boone. Tor Attorney General WM. T. THOMPSON, Merrick. For Land Commissioner HENRY M. EATON, Dodge. CwntY Ticket. Cor Representative WILLIAM UENKEL, Iuavale. ifor County Attorney A. M. WALTERS, Blue Hill, a'or Commissioner W. II. ANDERSON, Hidden. HFor Senator W. E. THORNE, llladen. Float Representative DR. It. F. RAINES, Red Cloud. Tor Congressman, Fifth Dist. G. W. NORRIS, McCook. A cold taken at this time of the year is generally hard to get rid of but it will not be able to withstand lice's Laxative Honey and Tar. That will cure all colds, coughs, croup, whoop ing cough, elc, by driving them out through the bowels. If you have a cold, try It, and if not cured get your money back. No opiates. Sold at Henry Cook's drug store. Damaged bv Fire. ' Shortly after noon Tuesday the res idence formerly occupied by Allen Carpenter, on South Cedar street, and which was recently purchased byO. R. Uoyce of Cowles, was discovered to be on fire. Prompt response to the alarm by the volunteer firemen prevented the destruction of the building. The roof and part of the walls were badly damaged. There was but one hydrant within reaching distance of the burn ing building, and the firemen were badly Handicapped. The House was vacant and was being repaired, the men working on the building having left it but a few minutes before the fire broke out. It is not known how the fire started. v 1250 Ree's Laxative Honey and Tar the original laxative cough syrup acts us a cathartic on the bowels. It is made from tlie tar gathered from the pine trees of our own country, therefore is the best for children. It is good for coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough, etc. Try our free offer. Sold at Henry Cook's drug store. Real Estate Transfers1. For the week ending Tuesday, Octo ber 17, furnished by the Fort Abstract Co., L. II. Fort, Manager. Sarah C Eagan to William Hols worth, lots 1 to 0, ltlk 1, Lutz's ' add to Red Cloud, wd 800 Lewis E. Conrad and wife to Alexander Dowd, lot 3, lUk 2, Spence's 2d add to llladen, wd David L (Jroat to John Street, lot 10, 20, Rlk 15, Smith & Moore's add to lied Cloud wd A L Soucheck to D Rorehcrding, ltlk 0, Hoover's add to ltlue 11111a (l J F Lane to Charles E Lane, s2 se 28, sw4 sw4, 27-1-0, qcd 1000 E U Overman to J O Caldwell lots 1 to 0, ltlk 11, Red Cloud, wd.. Anna A Muntz to S N Potter, lots 1, 7, n2 of 2, 8, ltlk 3, Le- Duc's add to Red Cloud, wd... Margaret M Cutler to E II Cox, lot2, ltlk. 11, Bladen, wd 2000 E II Cox to Eli Collette, lot 0, ltlk 11, Bladen, wd 1000 Elll Collette to Margaret M Cut ler, lot 7, ltlk 11, Bladen, wd.. Charlie C Lane to Julia A Lane, s2 sc4 28, sw4 sw4, 27-1-0, qcd Benjamin T Reed to Charles D Robinson, lots HI, 20, Blk 8, Smith fc Moore's add to Red Cloud, wd L C Olmsted et'al to Hattie J Stoner, lots (5. 7, Blk 3, Inavale qcd C Olmsted etal to Reah Olm sted, lots 8, 0, Blk 3, Inavale, qcd 300 1000 3000 1400 f 1 m (0 (0 m ( to iti ft WE ARE READY TO SHOW YOU THE FALL STYLES In anything in Men's and Boys9 Wear All the newest in Suits, Overcoats, Hats, Shoes and Furnishings. In the Sum mer lines there are some good things, and these you may have at prices that will surprise and please you. CLOTHING, HATS, SHOES, FURNISHINGS Every Garment Guaranteed. m (t m t m m m (0 (fv to (ft (ft (ft (ft (ft (ft (ft (ft (ft (ft (ft (ft AlPAUL STOREY, Clothier .W 42" Ea a. Sa, a fc a. 'a C GT a VaT ,i a Vtk b7 7 fca Judftes and Clerks of Election. Guide Rock Judges, Isaac It. Col fin, Geo. Hagau, T. C. Bean; clerks, Samuel E. Ely, II. Vaughn. Beaver Creek Judges, Chas. Molley, W. Richard, J. 1). Chrisman; clerks, E. J. Cox, G. H. Payne. Stillwater .Judges, Math Benker, J. .II. Bangert, S. II. Shirley; clerks, Ly man Miller, C. H. Guthrie. Oak Creek Judges, T. II. Quiggle, ('lark Phelps, James Laird; clerks, A. I). Ilaiuu, Levi Wright. Garfield Judges, Frank R. Amuck, .las. Robinson, Frank Allen; clerics, C. S. Wolfe, Al Smith. Pleasant 11 ill Judges, John Waller, Alf Saladen, Jas. McBride; clerks. F. 5. Frisbie, George Mann. Elm Creek Judges, Morris Mills, (leo. Denton, Peter Itrittou; clerks, T. . J. Chaplin, F. II. Gerlaeh. Potsdam Judges, A. James, A. 1). Raker, A. Krcigsumu; clerks, Fred Wehnes, Chas. Armstrong. Lino Judges, J. W. Mclntyre. R. Turner, ( Lew Johnson; clerks, G. W. Shannon, F. m. Harlow. Red Cloud precinct Judges, Win. Kngcls, W. II. Thomas, E. W. Coplen; lerks, Chas. Gurncy, jr., John Kel logg. Batln Judges, J. R. Harrington, John Harpham, Mike Kudrna; clerks, Henry Erlekson, Frank Strobl. Glenwood .ludges, D. 0. Bennett, Bruce Bowersox, Thos. Burden; clerks, Chas. Spence, Thos. Duffy. Walnut Creek Judges, H. E. Chap lin, Chas. Dickerson, (3. N. Blanken baker; clerks, Chas. Rinker, Wallace Jones. Inavale Judges, 11. II. Holdrcdgc, John De Bruuuer, llert Grossman; lerks, Chas. Stoner, G. W. Matkins. Catherton Judges, P. C. Oberg, Ole Hcrgmau, .1, It. Krall; clerks, Otto iikjelver, Ernest Grubb. Harmony .ludges, Henry Fels, J. P. Kglington, Win. Patterson; clerks, (Jlurcnce McCoy, C. C. Stout. Red Cloud, First ward Judges, D. L. Croat, John Holcomb, E. Welseh; alerks, Win. Wolfe, E. J. Pulsipher. Red Cloud, Second ward Judges, E. M. Gard, C. C. McConkey, Jay Pope; lerks, James Burden, Chas. Gilliam. 1000 1000 No Longer an Impossibility The idea that baa become general that first class building material could no longer be had is certainly knocked out, when you take a look at the complete line of clear Soft Fine Finish and Siding carried in stock by Saunders Brothers 00 L Plan to Rob Bank. A story comes from Lebanon that three young men of that place had planned to rob the First National Bank of Lebanon, Wednesday. One of them was to shoot the cashier, while the others guarded the entrance. How ever, the boy who was to do the shoot ing lost courage, and parties who saw him walking past the bank several times and peering in had their sus picions aroused and caused his arrest. He weakened and gave the whole fling away, and was taken to Smith Center, where he was placed in jail. The other two boys were not arrested. We were unable to learn their names. of Red Cloud, Neb. What is also pleasing to the buyers.of Lumber and building material is the fact that their prices are reasonable, and they guarantee a 9QUA R C DEAL. They also have a nice line of Oak, Hickory and Poplar Wagon Material. See their Shin gles. You can not help but admire them. The members of this enterprising firm, assisted by plenty of excellent help, are always glad and take pleasure in showing to tho public this nice stock. (500 1 1 is a well known medical fact that pine resin is most ellVctivc In the treatment of diseases of the bladder and kidneys. Sufferers from back ache and other troubles due to faulty action of the kidneys find relief in the use of Pine-ules. SI buys 30 days treatment. Sold at Henry Cook's drug store. 4 Certain Cure for Chilblains. Shako into your shoes Allen's Foot Ease, a powder. It cures chilblains, frostbites, dump, sweating, swollen foot. At all druggists and shoe stores 25 cents. Sample free. Address Allen S. Olmsted, LoRoy, N. Y. Manan relieves instantly the caused by those, blind, bleeding, pain itch ing and protruding piles. It is put up in collapsible tubes in such a way that it can be applied where the trouble originates, thus stopping the pain im mediately. Try one bottle and if you nre not relieved, your money will be refunded. Try our free oiler. Sold at Henry Cook's drug store. 813,842 Mortgages filed, 82842.50. Mortgages released, 801)00. For the week ending October 24: D C Roland to William P Roland, lot 1, Roberts' add to Guide Rock, wd 8 1500 Charles W Kaley to William A Smith, pt w2 sv 35-2-11, wd.. 3250 A F Rose to Claas Rose, lot 2 blk 2, Rosemont, wd Logan Carper to Laura E Buz zard, lots 7 and 8, blk 5, Hoo ver's add to Blue Hill, wd. . . . Edwin E Burr to John Kind scher, lots 1 to 8, blk 10, and 1 to 8. blk 15, Guide Rock, wd.. Edwin E Burr to Ira A Pace, lots 10. 11 and 12, block (1, Vance's add to Guide Rock, wd Geo W Dow to Fannie S Dow, lots 13, 11 and 15, blk 0, Smith it Moore's add to R C, wd.... (J W Dow to Fannie S Dow, scl 22-2-10, wd Geo W Dow to Fannie S Dow. pt lots 13, 14 and 15, blk 5, Red Cloud, wd Chas Sehubkegcl to A Soucheck, lots 4 and (i. blk 2, Rohrer's add to Blue Hill, wd E U Overman to Arthur II Myers lots 3. 4 and 5, block 4, Red Cloud, wd 3200 Harry It Boyd to RerniceT Pick ering, lots' I and 2, blk 18, Bla den, wd 550 August Dahms to Oscar Dahms, w2 nw4 33-1-10, wd 2500 William E Blossom to Melvin McCord, lots 4 and 5, blk 8, It R add to Red Cloud 20 Fourth Averwie FURNITURE STORE 700 700 1300 r.oo !)00 000 FURNITURE, CARPETS and UNDERTAKING A frltnd of the hom0 S A foe of tha Trust Calumet Baking Powder Total SU5445 Mortgages Hledt S1300. Mortgages released, S1730. For the week ending October 31: Laura E Buzzard to Julius E Koepke, lots 1 and 2, block 4, Hoover's add to Blue Hill, wd SHOO Edwin T Foe to John Burr, e2 se ! 2SI-3-10, wd 1800 Arthur Muchow to Fred Goll, s2 sc4, 30-4-10, wd 3200 Our Prices are the Best ED AMACK, Prop. vCcmpllsa with tha Pur Food tw ,of all stataa. KJafiiituijoH PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Clean- and brautMei th hair, lroinotct lujuri.nl growth. Never Valla to Iloatore Gray Hair to its Youthful Calor. Cum acalp dlwatci U hair falling. 30candlXUat nniglaU Horace G Sawyer to Bank of In avale, lot 3 blk C, Sawyer's add to Inavale, wd Muttie II Parker to T C Hacker, lot 8 blk 22, Red Cloud, qed... T C Hacker to Mary II Parker, same, qed A It Davis to 'C C Joyce, lots 0 and 7, blk 1, Sweezy's add to Blue Hill, wd Sampson K Logan to The Pub lic, pt out lot 4, Rohrer's add to Blue Hill, wd 75 3U0 30 Herbert llawley to The Public, pt same, wd 20 State of Nebraska to W A May nurd, nel se4 10-1-11, deed.... 280 L E Spence to Chns Spence, lot 5 blk 3, Spence's add to Bla den, wd 100 Clara M Perry to Sarah C Eagan, lots 2 and 4, blk 1, Smith & Moore's add to Red Cloud, wd 500 Total Si Alortgagcs Hied, 85400. Mortgages released, 82240. 1 1 sA :i?g?g"-?.-jrf ? . " &&-'v'zzFfcM&xz3t,, r.s.aa&aiaaaai: Lyuaaaagstatfaaag; ,v,