i MAGOON IN CONTKOI. HI8 FIRST DAY AS GOVERNOR OF CUBA I8QUIETBUTA BUSY ONE. Announces His Decision to Postpone Appointment of Cabinet Officers Indefinitely Cuba to Pay Cost of Intervention. Havann, Oct. 15. Charles E. Ma goon'a first day as governor of Cuba passed busily, but quietly. The palace was singularly still compared with tho eventful days of the past regime. Governor Magoon said to tho Asso ciated Press that he was looking for ward with confidence to a peaceful administration. Ho expressed the warmest appreciation of tho work ac complished by Messrs. Taft and Bacon, both In the pacification of tho Island and laying the foundation for a smooth and successful syBtem o'. provisional government. Tho governor sees no reason to anticipate further sudden changes in the situation, or any es pecially sensational incident. Ho is rather of tho opinion that now govern mental matters will bo of tho common plnco order compared to the exciting and rapid succession of developments of the past two months. Governor Magoon has announced his decision to postpone the appointment of cabinet olllcers Indefinitely. His intention is to consider thoroughly tho conditions and needs of each department and this can be hotter accomplished at the outset by having tho subordinate heads report directly to himself. By this method the governor believes he will be better enabled to select the ministers best fitted for tho respective posts. There will be kept a strict ac counting of tho expenses incurred by tho American army of occupation as are chargeablo to Cuba. These will include only such expenses as would not hnvo been Incurred but for tho coming of tho troops to the island. Tho last demonstration of wolcomo to returning ox-rebels took place here upon tho arrival of General Betan court, who was formerly Gucrra'a chief of staff. Betancourt has been detained In Plnar del Rio collecting insurgent arms and settling othei mnttors. He is popular In tho cap ital. A crowd of 2,000 persons mot him at tho station and greeted him with roars of delight. Padre Miret, a revolutionary priest, who accompanied tho gonoral, was enthusiastically wel comed. Tho crowd was composed al most entirely of negroes. With three bands of mii3lc, they paraded through several squares, and finally left Betan court at his home. i Tho City of Washington, with tho headquarters and First battalion of tho Eleventh Infantry on board, ami tho Admlrnl Schley, with company 1 of tho signal corpB and tho Seven teenth and Eighteenth batteries ol mountain artillery, havo arrived here General J. Franklin Bell intends tc distribute a battalion of engineers throughout the island for the purpose of verifying, correcting and complet ing tho large army map of Cuba begun during tho former Intervention, but not completed, except for the prov inces of Havana and Matanzas. Tho twenty-five marines ordered tc the Isle of Pines by Secretary of War Taft proceeded thither from Batabanc on board a coasting vessel. TRANSMISSISSIPPI CONGRESS Shaw and Root Will Address Kansai City Gathering Next Month. Kansas City, Oct. 15. Two mem hers of the,, cabinet will nddress the Tiansmlsslsslppl congress, which will meet In this city Nov. 20. Tho ad dress of Secretary of State Elihu Root on tho first day of tho congress on tho lesults of tho recent pan-American congress at Itlo Janeiro will be his first public uttoranco concerning his mission to South America. Secretary of tho Treasury Leslie M. Shaw will speak on Nov. 22, on the financial problems of tho United States. It is expected that 1,000 delegates will be present when President David R Francis of St. Louis calls tho con gross to order, nnd that there will bo more senators, representatives, gov ernors and other notables present than at any previous congress. Gov ernor Folk will deliver the address of welcome. REPORT ON POSTAL SERVICE Reuction n lAnnual Defict of Over $4,000,000. Washington, Oct. 15. Postmaster General Cortelyou has given out an advance statement of tho receipts and expenditures of the postal service for the year ending June 30, 1900. It shows a reduction of tho annual deficit from $14,572,584 for 1905 to $10,511),. 99G for 190G. The total receipts for' 1900 were $107,932,783, an Increaso of $15,10G.198 over 1905, which is tho greatest increase for any year in tho history of the service. Tho total ox pendltures during 190G were $178,449, 779, an Increase of $11,050,G10 for 1905. Hurricane Hits Port Llmon. New Orleans, Oct. 15. A wireless message from Blueilolds, Nicaragua, Eays that & severe hurricane in.Poit Llmon, CoBta Rica, has done a quarter of a million dollars' damage to rubber nnd banana cropB, bcBldca other prop erty damage. Boiler Explosion Kills Five. Rochester, Pa., Oct. 15. Two more of those Injured by tho oxploslon of the hollers of tho government pump ing boat Slankwater, on the Ohio rivor at Legionvlllc, on Saturday, died, in creasing the number to five deaths. DEFEN8E HAS AN INNING Prosecution Rests Its Case Against Dr. Brouwer. Toms River, N. J., Oct. 13. Tho prosecution rested Its ense against Dr. Frank Brouwer, charged with having poisoned hla wife, and tho de fense began tho presentation of testi mony on behalf of tho accused physi cian. The state endeavored to estab- DK. KHAN1C UKOUWnil. Ilsh that Mrs. Brouwer came to her death from the effects of poison ad ministered by her husband, while tho lino of defense mapped out by the counsel for Brouwer in their opening remarks will bo that tho woman died from ptomaine poisoning in food she had eaten. MORE HAZING AT ANNAPOLIS Mild Case Is Unearthed at the Naval Academy. Annapolis, Md., Oct. 15. Notwith standing the severe lessons taught the midshipmon by the courts-martial and dismissals of last spring, hazing has again appealed at tho naval acadmoy. So far the recurrence of tho practices seems to bo an isolated case. Third Classman R. P. Guller, Jr., whoso homo is in Calais, O., has been called upon by Superintendent Sands to an swer tho charge of "assuming unwar ranted and unauthorized authority over a lower classman in such a way as to humiliate and embarrass" Fourth Classman Godfrey Chevalier of Med ford, Mass. Tho hazing of Midshipman Chovaliei is said to have been a mild case. Guller. It Is understood, went to Chevalier's room and asked the fourth classman his name. Upon being told he Intimated that it was too big a mouthful, and said: "Hereafter you will bo known as ' ,'" giving tho fourth classman a silly nickname. Admiral Sands seemed to think tho case an Isolated one, as tho board of Investigation, in its examinations ol fourth classmen, has found but ono other fact in any way relating to haz ing. This was tho case of a youth, who has resigned and whose hazing occurred immediately after his resig nation had been accepted and taken effect, but before ho had doffed his uniform. ' SILVEIRA CHANGES SHIPS Alleged Defaulting Agent Not on Boal on Which Ho Left Havana. Now York, Oct. 12. Manuel Sll- volra. tho defaulting Havana agent for tho firm of J. M. Ceballos &. Co., is not on board tho steamer Carmenlla, upon which ho left Havana, Oct. 2, but on anothor steamer, which he boarded at sea two days after leaving tho Cu ban capital, according to information which was given out hero. It Is said that the present whereabouts of tho Carmenlla Is known and that tho des tination of tho other steamer, to which Silvelra and his family were trans ferred, Is also known. Tho chnrgo of defalcation of more than $1,000,000, which has been made against Sllvelra, was made after news of tho Carmenlla and tho othor steam er had been received in this city. PYTHIANS AT NEW ORLEANS. - Annual Encampment Begins In Cres cent City This Afternoon. New Orleans, Oct. 15. About 3,000 KnlghtB of Pythias aro camped In tents In City Park racetrack, whore at 4 o'clock this afternoon will begin tho annual encampment of tho Knights' of Pythias, with Arthur J. Stobbart, major general Uniform Rank, In command. In tho Important business to be transacted by tho su premo council Is action on a petition to exclude liquor dealers and hotel keepers who run bars in connection with their hotels from raombership in Pythian i, ment will end next hutunlt Two Found Dead in Boat. Detroit, Oct. 15. The bodies of Stephen A. Stuart and Mrs. Harry Cadwall, his sister-in-law, who had been missing since they left Erorse on a fishing trip last Wodnopday wore found In their hont, whir-li was In a large marsh near Fighting Island. It Is supposed thnt thoy dlfd In their open boat from exhaustion and cnld Wednesday night, when tho tempera ture was below freezing. Fatal Accident on Bourne's Yacht. New York, Oct. 15. Two men aro dead and three otherB aro suffering from dangerous burns following an ac cident on board former Commodoro F. O. Bourne's yacht Colonial. Tho dead and injured were members of tho crew, who were in the englno room when a steam connection blew out nnd were enveloped In steam. Two of the injured probably will die. l-oii'th Attendant Arrested. Norlolk, Neb., Oct. 15. A fourth at tondant was nrrested in tho Norfolk Insane asylum case. Mr. Mlnnlrk, who had been absent for some months, was arrested and taken to Madison. It is believed this Is tho last of tho in dicted attendants. Master Bob Wins Futurity. Friend, Neb., Oct. 13. Tho final In tho Missouri valley futurity of the coursing meet was won by Master Bob. Ho Is a black dog, owned by Mnsconl brothers of Denver. Best St. Clair, wro won second money, is owned by Scott & Ochsner of Sutton, Neb. Tho races aro declared by experts to have been tho best ever run in Ne braska. I Man Catches Glanders From Horse. Lincoln, Oct. ID. Suffering from glanders, presumably caught from nf Ulcted horses, John Eckland of Suth erland, is confined in an Omaha bos' pital, tho patient of Dr. F. S. Owen. Dr. A. T. Peters of the State univer sity and State Veterinarian McKim will visit tho patient today. The case Is the most singular in the annals of veterinary surgery. Will Investigate Contract. Lincoln, Oct. 15. The state board of public lands and buildings has de cided to probo the contract for tho food elevators at tho Hastings asy lum. State Architect Berllnghoff was selected to Insert the probo and see whether Earl Westcott of Plattsmouth is making any profit at $5,500. The first bid placed the figures at $2,G00. The board now insists that tho speci fications were changed. Testing Automatic Milker. Lincoln, Oct. 15. Predicting that tho dairy industry would bo revolu tionized, Professor A. Haecker of the state university school of agriculture! announced that a completo test would be made of tho mechanical milking de vices. Ho said that one of the late inventions seemed practical and suc cessful. Tho labor difficulty, ho thought, would bo eliminated from the dairy business In tho near future by tho automatic milking device. Crushed to Death Under Thresher. Petersburg, Neb., Oct. 12. Henry Smallwood, a young unmarried man and owner of a steam threshing ma chino of tho Mount Zton neighborhood, seven miles wost of this place, while moving tho outfit from the farm of Arthur Stewart to that of Robert Stewart, fell In front of the moving mnchlne. Tho wheels passed over his body lengthwise, crushing him so badly that ho only lived a few min utes after being lifted from tho road. HALT IN $60,000,000 FIGHT Mysterious Note Gives Sensational Climax to Welghtman Will Contest. Philadelphia, Oct IC Tho fight be tween two women over the distribu tion of tho $00,0015,000 estate of the lato William Welghtman, the chemist, was abruptly halted by tho production of a small piece of note paper that had turned yellow with ago. What the plcco of papor contnlns was not made public and the few persons who have seen It havo pledged themselves nevoi to reveal Its contents. The halt in the proceedings was made at the sugges tion of counsel for Mrs. Jones Wister, who is acting as guardian for hoi dnughter, Martha, tho contestant. ine-ules Al GUARANTEED TO GIVE SATISFACTION OR MONEY REFUNDED. DOSE AT BED TIME WILL USUALLY RELIEVE THE MOST SEVERE CASE BEFORE MORNING. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. .nt . m t- M i5 mnnik. This Ricrnatnrr.- - arvrn tojiuoii iuc - ijffi riiimmtiiiiiiimmiiii J""" ' iimriiiiiii iM'iiiMiniiiiiiii iiiiimii, i.hiiihhw hitll niriifliTiHliilliliiH i i.iiii i. mm, 'i i in ii In lil 11,1 AVegetablePrcparationfor As similating iteToodandRegula ting tteStomachs ondBoweis of lTomotesT)igestion,CheerfuI ncss andRest.Contains neither Opnim.Morphine nor Mineral. Not Narc otic. Oxtfit af(HdISAMtlELFnCHER Alx.Stnna ftxptmiot . DtCatitnakSUm Sugar . Aocrfccf Remedy forConslioa- lion. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions Jevcnsh ncss and Loss of Sleep. Tac Simile Signature of NEW YORK. CXACT COPT OF WBAPPEB. ILtw iffl f 1 How's Your Liver? I It will pay you to take good care of ycur liver, because, if you do, your liver will take good care of you. Sick liver puts you all out of sorts, makes you pale, dizzy, sick at the stomach, gives you stomach ache, headache, malaria, etc. Well liver keeps you well, by purifying your blood and digesting your food. There, ic only cne safe, certain and reliable liver medicine, and that Is Bedford's : Black-Draught For over 60 years this wonderful vegetable remedy has been the standby In thousands of homes, and Is today the favorite liver medicine In the world. It acts gently on the liver and kid neys, and docs not irritate the bowels. It cures constipation, relieves con gestion, and purifies the system from an overflow of bile, thereby keeping the body in perfect health. Price 25c at all druggists and dealers. Test it. -.nr.u . i i ;;ih uvr-irF.rprir TRa? INFLAMMATORY RHKUMATISM CUKED IK 3 DAYS Morton L. Hill, of Leb'anon, Ind.. nays; "11 j wife had Intltnnmatorv ItlienrnHtlsia in over muscle and Joint: tier KUireritiK was terrible and her b ly mid face were swollen almost bo yond recognition; had been In bed hIx weoki and had eight pliynlclaiiH, but received no benefit until she tried tho Mystic Cure foi HheumntlHni. It pavo Immediate relict aud she was able to walk about In threo davs. l aro mire It savnd her life." Sold by H. "fi. Qrlce Druggist, Ked Cloud. A Guaranteed Care fr Piles. Itching, blind, bleeding, protruding piles, jiruggists are authorized to refund money if Pazo Ointment falls to cure in 0 to 14 days. 50 cents. PTi BkaCTlRmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinitMlllllililillin BACK-ACE rOR SKL6 BY HENRY COOK To Cure a Cold in Oi . This signatur ..... - - . ijKOTr'",T,rrsjjrTgsEvi5"'s- , tz CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY. CATARRH &M m$ud m M mm& EMSi H-lkVttf JUJJ&4? wXf rfc2 a tr .v- 5r.K s2V t&' tfiL !& m fYORK Ely's Cream Balm This Remedy is a Specific, Sure to Give Satisfaction. GIVES RELIEF AT ONOE It cleanses, soothes, heals, and protects the . diseased membrane. It cures Catarrh and I drives away a Cold in the Head quickly. Restores the Senses of. Taste and SmelL Easy to use. Contains no injurious drugs. Applied into the nostrils and absorbed. Large Size, GO cents at Druggists or by man ; xruu bizo, iu cent.s by mau. ELY BROTHERS. 56 Wirran St.. Niw York.' FEELING HVER-ISH This Morning? TAKE HiiMbBflHK WMMWAwWYttK A Gentle Laxative And Appetizer HOLLISTEtVa Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Busy MoJIolne for Busy People. Brings Goldon Health and Renewed Vigor. A specific for Constipation, IndlROrtlon, Live tnd Kidney Troubles, Pimples. Eczem i. Impur Blood, Bad Breath, RhiKdBh Bowels, Upmluclie and Ilocfcncho. It's Rocky Mountain Ten In ino let form, 85 contn a box. Genuine iniulo by HoLUSTEn Dntro Company, Mndlwm, VI 40I.DEN NIWRFTR FOR RAl I n ji.e MM nV fcAtf ft Jp In hfr Use i The medicinal virtues of the crude gums and resins obtained from the Native Pine have been recognized by the medical profession for centuries. Pino-ules Contain the virtues of the Native Pine that are of value in rel iev ing Backache, Kidney, Blood, Bladder and Rheumatic Troubles. T "l Day Cures Crip la Two Days. gZ ' XvV on every "prt ox. 25c T V i ' as 3r Ksw-er-"