The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 19, 1906, Image 5

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Dr. Uobt. Mitchell is in Chicago.
Jake Ellluger went to Denver Tttus
Dishwasher wanted at J. O. Ltnd
ley's. Dr. E. A. Thomas, Dentist, Damercll
E. 1'ierpont of lliverton was in town
Ed Garber was up from Guide Hock
Ed Hohauan was down from Lin
coln yesterday.
James Ryan is hauling out lumber
for a new house.
Editor Tait of the Argus went to
Denver Tuesday.
H. IS. Rummer was in Columbus the
first of the week.
"IMondy" Johnson was up from Su
perior Wednesday.
Joe Itlair of Lincoln was in town
the llrst of the week.
Mrs. Dwight Jones was up from
Ituide lloek Wednesday.
A good barn and corn crib to rent.
Inquire of A. E. Strohm.
Charles Arnold and wife were down
from lllne Hill Thursday.
John Schultz and family were up
from Guide Uock Thursday.
Mrs. Hayes and Airs. Castle were tip
from Guide Hock Wednesday.
Mrs. Ned Grimes was down from
Ulue Hill the first of the week.
Mrs. Norton and daughter returned
Tuesday evening from Superior.
Mrs. Ward L. Austin returned Fri
day from a visit in Sidney, Neb.
M. H. Hentley came in from Siloam
Springs, Ark., yesterday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Spokesfleld came
"home from Hebron Tuesday evening.
"Seph" Hosencrans returned to his
home in Helvidere, 111., last Sunday.
Earl Crabill is home from Denver,
where he has been working in a bank.
Charles Gurney and John Coon went
Denver Monday on a cattle-purchasing
John G. Potter and wife visited this
week with tlicir son Oscar, in Grand
John Dudley of Merna, Neb., is vis
iting with his half-brother, Frank
Mrs. Rife and son Roy left Monday
for Ucatrice, where they will make
their home.
Attorney J. C. Saylor went over to
Smith Center, Kan., Wednesday, on
legal business.
John W. Tullcvs. state examiner of
-countv treasuries, was in town the
firs4 of the week.
Johnny Hart returned Tuesday from
Friend, Neb., where he attended the
Hg coursing meet.
Prof. John Weasner, principal of the
"Webber, Kan., schools, visted his pa
rents here Sunday.
Sherwood Albright went to Norton,
Kan., last Friday, where he has a job
3n a furniture store.
Miss Edna Austin came down Satur
day from Franklin, where she is at
tending the academy.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Fogel are in South
Omaha this week attending the Odd
Fellows grand lodge.
The work of raising the big hteel
smokestack at the electric light plant
was begun yesterday.
Mibs jfhirilla Caldwell returned Sat
urday evening from a visit with her
cousin in Kansas City.
P. P. Shields, editor of the Strang
Reporter, was in Red Cloud Monday
-evening between trains.
Will Sullivan returned from Colora
do Monday morning. He has rented
the Mrs. Rife residence.
Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. Taber and Mr.
svnd Mrs. Andrew Hartz took an auto
ride to Hastings Sunday.
Misses llirdella and IJeulah James of
"McCook were guests of Miss Gertrudo
.Milligan Saturday and Sunday.
Subject at the Ilaptist church next
Sunday morniug, "An Age of Fraud."
.Evening, "The Suicide Mania."
W. K. Geer's father, who lives at
Republican City, suffered a second
stroke of paralysis last Sunday. (
Charles Gurney, Jr., returned from
Kansas City Monday evening, where
ho went with two cars of cattle.
The Relief Corps will meet Saturday
afternoon at the usual hour and all
members are urged to bo present. ,
William Yost of Swanton, Neb., who
has been visiting with his brother, '
John Yost, returned homo Monday,
E. II. Newhouse has been elected
grand guard of the Grand Encamp
ment of Patriarchs Militant, I. O.O. F.
Mrs. Alexander Walker gave a party
Wednesday afternoon, her guests be
ing a number of the oldest ladles in
the city.
A number of the friends of Roy Rife
gave him a farewell surprise party
Saturday evening, ut the home of E.
W. Ross.
O. C. Teel and wife were in South
Omaha this week, where Mr. Teel at
tended the Odd Fellows grand lodge
Ex-Councilman Will Parker expects
to leave Red Cloud soon. He has not
yet decided where he will locate per
manently. Everett Drown, who has been assist
ing Charles Schultz In the photograph
gallery, has gone to his home in Ge
neva, Neb.
Mrs. Ike Shepardson and daughter,
Mrs. Waldron of Ileatrice, and Mrs.
lly Shepardson were down from River
ton Tuesday.
Miss Mini Cook came home Tuesday
evening from Omaha, where she has
completed her studies at the College
of Pharmacy.
Mrs. E. M. (lard left for llrush, Col.,
Tuesday, where she will remain for
several weeks in the hope of benefit
ing her health.
Pinesalve cleanses wounds, is highly
antiseptic, unequaled for cracked
hands. Good for cuts. Sold at Henry
Cook's drug store.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Storey are in
South Omaha this week, where Mr.
Storey is attending the I. O. O. F.
grand lodge meeting.
Rev. A. A. Cressman went to Albion
Monday morning to attend the meet
ing of the State Association of Con
gregational Churches.
The members of Faith Rcbekah
lodge No. 19 gave a farewell party for
Mrs. Savilla Rife, Saturday night, at
the home of O. C. Teel,
Lew Walters got one of the fingers
of his left hand badly mashed Tues
day while unloading a dray. He will
be laid up for some time.
Manager Morhart of the opera house
has already booked several good shows
for the winter season and there will
be plenty of entertainment
John Grant of Clarinda, la., cousin
of S. F. Spokesfleld, stopped off in
Red Cloud Wednesday morning. He
is on his way to Seattle, Wash.
Old time prices prevail at Mercer's
barber shop, basement of Potter block.
Steam heat and all modern conven
iecces. Try "The Brunswick."
The Nation says Charley Hesse was
"elected" float representative at Ulue
Hill Tuesday. That Is about as close
as the Nation usually gets to the facts.
This is the season of decay and
weakened vitality. Nature Is being
shorn of its beauty and bloom. If
you would retain yours, fortify your
is here. See me for
all kinds of
and Gloves
New Pickles to Ar
rive Next Week.
Dill Pickles ic each
Sweet and Sour. . .5c doz
Highest Price Paid
for Produce
All thm Phonaa
system with Hollister's Rocky Moun
tain Tea. a.'i cents, tea or tablets. C.
L. Cottlng.
Tone the liver, move the bowels,
cleanse the system. Dade's Little
Liver Pills never gripe. Henry Cook's
drug store.
Glen Foe, youngest son of Mr. and
Mrs. S. W. Foe, suil'erod a broken log
Tuesday morning while engaged in a
game of "pull-away" at the First ward
At the convention of the Pops and
Democrats in ltlue Hill on Tuesday,
Charley Hesse of Red Cloud was nomi
nated as the fusion candidate for float
Miss Flo Palmer, who has been an
efficient and faithful employe of this
olfice for the past two years, has re
signed her position and will leave for
Seward Sunday.
E. II. Newhouse went to Omaha
Saturday night to attend the I. O. ().
grand lodge meeting. From there he
went to Chicago to buy jewelry for
the holiday trade.
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Hutchison
went to Ragan, Neb., Tuesday to at
tend the silver wedding of Mr. and
Mrs. Ed Potter. Mrs. Potter Is a sis
ter of Mr. Hutchison.
Thomas R. Hummel and wife of
Muscatine, Iowa, arrived last Friday
and are visiting with Mr. Hummel's
brother and siser, Rev. George Hum
mel and Mrs. A. 13. Pierce.
Congressman G. W. Norris was In
town Wednesday on his way to Guide
Rock, whore he spoke Thursday even
ing. He is getting acquainted with
the voters in Hlue Hill today.
R. T, Potter is certainly in luck, as
far as far as the oil field Is concerned.
His last well was brought In Satur
day, with a capacity of 1,000 barrels a
day. Okmulgee (I. T.) Democrat.
The ladies of the Congregational
church will hold a "market" at Grif
feth's grocery store on Saturday, Oc
tober 27. Homemade pies, cakes,
baked beans, etc., will be on sale.
George Ileaton came home from
Lincoln Monday evening. He remain
ed in Lincoln after the preliminary
hearing of Grace Allen and underwent
an operation for cancer of the lip.
When wanting any Edison or Victor
records remember that Newhouse
llros. have the largest line in the city.
Remember that they have each month's
new records as soon as they come out.
J. K. Wall has purchased the Mrs.
Louisa Ailes residence property on
South Cedar street, for which he paid
SI, 000 cash. Mrs. Ailes has moved
onto he Wolfe farm, in Garfield town
Sheriff Hedge went to Omaha Tues
day night to attend the meeting of the
I. O. O. F. grand lodge. Ho will bo
accompanied home by his better half,
who has been in Omaha for the past
three weeks.
We understand that the 83,2.10 which
was to have been paid to the city In
settlement of the case Involving the
south building of the Moon block has
never been received. Will somebody
please explain?
Wilbur Lacey, stepson of Homer
Maker, who has been braking on the
Union Pacific, and who was recently
injured In a wreck near Lincoln on
that road, came homo Tuesday even
ing. He was not badly hurt.
Many men give lavishly of gold,
To build bridges and castles and
towers of old;
If you want everlasting fame, a
benefactor be,
Give the poor and needy Rocky Mount
ain Tea. C. L. Cctting.
A sour stomach, a bad breath, a
pasty complexion and other conse
quences of a disordered digestion are
quickly removed by the uso of Ring's
Dyspepsia Tablets. Two days treat
ment free. Sold at Henry Cook's
drug store.
Mr. and Mrs. M. IJ. Edlemah have
issued invitations for the marriage of
their daughter, Clarissa May, to Fred
Willoughby of Denver. The wedding
will take place at the bride's homo,
1313 L street, October 24, at 2 p. m.
Lincoln Star.
Work is progressing rapidly on the
new Catholic church. The handsome
pressed brick walls are nearly com
pleted, the framework for the roof is
up and the framework on the inside is 1
ready for the lath and plaster. When J
completed it will be the finest church
edifice in the city, though not so large
as the Methodist building.
For Infants and Children.
Till Kind You Havi Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Our Boys' Suits Give Excellent Service
BECAUSE the different fabrics are tested be
fore the garments are made.
BECAUSE every garment is firmly put together
and re-enforced wherever the strain is great.
We have the refutation established of being the
Best Store for Boy's Clothes
We've Double-Breasted Suits, Blouse and Nor
ford Suits in a great variety of fabrics, with a price
range from $1.50 to $6.00. Special styles and prices
for the smaller boys.
&e Cowden-Kaley Clothing Co.,
First Door North of PostolUce, Red Cloud, Nebr
Ladies' Cloaks
Skirts, Hats
We have on sale the largest
and most up-to-date line of
Ladies', Misses' and Children's
Cloaks and Skirts ever shown
in Red Cloud.
Do Not Be Mislead
by so-called "special"
bales. A look at our Cloaks
will convince you that we can
and do undersell, all competitors on Ladies' Tailored
Skirts. Our stock is now complete and it is recog
nized and admitted by even our competitors that the
is superior in style
and workmanship
to any other.
New Pa-ttern and
Trimmed Hats
Just in. Come in
and see them,
T. J W
. d2tt3ft'UteS