T.J-i- 3tff Wf -. TPC OCOu r" -A W 1 9 i a 4 flemsy Notes From GATHERED FROM 4 RIVERTON (From tho Review.) Sam and Hugh Crilly bought a hun dred head of feoders this wook. Jacob Allen is building a now house on his lots south of tho Big store. Henry Toitjou bought Miko Wyc kon's farm last Saturday, for 84100. Leslio Laytou made a Hying trip out to tho Brown school houso Sunday night. Passed away Monday night, as tho result of a shot (lied from a guu held by an uuknowu hand ono blue hound belonging to Frod Stelling. Fred could hardly spare tho dog, as ho has but Ave left. CAMPBELL (From the Citizen.) L. G. Genereaux is building a big corn crib, and Conrad Moyers a 30 foot shed. Each improvement will cost $150 or thereabout. Walt Anderson has "put tho fixings" on to tho Slator-Cullard auto, and made tho first trip therein Sunday, going to Hildreth, Axtell and other points. D. H. Clark reports tho sale Monday of tho 320 acre farm of Jacob JJetz, 240 acres of which was purchased by Jacob Rehn, and tho remaining 80 by Fred Uetz. Tho entire consideration was 19600. H. H. Davis began the construction this week of a residence for Harry Thibodeau, on tho lot recontly pur chased by the latter on tho hill. The improvements contemplated will cost bomothing like SHOO 11200. SMITH CENTER (From tho Messenger.) A gang of United States geological surveyors passed through town Mon day morning. Mrs. Samuel Brown and four young est children departed for Michigan to make thoir homo last Sunday morning. At 4:15 last Tuesday afternoon tho corner stono of tho now Baptist church was laid tho services being in chargo of tho pastor llov. A. B. Roborts. Rev F. E. Sherman of Topoka was in town tho first of tho wook visiting tho Dr. L. II. Ualbort family, and look after the iutorosts of homeless child ren in tills part of Kausas. K. H. DubaL'h, tho popular manager of tho old Long Medio lumbor yard, was married Soptembor 2(1 to Miss Bessie B. Latimer, at tho homo of tho brido's parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. II Latimer in Soueca, Kansas. SUPERIOR (From the Journal.) Ike King, tho real estate man, is building a rosldonco on Co mmorcial avenue. Conductor Suydor and wife wore called to Illinois tho first of the week by tho death of Mrs. Snyder's father. Tho waterworks whistle will not blow for ten or flftoon days on account of the ropairiug at tho waterworks sta tion. Ben McConuoll met with a bad acci dent last evoniug. Ho inis boon doing S. N. Rood's delivering at tho food store while ho was awuy, aud last ovoning, whilo hoisting somo hay into The Wonderful Growth oi Calumet Baking Powder Is due to Its Perfect Quality and Moderate Price Used In Millions of Homes Neighboring Towns I OUR EXCHANGES fr a mow, ho slippod and foil forward, cutting a bad gash across his forehead. In tho coso of tho Stato vs. Turnor Pierco on tho ciiorgo of assault and battery, tho defendant plead guilty boforo Justico Hoppor ond was fined 95 and costs. D. L. Pearson, who was employed on Scoular s elevator, met with an acoi-1 dent Saturday aftornoon. A 2x12 plank foil about eight feot striking ' him on tho h""i. I Sundor Ml-rf formerly of this placo.butuo.vof Rookford, III., mot with a vorv bad nanidanfc n. short Hmn ago. His mother-in-law stoopod to pot a dog, which was considered harm- loss, when tho canino sprang upon hor ' and bit her badly. Sunder went hor relief and tho dog grabbed him tho throat, and also on tho hand. to at BLOOMINGTON (From the Advocate.) Goo. Harlow has gone to Mudrid, Iowa, for the winter, where he will care for an aged brother. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. S. Moore have arrived in tho city and are busy ar. rauging their now residenco for oc cupancy. Clifford Storey, last Sunday morn ing had tho misfortune of having a horso fall on his foot which has made him a oripplo for a week. Last Wednesday, aftor a short ill ness, Grace Genevieve, tho four-year-old daughter of Ed M. uussong, died from an aggravated case of sore throat. Miss Anna Bell Wilcox, who has boon in tho central offlco In this city slnco tho first of July, died Monday night of typhoid fevor. Hor parents havo lived hero about a year, aud Miss Anua camo here this summer from Muryvillo, Missouri. LEBANON. (From the Times.) Henry Allou and Robert Sharp loft Tuesday ovoning for American Falls. Idaho. Low Broakoy camo in from Kansas City Saturday night, with ono hun dred head of cattle, and sold fifty head Monday morning. G. M. Johnson brought in four hogs Tuesday and sold them to Andy Lull for six cents a pound. Thoy brought him in tho noat littlo sum of $103.50. Mr. and Mrs. Baxter Kior arrived in this city tho latter part of last week and havo routed a house iu tho west part of town, where thoy will resido. Mr. Kior is from Denver and is the now gas mun. Goo. Folton had his collar bone broken Tuesday, whilo returning from Rod Cloud. Ho was about thirteen miles north of hero when, whilo going down a Mil, a tug came unhitched and the tongue came down throwing Goorgo out. FRANKLIN (From the Sentinel.) Tho public school was' closed today in order that tho building might bo fumigated and dlslufoctod. Frod Hainos arrivod homo unex pectedly Tuesday night, after an ob sonco of six weeks spout in a hospital for treatment of his oyo. Robert Taylor and wlfo returned Sunday evening from abroad. They loft Franklin on tho 2Gth of May and havo boon in Scotland ovor slnco. Tuesday evening, October 2, tho friends and neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. I. Hainos droppod in and sponta social evening in honor of Mr. Haiuos' 41th birthday. Andrew Anderson, who dopartod this lifo Timrsday morning at sovou o'clock, was born in Copenhagen, Don mark, February 28, 1832. Ho camo to Amorlca in 1870. W. II Chancy and A. Hoyden ao companiod a prizo winning feat at hog dipping Friday and Saturday, tho two togothor dipping 300 head, which is an avorago of fifteen an hour or ono ovory four minutes. VVlioti tho Germans undertake to do anything thoy generally succeed. As an illustration of this tho celebration of tho Mission feast at tho G.ermou Lutheran church near Macon a wook ago Sunday resulted in a collection which amounted to $233. GUIDE ROCK (From tho Nows Letter.) Albert Ferguson cut his hand quito qnvnrnlv Mrmduv innrfiini?. Mrs. Carrio Moranvillo ran a nail in hor foot Thursday, injuring herself so , severely that sho has to get about on orutones. Mark Iloovo, who is carrying the mail ou routs 3 during tho absouco of tho regular earner, was thrown from his buggy Thursday by tho brouking of a shaft. Georgo Columbia and his mother went to Dakota somo timo ago to visit friends, and now word comos that they havo boon quarantined there on account of an epidemic of diptheriu. Eilert Bargmnn has rontod his farm south of the river und intends moving to Rod Cloud. Wo told him ho had better locate in a good town, but ho said Red Cloud was good enough for Mm and we had to lot it go at that. Mr. and Mrs. Max Budor aro away on a visit and we hoar that on Friday night of last wook somoono took ad- vautago of thoir absence to raid thoir chicken house and carry off nil their chickens, pigeons and tho Belgian hare. Real Estate Transfers. For the week ending Tuesday, Octo ber 10, furnished by the Fort Abstract Co., L. II. Fort, Manager. (Jcorgo Ainack to Lloyd II Amack nw4 sv4 and sw4nw4 UO-l-lO wd $ 2000 Mary Amack to Lloyd A Amack w2 se4 ne4 27-1-10 wd 500 F A Good to Sarah M Campbell part nw4 4-2-10 wd Lorenzo Thomas to Emma Boren 050 part nv4 3-2-10 wd Lincoln Land Co to John Kropp lot 8 block 2 1st add to Bladen wd John Kropp to William P Clau- son part lot 8 block 1st to Bladen wd Wm Hoffman to Elsie Collette lot 7 block 1 1 Bladen wd Jacob S Moore to Win PClauson lot 7 block 2 1st add to Bladen 1050 GO 800 wd First Nat'l bank Blue mil to S H Buzzard nw 8-s-0 wd Caroline M I) Ulumenthal to Jacob (loll lot 10 block 0 Blue Hill wd Lloyd A Carpenter to Oscar It Boyce lots 13 to 17 block 28 Red Cloud wd A J White to N B Wagoner sw4 72 3500 135 050 swh 25-1-11 wd 2800 Mary E Simpson to Hans Oyo lots 1 to 12 block 15 Hoover add Blue Hill wd .1 Robert. Morse to Morgan II Davis lot 18 block 4 Cowleswd 030 Total 814725 Mortgages filed 83700 Mortgages released 81730 It is a well known medical fact that pine resin is most effective in the treatment of diseases of the bladder and kidneys. Sufferers' front back ache and other troubles due to faulty action of the kidneys find relief in tho use of Pine-ules. 81 buyb 30 days treatment. Sold at Henry Cook's drug store. At an experiment farm near Lincoln, 500 bushels of potatoes have been raised from a single acre. It is claim ed that a bushel of potatoes will make one gallon of denaturized alcohol and if this is true tho Nebraska farmer will no doubt find it profitable to raise potatoes for this purpose as well as to supply the food demand. Ex. Yes, aud think of selling the alcohol at 15 cents a gallon. OUR MOTTO: "Satisfaction or your money back" combined with plain figure prices steadily adhered to, has brought us a constantly growing business. Quality first, price next. Nothing but standard made, reputable goods at lowest profit prices. Alzvays tvilling to and compare prices or Chicago ho?cses. Newhoise Bros., Jewelers and Opticians. B. & M. Watch Inspectors Here Is Relief for Women. Mother Gray, a nurse in New York, discovered an aromatic pleasant herb cure for women's ills, called Australian-Leaf. It is the only certain monthly regulator. Cures fomalo weaknesses and backache, kidnoy, bladder aud urinary troubles. At all druggists or by mail 50 cents. Sample free. Address, Tho Mother Gray Co., LoRoy, Now York. A cold taken at this time of the year is generally hard to get rid of but it will not be able to withstand Bee's Laxative Honey and Tar. That will cure all colds, coughs, croup, whoop ing cough, etc., by driving them out through the bowels. If you have a cold, try it, and if not cured get your money back. No opiates. Sold at Henry Cook's drug store. Are y"ou troubled with piles? One application of ManZan will give you immediate relief. Sold at Henry Cook's drug store. Wanted precinct. -A correspondent in every Proposed, Constitutional Anendmeat. The following proposed amendment to the constitution of the State of Ne braska, as hereinafter set forth in full, is submitted to the electors of the State of Nebraska, to be voted upon at the general election to be held Tuesday, November 0, A. D. 1000 lie it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Nebraska: Section 1. That at the general elec tion for state and Legislative ofilcers to be held on Tuesday, succeeding the the first Alonday in .November, 1900, the following provision be proposed and submitted to tho electors of the State as an amendment to the consti tution. Section 2. There shall bo a State Railway Commission, consisting of three members, who shall be first elected at the general election in 1900, whose terms of otlice, except those chosen at the first election under this provision, shall be six years, and whose compensation shall be fixed by the Legislature. Of the three commissioners first elected, the one receiving the highest number of votes, shall hold his otlice for six years, the next highest four year, and the lowest two years. Tho powers and duties of such com mission shall include regulation of rates, service and the gen eral control of common carriers, as the legislature may provide by law. But in the absence of specific legislation, ttle commission bliall ex ercise the powers and perform tho du ties enumerated in this provision. Section 3. That at said election in the year 1900, on the ballot of each elector voting thereat, there shall be printed or written the words: "For Constitutional Amendment, with ref erence to State Railway Commission" And "Against Constitutional Amend ment, With Reference to State Rail way Commission." And if, a majority of all votes cast at said election, shall bo for such amendment, the same shall be deemed to be adopted. I, A. Oalusha, secretary of stato of the state of Nebraska, do hereby cer tify thai the foregoing proposed umenument to ttie Constitution of the State of i-Nebraslta is a true and cor rect copy of the original enrolled and entrrossed bill, as passed by tho Twenty-ninth session of tho legisla ture of the Mate of .Nebraska, as ap C pears from said original bill on file show our goods with either local this office, and that said proposed' amendment is submitted to the quali fied voters of the state of Nebraska for their adoption or reiection at tin general electioa to be held on Tuesday tuu uni nay oi iNovemuer, A. U. 1900. In testimony whereof, I have here unto set my hand and allixed the? great seal of the state of Nebruska. Done at Lincoln this 24th day oC July, ih the year of our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and Six, of the Independence of the United States. the One Hundred and Thirty-second, and of this state the Fortieth. A. O A LUSH A, (ska i,) Secretary of State- Miss Jessie Wert INSTRUCTOR OF Piano, Organ and Voice Studio at Mrs. Josie Moran ville's, two blocks east of, school house. Phoho 204. DR. W. S. SMITH OSTEOPATH LINDSBY, BLOCK Red Cloud, Neb. I HAVE Six Companies 8oo policies represent ing over $2,000,000 in surance in Webster county. Now is the time to get in the Band Wagon. O. C. TEEL, Insurance and Notary. Telephones: Country, No. 30; Boll, No. 98. Ucal Grain Market. (Furnished by J. B. Wisecarver agent for Updiko Elevator Co.) Ear corn 31 Jc No. 3 corn 32Jc No. 3 Yellow corn 32o No. 3 Whito corn 3,'JJc No. 3 White oats 2flo No. 3 Mixed oats 21c No. 2 Hard wheat 5ic No. 3 Hard wheat m& No. 2 Spring wheat Gic- No. 3 Spring wheat 48c No. 2Ryo , 3Co y fi s t 71 i