w tWWVWHffl fll K KK ' &. ; x,ir t (D i ' m . -i - ;:' ..?;. . , .1 jgBta? I TAFT OUTLINES DUTY OF ARMY 2i mo 111F This Beautiful Set of Dishes FREE with DEFIANCE TEAnd COFFEE No money whatever required you get the set absolutely free for giving your opinion of the finest tea and coffee in the world to a few friends and neighbors. 'Full particulars of the plan in each package. It was our intention to withdraw this offer October I st. but so many people have said they did not realize the great chance we are offering until they saw it in the home of some friend, we have therefore decided to extend it. This will give everyone a chance to get a set. Many ladies are securing sets to present to friends at Christmas. Remember, this is not a premium with Defiance Tea and Coffee. It is a present to users of these beverages for making new friends. Ask the grocer. fM r ,i.'ww-i"-i--" ! - " LETTS-SPENCER GROCER CO. - ST. JOSEPH, MO. K"!?3 ilgljf lJ&Gte&m I'. iraWVlV-AO. &M9 .-..dMWLl.2.. 301if tYXv.,,.ia7rtCKttt. &ai W - rw:w mWwM MiJW A Food to Work On Work! Work!! Work!!! Lots of energy is needed-to keep up the pace. In the struggle, the man with the strong body and clear brain wins out every time. The man of to-day needs something more than mere food ; he needs a food that makes energy a food to work on. Althdugh some people may not realize it, yet it is a fact, proved and established beyond doubt, that soda crackers and this means Uneeda BiSCUlt arc richer in muscle and fat-making elements and have a much higher per cent, of tissue-building properties than any other article of food made from flour. That this is becoming known more and more every day is attested by the sale of nearly 400,000,000 pack ages of U neodd BiSCUlt f the finest soda cracker ever baked. An energy-giving food of surpassing value sold in a package which brings it to you with all the original flavor and nutriment perfectly pre served. Truly the food to Work on. Whoever you are whatever you are wherever you work Uneeda Biscuit. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY AyJ 60 YEARS EXPERIENCE ijjrnjra Trade Marks Designs Copyrights Ac. Anyonoaondlntr a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion froo wliotnor an Inrontlnn Is probnbly putoiitnbto. Communica tions mrlctly contldontlHl. HANDBOOK on I'ateuu sent froo. Oldest nponcy for socurlng patents. Patents taken tlirounh Munn A Co. recelv tfxcial notice, without charge, Inttio Scientific American. A handsomolr Illustrated weekly. largest clr culatlon of any scientific Journal. Terms, W a year: four months, tL Bold by all newsdealers. MUNN &Co.3B'B r, New York Branch Office, 625 F Bt, Washlnaton, D. C. m INSURANCE against Fire, Lightning, Cy clones and Windstorms, see JNO. B. STANSER, agent for the Farmers Union Insur ance Co., Lincoln, Neb,, the best in uruneo company intho ste. DEATH TO REBELS AND JEWS President of Union of Russian People Makes Remarkable Address. Odessa, Oct. 10. President pubro vin of the Union of HiiHslan People made a remarkable atidress here. Ho Bpoko to a hand of 300 armed mem bers of the union, who had carried him oji their shoulders to the railroad station on his departure for Kiev, and said: "In the name of our beloveu em peror 1 bless you. The holy Russian cause is the extermination of rebels. You know who they are and where to find them. Clear the Russian soil of them. The Russian people want neither constitutions nor parliaments, but orthodoxy and autocracy. Go ahead brothers; death to the rebels and Jews." After his train had left the band of 300 rushed down the principal streets of the city, shouting: "Death to' tho rebols, death to the Jows." All Uio shops were at once closed aiul tho Jovsh population wns In a condition of panic and terror through out the night. Measures taken by the prefect, however, prevented further disturbances. Date Set for Nevada Land Opening. Washington, Oct. 10. The president issued a proclamation fixing 12 o'clock noon, on the 29th Inst,, as the date for opening the Walker River Indian res ervation in Nevada to settlement. There are 2C8.00O acres of land to be disposed of, and the law pormits its acquisition under, the general land laws. The reservation is In the Car son City land district. Chicago' Oct. 10. Joseph H. Gl den, the Invontor of the barbed wire fenco, is dead! at his home at DeKalb, 111., at tho nge of ninety-three. Gild den obtained the idea of making barbed wire fencing from an oxhlbit mado at a country fair in the early 70s by a man named Rose, who had driven brads through a block, which ho then stapled on a wiro. Glldden improved on the idea and tho barbed wire of today was the ultimata outcome American Forces in Island Must Not Engage in Conflicts With Cubans and Must Shew Them All Posslblo Courtesy Rebels Lay Down Arms. Havana. Oct. 10. CharlUH 10. Ma- rood, tho newly appointed provisional governor of Cuba, arrived hero. Coin cident with his coining Governor Tuft gave (tut a general decree, proclaim-1 ing amnesty not ouiy to mo ronem, hut to all persons charged with polit ical offenses or crimes In any way connected with tho revolution. Ho also issued order covering tho atti tude of the American mailuoH and sol diers toward tho people of Cuba, The odlceis of murines stationed in various localities are advised that they are not expected to take part, In An active way, in the suppression of disorder unless extreino emorgenry arises In which it Is absolutely neces sary for them to protect life and prop erty. The duties of tho marines aro generally limited to tendering their good otllce.i between the conflicting elements and the prevention of that friction which, in the high state of tension between the political pnrtles, is inevitable during the present crisis. The order concludes as follows: "The president of the United States deems it of the utmost importaiico that the American forces do not en gage in conlllcts with Cubans, but that dlsordeis by Cubans bo sup pressed by Cubans. It Is also expected that the officers and men, both of tho army and tho marine corps, will exert every effort to show nil courtesies to Cubans posslblo of all parties and avoid in any way injuring their sonsl- bililties." I The order makes It plain that tho marines will remain In tho Island for tho present, as an ndjunct to tho in fantry. Governor Tnft said that practically all tho American warships now in Cuban waters soon would be with drawn. Tho appenranco of yellow fover at Clentuogos caused the Immediate Issu ance of an order by Colonel Harnett, directing that the American marines bo removed from that city. The men were marched aboard the ships. The disarmament commlssioncis in Santiago report that all tho insur gents In that province have been dis banded, with the excoptlon of one bnnd, which is In an inaccessible re gion near Bayamou. Governor Tnft has ordered the cruiser Des Moines to embark the commissioners at San tiago City and to land them at Man zanlllao, whence thoy will bo able to reach tho Insurgents' camp. Thousands Have Kidney Trouble and Never Suspect it How To iMtid Out. Pill a bottle or common glass with your water and let it stand twenty-four hours ; u sediment ortiet tliugiudicatcsau unhealthy con. (iitioti of the kid neys; if it stains your linen it is evidence of kid ney trouble ; too frequent, desire to pass it or pain in tho back is also convincing- proof that the kidneys and bladder are out of order. What To Do. There is comfort in the knowledge so often cxiieMd, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the jjreat kidney remedy, fulfills eerv wish in curing rheumatism, pain in the luck, kidneys, liver, bladder run! every V!l,t "f l'lL' urinary rmssngc. It corrects inability to hold water ami scalding jmiu in passing it, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant ne cessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up tunny times during the night. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands Hie highest for its wonderful cures of the most dis ticssing cases. If you need a medicine you should have the best. Sold by drug gists in fifty-cent and one-dollar si.es. You may Have a sample noiuo nnti a book dial tells all about it, both M?nt free bv mail. Addrc.vtDr. Kilmer & Co., lling- kiiuton, N. Y. When writing mention this make ativ mistake, but remember the name, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Uoot, and the address, Iliuubamton. N. Y. &i",ir'KRH , j " Jflz2IWm tlomoof Bwamp-Root. paper and don't niBagM OYSTERS iXKlKBOSSB I in every style. Ca tering to parties and dances a specialty. Fresh Bread, Pics, Cakes, Candy and Cigars. 4WWMVfVWMMMnnMHWaHMaMIHMMi The Bon Ton W. S. BENSB, Proprietor. Four Convicts Fatally Hurt. Auburn, N. Y Oct. 10. A scaffold Ing, on which four convicts were at work whitewashing a celling in Au burn prison, broko and precipitated all four to tho cement pavement, forty feet bolow. Two of them, Charles Rand and William W. Goodenbury, died. Two others, Charles W. Fulton and Edward W. KnlBkers, aro not ex pected to live. Overland Train in Ditch. Evanston, Wyo., Oct. 10. The east bound Overland Limited on tho Union Pnclfic wns wrecked half a mile west of bore. Four coaches, Including tho diner, aro off tho track and partially turned over. No one was seriously In jured, though many received painful cuts and bruises. Do You Bat Meat? When tou ar hungry end want somethlg nice in the meat lino, drop into my market. We have tho nicest kind of Home-mad Sausages and meats, fish, and game in season. We think, and almost know, that wo can please you. Give us a trial, Koon Bros., Successors to ROBINSON & BURDEN. ! SAY. niSTFP! I ' - - - - - -v - c. Do you know that it will pay YOU, as well as US, to buy your Building Ma terial and Coal tit ouryurdsV Not only that our prices avehaob lower, or at least ns low, as those of our competit ors, but because wo tako especial care of and protect all can bo classed as REGULAR CUSTOMERS. PL ATT & FREES CO. Coal. Lumber. & r f- r. t fr ft fr E tr f- City Dray and Express Line. F. W. STUDEBAKKR, PROP. Goods Delivered to any part of the city. Charges as low as the Lowest CITY AGENTS FOR ADAAS EXPRESS CO. TELEPHONES, Office 119 Residence 188. J t '.Til 1 4 r ft H M . i ;i M m i a t 1 l 'tlrjsl m n v v4t7TYW ." ." rLt - X