TORNADOES IN SOUTH NEW ORLEAN8 THE CENTER OF CYCLONIC DISTURBANCES. difficult. It Is not thought that any or the entombed men can live with th's condition prevailing. As yet no fire has boon reported. Cummins Opens Wisconsin Campaign Miiwiitkno net R. Tho Jlenubllc anB of Wisconsin opened their cam-, ten million citizens." relations K veon tho wlr ople and tho negroes of the STiithern states. Bishop Walters decbn I that recent race riots in tho south have given ovldonce that the whiter were attempting to "degrade and destroy Property Loss Is Estimated at Ono palgn hcr0( havjng ng principal speak- j rainiun uonars iManuw rui i ej- uovemor UUmmins 01 luwii, viuv Wind Through Crescent City is crnor Cumailns suffered from hoarse Strewn With Debris From Buildings.' ncss and his speech was consequently cut short. Neither Senators Spooner Now Orleans, Oct. 6. This region wttB tho center of cyclonic disturb ances, at least threo of which were lonadoes, and causing tho loss of six lives, with ton persons fatally in jured. About daylight heavy storms broke within 100 miles west and north of Now Orleans. Reports of sugar cano and cotton crops blown down or sugar mills demolished aro coming in from thlB Bectlon. Tho damago, in cluding that done In New Orleans, is placed at over $1,000,000. Tho worst of tho tornodooB was north of New Orleans, whero it devastated portions of threo parishes. Another tornado passed northward of Blloxi, on the gulf coast. Tho first tornado struck West Baton Uougo parish, killing Mrs. Theodore Forol and her daughter, a Mrs. White Mrs. Corel's body was found in a field near her demolished house. Two chil dren In Mrs. Ford's house wero fatal ly injured and flvo men wero Injured Indiana Mob Falls to Lynch. Hloominglon, Iird., Oct. 8. The ne gro, Edward Jones, who shot and killed Alfred Stephens, a lum ' wngon man, was safely taken to the Jorter sonvlllo penitentiary. It was only 6y k-rn-rr -ra t 7xrmrrT t,ie determined efforts or tho sheriff MliUliO IS LlJNUJa.M) and his deputies that the mob sur- rounding the jail was kept from bat- nor LaFollette was present MOB HANGS NEGRO ON MAIN STREET OF ARGENTA. Lynchers Take Prisoner From Jail to His Death Latest Link In Long Chain of Clashes Between Whites and Blacks. j Argenta, Ark., Oct. 8. As a sequel to thu killing of John Lindsay uiid tho wounding of his son, Policeman Milton Lindsay, here, presumably by Garrett Colum and Charles Colum, njgroes, 11. Blackburn, a negro, wus lynched at the corner of Sixth and Main streetB. Thu lyucning is the latest link in a chain of clashes between whites and blacks, which started on Sept. 15, terlng down tho doors and entering tho pla' " Mob In Mobile Haangs Two Negroes. Mobile, Ala., Oct. 8. Fears enter tained of retaliation by tho negroes for Saturday's lynchings of Thompson ond Robinson, negroes chiracd wltn rrlmltnl assault, have disappeared and tho city is quiet. No lurther trouble Is anticipated. CHICAGO GRAIfUND PROVISIONS Features of the Day's Trading and Closing Quotations. Chicago, Oct. 9. A slight advanco in tho price of wheat in Liverpool and tho improved cash and export demand nio.riiL.1 n i iiiii inilnt J M It s-i Innnl In tho collapse of a sugar refinery on wh(m ft whUo mun muned 1L R M wUeat nmrUeL At the closo whcal tno at, uoipno pianiauon. uuiuii Rougo was slightly damaged. In St. James parish ono women was Donald killed a negro musician named Wiley Shelby. Next day, at the in quest held at tho Colum's undertaking klllod, whilo Mrs. II. R. Webber and ( Btoro ft dimculty arose ln whlch Kob unugnicr, mrs. juim muyui, uuu u u-. ert Colum wag kle(1 and Del,uty Con-, gro aro reported fatally Injured. Hf- 8tab,e m Llnd8tty aml Garrett Colum1 teen buildings wero blown completely BOVOrely wounded. Policeman Milton down in this parlBh. Lindsay, a brother of Ed Lindsay, was At Pontchatoula, Gcorgo Hawes , a,8o huft at that t,ine Saturdfty and son wero killed by tho go apse o , n,ght poIlcumnn Mllton Umlsay and their house and two other children of h,B falher werQ wnIk,ng past tho i tho family wortf fatally Injured. A C(J,um ator(j wh(jn th wero flred on negro was fatally Injured there, be- from ainbuah Jolm LlndBay wa8 Bides Injuries to a dozen other per-. . ... , ., . ... verely wounded, but managed to crawl out of range. When Uio police and citizens attempted to enter tho store they wero flred upon. It is supposed Charles and Garrett Colum did the shooting. Later in the night, thinking the Colum brothers wero still locked in tho rear room of the store, the placo was dynamited, but the ne groes had escaped unseen in the dark ness ln tho early part of tho trouble. They aro still at large. At 1:30 a. m. Will Harding, a paint er, was halted on tho street by un known parties, whether black or white ho could not tell in the dark ness. Ho was asked if ho was black or white. Upon replying that he was white, ho was told to go back and while leaving ho was shot ln the back. At 2 o'clock James Mahoney, a contractor, and A. L. Belding, a re- sons. A third tornado struck Now Orleans about 8 o'clock. Whilo no lives wero lost here, property damago reached j $500,000, and nbout fifty persons wero Injured, ono fatally. Fully 800 buildings wero damaged, about seven-ty-flve being blown flat. Most of the demolished buildings wore negro cab ins, and It was hero that noarly al! tho injuries occurred. Tho tornado horo appeared at a dis tance as a cloud sweeping along tha surfaco of the earth. Its course was undulating, somo buildings being skipped entirely as It bounded sky ward. Frequently It demolished ve randas and fences on one sldo of the street, while not an object on the other was disturbed. Tho cloud occu pied several minutes in crossing the city and hundreds of persons who saw lor IVrMnbor was up V.C. Corn was c higher. Oats wero up a shade and provisions were 10(tf12VljC to 15)17'jc higher. Closing prices: Wheat Dec, 74c; May, 79c. Corn Oct., 45c; Dec, 42c; May, 43!fjc Oats Dec, 3434V!c; May, 35c; July, 34c Pork Jan., $1G.72U,315.75. Lard Oct., $9.00; Jan., $8.072. RibB Oct., $8.55; Jan., $7.37Mi. Chicago Cash Prices No. 2 hard whoat, 73j76c; No. 2 corn, 45 4Cc; No. 2 oats, 334c. and heard it approaching had llmoto, porter of Ul'Q unQ -Rock Gazott0t run out of its pathway. Ono excltlna raco was mado by a Carnndelot street car, which was loaded with passengers on their way to work. At Marengo Btreet tho motorman threw on full power. Tho flying car was less than half a block past the roller Bkatlng rink when that structure went down. FATAL EXPLOSION OF GAS Eight Men Killed In Philadelphia by Accident In Subway. Philadelphia, Oct. 6. A terrific ex plosion of ilumlnatlng gas ln the sub way of the Philadelphia Rapid Transit company, under construction at Sixth and Market streets, resulted In tho death of eight men, tho Injuring of about a dozon others and caused prop erty damage that will run into thou sands of dollars. The explosion was caused uy a lean in mo cuy gas mum. Tho escaping gas formed In a pocket in tho subway and It is believed that a workman carrying a lamp into the groat holo Ignited the gas. Tho force of tho explosion wrecked tho subway for half a block and all tho heavy timbering and other struc tural work, Including tons of earth, foil Into tho excavation. Several ol whllo going to seo Harding, wero fired on from four different quarters with shotguns. Mahoney was painfully shot ln tho hand. Belding's clothes wero peppered with blrdshot. H. Blackburn, a nogro, who con ducts a confectionery store, was ar rested on suspicion of being the man who flred on Mahoney and Belding. Four masked men entered the police Btatlon from the rear and one covered the turnkey with a pistol whllo tho others got his keys, unlocked Black burn's cell and took him out the back way. Not a shot was flred and thero was no loud talking, so that Sheriff Kavanaugh and two deputies, who were Btandlng on tho street a few blocks away, knew nothing of what was going on until they heard several shots flred at Main and Sixth streets. Running there, they found Blackburn already dead, hanged to a telegraph pole, whilo the crowd around was ap parently onlookers. South Omaha Live Stock. South Omaha, Oct. 9. Cattle Re ceipts, 7,500; steady; native steers, $4.00(5)0.25; cows and hellers, $2.50 4.25; western steers, $3.255.25; Tex as steers, $2.754.30; canners, $1.50 2.30; stockers and feeders, $2.75 4.50; calves, $3.00C.OO; bullB, stags, etc., $1.753.85. Hogs Receipts, 4, 500; steady to 5c lower; heavy, $6.20 C.35; mixed, $6.256.30; light, $6.30 6.42V6; pigs, $5.506.0O; bulk of sales, $6.25C.35. Sheep Receipts, 24,000; steady to easier; yearlings, $5.50 5.75; wethers, $4.905.15; ewes, $4.40 4.85; lambs, $6.257.00. MOB STORMS MACON JAIL. Negro Prisoner Taken to Atlanta for Safekeeping. Macon, Ga., Oct. 8. Quiet reigns in tho workmen who wero standing near , this city and no further troublo Is Chicago Live Stock. Chicago, Oct. 9. Cattle Receipts, 7,500; stendy; beeves, .$3.907.25; cows and heifers, $1.G55.25; stockeio and feeders, $2.504.40; Texans, $3.70 4.40; westerns, $3.505.40; calves, $0.257.75. Hogs Receipts, 16,000; weak; mixed and butchers, $6.20 C.75; good heavy, $6.356.37Vj; rough heavy, $5.85G.26; llgM, $6.206.67y3; plgB, $5.706.25; bulk of sales, $6.25 6.65. Sheep Receipts, 25,000; steady; sheep, $3.505.35; Iambi, $4.607.50. C. H. Aldrlch Is Nominated. David City, Neb., Oct. 10. Chester H. Aldrlch has been nominated by tho Republicans for state senator from tho Nineteenth senatorial district x xjrkViVtkiVVxVWWAkNXWvifc Tho Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been In use for over 30 years, has borno tho signature of y7 d has been mado under his per- (jj6H!fonfcs 8onal supervision since its infancy. wcsje '-w-ewn Allow no ono to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good " are but Experiments that trlllo with and endanger tho health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphino nor other Narcotic substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms and allays Fcvcrlshncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of Children Find Father Dead. Shelby, Neb., Oct. 8. R. A. Mc Clung, living a mile west of here, was found dead ln his corncrib by his chil dren. A revolver shot pierced his breast and It Is thought ho committed sulcldo because of worry. His wife Is In tho Columbus hospital. His corn was destroyed by hall this fall. W& The KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TMC CENTAUR COMPANY, TT MUNNAV THCIT, NIW VOHK CITY. Dragging Down Pains are a symptom of trie most serious trouble which can attack a woman, viz: falling of the womb. With this, generally, comes Irregular and painful periods, weakening drains, backache, headache, nervousness, dizziness, ir ritability, tired feeling, etc. The cure Is CATARRH m. 4Cetv CTfiiW' w ljfl MLnl m&8K$z m wsrss. fUlvrn,r(0 M?W1 .-rwtK wgr St? A W3 SOK -XaCV so' m aSy fYORir WINE OF Cardui The Female Regulator that wonderful, curative, vegetable ex tract, which exerts such a marvelous, strengthening Influence, on all female organs. Cardui relieves pain and regulates the menses. It Is a suro and permanent cure for all female a complaints. At au uruggisis ana aeaicrs in xi.uu bottles. Ely's Cream Balm This Romody is a Specific, Sure'to Civo Satisfaction. nivrn dci ire at nunr 3 It clonnsea, soothes, healH, and protects tho diseased membrane. It cures Ontnrrn and drives awav a Cold in the Heud quickly. Restores tho Senses of Tasto and Smell. Easy to uso. Contains no injurious drugs. Applied into the nostrils and absorbed. Largo Size, GO cents at Druggists or by mail ; Trial Size, 10 conts by mail. ELY BROTHERS. 56 Warren St.. New York. u t "I SUFFERED AWFUL TAW tho derrick wero blown across tho street and either killed or injured, and a number of pedestrians were anticipated. Tho negro who shot Adams and Solomon was sent to At lanta for safekeeping. Tho military hurt by falling glass and signs from Is hold ln readiness In case of an emer- tho tall business houBos on both sides of Market and Sixth streets. Tho dead: John Lawless, Frank Loans, Gato Ilenlgo, John Scott, Frank Deldleman, Frank Croller, R. Caporo, John Pacy. FIFTEEN DIE IN A COAL MINE Four Bodies Are Recoered From Col liery at Blossburg, N. M. Denver, Oct. 6. According to a spe clal to tho News fifteen men are be lieved to havo been entombed in tho Dutchman mino, at Blossburg, N. M., by an explosion, which wrecked tho Savannah harbor expenditures, woro walls and roof of tho tunnel ln which ' in tho Jail whllo tho mob hammered they wero working. However, only J at tho Iron doors. After tho mob of six men aro positively known to havo ', fected an entrance, tho noted prison been In tho tunnel at tho tlmo of tho t ers mingled with tho enraged crowd ln gency Tho mob succeedod in breaking in to tho jail, but tho negro had beon placed in tho barracks under hoavy military guard. Adams and Solomon aro ln tho hos pital. Physicians cannot determine how seriously thoy aro wounded. Tho negro Fows, who did tho Bhooting, was wounded, but will recover. An other negro was shot through tho leg at tho jail whilo tho attack was be ing mado on tho prison. Oreono and Gaynor, two federal prisoners, convicted of frauds ln the Rural Carriers and Game Law. Lincoln, Oct. 8. Does a mall car rier on a star routo become a common carrier when he accepts passengers and packages for transportation, and 4 ln my womb and ovaries," writes Ars. Naomi uaie, oi weosicr urove, mo., ''i;o in my right and. left sides, and i iiinsus were very painful ain.1 u re r. Since ta'dng Cardui I led li..oa , .' woman ar.d do not suffer as I did. ( f is the best :ued:ine 1 overtook." f y- - at ii a-f - "' nfortu FEELING LIVER-ISH This Morning? TAKE INFLAMMATORY ItHEUMATISM CUIIKD S DAYS Morton L. Hill, of I.ebntioti. Ind.. huts: "M In hn llnlilo tr nrnupcMitinn for handling wlfe llftrt Inflammatory KheumatlBm In over j is no nauio to prosecution ior muiumis ..,, .,, 1olnt. her Mlff,,r WRH terribll illegal packages, tho same as a rail- and her b djr anil face rere swollen almost hi rnnil or nn oxnrpqs oomnanv would be? ynd rccofCi itlon: had been In bed nix wenk roau or an express company woum u-j an( hft(1 eI(?ht yci,,,, but rHColvert m Chief Gamo Warden Carter has a benedt until nho tried tho Mystic euro foi orlmlnni nnmnlnlnt nn llln In which a Hhoumatlsm. It pave Immediate roller and criminal complaint on Ilio in wmen u ihe was able to walk about In three davB. tan postnl wagon carrier, operating a mire it savnd her life." Sold by ll. B Orlot route between North Platte and Druwdst. Rod cloud Gandy, Is accused of hauling pralrlo chickens to tho former place and do- j A u,ranteC(, CifC ff peSt Mvorincr tnom to a hoiui Kuuuur. iu fowls aro sent by a "pot hunter" liv ing near Myrtle. Tho knotty point was submitted to tho attorney gon erul's office for an opinion. Itching, blind, bleeding, protruding piles. Druggists are authorized to refund money if Pnzo Ointment fails to cure in 0 to 14 days. 50 cents. ufju-LiudaHa A Gentle Laxative And Appetizer HOLLISTER'a ftneky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Jasy Medlolns for Busy People. Brings Qoldon Health And Renewed Vigor. A Hiiocifla for Constipation, IndlKOstlon, Live iintl Klilney Troubles. Pimples, Eczema, Iinpur iloou, Bad Urenth, RltKTcrlsh Dowels, Headache- md Ilnctairho. It's Rocky Mountain Ton In tao- t form, 3 emits n box. Genuine made by loLLiSTErt Dnun Company, Madison, Wis. .OLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE explosion, but tho usual night shift numbers fifteen, and nono of them havo boon located outsldo of tho mlno. Rescuing parties havo taken out four (lend bodies, ono of which has boon Identified ns Jans Janlskl. All but ono of tho night shift were Aus trlans. perfect composure. TOJS AAJL JL? 9 ules MflHn The medicinal virtues of the crude gum9 and realm $aKr obtained from the Native Pino have been recognized " by the medical profession for centuries. Pine-ules Contain the virtues of the Native Pino that are of value in reliev ing Backache, Kidney, Blood, Bladder and Rheumatic Troubles. GUARANTEED TO GIVE SATISFACTION OR HONEY REFUNDED. k DOSE AT BED TIME WILL USUALLY RELIEVE THE MOST SEVERE CASS BEFORE MORNING. CHE Negro Preachers Offer Special Prayers New York, Oct. 8. Pursuant to nn appeal issued recently by Dlshop Alexander Walters of tho African Zlon M. B. church, prayers wero of- Flredumn hns sottled In the fered in all of tho negro Protestants tunnel, rnaklnn rescuo In tho tunnel, churches ln this city for more cordial ' To Cure a Cold in Oi Take Laxative Bromo Quinine i Tablets. e .Mi i. Thic ciarnatrrrr.. V- seven nuiBon ot win ui jiua v....... T Cures Grip In Two Days. on every pvt BOX, 25c