The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 12, 1906, Image 5

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M; J
C II. Kaley went to Nelson Thurs
day. Dishwasher wanted at J. O. Llnd
ley'B. Dr. E. A. Thomas, Dentist, Damcrcll
Miss Cora Uarber of Lincoln is home
for a vibit.
New laues, embroideries, neckwear,
F. Newhouse.
A good barn for rent. Inquire of
A. E. Stroll in.
Roy Oarber was down from llloom
ington Thursday. ' '
County Treasurer Erahm was in
J'.lue Hill Sunday.
Wilbur Peterson was in Franklin
the first of the week.
Mrs. Anna Tulleys is visiting in
1'lay Center, Nebraska.
A good barn and corn crib to rent.
Inquire of A. E. Strohm.
W. l' Renkel was down from Ina
vale the first of the week.
Mrs. .losie Moranvillo went to Fair
bury Wednesday morning.
Sherwood Albright went to Norton,
Kansas, Monday morning.
Dr. and Mrs. .1. T. Homford leave
Sunday morning for Omaha.
Mrs. C. F. Gund was down from
lUue Hill the first of the week.
II. II. Hinkins of Riverton was in
Red Cloud the first of the week.
Mrs. II. J. Martz of Liberty visited
In the city Sunday with her sons.
Fred Steffen came down from Hast
ings yesterday for a few days' visit.
Hereafter electric light fixtures will
be on sale at City Clerk Fort's office.
Colonel Kaley returned Tuesday
from a trip to the eastern part of the
Robert Harris is building a fine new
barn on his farm five miles north of
Sheridan and Fred Phares came
home Monday from a week's stay in
The Inavale Independent Telephone
company is putting in a direct toll line
to Red Cloud. '
Mrs. J. L. Miner and daughter Irene
returned Sunday morning from their
visit in Denver.
Mrs. C. II. Crone of Ottawa, Kansas,
is the guest of her daughter, Mrs.
Shrank Peterson.
Miss Evelyn Rrodstono of London,
England, is the guest of Mrs. C. II.
Miner this week.
Al Kubiek returned to his homo in
McCook Sunday night, after a visit
here with relatives.
Mr. F. A. Lyda went to Denver
Tuesday morning, where she intends
to remain all winter.
Mrs. John Martz and children of
."Seward were in Red Cloud Sunday
visiting her husband.
Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Geor and child
ren spent Sunday in Republican City
with Mr. Geer's parents.
The improvements at the water
works have Jjcen resumed 'under the
-supervision of Homer Raker.
Mrs. J. D. Crans returned Wednes
day morning from Kansas City, where
she has been visiting relatives.
The electricians are this week con
necting the street wiring with the
residences that have been wired.
Mrs. John Van IJaren and daughter
Mabel returned to their home in Rurr
Oak, Kansas, Wednesday morning.
J. II. llailey' returned the first of
,hc week from Rawlins, Wyo., where
he has been visiting his son Grant
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Saladen of Garfield
township are rejoicing over twin girls,
which arrived at their home Wednes
day. Mr. and Mrs. George Matkins and
little Alva Myers of Inavale went to
McCook Thursday evening to visit rel
atives. Tone the liver, move the bowels,
cleanse the system. Dade's Littlo
Liver Pills never gripe. Henry Cook's
-drug store.
Even the candidates do not seem to
be taking much intorest in the coming
election. At least that's the way it
appears to us.
Mr. and Mrs. George Valentino of
Kozcman, Mont., aro visiting Mrs.
Valentine's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Peterson.
Vardmaster Goth yesterday pur
chased the residence of J. K. Wall on
South Seward street. The considera
tion was SI, 100.
A very gratifying Increase in the at--tendanco
at the M. E. church Sunday
ovening of the young men of this city.
The church and pastor appreciate this
and will try to interest jou. Come
Mrs. Prevos and Mrs. Uuell of Leba
non, Kansas, were In Red Cloud the
first of the week visiting their broth
er, Otis Frazler.
Pincsalve eleauses wounds, is highly
antiseptic, uncqualed for cracked
hands. Good for cuts. Sold at Henry
Cook's drug store.
Quick service and the best of work
guaranteed at the Urunswlck Harbor
Shop, basement of the Potter block.
M. A. Mercer, Prop.
Mrs. Mabel Thompson came down
from Grand Island Monday for a visit
at the home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. G. W. Lindsey.
Congressman G W. Norrls will speak
at Guide Rock next Thursday evening,
October 18, and at Rlue Hill Friday
evening, October 10.
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Cowden gave a
reception Tuesday evening for Miss
Evelyn Hrodstonoof London, England,
formerly of Superior.
W. E. Thome, candidate for state
Senator, and W. R. Anderson, candi
date for Commissioner, were down
from Hidden Monday.
Following the meeting of the Degree
of Honor next Tuesday evening the
ladies will serve a lunch. All members
are urged to be present.
Miss Ethel Donnelly, who has been
visiting with Postmaster and Mrs.
Hacker, returned to her home in Lin
coln Wednesday morning.
E. J. Soloman, J. II. Current, Rev.
Farley and Will Lamphere were down
from llluden Tuesday to attend the
central committee meeting.
Church services at the Indian creek
Congregational church next Sunday
afternoon at 3 o'clock. Rev. A. A.
Cressman will conduct the services.
Christian Rasscr has been granted a
pension of 812 a month, being the
maximum rate under the age limit of
the act of 1890. Fred Maurer was his
W. II. Thompson of Grand Island,
Democratic candidate for U. S. Senator,
addressed a small crowd at the court
house Monday evening. There was
not much enthusiasm.
Charles Gust, who lived in Webster
county some twenty years ago, but
who has been making his home in
Alabama of late years, returned to
Red Cloud last Friday to live.
When wanting any Edison or Victor
records remember that Newhouse
Rros. have the largest line in the city.
Remember that they have each month's
new records as soon as they come out
We arc prepared to receive about
forty or fifty bushels of good potatoes
on subscription. Now, please don't
swamp us just bring them in a few
bushels at a time, so we can take care
of them.
Radical changes-have recently been
made in the Methodist church choir.
Among the new additions to that or
ganization arc Miss Duckcr, soprano,
is here. .See me for
all kinds of
and Gloves
New Pickles to i4r
rive Next Week.
Dill Pickles ic each
Sweet and Sour. . .5c doz
Highest Price Paid
for Produce
All the Phones
and Mr. Alvln Snapp, who will 1 er
after lead the choir.
O. C. Teel has purchased the books
and business of the Webster County
Abstract company from Walker it
llailey, and beginning next week the
business will be conducted in Mr.
Teel's olllce In the Overtng block.
The- Relief Corps held a meeting
Saturday afternoon and after the
meeting the members had a Japanese
lunch. The dining room and tables
were decorated in Japanese style, and
the waiters wore Japanese costumes.
Many men give lavishly of gold,
To build bridges and castles and
towers of old;
If you want everlasting fame, a
benefactor be,
Give the poor jmd needy Rocky Mount
ain Tea. C. L. Getting.
F. A. Kuehn and family left Tuesday
morning for Forest Grove, Oregon,
where they expect to make their home.
Mr. Kuehn Is a civil engineer of ex
ceptional ability and has done much
work In that line for this eity and
Mr. and Mrs. James Pickering of Los
Angeles, Cal., are guests of Mr. and
Mrs. V. 11. Fulton this week. Mr.
Pickering was an operator at the Hur
lington depot when Art Welseh was
station agent some fifteen or sixteen
years ago.
This is the season of decay and
weakened vitality. Nature is being
shorn of its beauty and bloom. If
you would retain yours, fortify your
system with Hollister's Rocky Moun
tain Tea. 35 cents, tea or tablets. C.
L. Cottlng.
About thirty members of the Re
bekah and I. O. O. F. lodges of this
city went to Nelson Thursday to at
tend the annual picnic and assist in
the dedication of the new I. O. O. F.
hall at the Nuckolls county capital.
That they had a good time there is no
The ladies of the Relief Corps gave
a delightful surprise party for Mrs.
Savilla Rife, Monday evening, at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Robbins.
The affair was in the nature of a fare
well to Mrs. Rife, who, witli her sons,
will leave Monday for Beatrice to
make their home.
The chances are that when St. Peter
opens wide the pearly gates and
Gabriel blows his trumpet for the
bones to rise, John O. Yelser will ap
pear somewhere on the scene with an
injunction. Omaha Examiner. You
can bet that John will be somewhere
in the neighborhood.
We would suggest that when the
time comes for painting the electric
light poles, they' be painted green.
Green is one of the most pleasing
colors to the eye, and by painting the
poles this color they would hardly be
noticed among the heavy foliage in
spring and summer months.
The Farmers' Mutual Telephone Co.
will soon install a new switchboard in
the central offco at Red Cloud. The
new switchboard will cost 8325 and
will accommodate 100 lines. The new
board has all the latest improvements
and when it is installed the service
will be much more satisfactory.
Geo. P. Miller, who has been operat
ing a cigar factory in Red Cloud for
the past fow months, expects to soon
close out his business and locate in the
eastern part of the state. Mr. Miller
has made many friends while here.
While he has had a fair business,
he believes he can do better elsewhere.
Tiik Cuikk was late last weelc owing
to delay in receiving the copy for the
delinquent tax list, which the law re
quires to be published the first week
in October. A glance will show that
the list of delinquents is but little
more than half as long as last year,
while the lists in the newspapers from
surrounding counties are more than
twice as long as those of Webster,
showing that our citizens are more
prosperous and more prompt in pay
ing their taxes than our neighbors.
Rev. J. M. Hates, rector of Grace
Episcopal church, left Monday for a
visit with his family In Lincoln, where,
on Wednesday, he and his estimable
wife celebrated the thirtieth anni
versary of their marriage. From Lin
coln Mr. Hates will go to Valentine,
Neb., for a visit with his son, who is
register of the land office at that place.
Mr. Rates expects to spend a few days
in Cherry county, where he formerly
did missionary work, and will put in
his time visiting old friends, fishing
and hunting.
lor Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars tho
Signaturo of
We are doing the Shoe
Business of the town
See our fall Line and you
will answer the question.
Famous Brands
The Selz
The Florsheim
King Quality
No advance in price on
high grade shoes. Bought
early before the advance
in leather.
Men's Fall Suits, Over
coats, Pants, WatsandFurn
ishing Goods ready for your
Wo don't got Grouohy if you
don't buy but want you All to soo
thorn. Cowilon-Kaloy Co. prions
prevail all through our linos. That
nieauB a littlo lower than the other
lobe Cowden-Haley Clothing Co.,
First Door North of Postoftfce, Red Cloud, Nebr.
Ed Amuck was in Omaha last week
and while there took a special course
in embalming. The course was ar
ranged for by the Omaha Casket Co.,
and instructions and demonstrations
were given by two experts from the
east. On Wednesday Mr. Amuck re
ceived word that he had successfully
passed the state examination. The
manager of the Omaha Casket Co.,
states that this last examination was
the severest that has yet been given
by the state board, and we are pleased
to note that Mr. Amuck was success
ful in passing it.
Commissioner Tomlinson suggests
that It would be to the interests of the
water consumers of Red Cloud to clean
.vvAVAVV",,N -
Ladies' Cloaks
Skirts, Hats
We have on sale the largest
and most up-to-date line of
Ladies', Misses' and Children's
Cloaks and Skirts ever shown
in Red Cloud.
Do Not Be Mislead
by so-called "special"
Sales. A look at our Cloaks
will convince you that we can
and do undersell all competitors on Ladies' Tailored
Skirts. Our stock is now complete and it is recog
nized and admitted by even our competitors that the
kmLmm m f
uH SBJuJvf i
Copyright 1906
Tho Horn of Kuppnhalmr
out their meter boxes and see that
they are tightly covered before cold
weather sets in. Mr. Tomlinson finds
that many of the boxes are filled with
mud, water and trash, and there is
danger of the meters freezing unless
they are attended to. He lias also
found about twenty meters that are
not In working order, some of them
running backward and others not
running at all, many of them being
put in reversed.
A sour stomach, a bad breath, a
pasty complexion and other conse
quences of a disordered digestion aro
quickly removed by the use of Ring's
Dyspepsia Tablets. Two days treat
ment free. Hold at Henry Cook's
drug store.
is superior in style
and workmanship
to any other.
New Pa-ttern. end
Trimmed Hats
Just in.
and smi
Come in
?Jfr I
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