6 9wraw? W ( tlBRltiBBB&M&GiGASGkiiSkltPfGl&iti i THE RED CLOUD CHIEF Subscription $1 a. Year irv Advance UlMJIlBwriUltUUULni WannK flBR I Eight Pages All Home Print I mwLvJtJutJUtJM weie$smww? VOLUME XXXIV. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. OCTOBER 12, 1900. NUMBER 42 K Vr r ) T Tuesday, October 16, 1906 Commencing at 10 a. m., at my place four miles south of Guide Rock, Nebraska. HOG Pure Bred Duroc JERSEYS 1 80 HEAD OF TRIED SOWS Fall Yearlings. Spring Males and Gilts. 5 Horses and 1 Buy, Mare G yrs 1275. iu foul by Jack. 1 Roan Mnre 9 yrs 1100, in foal by Jack. 1 Bny Horse 7 yrs 1150. v 1 Bay Horse 10 yrs 1000. 1 Bay Horse G yrs DOT. 1 Spotted Filley flue one. 1 Bay Mare Colt weight 550. 2 Colts old, weight old, weight old, weight old, weight old, weight 1 yr old, a 5 mos old, 10 Tons of Alfalfa Hay In larn TERMS OF SALE. All sums of $10 aud under, cash; on sums over that amount a credit of eight months will he given, purchaser giving note with approved security, bearing 8 per cent interest from date. No prop erty to be removed till settled for by cash or note. S DVLi UKATEIli Auctioneer! Two Runaways. Hard luck seems to pursue Al Slab'. lie lias lost more horses, hud more runaways and more rigs smashed up thun any two liverymen who ever did business in Red Cloud. Sunday morn ing Lew Clapp, Mr. and Mrs. Will Kohrer and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Roby and children were out riding in one of Slaby's rigs, when two fellows on horseback ran into the team. One of the horses gave a lunge, breaking the breast strap. Clapp, who was driving turned the team into the bank at the roadside, running the pole of the car riage into the ground and breaking it. The carriage was overturned and the occiipants spilled out. Will Rohrer badly strained an old injury in reach ing down to pick the baby from the ground. In thu afternoon Ed Taylor hired one of Al's rigs to drive out to his school. John Arett was driving, and when in the north part of town the team became frightened at a barking dog and tore down Cedar street to the corner of Third, where they straddled a telephone pole. The tongue of the I'Ufftfy penetrated the pole about two inches. Taylor and Arett were both thrown out, but were unhurt. The buggy tongue was broken unfa the liarncss badly torn. The "Dlpso" Fraud. One of the heavy items of expense to the county, and one which is abso SALE 70 SHOATS, Ones. Nice Thrifty Farm Implements. 1 New Wagon. 1 Now Peed Grinder. 1 Dipping Tank. 1 Mowor. 1 Rake. 1 Lister. 1 Cultivator. New Hog Rack. Good Tank. Set inch Harness. Numerous other articles. A new pair of Farm Scales at private sale. 2 MILK COWS, 2 aid 4 yrs old J. F. LANE v JL JJ1111 JJ lutely of no benefit to any one, is that of sending dipsomaniacs to the asylum at Lincoln. The victim receives no treatment calculated to destroy the appetite for strong drink, but is mere ly confined in the asylum among the horde of insane people for a period of three months. It is astounding what fool legislation a body of supposedly intelligent men can pass when they once get at it. Here are a few figures showing what it costs to send a "dipso" to the nsylum for three months, provided he docs not fight the case: Sheriff 's fees, 2 days at 83 8 fl 00 Mileuge H 00 Itourd and lodging 4 no Railway fare for "dipso" 3 85 Warrant l 00 Clerk of the court 10 00 Examining physician's fee 8 00 Attorney's fee 3 00 Hoard at asylum 45 00 Total 804 85 Why should we license saloons to make drunkards, if we arc compelled to pay 894.85 per head for sobering them up? If all the "dipsomanics" in Webster county wore sent to the asylum, the annual levy would have to be doubled or trebled. If you huve lost your boyhood spirits, courage and confidence of youth, wo offer you new life, fresh courage and freedom from ill health in Ilollistcr's Rocky Mountain Tea. 35 cents, tea or tablets. C. L. Cotting. Business College Notes The Trier sisters now enter the second season under our management. They arc made up of live bona fide sisters, the sopranos being; twins, the altos being twins and Edna, the eld est, is but thirty-five months older thun the youngest. As a quintette they have been singing for ten years, and after two years' training took up regular work for us. They are ut once the most novel sisters combina tion on the road and have the distinct advantage of all being solo voices, all talented and all well trained. That they are the greatest sisters combina tion ever put out we now assert, and it will be but a mutter of a short time until they have a national fame. Thousands have already been highly pleased with them. Midland Lyceum Bureau. Paul Dietrick recited from Crawford at the Reading Circle meeting of the county teachers at the Congregational church Saturday. Mr. Rlacklcdgc and Mr. Overing and Miss Skjelvei had papers which were all good. State Superintendent Mcltrien made a talk or rather reud clippings from some speech to the teuehers. The writer has heard Mr. Mcltrien a num ber of times but so far he has, never given the speech he was billed to give. Those things are disappointing sometimes, but one thing about Mr. Mcltrien is that he always has some thing good even if not on the subject advertised. Prof. Paul Dietrick made a nice trip at 7 o'clock into the country with Itev. Hummel Monday morning to take some pictures of the minister's alfalfa field as the fourth cropwas in cocks for the hay buck. He took five pic tures while there and then was back in time for the 8:40 period in school. They were fine pictures for such early birds. The drive into the country did the professor good. The students arc out selling season tickets for the College Lecture course and they are having fine success. Every one knows that the Midland Bureau puts up a good course, and of course they buy readily. Then the course is only 81.50 for the five num bers, with 81 for all students of the college and the public schools. Rev. Farley, Wm. Lamphere, J. II. Current and E. J. Solomon of llluden called at the college Monday and looked over the school. We are al ways glad to show our school to visit ors. Give us a chance. Some in the class of Chartier short hand have written 03 words in less than one minute and have only been J ,. 41... . ... i. 1- rt I uu iiiu jriu-iu uiiu wcuit. wi course this is all studied mutter. Come up at 8 o'clock and see our boys and girls read figures in the Rapid Calculation class. They add al most as fast as the numbers can be placed on the boards. Mr. Gilham gave us another talk on the stars, also a word analysis of the word "Glory." The students enjoy his talks and are all glud to huve him come. Our typewriting classes uro making fine head-way in their work, Miss1 Cleta Drain being the leader now with Kurl Spcncc u close second. Ray Palmer is sending messages over the wires now in true telegra pher's style. Ray will get there all right. Prof. A. J. Dietrick and wife made a trip to Guide Rock and North Branch Saturday in the interests of the college. George Corner, Close Emigh and Ilalbert Thomas are new students in the typewriting class this week. Mr. Dietrick re;id from Longfellow last Thursday and from Riley this week. 1 The Gregg shorthand class took n letter from dictation this week. MISSED THE DETECTIVE. George Hcaton Was Late In Arriving In Lincoln. Lincoln Star: George lleutou, the Rod Cloud man who was "touched" by Grace Allen, a colored women one night during the fair week, appeared In police court this morning with 'the air of u tardy school boy. The hear ing of the case against the Allen woman was scheduled for Saturday, but when the hour hove In sight noth ing of the complaining witness was to be seen. The hour passed, and County Attorney Caldwell was indignant clear to his toes. lie ordered the issuance of a warrant, and a detective went up to Red Cloud yesterday afternoon to find that the complainant hud come to Lincoln Saturday evening. It was explained to Mr. Hcaton that his failure to appear had caused a hitch in justice and also the Issuance of a warrant for himself. He was duly surprised and stated that he was stopping at a local hotel, where lie registered Saturday afternoon on his arrival on a late train. Heaton was warmly embraced by a buxom colored girl one night during fair week, as he was standing in an alley just out of the jostle of the hurrying crowds. After the squeeze was over he missed his purse and started after the ileeing Miss Allen, who led him a block through the thickest crowds before he finally cup tured her. In the meantime, however, the pockctbook was dropped. ghacj: ai.i.kn iiki.. From Tuesday's Star. 4 George Heaton, an aged man from Red C16ud, who after a long chase cap tured the swift-footed colored girl whom he thought had grabbed his watch and then his purse, one night of fair week, told all about it in police court this morning. As Heaton told his story, Mrs. Allen became perceptibly agitated. He re lated how she had approached him as he stood in the alley, how she had thrown her arms about him, how he felt his watch leaving his pocket and when he grabbed it buck, discovered that his purse was also gone. He sprinted after her "right smart" and almost caught her. A young man stopped her in front of the Western Union telegraph office and she was held until the police came. Then the defendant was put on the stand. She said that she was in com pany with a girl friend of hers, named Viola Bell. The mysterious Viola was not produced in court, but Grace said it was she who had done the alley trick. "This man stopped Viola and wunt cd to talk to her in the alley," said Gruce. "Pretty soon, Viola yelled that the police was coming and she took off down the alley and I run the other way, coming out on the street the same time. Then a young man caught me at the Western Union." On her admission of being captured while running, Police Judge Cosgruve held her to the district court under 8500 bonds, which she could not furn ish. While she was waiting, "Ed" Proc tor of Omaha, formerly notorious in Lincoln affairs, was brought Into the station. Detective Malone had seen him in town and supposed he had come to help defend his daughter, the woman under arrest. On his arrival, the girl broke into uncontrollable screams and tears and fairly drenched the police court iioor. Nlss Stonebrcaker Injured. While assisting In putting up a stovepipe Tuesday afternoon, at her home, Miss Ella Stonebreuker fell from a table upon which she was standing, breaking her right wrist. Medical uld was summoned and she Is now getting along us nicely us could be expected. TWENTY YEARS AGO Items of News Found In The Chief of Twenty Years Ago This Week "y v- v Dick Gray of Norton, Kansas, Is itt the city. The little baby of A. N. Patmor-i died last Sunday. Frank Ituschow was down from Blue Hill this week. (ieo. O. Hamilton of Iowa Is a now arrival in Red Cloud. I). P. Newcomer, our next eountjr roprescntutive, was in the city this, week. Rev. C. W. Springer has returned to Red Cloud after an absence of severnV weeks. The fourteenth annual Webster county fair this week was a decided success. United States Senator Van Wyclc made a speech at the fair grounds. Thursday. E. II. Elliott of Tonlca, Illinois, brother of Mrs. J. S. Emigh, Is visit ing in the city. Miss Carrie Miner, who has beei quite seriously ill for the past twow weeks, is convalescing. Mrs. 0. W. Kuley received word this week that a sister living in Kansas, was very ill and not expected to live. It. F. Itoynton, a "Q" conductor,, and wife, who have been in the county several weeks, br"! returned to Illi nois. Fire was discovered in uiu Fourth avenue hotel one night this week, but was extinguished before much daux age was done. MlmlPF V2i-tit linu tM4tinAT 4wm fl- ..it from linois, having in custody Frank' Dale,. v wanted at Blue Hill for defraudlngr thc milling companies there. Lincoln Schultz of Blue Hill was one trial in this city this week on a charge of assault with intent to kill. He was. bound over to the district court. G. W. Rise will now arise early to. view his two babies. His efforts: to. make a city of Inavale will not bo in. vain should he o(ftcn increase the pop ulation in that manner. Wm. Hooper, living near Judsonv Kansas, patronized the traveling: "painless" dentist last Thursday Hooper's jaw was dislocated, and it cost him 85 to have the organ replaced by Dr. E. A. Hall. Through the efforts of Attorney J L. Kaley a street fakir playing- a gouge game was arrested and fined Add to this the 8!.'5 license and S10 he returned to the man he robbed,. and it would seem the fakir was out. of luck. The new buildings are being pushed rapidly. The Sherer-Lindsey building is almost ready for the roof, while the-Miller-Cotting building is receiving" the first lloor joist. The Moon block is almost ready for the first fioor, and the Kellogg building is almost ready for occupancy. Joe Holcomb of Walnut creek some time ago sent a man named Monotte to Nemahn county to get a horse that lie left there. He reported the horse dead, and in conversation with Mr. Holcomb on the train about the mat ter ho became alarmed and jumped from the train near Amboy. He was. afterward arrested and held for horse stealing. Judho.v, Kan. While returning: from Red Cloud recently the axle of George Mountford's buggy broke and let the buggy drop, throwing Mr. and Mrs. Mountford out The acreage- of winter wheat is larger this year than last. Inavai.i: L. N. Edson los. a S200 horse this week in a runaway accident ...J. O. Chamberlain Thos. Vaughn,. V. D. Hutchinson and Chas. Hnntor camo to the front with four boys, and now (Jeo. Rise has produced twin girla; to increase the population AL Good Templar lodge has been institut ed here. $: H ) ft r .' I i II : K n I tffif , a- iii" Ml ;I !-! n A ,' ijiirtiiyflHffr)rntfyWflrnrirniiiiiiiiMiiww iv fct mt -s ttWi