The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 05, 1906, Image 5

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Pure Stock
Red Cloud Chief
Lady Gertrude
No Better Made
C. V. dither is a Lincoln visitor this
Dr. E. A. Thomas, Dentist, Datnerell
Ralph Van Clcof has returned from
Attorney Walters is down from I Hue
this week.
C. W. Kaley went to Beatrice Fri
day morning.
Mike Dunlin was down from Blue
Hill Tuesday.
A good barn for rent. Inquire of
A. E. Strohm.
New laces, embroideries, neckwear,
F. Newhouse.
John Paugh was down from Blue
Hill Wednesday.
Miss Mary Erfman of Cowles was in
the city Tuesday.
Ed Amack, the furniture man, is in
Omaha this week.
Mrs. 11. G. Lindley was down from
Riverton Tuesday.
Miss Alpha Longtin is an Omaha
visitor this week. .
V. A. Comstock of Omaha was in
Red Cloud Monday.
Oscar Burroughs was visiting friends
in Franklin Sunday.
Mrs. John Polnieky is in Omaha at
tending the Ak-Sar-Ben.
Bruce Frame was visiting his par
tints in Blue Hill Sunday.
Miss Ollie Gard goes to Lincoln in a
few days to visit her sister.
Lennie Metcalf has accepted a posi
tion in Argabright's studio.
Mrs. Cecil McCall, who has been
sick, is reported some better.
W. T. Hall of Chicago was visiting
Miss Blanche Foster Thursday.
Dr. and Mrs. E. A- Creighton are in
Omaha attending the Ak-Sar-Ben.
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Cowden return--tid
Friday morning from Superior.
Evening services at the M. E. church
will begin at 7:30 in place of 8 p. m.
Mrs. Sidney White was down from
Blue Hill Wednesday visiting relatives.
Mrs. Sherwood Albright returned
home from Stamfo'd Sunday morning.
Charley Milligan, Jr., is in Omaha
this week attending the Ak-Sar-Ben.
Mrs. John Tomlinson returned Mon
day from a visit with friends in Kau
nas. A. B. Myers' sale on Wednesday was
well attended and everything sold
J. C. Myers returned Wednesday
morning from a trip to Denver, Colo
rado. flee Argabright before you buy your
room mouldings and get the correct
Win. Sullivan went to Boulder, Col
orado, Saturday evening to visit his
Mr. and Mrs. George J Warren are
home from a pleasure trip to Portland,
Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Fox are the
parents of a baby born Thursday
Sherwood Albright is having a new
house built in the north west part of
the city. '
Darley Plumb, waiter at the Bon
-Ton, is in Omaha attending thu Ak-Sar-Ben.
Dr. M. U. Thomas went to Weeping
Water Wednesday morning on a busi
ness trip.
E. Welsch is making preparations
to again open the Windsor Hotel at
the depot.
J. E. Burggess of Hastings was in
town this week in the interest of the
K. P. lodge.
Messrs. Jones aud Lutz came down
from Hastings this morning in their
touring car.
Mr and Mrs. A. E. Strohm re
turned Tuesday morning from a visit
in Kivorton.
Patronize the college by buying a
season ticket to the lecture course
this wlnler.
Mr. and Mrs. F. It. Mandeville and
children returned from Seward Thurs
day evening.
The infant daughter ofJMr. and
Mrs. George Bradshaw died the close
of last week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Hale returned
from a trip to Denver, Colorado, Thurs
day morning.
George Overing returned Thursday
morning from a business trip to
Wray, Colorado.
Mrs. A. A. Reed of Superior was the
guest of D. M. Abel and family the
first of the week.
C. W. Kaley returned Wednesday
morning from a business trip to
Boulder, Colorado.
Sheriff Hedge and wife went to
Omaha Tuesday morning on No. II to
attend the Ak-Sar-Ben.
The W. 11. ('. meets Saturday at
their hall at J:.'U) p. m. All members
are requested to be present.
Mr. aiul Mrs. II . N. Ilutledge de
parted Sunday morning for a month's
visit in Richmond, Kentucky.
Percy McBride of Kearney was in
Red Cloud Tuesday and Wednesday
visiting friends and relatives.
The members of the Degree of
Honor were royally entertained at ii
banquet last Tuesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gerlaeh of Rose
mont were in Red Cloud Saturday
visiting J. A. McArthur and family.
Mrs. B. M. Grice returned Saturday
from Bladen, where she had been at
tending the fair and visiting friends.
Mrs. George Hollister went to Hast
ings Monday noon to attend the
Grand Lodge of the Degree of Honor.
Sid Leturnea and Ed Valcore of
Aurora, Kansns, were in Red Cloud
Sunday visiting with Warren Longtin.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Waskom are the
parents of a baby boy born Sunday.
Mrs. Waskom is here with her mother.
Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Derge and fam
ily of Lebanon, Kansas, were guests
of Dr. and Mrs. M. U. Thomas Sunday.
The finest line of mouldings and
picture frames in the Republican val
ley can be seen at Argabright's studio.
Robinson & Burden's delivery horse
took a little spin up Main street Tues
day evening, without serious results.
Mrs. M. E. Skinner, who has been
visiting Mrs. Carrie West, returned to
her liame in Elgin, Illinois, this morn
ing. Philip Bock and Ray Kruger were
in the city Wednesday enroute from
Kansas City to their home in Blue
Foil Sai.k a five room house with
bIx lots on a corner. One of the best
We Want
You to
Phone Us
If you could be sure
to get the right qual
ity and a square deal
you would phone for
your groceries, would
n't you? We give
both. Phoning saves
Try Us
15he GR.OCER
All the Phonos
locations in the city. Inquire at this
Mr. and Mrs. Joe EggholTer of Law
rence were in Red Cloud Monday at
tending the funeral of Fred Brad
brook. Judge Edsou issued a license Mon
day, October 1, to Fred Blolmum aud
Mrs. Maggie Kurtz of Nuckolls
Mrs. C. L. Winfrey went to Omaha
Monday to visit her daughter, .Mrs
Vern Aekley, and also attendthe Ak-Sar-Ben.
Mrs. Carrie Went, who has been vis
iting her son, Wm. West aud family
in Naponee, returned home Tuesday
Frank Kuehn and family will leave
in a few days for Forest Grove, Ore
gon, where they will make their fu
ture home,
Tone the liver, move the bowels,
cleanse the system. Dade's Little
Liver Pills never gripe. Henry Cook's
drug store.
Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Turnmvwent to
Excelsior Springs, Missouri, Monday
morning for the benefit of Mr. Tur
nure's health.
Charles Schultz and W. E. Brown
are in Omaha this week attending the
Photographers' association, aud also
the Ak-Sar-Ben.
Mrs. A. Johnson, who has been vis
iting in Illinois with her parents for
several months past, returned home
Monday evening.
Pinesalve cleanses wounds. ishighly
antiseptic, unequaled for cracked
hands. Good for cuts. Sold at Henry
Cook's drug store.
Are you troubled with piles? One
application of MauZan will give you
immediate relief. Sold at Henry
Cook's drug store.
Miss Clara McMillan, assistant post
mistress, accompanied by her sister,
Miss Bertha McMillan, are Omaha
visitors this week.
Miss Clara Austin was visiting in
Franklin Sunday with her sister,
Miss Edna, who is attending the
Franklin academy.
Mrs. R. K. Skeen departed Wednes
day morning for Omaha, and then to
Kansas City, where she will visit for
some time with friends.
Mrs Amanda Cummings returned
home Sunday evening from a several
weeks' visit with her daughte, Mrs.
Carl Jenkins, in Beatrice.
There will be a regular meeting of
Charity Chapter No. 47, 0. E. S. on
Monday, October 8, at 8 p. m. By
order of the Worthy Matron.
Walter Chinnock of Wymore was in
Red Cloud Tuesday visiting friends.
Mr. Chinnock was a resident of this
city about fourteen years ago.
Fon Sat.k one brick store building
two stories, 25 by 100; one restaurant
building, 25 by 00; one dwelling house,
with 0 lots. Inquire of James Mc
Guirc. V. B. Fulton goes to Fort Cobb,
Oklahoma, in about ten days, where
he will work with his father-in-law,
F. E. Goble, in the lumber yard until
Mr. and Mrs. John McCune returned
home last Saturday jrom Oconto, Ne
braska,1 where they were in attend
ance at the wedding of Mrs. McCune's
Misses Larson and Wilson were in
Red Cloud Thursday visiting Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Lyda. They were en
route from Denver to their home in
Miss Luella Jackson, niece of Mrs.
Carrie West, was taken sick the first
of the week, and will be unable to
return to her home in Elgin, Illinois,
for several days.
The new boiler for the electric light
plant arrived last Saturday, and Mr.
Martz, with his assistants, is now
placing it in position. It weighs ten
and one-half tons.
Mrs. Nettie Martin and Mrs. Carrie
Young of Doniphan, Nebraska, were
visiting at the home of their father,
Itev. G. W. Hummel, In Garfield pre
cinct, the first of the week.
L. II. Rust went to Batavia, Ohio,
Tuesday morning for a three weeks
yisit with relatives. It has been just
twenty years ago since Mr. Rust has
made a visit to his former home.
John Ilutledge came
Hebron Saturday night.
homo from
He went to
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars tho
Slgnaturo of
-" w w -
We are doing the Shoe
Business of the town
See our fall Line and you
will answer the question.
Famous Brands
The Selz
The FJorsheim
King Quality
No advance in price on
high grade shoes. Bought
early before the advance
in leather.
Men's Fall Suits, Over
coats, Pants, HatsandFurn
ishing Goods ready for your
Wo don't got Grouchy if you
don't buy but want you All to sou
them. Cowdon-Kaloy Co. prices
prevail all through our linos. That
meant) a little lower than the other
G'je Cowden-Ksiley Clothing Co.,
if U1VC mm iMm mr
First Door North of Postotttcc, Rod Cloud, Ncbr. B
Omaha Tuesday morning with his
daughter Nellie, who is attending the
deaf and dumb school at that place.
When wanting any Edison or Victor
records remember that Newhouse
Bros, have the largest line in the city.
Remember that they have each month's
new records as soon as they come out,
Rev. A. A. Cressman, the new pas
tor of the Congregational church of
this city, will preach his first sermon
as pastor of the church next Sunday
morning and evening. Be sure to go
aud hear him.
Mr. and Mrs. Omer Doling and
daughter and Mrs. A. P. Ely came
down from McCook Saturday and are
visiting E. B. Smith and family. Mr.
New Fall
The new Fall Goods are now arriving on
every train from the Eastern Markets.
These were recently bought by an ex
perienced Dry Goods buyer while in
Chicago and other large markets.
Millinery will be a leading feature in
our store this fall. Miss Clara Yaple of
Maryville, Mo., will have charge of this
department. Miss Yaple has had years
of experience in millinery and is an artist
in this line.
At this writing only part of the stock
is in, but we expect by the first of the
week the stock will be complete the
largest and best ever shown in the city.
Copyright 1906
The Home of Kuppsnhelmtr
Doling went to the eastern part of tho
state the first of the week.
You will miss it if you miss them.
What? Why the collegu lecture
course. Buy your ticket now and be
in with the rest. Almost 100 tickets
are now sold and you will be the only
one to stay at home if you don't go.
Manan relieves instantly the pain
caused by those blind, bleeding, itch
ing and protruding piles. It is put up
in collapsible tubes in such a way that
it can be applied where the trouble
originates, thus stopping the pain im
mediately. Try one bottle and if you
are not relieved, your money will be
refunded. Try our free offer. Sold at
Henry Cook's drug store.
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