The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 14, 1906, Image 8

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Entered In tho PoBtnlTlco at Red Cloud, Neb ,
its Second Clona Matter.
Intense interest In ContcBFTh Second
Congressional District Due to Cam
paign Conducted by Samuel Gompero
Against Llttleficld.
Portland, Me., Sept. 11. Governor
William T. Cobb, Republican, standing
on a platform devoted almost exclu
sively to a continuance of the pro-
tiililtnrv Imv nf llin stnto. WflH re
elected by a plurality of less than I
fc',000 votes, with but few exceptions
tho smallest margin of votes over .
given a Republican governor In Maine.
Cyrus Davis, the Democratic candi
date, for governor, polled one of tho
largest voles In the history of the
party In this state. Ills Issue In tho
campaign was the resubmission of the ,
liquor question, which was Incorpor-
ated in tho state constitution, lour
years ago.
More interesting from a certain t
standpoint was the re-election of Con-
gressman Charles E. Littlclleld (Rep.)
of the Second district by a greatly re-'
tluced plurality. Congressman Little
field's candidacy was tho subject of
bitter opposition on the part of Sam- I
uel Gompers, president of the Amer
ican Federation of Labor, who asked
for his defeat on tho grounds that ho
Lad voted against certain labor meas
ures at the last session of congress.
The issue between Gompers and Lit
tlclleld was taken up by the Repub
lican congressional committee and for
three weeks tho district has been tho
scene of a hard fight, where Secretary
of War Taft, Senator Lodge and Sen
ator Bcverldgo and several congress
men were pitted against the head of
tho Federation of Labor. Mr. Little
field's plurality is estimated at about
1,000. Congressman Edwin C. Bur
leigh, in the Third district, and Llew
elyn Powers in the Fourth were re
elected by 2,000 plurality. The re
election of Congressman Ames L.
Allen in the Fifth district is claimed
by tho Republican leaders.
Tho legislature will bo Republican
by a safe margin.
Returns from 450 cities and towns
out of 520 for governor are: Cobb,
(Rep.), 06,299; Davis (Dem.), 59,201.
Tho plurality in these towns four
years ago of Hill (Rep.) over Gould
(Dem.) was 25,374.
Returns for congressman from 100
of the 133 cities and towns in the Sec
ond district show a plurality for Con
gressman Llttleficld of 1,131, a net Re
publican loss of 4,100 over four years
ago. Tho vote: Llttleficld (Rep.),
17,321; McGllllcuddy (Dem.), 1G.187.
Of the twenty cities In tho state the
Republicans carried only Calais, East
port, Gardiner and Hallowed. Gov
ernor Cobb was saved by the country
Both Congressman Llttleficld and
Governor Cobb attribute tho almost
unprecedented slump In tho Repub
lican plurality to tho general dissatis
faction created by tho Sturgls bill
passed two years ago for the purpose
of enforcing tho prohibitory laws.
Oil Magnate Taken on Attachment at
St. Louis.
St. Louis, Sept. 11. H. Clay Pierce,
chairman of the executive board of
the Waters-Plerco Oil company, was
arrested at the corner of Broadway
and Olive street on an attachment Is
sued and served several weoks ago to
compel his attendance as a witness In
u civil suit, brought against the oil
company by John P. Gruot, tormer sec
retary, for salary. After having been
in tho custody of the deputy bhcrllTs
for more than an hour Commissioner
Allen agreed to accept bond and bo
was released.
At tho hearing Mr. Plerco denied
that the Waters-Piorco Oil company
ever had any understanding or made
any agreement with either the Repub
lic Oil company, tho Standard Oil
company of Indiana, or any other com
pany for the purposo of fixing or In
tending to fix or maintain tho prico at
which any of the products of petio
leum should bo sold on the market.
Dozen Persons Wounded in Attacks on
Departing Strike Breakers.
San Franclbco, Sept. 11. A disturb
ance that at times assumed the pro
portions of a riot marked tho depart
ure of 150 strike breakers Imported to
break the strike of the United railroad
employes. Surrounded by armed
guards and ns many members of tho
police department as could be rush oil
to tho scene, tho men wore marched
half way across tho city, pursued by a
mob of strike sympathizers, who
hurled bricks and ubusc. Becoming
frightened, tho guards and strike
breakers lost their heads and began
shooting. Tho affair ended at the fer
ry building, where twenty of the
armed guards were arrested. Reports
from tho hospitals of the city Indicate
that a dozen persons have been
wounded, but none seriously. Tho mob
was dispersed by tho police after tho
strike breakers had b"cn hurried
aboard a departing ferryboat.
Speculation Under Ban.
Washington, Sept. 8. Secretary
Shaw has made public a circular let
ter to nil national bank depositories,
in which he snys In effect that he ex
pects public moneys In depository
banks to be used in the communities
where It la deposited and not loaned
through brokers ami other agents In
New York for speculative purposes.
Burgfars In Every Room.
Herman, Neb., Sept. li Burglars
entered every occupied room In tho
Burdlck hotel looking for cash and
cash only. Thoyigot altogether about
$25. J
$15,000 Blnzc In Imperial.
Imperial, Neb., Sept. 10. Imperial
had a $15,000 lire, burning the Ki otter
Lumber company. Sheriff King's liv
ery barn and residence, also J. I. Sales
man's storeroom, all fairly well in
Bured. Tho fire Is under control.
Fall From Roof Is Fatal.
Fremont, Neb., Sept. 10. Joseph
Krumenacher of this city was killed
by falling off a roof at the barn of
Herman Lange, about four miles from
Scrlbner. He was putting up light
ning rods when he slipped, sliding
down the roof and fell to the ground,
striking heavily on his head and
shoulders. Death was almost Instant.
His body was brought to Fremont.
Attempts to Coard a Moving Train
at Stella.
Stella, Neb., Sept. 11. While trying
to board a moving Missouri Pacific
freight train hero Emmett Brlsley,
aged twenty-five years, was run over
and died from the injuries. His legs
were both cut off, one arm at tho
Bhoulder and there were other severe
Injuries. Tho young man's father lives
in Omaha.
Boycotts Omaha Families Who Testi
fied In Court to Short Weight.
Omaha, Sept. 8. The hand of von
gennce, wielded by the Omaha Ice
trust, has fallen heavily upon the fam
ilies of C. L. Ransom and C. W. Eck
erman. Their money Is as counterfeit
when It comes to buying Ice from the
trust. They were complaining wit
nesses In the case against the Omaha
Cold Storage company, which was
fined for Bhort weight last week. Now
tho ice man passes the homes of theBo
two families without so much as
speaking. One of the witnesses Ib
still the owner of a book bought from
tho Ice company and good for so
many pounds of Ice. Ho has taken his
taken his' troubles to the city attorney.
Move on Foot to Cut Down One Mill
Tax Levy for Institution.
Lincoln, Sept. 11. An inquiry is
being made Into the expenditures of
the State university, evidently with a
view to the Introduction of n bill In
tho next legislature to reduce tho 1
mill tax that goes to the support of
tho university. This levy has been
increasing from year to year owing
to the increase in the assessed valua
tion of all property of the stale. Tho
friends of tho university will opposo
a reduction of the 1 mill levy on tho
ground that all of tho money appro
priated by tho legislature Is needed
and that If tho university is to retain
its place in the educational world It
must be liberally supported. It Is
said that during the last five years
Missouri. Iowa, Minnesota and Illinois
universities have boon taking somo
of Nebraska's best talent by paying
higher wages. Tho paj roll of Wiscon
sin in 1001 was $323 527. of Michigan
$121,412, of Nebraska $193,937.
Omaha Man Tries to Avert Tragedy,
but Gets Shot in Stomach.
Omaha, Sept. 7. While trying to
act as peacemaker In a fight at Tenth
nnd Howard streets, Sebastian Cor
nelia, who has a shoo shop near tho
scene of tho trouble, was shot through
the abdomen. He was taken to "tho
hospital. Ho will probably die.
Joe Salerno did tho shooting nnd
was captured shortly aftor. He has a
grocery at G08 South Tenth street.
' Ills brother-in-law, Sebastian Clrco,
lives but a block north of him. Saler
no claims that Clrco has been abuBlng
, his (Circo's) wife, and ho started out
with a rovolvor Intending to kill '
I Clrco.
The two met In front of Circo's shop '
and n terrible fight ensued. Threo
shots hnd been fired when Cornelia
rushed ncross the street and grappled
with Salerno, trying to prevent him
from committing murder. In trying
to pull the revolver out of Salerno's
hnnd Cornelia received the fourth bul
let and fell to tho ground.
All Bills Have Not Been Audited by
the Board at Present.
Lincoln, Sept. 10. The total re
ceipts of the state fair were $03,331.
The state fair managers held a meet
Ing and allowed claims and began the
work of adjusting accounts. It Is be
lieved the board will clear from $25.
000 to $30,000 on the fair, but the ex
act figures cannot bo ascertained until
all arc presented. The surplus
will bo expended In Improvements on
the grounds. Just what this will be
cannot be determined until later.
There Is talk of a new fisheries build
ing, additional amphitheater at the
race course and a theater building for
The only complaint heard is th
meagerness of the speed prograru.
While there Is no complaint about tho
size or tho racing purses, tho races
did not 1111 and the contests were
poor. It was simply a lack of horses.
There are so many racing meetings In
the fall that tho competition for fast
horr-es makes It almost Impossible to
get them in Nebraska.
State Department Keeping In Close
Touch With Affairs In Cuba.
Washington, Sept. 12. It was offi
cially admitted that tho American
cruiser Des Moines, which sailed
hastily from Norfolk, had gont south
ward to Key West, with the ultimate
purpose of proceeding1 to Havana if
developments within the next two
days seem to warrant such action. At
Key West the Des Moines will bo
about eight hours' run from Havana,
and while waiting Commander Halsey
will bo in close communication with
the navy department, prepared to ear
ly out immediately any request from
the department of state. There Is no
Intention in this movement of the Des
Moines of showing partiality toward
one side or the other in the present con
flict In Cuba. The ship will be at Ha
vana to serve as an asylum in case of
need and bo at the disposition of the
American charge. In case the United
States government finds' It necessary
to Intervene in Cuban affairs under
the provlslonB of the Piatt amendment
forces which would have to be used
for that purpose would be found In a
much better state of preparation than
when hostilities began between tho
United States and Spain.
Anti-Foreign Feeling Growing and Gov.
ernment Said to Favor Idea.
Washington, Sept. 12. Mall advices
received here from China are dlsqulot
lng to Americans having financial In
terests in tho Orient. Thcro is no
abatement of tho anti-foreign feeling
and tho animosity is no longer con
fined to Americans, but includes all
foreigners except Jnpanese. A for
midable party has arisen and is con
ducting an active propaganda. It is
known as tho "restorer of rights," and
Its purpose is to drive the foreigners
out of business In China, and to that
end to begin to render valueless the
foreign Investments. In somo quar
ters the Chinese government Is al
leged to sympathize with tho move
Colonel Sniffen Named for Army and
Director Rogers Chosen for Navy.
Washington, Sept. 12. Word was
received at tho war department from
Oyster Bay that President Roosevelt
has appointed Colonel Culver C. Snif
fen to be paymaster general of tho
army, to succeed General Dodge.
Secretary Bonaparte announced that
tho president hnd selected Pay Direct
or Eustace B. Rogers to bo paymaster
general of the navy.
Governor Smith Warmly Welcomed.
1 Manila, Sept. 11. General .lames I
Smith, the new governor general of
tho Philippines, to succeed Governor
Ido, arrived here on the transport Lo
gan. He wits warmly welcomed. Great
enthusiasm Is being manifested by tho
Filipinos, who will tender tho new
governor general a reception.
Ten III From Eating Dried Beef.
Kalamazoo, Mich., Sept. 11. Ten
persons In three different families of
this city havo been lying at tho point
of death for over twelve- hours, Buffer
ing from tho effects of eating dried
beef delivered to their homes by a
man, who cannot be located.
Moorish Pretender Seizes Mogador.
Tangier, Sept. 10. DlBpatches re
ceived from Mogador say that Anfloos
Kald has seized tho town and bat
teries and won over the government
troops. Tho Jews lied to Kallah. Tho
details received hero are cxtremoly
scanty. .
Thousands Have Kidney
Trouble and Never Suspect it
How To Find Out.
Fill n bottle or common glass with your
water and let it stand twenty-four hours ;
nscuiuicntor set
tling iuriicalcsnn
unhealthy con
dition of the kid
neys; if it stains
your linen it is
evidence of kid
ney trouble ; too
frequent desire
to pass it or pain
in the back is
also convincing proof Hint the kidneyu
and bladder are out of order.
What To Do.
There is comfort in the knowledge so
often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Root, the grcat kidney remedy,
fulfills every wish in curing rheumatism,
pain in the hack, kidneys, liver, bladder
and every part o the urinary passage.
It corrects inability to hold water
and scalding pain in passing it, or bad
effects following use of liquor, wine or
beer, ntid overcomes that unpleasant ne
cessity of being compelled to go often
during the day, and to get up many
times during the night. The mild and
the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root
is soon realized. It stands the highest
for its wonderful cures of tho most dis
tressing eases. If you need n medicine
you should have the best. Sold by drug
gists in fifty-cent and one-dollar sizes.
You may have a sample bottle and a
Hir iimt tMiu nil fiM?"
about it, both scut free
by mail. Address Dr.
Kilmer & Co., Iling-
katntoii, N. Y. When
writing mention this
noma of Swamp-Root.
paper aim uon't
make any mistake, but remember the
Mine, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and
Ike address, Linjjhatutan, N. Y.
in every style. Ca
tering to parties and
dances a specialty.
Fresh Bread, Pies,
Cakes, Candy arid
The Bon Ton
W. S. BBNSB. Proprietor.
Darin all these rears
have beea acknowledged to
grade. The moit critical and
them, unaurpaaaed 1m
Tone, Action and Durability
We are district distributers
Pianos, and will gladly put
our representatives, or mail
and special prices.
St. Joseph,
Bmccemson to
EaUbllstted In 1868.
JkVfcvliUiUikfcvfckUlfclrfc'''fcfcW(AkUUvhkfcllVlUUU ii Urtb ifcirfcUflfrlfciiUfUrlirvb4l'
Do you know that it will pay YOU, as
well as US, to buy your Building Ma
terial and Coal at ouryanls? Not only
that our prices avkjuoe lower, or at
least as low, as those of our competit
ors, but because wo take especial coro
of and protect all can bo elassod as
City Dray and
Goods Delivered to any part of the city.
Charges as low as the Loweit
Residence 188. Office 119
has a very bad effect on your sys
tem. It disorders your stomach
and dl-'estivo apparatus, taints your
' blood and causes constipation, with
all Its fearful Ills.
Is a bland tonic, liver regulator, and
blood purifier.
It gets rid of the poisons caused
by over-supply of bile, and quickly
cures bilious headaches, dizziness,
ioss of appetite, nausea, Indiges
tion, constipation, malaria, chills
and fever, jaundice, nervousness,
irritability, melancholia, and all
sickness due to disordered liver.
It is not a cathartic, but a gentle,
herlal, liver medicine, which eases
without irritating.
Price 25c at all Druggists.
against Fire, Lightning, Cy
clones and Windstorms, see
agent for the Farmers Union Insur
ance Co., Lincoln, Neb., the beet in
surance company inthe ste.
Morton L. Hill, of Lebanon, Ind.. aaya; "Mr
wife bud Inflammatory Kheumatlim in erftr
mutclo and Joint: ner iufferlng wai terrible
aud her body and face; were swollen almost bo
yond recognition: bad been In bed six week
and had eight physician, but receded no
benefit until he tried tho Mystic Cure for
Rheumatism. It gave Immediate relief ana
he was able to walk about In three dart, i am
ure It saved her life." Sold by 11. JE. Grloe.
Druggist. Red Cloud.
A. B. CHASE Planot
be of the very highest
expert musicians find
of the A. B. CHASE
you in touch with one of
you catalogues
Express Line.