The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 14, 1906, Image 7

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M4riUAMf JfcflflkW
Pure Stock
Red Cloud Chief
Lady Gertrude
No Better Made
Dr. M. U. Thomas, Damerell block
Mrs. A. U. Kuley is on the sick lisl.
Dr. E. A. Thomas, Dentist, Damerell
iMrs. S. Reekwith is seriously sick
this week.
George Ovcring was in North Rranch
New laces, embroideries, neckwear,
T Xewhouse.
Sheriff Hedge went to Hlue 1 1 i 1 1
Thursday noon.
Frank John and family have moved
to Grand Island.
Mrs. Lulu Matthews was down from
Innvnle Tuesday.
Miss Carrie Stefl'en returned from
Inuvnlu Sunday.
Mrs. Ned Grimes of Rlue Hill was in
the city Tuesday.
J. V. Hale returned from Denver
Thursday morning.
Gus Koats is building a house on his
farm east of town.
C. D. Robinson went to Hastings
"Wednesday noon.
E. Herpolsheimer of Hlue Hill was
in the city Tuesday.
Mrs. It. 1). Damerell has returned
home from Lincoln.
Miss Martha Abel is visiting friends
in Chicago this week.
L. L. Roren was in Hastings Sunday
attending conference.
Rernard MeNeny was in Minden
'Tuesday on business.
Airs. Marion Neal returned from
Lincoln Friday night.
The foundation for Fred Hortfeld's
new house is being laid.
Arthur Me Arthur has resigned his
position with the Argus.
W. (5. Rlack of Alma was a Red
Cloud visitor Thursday.
L. H. Kust is able to be out again,
lifter a few day's sickness. v
N. D. Illingworth and wife went to
Hlue Hill Wednesday noon.
Fon Sai.k My restaurant, stock and
dxtures. il. O. Lindley.
L. L. Roren is building a new house
in the went part of the city.
Dr. E. A. Thomas is having an ad
dition built to his residence.
Wm. Morrow and F. 1. Hull were
down from Hladcn Monday.
.1. W. Saladen, living at Lester, is
very sick with typhojd fever.
Glen Arnold of Hlue Hill is a new
.student at the business college.
G. S. Catehadal and .1. H. Morrison
were up from Superior Thursday.
Dr. Smith and A. H. Keeney went
to Loup City Wednesday morning.
.!. C. Saylor goes to Lincoln Monday
morning to attend Supreme court.
The three-wceks'-old baby of Mr.
and Mrs. Chas. Rushee is very sick.
Misses Alice and Blanche Harker
wore down from Inavale Wednesday.
Mrs. Joseph Herburger and son Roy
returned from Lincoln Saturday night.
Mrs. A. J. Gardner of Wmore is vis
iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. H.
Isaac Myers of Lebanon, Kansas,
was in Red Cloud the first of the
Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Green of Cadams
visited their son, A. G. Green, last
Vernon Zeiss has accepted a position
as delivery boy at McFarland's grocery
To all whom it may concern you
an find all the fine peaches you want
from the Oth of September until gone,
at the farm of Clark Stevens, seven
miles south and three miles west of
lied Cloud. I
George Van Camp came down from
Hastings Wednesday noon to visit
Ed Reiher has just completed a line
new barn on his farm live miles north
of town.
Mrs. Wm. Fruit and son returned
from Houlder, Colorado, Thursday
George Overlng went to Wray,
Colorado, Friday morning on a busi
ness trip.
Miss Edna Austin has gone to Frank
lin to attend the academy this fall
and winter.
Mrs. Fred Plumb departed Sunday
morning for Eureka, Illinois, to visit
her Bisters.
Wm. Sullivan is contemplating the
erection of a new residence in the
near future.
II. E. Griee returned Wednesday
morning from a business trip to Den
ver, Colorado.
Mrs. E. M. Oard is visiting in Hill
City. Kansas, with her daughter, Mrs.
J. W. McCain.
Austin Spurrier living fifteen miles
southwest of Red Cloud, is building a
fine residence.
List your farm or residence property
with the Red Cloud Investment Co. if
you want to sell.
A. W. Kelly of the electric light
force will leave Saturday night for
his home in Crete.
Miss Alberta Green returned home
last week, from a visit' with relatives
in Nuckolls county.
If you want to buy a farm or city
property or desire a loan see the Red
Cloud Investment Co.
R. T. Potter of Okmulgee, I. T., is
in the city visiting his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. G. Potter.
Sarah A. Kent, widow of Charles
Kent, has been granted a widow's
pension of SS per month.
Mrs. Jane McGinnis has returned
from Lebanon, Kansas, and will again
make this place her home.
Mrs. L. D. Thomas of Cowles was in
the city this week having dental work
done by Dr. E. A. Thomas.
The G. A. R. and W. R. C, will hold
a joint meeting at their hall, Saturday
evening September lfith.
Ilarman Holcomb, living south of
Inavale, has gone to Seattle, Washing
ton, for a visit with relatives.
George Johnson, clerk at M. A,
Albright's dry goods store, is again at
work, after a week's sickness.
Charles Teel of Frontier county was
here the first of the week visiting his
brother, 0. C. Teel and family.
No. 13 was five hours late Wednes
day morning on account of a wash-out
in the eastern part of the state.
Foit Sam: a live room house with
six lots on a corner. One of the best
locations in the city. Inquire at this
We Want
You to
Phone Us
If you could be sure
to get the right qual
ity and a square deal
you would phone for
your groceries, would
n't you? We give
both. Phoning saves
Try Us
All the Phonos
Clarence Kizer has purchased the
lots south of .1. P. Hale's residence
and has the foundation laid for a new
II. M. Crawford, who has been work
ing for the electric light company,
returned to his home in York Thurs
day noon.
Chas. Gurney and daughter returned
Monday evening from a month's visit
in lloston, Mass. They report a de
lightful trip.
Dr. Asher leaves in a few days for
Kansas City, where he will attend the
Kansas City Veterinary college this
fall and winter.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Clark returned to
their home in Orleans Saturday night,
after a visit with relatives in Red
Cloud and vicinity.
Miss Mary Temple returned to her
home in Kansas City the close of last
week, after a vtelt with her brother
and other relatives.
Al Strohm and family of Inavale are
moving to Red Cloud this week, and
occupying the residence lately vacated
by Frank John and family.
Monday, September 10th, Judge
Edson issued a marriage license to
Mr. Clarence Reeves and Miss Katie
Rragg, both of Guide Hock.
Sherrell Hall and wife of Chicago
are in Red Cloud visiting at the home
of Mr. and .Mrs. Dave Kaley. They
are on their way to California.
Miss- Rcrtha Frederick of Mendota,
Illinois, is a guest at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Ward L. Austin. Mrs. Austin
and Miss Frederick are sisters.
The city received Ukj first shipment
of electric light machinery Wednesday.
The balance of the equipment is in
transit and is expected any day.
Miss Georgia Scott of Cowles was in
Red Cloud Wednesday on her way to
Chicago, where she will attend the
conservatory of music this winter.
Miss Rose Gouldie, who has been
living in St. Louis, Mo., for several
years, has returned home for a visit
with her parents, south of Inavale.
Fou Sai.k my residence property of
seven lots, with house of nine rooms,
centrally located. For particulars In
quire at residence. Mits. W. R. Ronv.
Foil Sai.k 3:iO acres, known as the
Moon ranch, three miles west of Red
Cloud, S5.r an acre if sold soon. Call
on or address, R. F. Rashor, Red
Fok Sai.k one brick, store building
two stories, 2.1 by 100; one restaurant
building, -.1 by (H); one dwelling house,
with 0 lots. Inquire of James Mc
Guire. Dr. and Mrs. M. U. Thomas were
called to Weeping Water Thursday
morning, in answer to a telegram an
nouncing the death of Mrs. Thomas's
Al Slaby was kicked on the leg by a
horse Monday receiving quite a severe
injury. He is able to be about again,
but has quite a perceptable hitch in
his gait.
The Rrunswick lunch room has just
opened up a new eating place. Meals
at all hours and lunches of all kinds.
Try our coffee. Rasement of Taber
Mrs. J. M. Townsend of Corning,
Iowa, arrived in Red Cloud the first of
the weelc for a visit with relatives.
Mrs. Townsend is a niece of Perry
Mrs. A. C. Hosnier returned home
from Holly, Colo., Saturday morning,
where she has been for several weeks
visiting her daughter, Mrs. C. I).
O. E. Hughes, formerly of this city,
but now of Hastings, has accepted a
position as a dining car conductor, for
the Rurlington, running from Chicago
to Minneapolis.
Dr. Warrick, the specialist, will
meet eye, ear, nose and throat patients
and those needing glasses properly
fitted at Dr. Damerell's ollice, Wednes
day, September 20.
Mrs. R. L. Wilson of Thayer, Iowa,
arrived in Red Cloud the first of the
week, and will make this her home
for some time. Mrs. Wilson's husband
is dining car conductor.
Mrs. Amanda Cummings and daugh
ter Ethel went to Reatrlce, where they
will make their liomn for some time.
Miss Cummings has accepted a posi
tion in a book bindery.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears tho
Signature of
Jfl U.UJ w-
. .
- r w wm
The Fall Hats are now ready.
We've not missed a style that's correct.
Most men buy Hats in an off-hand way,
as if it were a matter of little account. It's a
bad idea, for nothing so makes or mars a
man's appearance as his Hat.
Don't accept an indifferent Hat, or in
different attention from anyone in fitting you.
Fall Derbys, $1.75 to $3
Fall Soft Hats, $1 to $5
Men's Fall Shoes the celebrated makes
Selz, Florsheim and King Quality.
v?e Cowden-Kaley Clothing Co.,
First Door North of Rost office, Red Cloud, Ncbr.
Mrs. Anna Cather and Miss Hess
Kaley are expected to arrive in the
city the first of the week from Colo
rado, where they have been for several
week's on a pleasure trip.
When wanting any Edison or Victor
records remember that Newhouse
Rros. have the largest line in the city.
Remember that they have each month's
new records as soon as they come out.
Mrs. II. C. Eckman and daughter
Reulah, who have been visiting with
relatives in Red Cloud for some time,
went to Oregon Tuesday morning,
where they V'ill make their future
Mr. and Mrs. John Rrunner of Kan.
New Fall
The new Fall Goods are now arriving on
every train from the Eastern Markets.
These were recently bought by an ex
perienced Dry Goods buyer while in
Chicago and other large markets.
Millinery will be a leading feature in
our store this fall. Miss Clara Yaple of
Maryville, Mo., will have charge of this
department. Miss Yaple has had years
of experience in millinery and is an artist
in this line.
At this writing only part of the stock
is in, but we expect by the first of the
week the stock will be complete the
largest and best ever shown in the city.
,sas City, were in Red Cloud Thursday
enroute to Rlue Hill, for a visit with
old friends. While in the city they
were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. C.
C. S. Palmer and a force of carpen
ters will soon commence the erection
of fine residence for Lyman Essig,
living two miles east of town. The
house will cost about 8.1000 when
Mrs. Canute Graniger and grandson
of De Sota, Mo., who have been visit
ing at A. G. Green's, left Monday
morning for the eastern part of the
state, where they will visit relatives
and friends.