The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 14, 1906, Image 5

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Porfoot In quality.
Modorato In prloo.
Two Norfolk Men Shoot Each Other!
and Three Bystanders.
Norfolk, Neb., Sept. 11. Armed I
with largo caliber automatic pistols, )
Leo Dailey and Charles Dugan fought I
a duel to the death in the presence of
fifteen unwilling witnesses in Don
Cameron's saloon. Kalloy is dead and
Dugan cannot live. 13. Klaus, bar
tender of the plnco, was shot In the
wrist and two of the witnesses to the
trqgedy were slightly wounded.
Bailey was shot twice through the
body, while Dugan was hit but once.
The bullets which struck Dugan and
Bailey went clenr through their bodies
and it is believed some of these nils i
siles struck and wounded the bystand-,
er. The trouble between the two
men, who are said to be gamblers, was
of long standing, it being claimed
there was a woman in the case.
Bishop Cranston and Governor Mickey
Speak at Hastings.
Hastings. Neb., Sept. 8. More than '
COO people attended the Pentecostal
evangelistic services held on tho
Btrects, conducted by Evangelist
Bruuhlngham and Singing Evangelist
Miller, both of the Methodist confer
ence now in session. There was a
deep spiritual feeling throughout tho
immense throng and many manifested
a desire to lead a better life.
The class for admission to the min
istry was addressed by Bishop Crans
ton in a forcible, fitting and practical
manner in the presence of a largo au
dience. A meeting in the interests of tho
Mesleynn university held at the
church was presided over by Governor
Mickey and addressed by Chancellor
Dry Weather Hurt Only Small Portion
of Southern Part of State.
Lincoln, Sept. 10. Only the south
eastern part of the state was hurt
seriously by dry weather this year.
There the corn is not especially good.
Elsewhere, according to reports of
E00 olt of 900 correspondents of the
state labor bureau, the crop will be
better than usual. The crop for the
state at large, with 300,000 acres more
than last year, will be immense, so
much greater than last year that Ne
braska will be among the three lead
ing corn states.
Labor Commissioner Bush wrote to
of a
his correspondents, ton In ench county,
asking to know the condition of the
crop. If It were better than last year
they were to list It as "good." II
about equal they were to call it "fair."
Five out of every eight report It bet
ter than last year.
Jefferson county has had the hard
est time with Its ctop. Diy w. athet
blistered It badly. Otoe, Joliiucm
Gage and their neighboring counties
nlso had hard luck. The I'lnMc vallej
was never more pioductivo and all the
surrounding counties are bound to
have an unusual crop, according to
the reports.
Declares Reports of Uprising in Mcxl
ico Arc Exaggerated.
Washington, Sept. 8. Declaring to
bo false the reports of a bitter anti
American feeling in Mexico and an or
ganized revolution against President
Diaz, David E. Thompson, tho Amer
ican ambassador, has made an ex
haustive report to the state depart
ment setting forth In detnll Informa
tion which could nor be conveyed in
his previous confidential dispatches.
Ho has renewed his request, that in
compliance with tho wishes of Mex
ico's president, tills government
should take steps to suppress the Mex
ican revolutionary junta at St Louis,
which publishes in Spanish a paper
Hilled "Kegouorat Ion."
H contends that articles that have
appeared In ceitain newspapers of the
United States, discussing alleged dis
satisfaction with tho administration of
President Diaz and asserting that an
insurrection of possibly lar-reachlng
consequences is incubntlng, nre wholly
without foundation and of inestimable
harm to Mexico.
Numerous telegrams have been ex
changed between the state department
and Ambassador Thompson in relation
to the publishers of Itegeneracion, in
which the ambassador has suggested
that If these men could be dealt with
aa anarchists, President Diaz would
feel a deep gratitude.
Shaw Speaks in North Carolina.
Greensboro, N. C, Sept. 11. Secre
tary Shaw spoke to an immense gath
ering of Republicans in Wlnston-Solem
and again at Salisbury.
Two Hundred and Fifty People Said
to Be Burled in Tiflis.
Tlliis, Sept. 11. Practically without
warning the side of a mountain rising
above the township of Kwarell broke
away and a sea of semi-liquid mud,
sand and stones swept down on the
township nnd overwhelmed and oblit
erated It. Some 255 persons have
been burled alive. Fifty-five bodies
already have been recovered from tho
mire, which Is six feet deep. In addi
tion to the lives lost, countless head of
cattle perished and the crops were
Milk Fed Pumpkin the Latest.
Bloomlngton, 111., Sept. 10. A milk
fed pumpkin Is the latest development
in agricultural circles. Two pumpkins,
grown on the same vino, were on ex-
Soda Cracker
You have heard that some foods furnish fat,
other foods make muscle, and still others are
tissue building and heat forming.
You know that most foods have one or more
of these elements, but do you know that no
food contains them all in such properly balanced
proportions as a good soda cracker ?
The United States Government report shows
that soda crackers contain less water, are richer
in the muscle and fat elements, and have a much
higher per cent of the tissue building and heat
forming properties than any article of food made
from flour.
That is why Uneeda Biscuit should
form an important part of every meal. They
represent the superlative of the soda cracker, all
their goodness and nourishment being brought
from the oven to you in a package that is proof
against air, moisture and dust the price being
too small to mention.
hlbltlon at the Tazewell county fair.
They stood side by side, but one was
ten times Inrger than the other. Tho
glnnt was given a pint of milk a day
through a hole cut in the vine which
was attnehed to the stem. The milk
was completely absorbed over night.
The small brother attained natural
giowth, but the milk fed one weighed
100 pounds.
Standard Oil Must Stand Trial.
Pindlay, O.. Sept. 10. Judge Hanker
overruled motions to quash the infor
mation Hied against John I). Rockefel
ler and all tho Standard Oil cases. A
plea of abatement was Hied In each
case and nil these also were overruled
and the defendants given until tomor
row to lllo motions. Tho informations
ehnrge John D. Rockefeller and tho
Standard Oil company with violating
the Valentine anti-trust law.
Arrest Agents for Rebating.
Chattnnooga, Sept. 11. Seven local
agents of the National Lite nnd Acci
dent Insurance company or Nashville
were arrested, charged with rebating
premiums nnd discriminating between
Stationary Engineers in Session.
Philadelphia, Sept. 12. Inadequate
laws regulating tho Issuing of licenses
to engineers and amendments to tho
constitution were tho two topics which
occupied tho greater part of tho ses
sion of the stationary engineers.
Popullats Nominate Thomas.
Lincoln, Sept. 7. Populists of the
Fourth Nebraska district met hero
and nominated Jnmes J. Thomas of
Seward for congress. He had already
been nominated by the Democrats.
Bryan to Take Part in Campaign.
Lincoln, Sept. 11. William J. Bryan
gave out a statement announcing that
ax upon as he icturncd from his
southeastern trip lie would enter the
cnmpnlgv in Nebraska and several oth
er states. Mr. Bryan said ho felt deep
ly interested In the result in Nebraska.
Death of W. McK. Maddox.
Falls City, Neb., Sept. 8. William
McK. Maddox aged erghty-three years,
a pioneer nnd one of the best known
residents of this sectfon, Is dead. He
had been a resident of this county
since 1859, nnd was for years engaged
in farming and stock raising and had
become quite wealthy.
Canning Companies May Find Profit
1n Distilling Waste Product.
Hoopeston, 111.. Sept. 10. Investiga
tions now being carried on by the agri
cultural department at Hoopeston
have brought to light another Import
ant commercial factor In the form of
a waste product which can be success
fully manufactured at a small cost Into
a staple commodity. The experiments
have proved beyond doubt that the
largo quantities of corncobs which
are hauled from farm lands each sea
son by canning factories can be con
verted into alcohol In sufficient quanti
ties to Justify the erection of a distill
ing plant in connection with the can
Tlir Wnj Ti Sonntln.
Mrs. Ascmn Does that Miss Druimn!
next door own her piano or does she
rent It? Mrs. Knox Usunlly sho reuda'
It. Philadelphia Press.
Miuto lllm Tirol.
Affectionate Wife George, dear, sit
down and rest In your elegant new
chair. Worried Husband How can I
rest In that chair, Emily, when I know
that the man Is likely to come in at
any moment to collect an Installment
on It V Chicago Tribune.
"Young married people," says a Chi-
uese proverb, "should have their house ,
built round so discontent can find no I
comer In It."
Simple Process That Yields Excellent
Substitute for Butter.
Tho cocoanut is more oxtenslvely
used, perhaps, as a food than any
other nut. In certain of tho Pacific
Islands It constitutes almost an ex
clusive dietary. Cows, dogs, donkeys,
chickens, In fact almost every living
thing, oven certain species of crabs,
live on the cocoanut, Ingeniously
working a way to tho meat through
the one open eye of the nut. In tho
country where it grows the cocoanut
is very largely enteu in the half-ripe
state. At this stage tho meat Is Jelly
liKe In consistency and may bo eaten
with a spoon. It Is very toothsome
and nourishing. The meat of tho ripo
nut Is very hard to digest and can
scarcely be masticated sulllcieutly to
prepnte It for ontoilng the stomach.
The best use which can bo made of
tho meat of tho ripe cocoanut 1b In
the preparation of the cocoanut cream,
which is an excellent substitute for
butter. This may bo easily accom
plished by tho following method: Re
move the meat nnd put It through an
ordinary vegetable shredder. Pour
over the pulp twice tho quantity of
boiling wnter and let stand for half
an hour, then strain through a fine
cloth, nnd let the milk so obtained
stand for three or four hours in a
cold plnco. A rich cream rises,
which may be used In the same way
as dairy cream, or like ordinary
cream, may bo worked into butter.
and the
one year
the Time
Do You
When you nvo hungry r.wd
want somcthig nice in tho
meat, line, drop Into my
market. Wolinvci tho nicest
kind of
and meats, fish, nnd game
in season. Wo think, and
almost know, that wo enn
please you. Give us h
Koon Bros.,
Successors to
I Vou want to HIT what you are aiming n!
be It bird, beast or target. Make your
shots count by, shooting the STEVLN8.
For 41 years STEVENS ARMS have
carried off PRKMIKR HONORS tor AC
CURACY. Our line:
Riflesrsiiolpns, Pistols
Aik yutir Peilrr In- Send ill. In tump
Itton thcSruvimx. fr uo-pnue Culalve
If o cannot obtain. of cutiiiilrie output. A
e ttilp direct, ,. tuliuliletiook ofrefcr.
fritt frtfjiJ, uixm enie for rrrnt ami
tccrltofiataloi;irlce rortlre tliootttt.
Beautiful three-color Aluminum Hanger will
be lorwarueu lor iu cents in stamps.
J, Stevens Arms & Tool Co,,
P.O. Box 4096
Trade Mabks
Anyone tending a sketch and dotierlptlon ass.)
quickly nscertaln our opinion free wnetiMr oc
Invention Is probably patentnhtp, Comnsntc
tlons strictly conndontial. HANDBOOK on I'stsnu
out froo. Oldest ruiency for securing patents.
I'ntouta taken inrotntn Munn Co. receive
rptelal notice.
tut, without ohargo, la the .
Scientific Hmtricatt.
A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Trgcat cir
culation of any srlontlDo Journal. Terms, 3 a
year: four months, II. Hold byall newsdealers.
MUNN &'B'oadwa,. New York
Uranch Office, 025 F St., Washington, I). C
Time table.
Red Cloud, Neb.
32. JOE
31. LOUIS and
ill points east and
and all pointi
13. Passenger dally for Oberlln
and Ht. Fianclnbrauchos. Ox
ford, McCook, Denver and all
point west... ... .. 7 05 a.m.
14. Passenger dully for St. Joe,
ruuiKHH uiiy, AicniHon, at.
Louis. Lincoln via Wymoro
and all points cast nnd south 209 a. a
No 15. Passenger, dully. Dunvor, all
polntH in Colorado, Utah and
California. . ...... ....... 7.50 p.m.
No. 18. 1'at.HoiiKCr. dally for St. Joe,
Knnsas City. Atchison, St.
Loulu and all polntB east nnd
south 10:10 ti.w,
Vo 174. Accommodation, Jlondny,
Weditpsdny nnd rrldny.llast
lues, Grnnd Ihlnnd, Muck
IIllls Hiid all polntH In the
northwest 14:01 p ra.
Bleeping, dining, nnd reclining chair cart,
seats froo) on through trains. Tickets sold and
baggnge checked to nuy point In tho Unite
Untes or Canada.
For Information, time tables-, innps or tickets
call on or address A. Connrer, Agent, Rod
Oloud, Nobr. or L. V. Wakeley, Qoneral Pas
senger Agent Omaha. Nebrass
Mystlo Cure for Rheumatism and Neuralgia
radically cures in 1 to 8 days, Ita action upon
the system Is remarkable and mysterious. It
removes at once the cause and the disease Im
mediately disappears. The first dose greatly
benefits, 76 cents andllO Sold by HI
Qnee Druggist. Red Oloud
Ask For Allen's Foot-Ease.
A powder for swollen, tired, hot,
smnrtiiip; feet. Snmplo sent froo. Also
froo samples of tho foot-onso stinltury
' M