"raw". t . . ' lJBRWWrr" -i, iWMHWKtf - .M w T . Sr vbAi(gkfcAvWAkfcAviHfcfcUivk4arAvfcar(fcfcar4Afcafcaaaa(Uuaa(te -W A HI fleiasy flotes From GATHERED FROM iifp(p(p7vii'P'r'Pi'P'p'Pi'P'ri'r'P'Pi'Pi'Piii,'Pi,'i,'ri,'r'r RIVERTON (From tho Review.) Mrs. Hopkins hud tlio miBfortuno to full mid seriously injuro ono of her lowor limbs. Mnrrlod, Soptombor 4, Mr. A. II. Spurgon nud Miss Graco R. McCluro, nt tho homo of Z. W. Wolls, wlio per formed tho ceremony. A blazing box cur on No. Oi caused sorno excitement tho liittor part of lust week. Tho flr6 was easily put out by drawing it under tho water tank at tho depot. John (Hon nnd Oscar Duncan woro placed under arrest Thursday for touring down tho dressing room on on tho stago in carnival square They settled tho troublo with tho Carnival company for twonty-flvr dollars. BLOOMINGTON (From the Advocate.) Alva Dunlavy accompanied a ship ment of stock to Kansas City Wednes day. Mrs. Paul Walker, living three miles northeast of this city, fell from a step ladder whilo picking fruit Wednesday, and sustained a broken leg. Stanloy Broltwoisor has accepted u position as stenographer with a St. .Too live stock commission firm, and loft Tuosday night to take up his duties. Announcements uro out for tho marriage of Chas.C. Moore, of tho firm of Marsh & Mooro of this city and Miss Mary Elizabeth Scogland of Gales burg, Illinois, on the 10th. Tho marriage of Miss Edith M. Hess to Edward L. Molfett, of Woodruff, Kan., was colobratod yesterday morn ing at 0:30 o'clock at tho homo of Rev. D. L. Thomas, pastor of Graco M. E. church, who performed the ceremony SUPERIOR (From the Journal.) Mrs. Ed. Lawrence and children left this morning for a visit with her sister, Mrs. Hinde, in Perry, Oklu. The result of yesterday's ball game botwebn Superior and Bostwiok was 11 to 0 in favor of the former. Furry & Son, of Franklin, bought eight curs of cattle from L. U. Beal, the forepart of tho week and shipped them to St. Joe. H. A. Rogers has sold his rosideuco in east Superior, nud has gono to Con cordia and other Kansas towns looking up a new location. Frod Casford, of Tecumsoh, Neb., an old acquaintance of tho Woolsoy family, is hero looking at our farms, with a view of purchasing; Dr. Frank Nelson, of this city, was eloetod prosidout of tho Southern Nebraska Dental Society which was organized at Red Cloud yesterday. On Friday, August 21, occurred tho fiftieth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Phillips of this city. It was colobratod in a very quiot way by a family reunion, all of tho children and brothers aud sisters of Mis. Phil lips being present. BLUE WILL. (From tho Louder.) . John Fussier threshed a small Hold of wheat last week that averaged 01J bushols per aero. Ed Rowlands lias boon carrying h's loft foot In a sling this week on ac count of stepping on a sharp uail Sat urday. Win. Bjstook had tho misfortuno to got mixed up with a run away toam whilo in Hastings one day last week and sustained a hadly sprained ankle and was otherwise bruised up con siderably. A very pretty wedding occurred 1 1 tho homo of Mrs. II. M. Smith, Wed nesday evening at 8 o'clock when her daughter Stollu aud Arthur D. Buum woro happily wedded, E. G. Roos ofllo iatiug in tho prosouco of about lifty guests. Rev. G. Henry died Friday, August 24, at tho ago of 01 years, 11 months and G days. Funeral services wero held at his late home in Shoemaker villo, Pa., Monday, August 27, at Trin ity ohuroh. The deoousod is u brothor. of our esteemed friond, Albert Henry MANKATO (From the Monitor.) A ploasaut surprise was planned by f neighboring Toians OUR EXCHANGES Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Taylor, on their son, Eugene, Fridny evening, tho night be foro ho left for Boulder, Colo., to at tend tho state university for tho win ter. Joseph Baker, in jail for contempt of court, for ionising to pay alimony on order of court, gained liberty Fri day night. It will bo remembered that Srnclair, n prisoner, during the term of ox SherifF Myorly, sawed out of his cell and night after night work ed on tho bars of a window, returning to his cell during tho day. Ho was sentenced and taken to prison boforo ho had succeeded in cutting through tho bars. Just as Sheriff Myerly was leaving him at Lansing, Sinclair pre sented him with tho saw that would havo given him his liberty in just ono moro night That window was never repaired; tho bars partly sawed woro unvnr rniilnnofl iitwl Tbiknr Kiiernnrtnd in breaking them and lurking his es cape. Tho fine of Baker was so light that his breaking jail may add to tho ponnlty a term of thrco years ponitouliary. in the SMITH CENTER (From tho Messenger.) A quiet wedding took place last Sunday at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Phinnoy Van Sickle, when their daughter, Ida, was united in marriago to John E Sweeney. W. P. Weaver, charged with adultery with a half wittod girl near Wotnor was found guilty. Weaver was a rural route man. running out of Ina valo, Nebraska, and mot tho girl on his trips. Mrs. Ed II tnsingor died Monday, after an illness of short duration. Sho was brought homo from tho asylum Saturday night, where sho was taken a few months ago and it is sup posed the trip is largely tho cause of her death. A sad death occurred Saturday night when Verne, tho ton-year-old son of A. L. Post, who had just been oporat od on for appendicitis, died nt tho home northwest of town. Tho ro mains wore iuterred in tho Fairview cemetery Sunday. The Misses Anna Wilson, Myrtle Boughman and Mabel Burr drove to Lebanon yesterday 10 bo present at tho wedding of their friend, Miss Muriel Buchrnan to Mr. William Srador at o o'clock yesterday evening nt the brido's home. BUSINESS COLLEGE NOTES. Friday evening the Business college gave a reception to the new students most of them were there and a number of the old students also. The evening was passed in taking names of books and trying to find the names of authors and discussing books and authors and speaking pieces. Miss Ruth Warren and Mr. Karl Spenee were leaders in the race of authors. while none could hold u caudle to Close Kmigh when it came to speaking his favorite recitation. Albright Kros. phonograph furnished the music for the occasion. We all say we. had a good time and got better acquainted President Dietrich read one of Cap" tain Jack Crawford's poems entitled, "Where the Hand of Cod is .Seen" in chapel Thursday morning. Captain .lack means Nebraska and Kansas, when he says he does not like the city and "loves to wander where the hand of Cod is seen." Of course in Nebras ka and Kansas people think that Mr. Crawford is about right and are glad to note that a man who has traveled these Fnited States all over is still very fond of our place. The boys of the college are planning a base ball team for 'his fall. We believe in athletics and we would like to see tho town of Hod Cloud take some steps towards a gymnasium as we believe l would be one of the Lest things wo could iould do for our people. Cood strong healthy bodies make strong minds and strong men women in all walks of life. aud Now students this week are Frances Correll, Clyde Arnold and Hoy Hutch inson. Next Monday we expect a number more. Mrs. J. C. Dunevon of Hlverton was an interesting caller last Tuesday. Have you seen our newly papered rooms? We are in much nicer trim this year than we were last. The business men In our block have our ehupel singing as a signal to drop everything and listen and even join us. Are you not reminded of the Angelas of old, as the bell rang at the close of day everyone dropped their work and stood in silent prayer during its ringing. We can't say how much praying is done, but we do know it to be a fact that Judge Keeney could sing one of the songs clear through without any help a half an hour after all other tunes ceased. Wonderful? And away down in J. L. Norris's res taurant you hear the sweet strains of a soprano voice keeping music in the air after the Judge's voice is silent, Another new Oliver typewriter has been placed in the school That incurs that we believe in the Oliver, and think it to be one of the leading machines from now on in all good up-to-dato schools. The dates have been received for tho college lecture course and everything promises to be a winner, season tickets HOW. Order "our Visit our school when you have tho opportunity and see our students in their classes, hear the excellent advice they are given at chapel exercises and go away feeling that you havo been bettered by the visit and go away saying as everyone does. "Your school is just as good as any in the large cities.'' CORRESPONDENCE Interesting Items Gathered by Our County Reporters LINE Mr. Kamisky is on the sick list this week. Bort Leonard bailed hay for W. J. Hnsklns Monday. Charles Anderson was the guest of Ed. Mountford Sunday. Mr. nnd'Mrs. Charley Isom were the guests of Mr. Reeves of Guide Rock Sunday. Rev. J. J. Campbell, wife and son Dennis were the guests of Mr. Duck worth Sunday. Letter List. List of letters remaining uncalled for at postofflco at Red Cloud, Neb., for tho week endlug Sept 13 lOOfi. Frank Burflrge Jus. Hogan (2) J. R. Hodges Elizabeth McCoy (3) Pearl Neeley Chrystal Scott E. T. Gerring Geo. Hosmor Chas. MoPeoby Jokn Morhain Anna Plerson W. H. Thompson Those will be sent to tho dead letter otllco Sept. 27, 1900, if not culled for boforo. When culling for above please say "udvortised." T. C. Hackkk, Postmaster. Born Gamblers. Australia has birthstalns besides those that are so sore a point with some leading families. All told, tho convict population numbered only a few thousands. In 18G1 tho population of the whole Commonwealth was only 403,88. Then gold was discovered and In ten years there was a leap to 1,153, 973. Everybody knew somebody who had made a sudden "pile." Every body hoped to do it himself. Nor was it only the new Immigrants who had these Ideals. Even those who had come out a few years before, and had been quite satisfied with a pastoral or agricultural life, even those left the slow plo In tho furrow. To-day a judge speaks of the national curse of gambling. Wo got It Into our blood fifty years ago; we woio born of gam blers. Sydney Bulletin. The Surgeon's Nightmare. Two patients who called In com pany upon a noted surgeon found him bemoaning a twlngo of pain In his right forefinger. The callers smiled. "Great Scott, doctor!" exclaimed ono, "you don't mean to say that a pain in tho finger bothers n man so used to Bcenea of suffering as yourself?" "It certainly does," the surgeon an- Bwered, with a worried look. "How I do I know that It isn't tho first svmn- torn of blood poisoning? That is tho nightmare of the surgeon. No mat tor how careful he may be, he Is liable to contract poisoning In operat ing and that kind of poisoning Ib of tho most virulent typo. Any time a surgeon is complaining about a pain in tho hand, sympathize with him, for ho is doing somo hard guessing, Philadelphia Record. Not a Wet Wood. Though willow grows lu wot places, 't Is naturally ono of the dryest woods. It contains only 26 per cent, water. Oak contains 34 per cent OUR MOTTO: "Satisfaction or your money back" combined with plain figure prices steadily adhered to, has brought us a constantly growing business. Quality first, price next. Nothing but standard made, reputable goods at lowest profit prices. Always willing to and compare prices or Chicago houses. Newhouse Bros., Jewelers nnd Opticians. B. 6, M. Watch Inspectors LvwvwWVWWwwi wHo live under republican forms of i government aim cuerisu anu maintain free institutions. The northern coast line of this important sea is in the great republic of the United States of North America. The southern half Is in the next greatest American repub lic, that of Mexico, while on the cast arc the Important islands of tho West Indies, with Cuba at their head. The region around this most Important sea is destined to be far richer, more pow erful and more distinguished In the history nnd affairs of our globe than were ever those that bordered the ancient Mediterranean of the eastern hemisphere, not even excepting Egypt, Greco and Rome. New Orleans Pica yune. The Millionaire's Offense. "That millionaire yonder has cheated too out of a fortune." "How? Wouldn't he let you marry his daughter?" "Worse than that. He never had a daughter." The first instance of collaboration in English literature was that of the plays written by Beaumont and Fletcher. Proposed Constitutional Amendment. The following proposed amendment to the constitution of the State of Ne braska, as hereinafter set forth in full, is submitted to the electors of the. Stato of Nebraska, to be voted upon at the general election to be held Tuesday, November (i, A. T). 11)00 lie it enacted bi the Legislature of the State if Nebraska: Section 1. That at the general elec tion for state and Legislative otllcers to be held on Tuesday, succeeding the the first Monday in' November, 1000, the following provision be proposed and submitted to the electors of the State as an amendment to the consti tution. Section !!. There shall be a State Railway Commission, consisting' of three members, who shall be first elected at the general election in 1000, whose terms of ollice, except those chosen at the first election under this provision, shall be six years, aiid whose compensation shall be fixed by the Legislature. Of the three commissioners first elected, the one receiving the highest number of votes, shall hold his otlice for six years, the next highest four year, and the lowest two years. Tho powers and duties of such com mission shall include regulation of rates, service and tho gen eral control of common carriers, as the legislature may provide by law. Hut in the absence of specific legislation, the commission shall ex ercise the (lowers and perform the du ties enumerated in this provision. Section . Unit at said election in the year 1000, on the ballot of each elector voting thereat, there shall be printed or written the words: "For Constitutional Amendment, with ref erence to State Railway Commission" And "Against Constitutional Amend ment, With Reference to State Rail way Commission." And if, a majority of all votes cast nt said election, shall be for such amendment, the same shall be deemed to be adopted. I, A. Oalusha, secretary of state of the stato of Nebraska, ilo Hereby cer tify thai tho foregoing proposed amendment to the Constitution of the State of Nebraska is a true and cor rect copy of the original enrolled and engrossed bill, as passed by tho Twenty-ninth session of the legisla ture of the State of Nebraska, as up pears from suid original bill on fllo in show otcr goods with either local this ofllce, and that said proposed amendment is submitted to the quali fied voters of tho state of Nebraska, for their adoption or rejection at thc general election to be held on Tuesday the flth day of November. A. D. 1900. In testimony whereof. I have here unto set my hand and affixed the great seal of the state of Nebraska. Done at Lincoln this 24th day of July, ih the year of our Lord Ono lhousund Nine Hundred and Six, of the Independence of the United States--the One Hundred and Thirty-second, and of this state the Fortieth. A. GALUSHA, (skai.) Secretary of State. Miss Jessie Wert INSTRUCTOR OP Piano, Organ and Voice Studio at Mrs. Josie Mornn vllle's, two blocks east of school house. Phoho 20M. DR. W. S. SMITK OSTEOPATH LINDSEYj BLOC K RedUOloTid, Neb. I HAVE Six Companies 8oo policies represent ing over $2,000,000 in surance in Webster county. Now is the time to get in the Band Wagon. O. C. TEEL, Insurance and Notary. Telephones: Country, No. 2G: Boll, No. 08. A Certain Cure fer Chilblains. Shake into your shoes Allen's Foot Ease, a powder. It cures chilblains, frostbites, damp, sweating, swollen feet. At all druggists and shoe stores 25 cents. Sample free. Addre Allen S. Olmsted, LeRoy, N. Y. To Cure Cold a In One Day. Tnko Laxative Bromo quinine tab lets. Druggists refund money if It fails to oure. E. V. Grove's signature is on each box. 25 cents. il v n A N , rzzz2sie;sxwztz2at- W,"2"-"