1 Suhi THE RED CLOU) CHIEF Subscription Eight Pages All $1 a Year in Advance Home Print $ spsssssot $9f3wwwywxy(iv3&&x. VOLUME XXXLV. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, SEPTEMBER M, 1900. NUMBER 37 u -, j i i Special Sale of School Hosiery Yacation is over and the boys and girls will need stockings. We have provided for this with a large line of Hosiery in all weights. There is the heavy hose for the boys, fine narrow-ribbed for girls, lisle hose for Sunday, and every pair warranted fast black Yarns. Two Weeks Burson Fashioned Stockings Only The ioc Grade 3 pr. for 25 The 15c Grade pr. for 25 The 20c Grade 2 pr. for 35 Mf .VhmmljUMft 2a0nyffo30 warn Nd Stockings can be made with truer lines and shape, and yet there is not a seam in them from toe to top. As perfectly fash ioned shaped as the best foreign hose, but Without the seams, which are always present in the imported stockings. You need not pay for the work of sew- w cut r th$ story ing up those seams that hurt, as there are no scams in the Burson. Knit in perfect shape shaped perfectly in the knitting. They keep that shape from machine to rag bag. Best in Quality and Comfort., No Higher in Priced HI tn H W lH 03 Hi u AWi B3 :lmm' oHW wHWV )Vfl :BBf ? SBfl deliberate aw to what his excuse shall bo I Think, too, of tho man Sullivan truthfully tolling Mr. Itrrim that while he (Sullivan) was a stnuneh democrat down in Illinois, Mr. Ilrynn was a Populist up in Nebraska. If such things do not clearly Indi cate that changes are eternally being made, thou what do such things moans? With so many changes of the past, is it not reasonable to suppose that there will be o'.hers equally as re markable'.1 Apropos this subject of changes, may one not be justilleil in making a prediction or two, and in so doing predict that such a change has already ooiue over tho minds of the people that, in the year WOO one W. .1. Itryun will be a man without a party? To be sure, Mr. ltryiiu is a brainy man, since none but a brainy man could have undergone all these The 25c Grade 2 pr. for 45 In Ladies9 Hose we have a full line of Burson and others &Pnf DRESS GOODS. In Dress Goods we have many bargains to enumerate. Among them we mention: 38-inch all wool Flannels at 35c - 50 -inch all wool -Novelties- at 60c 50-inch all wool Novel ites at 80c Opening Sale of Outings and Shaker Flannels Shakers at 5c, 8 1-3C, ioc and 12AC. Outings at 5c, 6c, 8 1-3C, ioc and i2ic. Cotton Batting, 10 ounces at ice. Cotton Batting, 3 lbs. at 40c. changes and still had a respectable give a loeturo on following in the point of numbers . topics in general. but Mr. Ilryun has indulged his pen chant for changing one position or the other, until he has got to where the road crosses, and doesn't know whether to go to the right or the left in his frenzy to land in the WT.'.te House. So much for the big fellow, while later on we shall touch up some of the little fellows in Webster county. The ollleors chosen were as follows: president Walter Warren; vice-president Hoy Oatman; secretary and mauager Alva Sollars; treasurer Hol ton Lotson; these acting with Kd. Platte as a board of managers. Ono can see, with a glance at the personel of the managing officers that tho future of the citizen's band is assured. We cannot give a list of the members this week as director Alvln Snapp has not yet completed the work of instru mentation and the placing of the men. This will bo llnishod in a few days, when a full list will bo given. We think all will realize this is one of tho best moves that could bo made for tho advancement of our city and wo earnestly hope everyone will enlist, themselves at once with Tin: Ciuui' as boosters for the band. Director Snapp would like to moot all the begin ners and others in the temporary houcl quarters of the band, Mercer's barber shop on Friday evening, where he will music and baud ---- A full line of Crocheted Baby Hoods, Jakets, Etc. F. MWHOUSE, Dry Goods, Laces. s Changes. (UyJ.M. Clmflln.) Ever since the foundation of the -world was laid, changes have been taking place in the condition of things until wo have come to expect nothing less than that these shiftings in both nature itself and in the minds and lives of men will go on forever. The earth in its process of making went through a bystem of changes un til it turned upon its own axis while revolving around the sun and rejoiced in its own individuality. And so it has been with man, who, restless from the dawn of his exist ence has clamored after something new; something different from his present estate, since it would seem that no man is perfectly contented with his surroundings, but is ever seeking for a change. It is well that it is thus, sinae busi ness as well as philosophy would stagnate under other and less exciting conditions. And more especially is it well that men and women change their beliefs politically, religiously and socially, sine J to eternally held on to their original notions would leave them stranded in mid-air. Some of us once believed in pre destination; but who so far behind the times as to even dream of such a f'll.lfT . fill, TllUftTlt llflT The day was when men and women believed in a personal Devil, and that ho had equal power with tho Al mighty, since evil seems to have had the lead of righteousness all these years. Relieve and be saved, doubt and be damned were once cardinal principles as taught by the cloth; but who will now contend that one has the power to either believe or doubt that which does not address itsself to his intelli gence; that is to say how can one be lieve that which it is impossible for him to believe 1 Once we were taught by the clergy (God save the mark) that until we could jump up and shout Glory in the knowledge of our sins forgiven we had not obtained the fargiveness of our sins; but we now hear a more rational doctrine, wherein we are taught that we shall one and all bo called into judgment for the deeds done while in the body. A hundred and one insfances might be cited wherein these changes are taking place some for the better and some for the worse but changes nev ertheless. Take the present political situation and count the changes that have ta- ltoii nlnii wit lil 11 tin. ii'n.1 f.ni- 1.. ....... and what do we find? J Theodore Rooeevolt, the impuls.ve, ! the daredevil, the man who was going to turn the government inside out and l upside down, now about the only really safe man in the world, j Then think of Mr. Uryan, once the J champion of the Populist party, now ignoring the party upon whose shoul ders he rode to Washington! Tnink, too, of Mr, Uryan holding up Mr. Roosevelt as the model statesman, thus bidding for the votes of the re publicans! Think, again, of Mr. Uryan "read ing" such a man as Roger C. Sullivan out of tho democratic party! Think about Mr. Sullivan telling Mr. Uryan that lie has told a falshood in as many as Jive separate specific: -tions, and Mr. Uryan taking time to Family Reunion- A. G. Green went to Cadams, Neb., last week to be present at a family reunion, at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrn. Joseph Green, remem bered by many as former residents of this place. Their live children, Mrs. Trances Grainger of De Sota, Mo; Jos. K. Greer, of Gibbon, A. G. Green of Red Cloud, Ejlwanl L Green of Mason City and "'Mrs. Aimy Wolford of Cadams, Neb., arc spending some time with them. Grandpa and Grandma Green are both octogenarins and are remarkably well-preserved and active. They celebrated the fifty-second anni versary of their marriage, Aug., 27th. Their are live children, twenty-three grand-children and six great-grandchildren. Since coining from England to the United States, there has been but one death among the descendants, that of an infant grand-child. Of the I grandchildren, one is a missionary in India under the Christian church, two girls married ministers of the Gospel, and one is Physical Director of the Y. M. C. A., at York. This is surely a record worthy of remomberance and we unite with others in congratulating these aged friends on their success and wish them god-speed during the remainder of life's journey. Hlfth School Notes. O. W. DUDLEY, 8UFT. The total enrollment for the first week of school was 432. Of this num ber 13.1 were enrolled in the south ward. So far the enrollment exceeds, thai of last year by about 25. It seems probable that the enrollment for the first month will exceed that of the corresponding month of last year by about 40. In all the rooms in the north ward except Miss lleckwlth'H and .Miss Mierman s, tne number en rolled roaches the capacity of tho rooms. The pupils of tho first primary in the north ward have been put on half time. This was unavoidable as the; seating cuijttciijji, the room wouhL, not accommodate alT pupils at one' time. The first grafle attends in the forenoon and the second in the after noon. However, the pupils of thew grades are too young to attend a fuIJ school day. If possible, though, tho better plan would be two short ses sions, one in the forenoon and one in the afternoon. For some time the school board lias been considering the advisability of placing, slate blackboards throughout. j the schools. The expense would be somewhat hoavy.but the improve- j nient would be p.rmanont. Tho black boards in almost all the- rooms uro very poor. HORSE THIEF ESCAPED. Lee Calahan, the horse thief from Alma who has been confined in jail here for the past few months, escaped from the sheriff of Harlan county Wednesday morning by jumping through a car window near Repub lican City, while the train was run ning at a high rate of speed. Calahan had asked to be taken before .Judge j Adams so that he might plead guilty and begin serving his sentence. He was taken to Minden Monday anil was sentenced to throe years in the peni tentiary. After receiving his sentence ho claimed he was only 1.1 years of age and the judge ordered him returned to jail until the next term of court when the question of his age would be in vestigated. When the train was near Republican City Calahan asked and received permission from the sherill' to go into tho toilet as soon as he was in the toilet he raised the window and jumped from the train. Calahan is a pretty smooth individual. This is the third time he has escaped, twice from Sheriff Davis of Harlan county and once from Sheriff Hedge. Band Meeting. Monday night witnessed one of the most enthusiastic band meetings ever held in Red Cloud. About 3.1 of tho most representative young men of our c.'ty mat and organized themselves in to the Citizens Rand of Red .Cloud. Order Your Light Fixtures. The chandliers and other fixtures for the electric light plant have ar rived and have been placed on display at Grioo's drug store. All persons who expect to use fancy fixtures should call immediately and make their selections, as it will require two or three weeks time to get them hero after they are ordered. Real Estate Transfers. Frank A Kuchn to John Street part block 23 Smith &. Moore add Rod Cloud wd S KiOO Chas C Rarge to Win It Rarrett ne 10-1-0 wd 4000 .John A Hunter to Henry Olim- Sted ne 22-1-0 wd 7000 Win It Cramer to Rufus V Farley lots .1 and (1 block 18 Itladon wd .1.10 Dcdoriclc l.ampmau to Fred Lampman nw 0-3-0 wd 700O Oscar Gunnason et al to Mike Stroble wd 440O Raymond W Kantz to Luther Ruby lots 8 and 12 block 2 Wil liams add to Red Cloud wd .... 1200 Clara M Perry to Nannie It Hale lots 20 and 21 block 22 Smith A Norrlsadd to Red Cloud wd.. COO Nannie R Hale to John Stanser lots 20 and 21 block 22 Smith it Moore add to Red Cloud wd COO Louis K Rrownell to James F Ruckles sw4 1-2-11 wd 4C0O Total. ,. S14,CGC Mortgages filed $10055 Mortgages released .S3 tSTiO I I ' -i. Ski I 1 II I I ' 1 - 1 i VS'i 'P'J I .',1 D in , -i ft-J 1, rf T '.fT