The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 07, 1906, Image 8

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Jlemsy Jlotes prom
(From thi! Messenger.)
Word was rccolvod by Judgo Black
this week from tho olllcials of Wyn
dotto county to tho effect that a Miss
Cora Galbraith supposed to bo from
this comity had been taken in custody
to bo tried for insanity.
Mrs. Nancy Uonshaw, aged 72 yoarfi,
widow of Benjamin Honshaw, who died
sovoral years ago, died at tho homo of
her daughter, Mrs. Jonuio Lyons, in
Lano township, last Friday, August 21,
1000. Sho died of paralysis, after an
illness of three days.
E. P. Sapponlleld was accidentally
hurt while unloading pianos yesterday
'morning. Ho was helping unload tho
pianos from tho wagon, when his hold
blippod and tho piano fell and struck
him across tho back as ho was trying
to get out of Its way.
(From the Times.)
Tho stork visited at tho homo of Mr.
and Mrs. Jas. Blake, Tuesday, and loft
a ten-pound boy.
O. B. Buchanan and Jas. Blako sold
two good span of mules Tuesday. They
received 3190 a span for them.
Major Dennis, tho proprietor of tho
livery barn on south Main street, went
to lied Cloud Tuesday ostensibly to
buy another livory barn.
Liast Sunday morning at tho break
fast tablo, Matthew Buchanan was
stricken with paralysis for tho third
time. Ho is in a very critical condi
tion. Saturday evening, about 0:30 p. m.
Earl Wysol was accidentally shot by
Garnet Hislop with a 32 caliber revol
ver the bullet entered at the top of
the breast bone and penetrated the
(From the Sentinel.)
A neat little game of basket ball was
played in tbo city park last night be
tween tho Franklin girls and a team
made up of teachers, mostly from Up
land. While the score was somewhat
one-sided the game in the second half
was oloso enough to be exciting the
visitors rolling up twelve points to
the home team's thirteen. Our girls
had the advantage of more experience
and showed it by doing excellent team
work and won tho game in the end by
a score of 27 to 17.
Carl Nelson met with a very serious
and almost fatal accident while out
driving last Sunday afternoon. While
driving down a hill one side of tho
buggy tongue dropped from its fasten
ing, tho team ran away and dragged
the vehicle into tho bauk at tho side
of the road. Carl, his sister Lena, and
a friend wore thrown out but nouo
hurt except tho driver. Ho was badly
bruised aud for a whilo it was thought
that ho had sustained internal injur
ies of a critical nature. When ho
lauded ho fell oil his arm, but is is be
lieved now that no bones wore frac
(From the Citizen.)
I. Chartior left Saturday for a throe
week's trip in eastern Canada.
Wm. Mussor, who loft hero a year
and a half ago, camo in Tuesday, hav
ing spont the timo in Washington aud
C. O. Brown, tho now principal, has
been getting his homo ready to re
coivo his wife, whom ho oxpoots early
in tho week. Mr. and Mrs. Brown will
occupy tho Congregational parsonage.
Henry had a narrow
squeak, Sunday, through tho ill-ad-vised
discharge of a shot gun in tho
hands of a companion with whom ho
was hunting. One shot struck Mr.
Holtzman just above the eye, iniliotlng
a painful though in no way daugerous
Sam Soars and Louio Paqulu re
turned from their tlshiug trip on tho
river Monday night, having been cut
short by tho illness of the former,
who it was feared was coming down
With an attack of tho gout, brought on
by high living.
(From the Advocate.)
Jas. Reed has boon putting in tho
ement iloor iu tho now livory barn.
Thero Is cousidera Aq talk of hold-
Neighboring Towns
ing ii biiso bull toutmiuiont in this
city in tho ueiir future.
Tho partition in tho upper room of
tho school house has boon taken out
on account of tho droppiug out of a
Mrs. Moore, who wont from hero to
Crab Orchard, was recently sent to
tho insane asylum as a dipsomaniac
caused by using drugs.
Tho building that is being started
on Colorado avonuo, opposite U. H.
Malick's residence, is not a Union de
pot but is to bo ubod for a1 central
by tho Republican Valley Telephone
Tho railroad surveyors liavo crossed
over tho "hog back" aud aro now near
ly to tho river. They have run two
linos, one down Lost Creek and one
down by tho school house south of
Levi Byerley has mado application
for letters piteut on a hay stacker ho
has invented. Ho claims to bo able
to take the hay from tho windrow and
dolivor it in tho stack in lots weighing
as high as a ton without tho uso of a
(From tho News Letter.)
J. H. Urary's new residence is on
closed and about ready for the plas
terers. Mrs. D. Jones returned the fore part
of tho week from Colorado, much re
freshed and rested by the vacation.
Prof, and Mrs. Carl Cono loft last
week for Liho y, where Mr. Cone is
engaged to uach again the coming
Robert Garrison is having the barn
on his lots north of Odd Follows hall
torn down and expects to build a
dwelling house there.
Rev. Me teal f, who has been station
ed in Old Mexico for some time
preached most able sermons at the M.
B. church Sunday morning and even
Interesting Items Gathered
by Our County Reporters
Ernest Spencs returned from Lin
coln Wedntsday.
Chas. Spenco left Monday for Gar
den City, Kansas.
Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Chevalier left
Saturday for Denver.
Mr. and Mrs. Johnson visited their
son Edward Sunday.
Miss Grace Clanson spent Sunday
with Miss Mabnl Boyd.
Mr. and Mrs. Wallaco Ray left Mon
day for their homo at (irand Island.
Mrs. Coffey of Ketmbliean Citv is
visiting at tho home of Mrs. Woodsido.
School commenced Monday with
Misses Stewart, Arnold and Phelps as
Miss Ruth Householder left Monday
for Rosemont, whore sho Is engaged to
teach school.
Joe Hall aud family loft Wednesday
evening for Oregon, where they will
mako their future homo.
Miss Delia McCallum returned from
Red Cloud Saturday, wheio she had
boon attending the institute.
Mr. and Mrs. Rickorson, who have
been visiting at tho homo of Mr.
Krall, returned to their homo in Illi
nois. Mr. and Mrs Herman Fois left Wed
nesday for Lincoln. They will visit
relatives and friends at Hickman
whilo gone.
Mm. Britton's daughter Ida, who
has been visiting hero for the past two
months left Tuesday for her homo in
Mrs. Stryckor and daughter Bessie
wore passengers for Lawrence Satur
day. Miss Bessie Stryckor has been
engaged to teach school there. Mrs.
Stryckor returned in tho evening.
Quito a number from hero aro tak
ing in the state fair this weok.
Among them are: Mr. aud Mrs. O.
Ivorson, Mr. and Mrs. Vet Wldder
ohoim, Mr. and Mrs. II. B. Boyd and
daughter, Miss Grace Reed, Mrs. J. W.
Davis and sons, A. Burkmoyor, E. J.
Solomon, Wm. Strycker, Jonn Jones,
Wm. Reed, Mr. aud Mrs. W. Letner
and Mr. and Mrs. John Hall and 6on.
Maggie, the thirteon-month-old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Richer,
died Saturday, September 1, 100G. Fu
neral sorvicos woro hold Sunday at 2
o'clock at tho Congregational church,
conducted by Rev. (Jootz of tho. Gor
man Presbyterian church of Campbell,
Tho little ono was laid to rest in tho
Plalnviow cemetery, followed by a
largo crowd of sympathizing friends
of tho bereaved parents.
Shall I seo my babe in heaven?
Shall I in that happy land.
Rest my eyes upon her features,
Clasp in mine her little hand?
Shall 1, when this life onded,
And my work on earth is done,
In that, promised many mansions
Shall I see my darling one?
Homer Fox is driving a now top
Frank Van Dyke visited his parents
this week.
Will Dollins has new Deering
mowing machine.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Sutton aro tho par
ents of a now boy.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Soderlind
woro guests of A. E. Sutton Sunday.
Mrs. Labon Aubushon and daughter
Blanche woro guests of Lewis Aubu
shon. Oran Fouts spent a fow days with
his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Van Dyke.
Will Dollins has leased tho George
Beardslee ranch, in Smith county,
S. C. Shuck and son Raymond spent
a fow days' with friends at Auburn
last week.
Mrs. Charles Isoni is home from a
visit with her brother, Richard Keagle,
at Victor, Colorado.
Grandma Amos has gone to her
home in Oklahoma, but oxpoots to re
turn in a few weeks.
Fred Wolfe has bought the old
Henry Steffen ranch, near Mount
Hope, for which he paid 140 per acre.
Miss Cora Weesner of Red Cloud
will teach an eight months' term at
district No. 8, with a two week's holi
day vacation.
Rev. J. J. Campbell will preach at
Penny Creek, district No. 8. next Sun
day at 11 a. m. "and 7 p. m. He has
been out west looking for another lo
cation, The 2-year-old child of Jas. Keagle
wandered away from home and was
found by Frank and Ben Van Dyke as
they were coming from town. The
child had got as far as the mail boxf
about a half a mile from home.
Uvr the Scandinavian DrtmntUt
In&preaaed an Observer.
William Archer tells how Henrik Ib
sen Impressed him when he met the
Scandinavian dramatist In Rome In
1881: "In glided an undersized man
with very broad shoulders and a large
leonine head, wearing a long black
frock coat with very broad lapels, on
one of which a knot of red ribbon was
conspicuous. I knew him at once, but
was a little taken aback by his low
stature. Ills natural height was even
somewhat diminished by a habit of
bending forward slightly from the
waist, begotten, no doubt, of short
sightedness and the need to peer Into
"He moved very slowly and noise
lessly, with his hands behind his back
an unobtrusive personality. But
there was nothing insignificant about
the high nnd massive forehead, crown
ed with a mane of (then) iron gray
hair, tho small and pale but piercing
eyes behind the gold rimmed specta
cles, or the thin lipped mouth, depress
ed at the corners Into a curve Indlca-
I tlvo of Iron will and set between bushy
whiskers of tho same dark gray as the
I "The most cursory observer could
not but recognize power and character
In the head, yet ono would scarcely
have guessed It to bo the power of a
poet, tho character of a prophet. Ouo
would rather have supposed one's self
face to face with an eminent states
man or diplomatist."
Amrrlca'n Mcdltrrrancnn nnd
I'roinlNc For the Future.
The eulf of Mexico Is a sea 1,000
miles long from the straits of Florida
to the harbor of Tamplco and 800
miles wide from the mouth of the
Mississippi river to the mouth of the
This Mediterranean of the west Is
surrounded by countries of extraordi
nary richness In the fertility of their
soil, the geniality of their climates,
tho vastness and value of their for-
i ests and tho variety and extent of
their mineral endowments.
All these countries, capable of sus
taining hundreds of millions of people,
aro Inhabited by nations and. races
OUR MOTTO: "Satisfaction or
yoztr money back"
combined with plain figure
prices steadily adhered to,
has brought us a constantly
growing business. Quality
first, price next. Nothing but
standard made, reputable
goods at lowest profit prices.
Always willing to
and compare prices
or Chicago houses.
Newhouse Bros..
Jewelers and OtKii-.Iimir.
who live under republican forms of
government and cherish and maintain
free institutions. The northern coast
line of this important sea is In the
great republic of the United States of
North America. The southern half Is
In the next greatest American repub
lic, that of Mexico, while on the east
aro the Important islands of the West
Indies, with Cuba at their head. The
region around this most Important sea
Is destined to be far richer, more pow
erful and more distinguished in the
history and affairs of our globe than
were ever those that bordered the
ancient Mediterranean of the eastern
hemisphere, not even excepting Egypt,
Greco and Rome. New Orleans IMca
yune. The Millionaire' Offenae.
"That millionaire yonder has cheated
me out of a fortune."
"How? Wouldn't he let you marry
his daughter?"
"Worse than that. He never bad a
The first Instance of collaboration In
English literature was that of the
plays written by Beaumont and
Proposed Constitutional Amendment.
The following proposed amendment
to the constitution of the State of Ne
braska, as hereinafter set forth in full,
is submitted to the electors of the
.State of Nebraska, to be voted upon
at the general election to be held
Tuesday, November 0, A. D. 1000
lie it enacted by the legislature of the
State of Nebraska:
Section 1. That at the general elec
tion for state and Legislative otlleers
to be held on Tuesday, succeeding the
the first .mmday in rsovoinber, 11)00,
the following provision be proposed
and submitted to the electors of the
State as an amendment to the consti
tution. Section 2. There shall bo a State
Railway Commission, consisting of
three members, who shall, be first
elected at the general election in 1900,
whose terms of ollice, except those
chosen at the first election under this
provision, shall be six years, and
whose compensation shall be fixed by
the Legislature.
Of the three commissioners first
elected, the one receiving the highest
number of votes, shall hold his office
for six years, the next highest four
year, and the lowest two years. The
powers and duties of such com
mission shall include regulation
of rates, service and the gen
eral control of common carriers,
as the legislature may provide by
law. Hut in the absence of specific
legislation, the commission shall ex
ercise the powers and perform the du
ties enumerated in this provision.
Section .'I. That at said election in
the year 11)00, on the ballot of each
elector voting thereat, there shall be
printed or written the words: ''For
Constitutional Amendment, with ref
erence to State Hallway Commission"
And "Against Constitutional Amend
ment, With Reference to State Rail
way Commission." And if, a majority
of all votes cast at said election, shall
be for such amendment, the same shall
be deemed to be adopted.
I, A. Oalusha, secretary of state of
the state of Nebraska, do hereby cer
tify thai tho foregoing proposed
amendment to the Constitution of the
State of Nebraska Is a true and cor
rect copy of the original enrolled and
engrossed bill, as passed by the
. Twenty-ninth session of the leglsla
I tare of the State of Nebraska, as ap
pears from said original bill on file in
show our goods
with either local
R XM wu i- a
. , .aa v. iiiapcuiuia
this office, and that said proposed
amendment is submitted to the quali
fied voters of the state of Nebraska
for their adoption or rejection at the
general election to be held on Tuesday
the Cth day of November, A. D. 1000.
In testimony whereof, I have here
unto set my hand and affixed the
great seal of the state of Nebraska.
Done at Linonln flit oil. An-., ,.t
nly' 5h t,le year of our rj0rd 0ne-
.Li.uusunu iine Hundred and Six, of
the Independence of tln ITnitmi kn(,.u
the One Hundred and Thirty-second,
and of this state the Fortieth.
A. (1 A LUSH A,
(ska I.) Secretary of State.
Miss Jessie Wert
Piano, Organ and Voice :;
Studio at Mrs. Josie Moran
ville's, two blocks east of
school house. Phohe 204.
Six Companies
8oo policies represent
ing over $2,000,000 in
surance in Webster
county. Now is the
time to get in the
Band Wagon.
Insurance and Notary.
Telephones: Country, No. 30;
UUll, nu. vo.
A Certain Cure fer Chilblains.
Shake into your shoes Allen's Foot
Ease, a powder. It cures chilblains,
frostbites, damp, sweating, swollen
feet. At all druggists and shoe store
25 cents. Sample free. Addres
Allon S. Olmsted, LeRoy, N. Y.
To Cure Cold a In One Day.
Take Laxative Bromo quinine tab
lets. Druggists refund money if it
fails to cure. E. V. Grove's signaturo
Is on each box. 20 cents.