JJtajTWJSWwjswjjjpjjjj 4 X ,r J NEWS OF NEBRASKA. Hitchcock the Nominee. Oinnlm, Aug. 31. Gilbert M. Hitch cock was nomlnatt d for congress by the Democratic congressional conven tion of tho Second district. Hunting Season's First Victim. J Norfolk, Neb., Sept. 4. Tho hunt ing season's first victim In northern Nebraska was Eddie Fieston, aged thirteen, near Pierce, whose lacerated body was found dead In a cornfield. i Victim of Religious Mania. Doemer, Neb., Aug. 31. Miss Au gusta Wiezcl, daughter of a prom inent farmer living north of town, has been adjudged Insane by the In sanity board of West Point, and taken to tho asylum at Norfolk. Tho first indication of her insanity was ob served about a week ago. Her mania is religious. She was converted about , two months ago at a revival meotlng held by the Salvation Army. i NE3RASKA STATE FAIR OPENS. Exhibits Are in Place and Make a Good Showing for the State. Lincoln, Sept. 3. With lists filled and barns crowded, the Nebraska state fair opened Us gates to the gen eral public. The attendance was very Haltering for the first day and far In excess of that of first days in former years. Tho exhibitors have their dis plays in place better than in former years when the first day has been consumed in getting settled. Thero are only half a dozen vacant stalls in tho cattle barns, held for tardy exhib itors, and every pen in the hog sheds has Its occupant. Tho display of fruit In Horticultural hall Is one of the best ever seen in the state. WEED BURNER BLOWS UP. One Man Killed and Two Injured, One Fatally, at Elba, Neb. St. Paul, Neb., Sept. 4. A new motor car weed burner that has been put into service by the Union Pacific road blew up near the town of Elba, killing one man and injuring two, one fatally. The dead: Thomas Johnson, Evans ton, Wyo. ' Fatally Injured: Georgo Updegraff of Grand Island, Neb. Conductor L. A. Westover of Grand Island was blown fifty feet In the air Food to work on is food to live on. II JR A man works to live. He must live III IrL to work. , MA JJa He does both better on j- ? Wa K fit 1 Uneeda Biscuit I (M) the soda cracker that contains in the ffl) U most PrPerty balanced proportions a M greater amount of nutriment than any II I food made from flour. II I Uneeda Biscuit I I I NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY JT I The Wonderful Growth of Calumet Baking Powder Is due to Its Perfect Quality and Moderate Price Used in Millions of Homes and injured, but will recover. The motor cor Is a contrivance for burning weeds along the" right of way. The car carried u, tank containing GiiO gallons or gasoline, which exploded in fcomo manner unknown. The body of Johnson was completely incinerated. FARMER IS BURNED TO DEATH. S. N. Shaffer of Nebraska City Victim of Explosion of Can of Oil. Nobrasku City, Neb., Sept. 1. S. N. Shaffer, a farmer living six miles south of this city, was burned to death from the explosion of a burning can of coal oil. Ho was pouring oil from a can into the kitchen stove for tho purpose of starting a fire. The oil caught from live coals and the can ex ploded, throwing the burning oil about, setting fire to the house and Mr. Shaf fer's clothes. He rushed from the house and attempted to extinguish the flames by rolling on the ground. Neighbors were attracted to the Iioubo by the smoke Issuing from the house and soon extinguished tho flames in the kitchen. Mr. Shaffer was found In tho yard unconscious and remained In that condition until his death a few hours later. The deceased was sixty nine years of age. EDWARD ROSEWATER IS DEAD Founder and Editor of Omaha Bee Stricken Very Suddenly. Omaha, Sept. 1. Edward Rose water, founder and editor of the Bee, Is dead. Mr. Uosowater was born Jan. '28, 1841. He died all alone, and suddenly, from heart ialluro early In tho even ing, In tho district court room, on tho third iloor of tho Deo building. Judge Troup discovered the body on enter ing his court room In the morning and at once gave tho alarm. Mr. Hosewater was found sitting In an easy posture at the end of one of tho spectators' benches, hear a win dow. He was apparently asleep, and so natural was his appearance that Judge Troup sought to awaken him at first. Ho evidently sat down, over como by exhaustion and died shortly after sitting down, for there was not the (.lightest evldenco of pain or strug gle, or. even a movement of the body to Indlcnte that he had even an In stant's suffering. Just a few moments previous to tho discovery of his denth his wife had noted that ho had not como home and had telephoned tho office. Efforts were being nir.tlo to loam where ho was when the news of his death was carried to the ed'tors of his newspa per. Mr. Iloscwnter was born at Dukovan, Bohemia. He came to the 1'nited States In ISfil and began work a1 a telegraph operator when eighteen years old. From 1S01 to ISM he was a member of tho United Strifes mili tary corps and in tho latter year be came manager of the Pacific Tele graph company at Omaha. In 1S71 he founded the Omaha Hee. He was at various times a member of the Ne btaska legislature, member of the Re publican national committee, member of the United States mint commission and representative of the United States to the Universal postal con gress. He was a candidate for tho United Stntes senate before the recent Republican stato convention at Lincoln, WOMEN'S CONGRESS ADJOURNS Much Work Is Accomplished by Suf-1 fraglsts at Copenhagen. Copenhagen, Sept. 3. The woman suffragists who have been In session, here have concluded their labors and departed for their homes. It was the first great international gathering and from Iceland in the north to Italy In the south women of all ugos and all social positions gathered to disctisn their plan or campaign. It. Is interesting to note that tho president of the International Alliance of Women's Suffrage associations is an American woman, Mrs. Carrie Cliapman-Catt, who has taken the place formerly held by Miss Susan U.i Anthony, the pioneer or tlie movement in tho United States. ARREST JAPS AS POACHERS Captain and Four Men of Japanese Vessel Held by American Official. Sewaxd, Alaska, Sept. 3. Five more Japanese have been arrested at SL George's island, one of the Prlbilofl group, by the government agent, ac cused of poaching sealB. A Japanese schooner dropped anchor within tha three-mile limit and sent a man ashore evidently to reconnolter the ground. When the Japanese sailor was ques tioned he said that the schooner had called for water. The government resident agent demanded to see tho schooner's captain and when the latter came ashore with four men all were arrested as poachers. PARKER CHOSEN PRESIDENT Banquet Marks Close of American Bar Association Meeting. Minneapolis, Sept. 1. With a big Eymphony orchestra on tho stago booming Wagnerian crashes and a double quartet of young lawyers, sup plemented by a piano, in tho other end of tho Minneapolis auditorium, singing college songs and other popular airs, staid lawyers and dignified Judges laid aside their dignity aiul had a good time nt the banquet marking the closo of tho twenty-ninth annual meeting of the American Bar association, which has been held In St. Paul during the past three days. Governor Johnson wns the first speaker, his subject be ing "The Stato of Minnesota." Judge Alton B. Parker, the new president of tho association, respond ed to the toast "The Judiciary." A number of other toasts were respond ed to by members of the association. At the business session the following officers were elected: President, Alton B. Parker of New York; secretary, John Hinckley of Baltimore, Md.: treasurer, Frederick E. Wadhams of Albany, N. Y.; executive committee, Charles Monroe of Los Angeles, Ralph N. Breckenridge of Omaha, Rome G. Brown of Minneapolis, Walter G. Smith or Philadelphia nnd Charles IV Libby of Portland. Me. F. 13. James of Ohio Introduced u resolution that the association accept tho Invitation of Los Angeles for the meeting In 1908. subject !o the Judg ment of the executive committee. An I'nciitiiiy IMiint. On the shores of Lake Nicaragua is to be found an uncanny product of the vegetable kingdom known among the natives by tho expressive name of "the devil's noose." Huustan, the nulurnl 1st, discovered It while wandering on the shores of tho lake. Attracted by cries of pain and terror from his dog he found the animal held by black, sticky bands, which had chafed tho skin to bleeding point. These bands were branches of a newly discovered carnivorous plant, which has been aptly named the "land octopus." Tho branches are flexible, black, polished, without leaves, and secrete a viscid fluid. "Where Total Kc1In-m Art- Hnre. It Is a fact well known to astron omers that the average number of total ami partial eclipses In any one year Is four; that tho maximum Is seven and the minimum two. Where only two occur they are always both of the sun. There are a great many more eclipses of the sun in the course of a year or a hundred years than there ate of the moon. This fact notwithstanding, however, London, the metropolis of the world, seems to bo a place where such obstructions to the sun's light seldom occur. A Hotter Mutcti. Rrlggs-That was a narrow escape ' Bildergate had, wasn't It? You know I he was Just about to marry a girl when ho found that she spent $2,r00 a year ; on her dresses. Griggs Yes, but he's i IlllUIlfll llll U1U HIIII1U. imiksm J HTI-, but he didn't marry that girl. CJiiggs Ho didn't! Who did ho marry, then? Brlggs Her dressmaker. Lon don Mail. A carefully greased needle will float upon water, though, of course, the stoel Is much heavier than a similar bulk of water. The Chief and the Chicago Inter Ocean one year for ISO Now Is the Time to Subscribe Do You . Rat Meat? When ?cu nro hungry and want, homulhig nice in the meat, line, drop Into my market. Wo have the nicest kind of Home-made Sausages and meats, llsh, and gamo In Reason. Wo think, and almost know, that wo can please you. Give us a trial. Koon Bros., Successors to ROBINSON .t BURDEN. STEVENS! WHEN YOU SHOOT You want to HIT what you are aiming at I be It bird, bent or target. Make your fhott count by shooting the Slhvr.Nb, For 4t years STEVENS ARMS have carried off PREMIER HONORS (or AC CURACY. Our line: Rifles,Shotpiis, Pistols Ak your Dealer In- Semi 41H. In Mimii tilt nn Hie hTKVKNS. for Hi patto Catali If Jim cannot obtain, of complete mitut. A ve ftlilp direct. M- aImllelHknfrefer frtsi frefjiJ, ijti ence fir present and rrcel"tnfiatalui:'rlce prnxctle shooters. lleijutitul three-color Aluminum Hanger will be lorwarilcil lor 10 cents in stamps. J. Stevens Arms & Tool Co., P.O. Box 4096 CHICOPEE FALLS, MASS., U. B. A. 60 YEARS'" EXPERIENCE' Trade Marks.a utaiuna Copyrights Ac.' Anyono lending n sketch nnd description mar" quickly nscertntn our opinion froo whotliiT at. Invention In prtilinbly tmtentnliln, Cnmtminirn tlousHtrictlycoTitidoutlnl. HANDBOOK onl'iumui sent froo. Oldest ngoncy for seen ring vnteutav rnU'iitu tiikun throuuh Munn & Co. rcceNtt' tpeelal notice, without chnrgo, lutho Scientific American A handsomely Illustrated weekly. T.irtrcst cftv Tonus, $.1 a culntton .if nnr nclontlUn Ion rim I your: four months. IL. Bold bynll tiowsii(vcr MUNN&Co.3'. New York Branch Offloo, C25 K BU Washlnuton, I). C. TIME TABLE. Red Cloud, Neb. LINCOLN OMAHA GUI G AGO 31. JOE KANSAS OITY 31. LOUIS and ill points east ami wuth. DENVER HELENA BUT1E SAL1 LAKE C"7 PORTLAND SAX FRANCISCO and all point west. TRAINS LKAVB AS fOLI.OWB: SO, 13. Passenger dally, for Oberllo nd St. Frauds branches, Ox ford. McCook, Denver and all points went... ... . . 7:06 1 NO, 14. Passenger dally for St. Joe, Kansas City, Atcblson. SI. Louis, Lincoln via Wymore and all points eaht and south 2 'CO a, a 15, Passenger, dally. Denver, all points In Colorado, Utah and California 7:50p.m. 18. I'akhonger. dally for St. Joe, No No. hansas uity. Airnison, si. Louis and all points east and south .10:U.2D. Vo. 174. Accommodation. Monday, Wednesday nnd Frldny.Uafct lugs, Grand Ifclnnd, lllank Iltllh nnd all points in tho northwest Vi'.m p. so. Sleeping, dining, and reclining chair cais. scats free) on through trains. Tickets sold ami oaggago checked to any point In tho United Hates or Canada. For Information, time tables, maps or tlcktV uall ou or address A. Conoror, Agent, UtO Oloud, Nobr. or L. V. Wakeley. General P- sengoi Agent Omaha. Nebrassa, RHEUMATISM CURED IN A DAT. Mystic Cure for Rheumatism and NenraJjrt radically cures Id 1 to a days. Its action spoor the system Is remarkable and mysterious. la removes at once tb cause and the disease Im mediately disappears. The first dose ireaijy benefits, 76 cents and II 0 Sold by UK Once Drugtflst. Red Oloud Ask For Allen's Feet-Ease. A powdor for swollen, tired, hot,, smarting foot. Suinplo sont free. Also froo siunplos of tho'foot-onso finnlUiryr com-piul, u now invention. Address, Alien S. Olmstoud, Lolloy, Now Yosfc,. H isW m I I t m. -I.1 jljMjjl II 9? w ; :.! !'! I t h i HI