The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 07, 1906, Image 5

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Pure Stock
Red Cloud Chief
Lady Gertrude
Mo Better Made
Dr. M. U. Thomas, Dnmerell block.
Dr. E. A. Thomas, Dentist, Damercll
A. C. Slab' went to Colorado Mon
day evening.
New laces, embroideries, neckwear,
V. Newhouse.
Wm. Uife of Ueatrice was in Red
Cloud Tuesday.
Mrs. lid (iillard is very sick at her
home in Xnponcc.
Mr. and Mi .1. T. Romford were in
Lincoln Wediibsda.
Cloyd Cuuimiugs went to Riverton
Tuesday evening.
Marion Neal was one of the many
visitors to Lincoln.
.less liny went to his home in Napo
nee Sunday evening1.
Foit Sai.k -My restaurant, stock and
fixtures. J. O. Lindley.
W. II. Taber und wife went to Ox
ford Wednesday morning.
Leon Marsh returned to his home
in Grand Island Monday noor.
.1. II. Hoggess was over to North
! ranch yesterday on business.
Itert Garber arrived home from Al
mira, Washington, this morning.
V. Wilson of of Denver was a guest
nt the home of C. D. Hobinson Sunday.
K. W. Ross, John GriiVeth and Chas.
Leu?.ler are home from the state fair.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Smith are in
Lincoln this week attending the fair.
Prom now on Tub Ciiibk will pub
lish a local grain market, which is to
be furnished by the Updike Elevator
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hlair returned to
their home in Lincoln the first of the
Mr. and Mrs. George .1. Warren de
parted Wednesday noon for a trip to
Prof, and Mrs. W. A. Hrown will
leave Sunday for a visit at Stanbury,
C. S. I'nlmur and Joe Itnrta went to
Lincoln Wednesday morning to at
.tend the fail.
A. II. Carpenter went to Chase
county Sunday evening with a party
of landseekers.
List your farm or residence property
with the Red Cloud Investment Co. if
.you want to sell.
Mrs. A. D. Hrown is moving into her
new home this week north of Sulli
van's lumber yard.
Marion Mercer went to Heaver City
Weddesday morning, where he played
with the Alma band.
Quite a number of people from this
vicinity went to Lincoln on the special
"Wednesday morning.
If you want to buy a farm or city
property or desire a loan see the Red
Cloud Investment Co.
School opened Monday and the at
tendance promises to be considerably
larger than last year.
Miss Elizabeth Rickerson of Hcd
ford, Mo., is the guest of her sister,
Mrs. W. H. Saunders.
Fred Turnure of Chester was here
the first of the week visiting his
uncles, the Turnure Hros.
Earl Crabill came home from Den
ver Sunday and visited with his par
ents until Monday evening.
A couple of box cars at the Turling
ton depot caught lire Saturday even
ing and were badly damaged.
C. W. Allen of Holdrege and Ralph
Shirey of Dnykln were guests of W.
I J. Saunders and wife last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Charky MUligan and
daughter Gertrude are home from
their pleasure trip in California.
Mr. and' Mm. Wm. Hodgson, living
south of the river, are the parents of
a baby boy, born Thursday night.
I). I!. Spanogle went to Denver Wed
nesday morning to visit with his
daughters and son for a short time.
N. Lougtiu and son Warren left
Wednesday morning In their automo
bile for a trip to Concordia, Kansas.
Archie Potter of SpearQsh, South
Dakota, visited this week with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John G. Potter.
The September term of the district
court has been adjourned to Novem
ber 19, upon petition of the attorneys.
Foit Sai.b a five room house with
six lots on a corner. One of the best
locations in the city. Inquire at this
J. W. Kinsel went to Lincoln Wed
nesday morning'. Homer linker did
nc nightwntch stunt during his ab
sence. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lydn went to
Chicago Saturday morning on a two
weeks' visit. Mr. Lyda Is dining car
Mr. Mart W. McCarty and Miss
Minnie M. Melaney, both of Hellalre,
Kansas, were married by Judge Edson
September 0, 190(5.
Miss llertha White of lilue Hill was
in the city Tuesday en route to Frank
lin to visit friends. While here she
visited Mrs. II. H. Morgan.
Mr. and Mrs. John Ericson of Kear
ney, who have been visiting their
daughter. Mrs. J. C. Saylor. returned
to their home Monday noon.
Ilert Tennant's mule team, which
was tied to a manger in Slaby's barn,
became anxious to go home Tuesday
and pulled the manger out.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Dietrick of York
returned to their home the first of the
week, after a visit with their sons J.
A. Dietrick and P. S. Dietrick.
Mrs. A. It. Reynolds and daughter
Ethel of Minden were guests of Mr.
and Mrs. C. F. MeKeighan last week.
They returned home Saturday noon.
"Foit Sale my residence property of
seven lots, with house of nine rooms,
centi-ally located. For particulars In
quire at residence. Mils. W. 11. Hoiiy.
Foit Sai.b 330 acres, known as the
Moon ranch, three miles west of Red
Cloud, S5r an acre if sold soon. Call
on or address, 11. F. liashor, Red
Ira Smelser broke the little finger of
his right hand yesterday, when he at
tempted to "ring the bell" on the
punching machine in Taber's restau
rant. Foi: Sai.b one brick store building
two stories, 2." by 100; one restaurant
building, 2! by (H); one dwelling house,
with 0 lots. Inquire of James Me
Guire. The lirunswick lunch room has just
opened up a new eating place. Meals
at all hours and lunches of all kinds.
Try our coffee. Hasement of Taber
M. A. Mercer has purchased the
lirunswick barber shop from Frak
We Want
You to
Phone Us
If you could be sure
to get the right qual
ity and a square deal
you would phone for
your groceries, would
n't you? We give
both. Phoning saves
Try Us
All the Phonos
Itenson. The shop will continue to
be run in the basement of the Potter
Mrs. Jay Drew ami children were
visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
George Perry last week. They went
to their home in Republican City Sun
day night.
Jay Rest is enjoying a visit from his
son, Dee Rest, of Salt Lake City. Mr.
Rest was formerly an operator here
and Is at present a train dispatcher in
Salt Lake.
I. n. Holmes, formerly of this city,
has purchased the Interest of II. P.
Mizer In the Red Cloud Investment
Co., and will take an active part in
the busines.
Ren Ranks came down from Rladcu
Monday with his daughter, who will
attend school here. He had the mis
fortune to lose one of his driving
horses while here.
The Congregational Junior Endeav
or Society gave a "Measuring" social
at the home of A. 11. Pierce Tuesday
evening. Quite a crowd was present
and a neat sum was realized.
The teachers of the Rusiness College
will give a reception to the students
in the college rooms this evening at 8
o'clock. All students who have at
tended the college are invited.
W. A. Kent, who was injured Au
gust 1 7th by a hayfork, yesterday re
ceived his benefit from the Woodman
Accident Association of Lincoln. He
is thankful for their promptness.
W. II. Taber has sold the Rriins
wick lunch room to his brother, (). W.
Taber. The entire basement will be
fitted up as a dining room to accom
modate the inereaslnjlf patronage.
When wanting any Edison or Victor
records remember that Newhouse
Rros. have'the largest line in the city.
Remember that they have each month's
new records as soon as they come out
In the awarding of premiums for
collective exhibits at the state fair
Webster county stood seventh, and
was awarded prize money amounting
to 8102.40.
Edward Eddy of Woodstock, 111.,
was visiting his brother, Lon Eddy,
last week. Mr. Eddy went to Smith
Center, Kan., Monday to visit rela
tives before returning to his home in
Postmaster Hacker has received
word that his daughter, Mrs. D. F.
Parker, passed the twenty-second day
of her typhoid fever attack and was
on the road to recovery. She is now
at Rattle Creek, Michigan.
Miss Ruby Goble, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Elias Goble, celebrated her
ninth birthday Tuesday by inviting
a number of her schoolmates and
friends to her home west of town.
The little folks enjoyed themselves
Another unfortunate victim of the
liquor habit was taken to Lincoln
Wednesday morning. If all the
"booze-fighters" in Webster county
are to be taken to Lincoln for treat
ment, Webster county will go into
Sam Castell will sell at public auc
tion at his farm ten miles south of
Red Cloud and eleven miles north of
Lebanon on Monday, September 10, at
ten o'clock, 125 head of stock consist
ing of horses, cattle and hogs. Terms
11 months. M. A. Cole, auctioneer.
Misses Reulah and Hallle Hrown, who
have been visiting at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Lew Clapp during the past
week, returned to their home in Co
lumbus, I ml., Thursday morning.
They were accompanied by their
grandmother, Mrs. Clapp, who will
spend the winter there.
Arlngton's Comedians presented
"Sandy Rottom" at the opera house
last night to a fair sized audience.
The specialties are all new and the
company is up to the standard set by
Mr. Arington when he parted from
the Kemptons'. Tonight they will
present "The Princess of Patches," n
comedy-drama of southern life.
Pon Sai.k 12 head of horses, onu
sorrel team, weight 10,r0; sorrel team
weight 1100; team of ponies well
matched, weight 800 and black single
driver, weight 1 100. 8 head of cattle,
two fresh cows. Two sets of driving
harness, nearly new. One set of work
harness, nearly new, set of new single
harness. W: A. Duvoid, Red Cloud.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars tho
Signature of
The Fall Hats are now ready.
We've not missed a style that's correct.
Most men buy Hats in an off-hand way,
as if it were a matter of little account. It's a
bad idea, for nothing so makes or mars a
man's appearance as his Hat.
Don't accept an indifferent Hat, or in
different attention from anyone in fitting you.
Fall Derbys, $1.75 to $3
Fall Soft Hats, $1 to $5
Men's Fall Shoes the celebrated makes
Selz, Florsheim and King Quality.
5v?e Cowden-Kaley Clothing Co.,
First Door North of Rostoflfcc, Red Cloud, Ncbr.
Verne Dickenson is very ill In a
hospital in Rutte, Montana. Not
long ago Vern was kicked by a horse
and had a leg broken. He was just
recovering from that when another
horse, which he was shoeing, kicked
him in the stomach and he wns un
conscious for four days. Ills father,
C. T. Dickenson, who not informed of
the accident until Verne wns on the
road to recovery.
(Prom the Review.)
Wm. Hunt sold his resideuco Mon.
day to Mr. Senborg at u consideration
Willis Morgnn, formerly of this
place, but lately proprietor of tho liv
New Fall
The new Fall Goods are now arriving on
every train from the Eastern Markets.
These were recently bought by an ex
perienced Dry Goods buyer while in
Chicago and other large markets.
Millinery will be a leading feature in
our store this fall. Miss Cjara Yaple of
Maryville, Mo., will have charge of this
department. Miss Yaple has had years
of experience in millinery and is an artist
in this line.
At this writing only part of the stock
is in, but we expect by the first of the
1 1.. .!- ...Ml 1.- 1.. U
weeK inc scock
largest and best
ery barn at Iiloomington, sold his
livery stock and loft Bloomlngton en
route for Longmont, Colo., leaving n
groat many dobts behind him.
Mrs. Del Knutson and her two sis
tors had a narrow escape Sunday
morning. Their team become fright
ened and for a time caused consider
able oxoitomont among our corner
congregation. Tho buggy was badly
broken but all of the occupants es
capod without injury. Tuesday was a
better day for runaways. Geo. Siol's
team niado a little run as he started
out on his mail route and latter in the
day Eddlo Siol's mule, Boomerangs
by name, made a break for freedom.
Tho day finished strong, two lights
serving to keep up excitement till
dark, and next week Is stroet carulval.
win ue cuinpiuic mc
ever shown in the city. J
r ;l
r.MN.fi4Mfc t,
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