The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 07, 1906, Image 1

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    MMM1UIMP( FtytflfrWVtya-ftj
Eight Pages
Home Print
3jl a i ear
in Advance
f "-ViUM , t-gt
Special Sale of School Hosiery
Yacation is over and the boys and girls will need stockings. We have provided for
this with a large line of Hosiery in all weights. There is the heavy hose for the
boys, fine narrow-ribbed for girls, lisle hose for Sunday, and every pair warranted
fast black Yarns.
Two Weeks Burson Fashioned Stockings
The ioc Grade
3 pr. for 25c
The 15c Grade
2 pr. for 25c
The 20c Grade
2 pr. for 35c
The 25c Grade
2 pr. for 45c
In Ladies' Hose we have
No Stockings can
be made with truer
lines and shape,
and yet there is
not a seam in them
from toe to top.
As perfectly fash
ionedshaped as
the best foreign
hose, but Without
the seams,
which are always
present in the imported stockings.
You need not pay for the work of sew
ing up those seams that hurl, as there are no seams in the Burson.
Knit in perfect shape shaped perfectly in the knitting. They
keep that shape from machine to rag bag.
Best in Quality and Comfort.No Higher in Price
m full line of Burson and others
In Dress Goods we have many bargains to
enumerate. Among them we mention:
38-inch all wool Flannels at 35 c
50-inch all wool Novelties at l60c
50-inch all wool Novel ites at 80c
Opening Sale of Outings
and Shaker Flannels
Shakers at 5c, 8 1-3C, ioc and i2$c.
Outings at 5c, 6ic, 8 1-3C, ioc and I2c. -
Cotton Batting, 10 ounces at ice.
Cotton Batting, 3 lbs. at 40c.
A full line of Crocheted Baby Hoods, Jackets, Etc.
f . NEWHOUSE, Dry Ms, Laces.
Lost His Money But Caught Jhc Girl.
"George Ilcaton, :i gny haired old
man from Hud Cloud, who is visiting
the fair, startled the crowd on O struct
nuur Eleventh evening by chasing
wildly down the struct in pursuit of a
fleeing colored girl. The old man was
gaining on her, and finally caught her
after she had stranded in the arms of
a young fellow who was coming down
the street in opposite direction. Mr.
Ilcaton claimed she go1, his pocket
ed girl who threw her arms around
him. He says he pushed her away,
hut she persisted, and soon he felt his
watch leave his pocket. lie grabbed
it and put it back into his trousers
pocket, whereupon she broke and ran.
.She had gone some distance when he
felt in his pocket and found his
money pouch was gone. Then he
took after her, chasing her through
the alley and finally ending the chase
in front of the Western Union tele
graph office" State Journal.
! Wednesday evening's Star has thu
book or pouch which contained fifteen i following concerning the affair:
dollars In paper money in addition to
some silver. After catching her, he
held onto her while the patrol wagon
wus being called, then they both went
to the station where the girl was
locked up. She gave the name of
Mattie Gritter and her home as
Omaha, when asked privately who she
was, but she was registered under a
different name. Shu came to the fair
yesterday, and had just returned from
the grounds when hur trouble oc
curred. Mr. Ilcaton had entered an
alley on P street a few feet. There,
lie said, he was followed by the color-
"Hey, come back with my pocket
book," yelled George Huaton, a venor
ablc visitor from Hud Cloud, as he
saw with consternation that a buxom
colored damsel had started at a brink
pace down the alloy away from him
last night.
"Then he followed at an even brisk
er pace, over-taking the dark skinned
girl just as she collided with a young
man in front of the Western Union
Telegraph oillcc. Ho held her fast,
called out pantingly for help, and
gripped her arm until Police Sergeant
McCorklu and the patrol wagon reach-
was given a year in thu pen, and It Is
not unlikely that Urace Gritter will
gut a similar dosu.
Resolutions of Webster County
crs' Institute.
We, the teachers of Webster county
assembled for institute work during
the session of MOO, do wish to express
our appreciation of thu work perform
ed for our benefit.
Kesolved, That wo tundur to Mrs.
Caster our heartfelt thanks for the
interest she has shown in our .school
work and our welfare as teachers.
Further for her judgment in thu se
lection of such able instructors for
this session.
Itcsolvcd, That we appreciate the
work done by .Mrs. ltrindlcy and will
to the best of our ability take her as
our model In schoohvork.
Kesolved. That to Mr. Thomas our
thoughts will revert with the most
kindly gratitude for the inspiration
he has given us by his most excellent
Kesolved, That wo have received
higher ideals for our lines through
the teaching and lecture of Mr. Sher
man for which we cannot find expres
sion for our gratefulness.
Resolved, That we tender our thanks
to Mr. Albright and those who so
royally entertained us during the gen
eral exercises each day.
Resolved, That we thank ....
woop for the courtesy shown us and
care of the building, and the school
board for the use of their building.
Resolved, That we publish these
resolutions in the various papers of
thu city of Red Cloud.
W. O. Shannon
Ada Sk.iki.vku
Jkssik La 1 in
cd thu spot.
"At the policu station thu woman
gave the name of Grncu Allen, and
said later that it was Grittur. from
Omaha. Thu local police did not know
her. but from her movements be
lieved her to be well skilled in the
gentle art.
"Ilcaton explained to thu police that
he had stepped into an alley on I
street and felt himself suddenly
pushed. He shoved her away and
then felt that his watch was sliding
from his pocket. Seizing the watch
hastily put it into another pocket and
felt safe when he saw thu girl making
off down the alley. In a moment, he
realized that his wallet was gone.
Then he started in wild pursuit,
charging down the thoroughfare after
tne woman like a bellowing lion.
The case was set for hearing in policu
court Thursday morning and thu
woman held in jail onS:00 bond which
she could not furnish."
The casu is similar to that in which
W. Iv. (Jeer of Red Cloud lost S2r In
Lincoln a few months ago, except
that Oeer was held up on a public
street. The woman who robbed Oeer
Cdleie Opens.
The Red Cloud llusiness College
began its second year Monday morn
ing. Interesting exercises were held
at the home of the college in the
Damerell block. The program includ
ed vocal and instrumental solos bv
Misses Wert, Mizer and Overman, and . congratulated
short addresses were made by E. J.
Overing, Jr., Attorney .1. C. Saylor,
Dr. E. A. Thomas and Coun:y Super
intendent Nellie Caster. The enroll
ment is larger than expected at this
time of year.
During his residence of a year in
this city President Dietrich has made
Interesting Facts About the New
trie Liftht Plant.
Rapid progress is being made with
thu construction of the new light sys
tem. Within a few days the building
will be complutud.
Thu new boiler and stack have al
ready been shipped from the factory
and as soon as the carpunturs have
finished their work on the building,
foundations will be laid for the same
and also for the engine and dynamos.
It may be of interest to the readers
to know a few facts concerning the
new machinery which will be instal
led. The engine is the best of its kind
that money ean buy. It weighs 2SU00
pounds, The smoke stack is made of
.'Mil Inch steel, Is HO inches In diameter
and (Hi feet long, weighing about fl.'iOO
pounds. The handling of this ma
chinery is no little problem.
It may also be of Interest to know
the method of distributing the electric
current over the city. For Inside
lighting a current of 2200 volts is car
ried to the city on two wires until it
reaches the cransformer. Here the
current is transformed from 2200 volts
to 220 and 1 10 volts for streut lighting
and inside lighting respectively. The
current which is used for street light
in if is 'n---' from the plant by a
ily independent wires
whlcn em". . the current for inside
lighting. It winds about over town
to every street intersection using
over 7 miles of wire. This circuit will
be controlled at the station at the wilL
of the engineer.
Red Cloud, with Its 78 street lights,
will be one of the best lighted little
cities in the state. It is encouraging
that the citizens are taking hold of
the lighting proposition and are hav
ing their residences and pluces .of
business wired."
When everybody puts their shoulder
to the wheel the success of the light
ing system is assured. .
The city administration isto be
upon having
tne services or sueli an able and con
scientious electrician as Mr. Martz to
superintend the construction work.
Band In Stftht.
Alvln Snapp, the clarinet player
and band leader, arrived Wednesday
from Manzanola, Colo., and went to
a host of friends by his outspoken work Thursday in G rice's drug store
advocacy of everything that goes to us prescription clerk. Organization
make good citizens of young men and of the band has been delayed await
women. President Dietrich is the ing .the arrival of Mr. Snapp, but a
corresponding secretary of thoNobras- meeting will be held in Mercer's bar
ka Sunday School association, and his her shop Monday evening at which
unswerving devotion to thu Christian ( timu it is hoped all who desire to
work will always have a considerable become members of the band, and all
influence upon the students who come. ' others
uiuler His charge. Parents who are There
interested, will bu present,
is no ouestion but Red Cloud
contemplating sending their -children has thu musical talent to form a band
to a business college will make no ' that will outrival irnvtliiiif in lh vnl-
mistake If they
Dietrich's care.
place them in Prof.
Probate Court Notes.
September -1. Estate of .lohn Simp
son, deceased. Hearing and order on
claims. Claim of E. I Simpson al
lowed in the sum of SIO.
September .1. Estate of Christopher
C. Hennctt, deceased. Hearing and
order on claims. So claims filed.
Estate of David Kouth, deceased.
Hearing on petition for
ley. Thu only drawback is the ap
parent lassitude and lack of Interest
which has so far been shown.
A New One on Maud Mullcr.
Maud Mullcr on a summer day, with
her fellow ran away, in a benzine
touring car, scooting to a preacher
far. Maud's father saw the fleeing
pair smelled the benzine fcented air;
caught a mule whose name was .lane,
probate of d galloped down the dusty lane; the
will adjourned to September 1.1th. j mobile very swiftly ran but burned
September IS. Estate of Robert S. thu oil all out of the can. The motor
Denny, deceased. Hearing and order stopped upon a hill, but Jane ran on
on claims. Claims of . I. D. Chrisman, just fit to kill. Alas for maid, alas for
Albert Mofford, John A. Shuuluy, man 1,IS f()l' tl empty benzine can.
Karmu's Ins. Co., Rudolf Krey, T. R. Maud's daddy on the old gray mule,
Hall, M. D., Dwight Jones, Mrs. E. A. eame and took her off to school.
Hritton, Sarah M. Shaw, Ira A. Pace, lo 'ffl wrecked the benzine
M. 1). and Gilbert G. Denny allowed.
Objections to claims of (J. 0. Denny,
C. C. Rennett estate, W. L. Dcnno, E.
O. Parker, James Hritton and Overing
llros. & Co., filed and hearing set for
September 20, WOO, atoneo'cloak p. in.
Fln&er Crushed.
Gladys, the 2-year-old daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. 0. E. Relgle, got thu
third linger of hur right hand caught
in a wringer Tuesday and it was so
badly injured that the end of thu
finger had to be amputated.
the feller died of a broken heart,
moral of this tale so sad; "Don't
the girl; go ask her dad."
Attack of Heart Failure.
C. D. Robinson, of Robinson & Hur
den, suffered a severe attack of heart
failure Monday morning. He was
found lying on the lloor in an uncon
scious condition by an early morning
customer. Medical aid was summoned
and ho was quickly revived, though he
was so weak that it was several days
before he was ablu to bu at work.
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