The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 31, 1906, Image 8

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    1J v
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Niece and Nephew
of Uncle Sam
should be deeply interested in what he has said about soda
crackers, because they are the one food with which all of
them are familiar. .
Uncle Sam has given out figures showing that soda
crackers are richer in nutriment and body-building elements,
properly proportioned, than any food made from flour.
This is saying much for common soda crackers, and
much more for Uneeda BlSCUlt, because they are
soda crackers of the best quality. They arc baked better
more scientifically. They are packed better more cleanly.
The damp, dust and odor proof package retains all the good
ness and nutriment of the wheat, all the freshness of the best
baking, all the purity of the cleanest bakeries.
Your Uncle Sam has shown what food he thinks best
for his people. His people have shown that they think
U need 3 BSsCllit the best of that food, nearly
400,000,000 packages having already been consumed.
Uneeda Biscuit
- . . -- w-t ,K. 1 1 . y .
OUR MUllU: " Satisfaction or
miy i sit sai list r
yuivr fcufc-vj vuvi,
combined with plain figure
prices steadily adhered to,
has brought us a constantly
growing business. Quality
first, price next. Nothing but
standard made, reputable
goods at lowest profit prices.
A ways willing to show our goods
and compare prices with either local
or Chicago houses.
Newhouse Bros
Jewelers and Opticians.
B. & M. Watch Inspectors
fieuisy Jtotes prom Neighboring Towns f
(Prom the News Letter.)
Wm. Miner went to Omaha last week
for the purpose of bringing his son
Edgar home with him, but the boy
tiad got a fall while attempting to
walk, not being very strong yet, and
as a consequence the doctors thought
he better remain awhile longer at the
Dr. Moranville'8 new automobile a
fine 10-horse-power Cadillao came to
hand the fore part of the week and
the doctor has spent a good part of
the time since in getting on to its
The cement walk is being continued
west from the Odd Fellows building
past the Christian church.
It 1ms boon suggested that u bron
cho busting contest bo substituted for
flin stront. fniv ill ttllidn Rock this fall.
That is said to bo a very elevating
(From the Times.)
(From the Journal.)
Grandna Abrams. who was taken
seriously ill only a few days ago, died
at his home south of the Presbyterian
church Saturday evening at 7 o'clock.
Messrs. Felt and Pierce made an ef
fort this morning to secure contribu
tions for the agricultural and poultry
Uaniatr during the street fair, but
)i.iuiu buv J......-.,., .display uunug iuh at
W. H. Chadwick of Goff, Kans.. who their efforts were futile
account of the
John, returned
was called bore on
sickness of his son
home last night.
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Fowler were
called to Eobon last night on account
of the sorious illness of Mrs. Fowler's
father, F. E. Holloway.
Quite a serious accident happened
last week to little Chris Schlatter. He
was driving a team hitched to a rake
when the horses became unmanageable
throwing him against the fence post
and wedgiug him there with the rake.
John Miller is contemplating a
journey to Germany for his daughter's
Little Maggie Halo had her arm
broken Tuesday morning by falling
from a horse.
Clin" ITinmau, the ctliuient clarinetist
Roy Henderson, who lives east of
Superior, broke his thigh yesterday
evening. While driving a team he
went to the rear of the wagon, and
while there the team started up sud
denly and threw the young man to the
J. S. Johnston received a telegram
this morning from W. S. Bloom, for
merly of this place, stating that MS
mother, died Thursday, August it),
after an illness of about four weeks in
Monroe, Wisconsin.
kind of entertainment and wo aro not in tho Lebanon band, loft Monday
sure but wo would bo in favor of it.
Michoal Keller, who lives a fow
miles this sido of Lawrence has had a
small hord of door for a number of
years, and tho Looorxotivo says they
are increasing quite fast. Four little
ones wore born tins summer.
Tho bald oaglo shot by Charles
Wohorly last spring has boon mounted
by O. C. Chase, and placed in tho show
window at tho store of W. II. Barcus.
Clapp for Senator,
The Populists hold their Senatorial
convention in Ued Cloud Thursday
nnd nominated (J. W. Clapp of Rloom
inirton for senator. Mr. Clapp is a
brother of Lew Clapp. of Miner
store, and is well-known here.
(From the Citizen.)
Mary .7. Richardson was born in Me
Donah county, III., February t!0, 1SS0,
and moved with her parents to Web
ster county, Nebraska. Sho was mar
ried at l!ed Cloud ('has. R. Harper,
March -',), 11)01, and unto tho union
was born a son January 111, 190."). They
lived happily together until she was
called homo' August 10, 11)00.
Tho :i year-old daughter of Wilfrid
Broault died at tho homo Monday,
from choking, as a rosult of a severe
attack of whooping cougfi.
Milt Daniels, .las. Kinney nnd Mr.
and Mrs. Clem Cory wore all passon-
gors to Denver, Saturday.
F. H. Gllmore, sold his brick build
ing on tho east sido of Main street to
J. II. Van Kirk, who is to tako immedi
ate possession. Tho consideration is
Sophia Boudroau, wife of Perry
Boudroau, passed away at her homo
seven miles southeast of Campbell
Monday evening.
eveuiuc for his old homo in Rohinson,
111., in response to a telegram that his
father was quite sick.
(From the Advocate.)
Last week the business men and
those interested in tho upbuilding and
nrosnority of Bloomington met in tho
court houso for the purpose of organ
izing a Commercial Club in order that
tho interests of the city might better
bo looked after.
,1. U. McCSrow has put down a
substantial block cement side walk
from tho corner to Bailey's shop.
H. ,T. Boutley has traded his hotel
for a half seel ion of land in tho Beavor
valley and expects to glvo possession
September 1st.
rnim Dni.ranK f Mm Qui in II K: North-
I.IIU flUI , , j ... o v. w j . -
wostorn railroad are now about the
tato lino and are rapidly coming this
(From the Sentinel.)
Tno Euphonium boys the academy
quartette are in the city for tho pur
poso of a foitnight's drill with Prof.
Allor. They will then leave for Chi
cago, whoro they will continue their
study for awhile preparatory to their
singing tour.
A largo forca of men arrived in
town Wednesday and began the work
of taking up tho surplus wire and put
ting lu tho second circuit for tho Bell
Telephone company. .
Republican State Ticket.
For lT. S. Senator
Nounis imowN, nmvaio.
For (iovernor
For Lieutenant Governor
M. It. IIOPK.VKLL, Burt.
For Railroad Commissioners
II. .1. WINNKTT, Lancaster.
A. J. WILLIAMS. Fierce.
For Secretary of State
(IKOUCiK .1UNK1N, (iosper.
For Auditor
E. M. SKARLK, .lit., Keith.
For Superintendent
.1. L. Mcl'.IUKN, Fillmore.
For Treasurer
LAWSON . lUUEN, Boone.
I.'.n- Attorney General
WM. T. THOMPSON, Merrick.
For Land Commissioner
County Ticket.
For Representative
For County Attorney
A. M. WALTERS, Blue Hill.
For Commissioner
W. R. ANDERSON, Bladen.
For Senator
W. E. THORNE, Bladen.
Float Representative
R. F. RAINES, Red Cloud.
nm CtMtltitlMKd Aaeataeit.
The following, proposed amendment
to the constitution of the State of Ne
braska, as hereinafter set forth in full,
Is submitted to the electors of the
State of Nebraska, to b3 voted upon
at the general election to be held
Tuesday, November 6, A. D. 1900.
Be it enacted by the Legislature f the
State of Nebraska:
Section 1. That at the general elec
tion for 6tate and Legislative officers
lw. v.ll nn Tui'krtnv. Hiicceedinir the
the first Monday in November, 1006,
tne ionowuig jiruYiDiuii to i",i""n'u
and submitted to the electors of the
State as an amendment to the consti
tution. Section 2. There shall be a State
Railway Commission, consisting of
th wo members, who shall be first
,itl nt. tho cre.neral election in 1000,
whose terms of office, except those '
chosen at the first election under this
provision, shall be six years, and
whose compensation shall be fixed by
the Legislature.
Of the three commissioners first
..i...iwi tim nnu reeuivintr the liiehest
mitnlier of votes, shall hold his otlicc I
for six years, the next highest four imii the lowest two years. The
J"-"' ; ,.... .. r....i. .
powers anu uuues ui nuui uum
mission shall include regulation
of rates, service and the gen
eral control of common carriers,
u fiw imrif.ln.turi mav nrovide by
law. But in the absence of specific
legislation, the commission snau ex
ercise the powers and perform the du
ties enumerated in this provision.
Section It. That at said election in
the year 11)0(1, on the ballot of each
elector voting thereat, there slum ie
printed or written the words: "I or
iViiiktiiuGoiiiil Amendment, with ref
erence to State Railway Commission
And "Against Constitutional Amend
ment. With Reference to State Rail
way Commission." And if, a majority
t ..u ...iii.v. i.iiwt. nt s:ii(l election, shall
be for such amendment, the same shall
i... .l.i.miixl to ln iidonti'd.
1, A. (ialusha. secretary of state of
the state of Nebraska, do hereby cer
tify thai the foregoing proposed
amendment to the Constitution of the
State of Nebraska is a true and cor
..,.,.. .., .if the. ni'lurinal enrolled and
...,..,.,,,wi liill. us missed lv the
Twenty-ninth sessitn of the legisla
ture of the State of Nebraska, as ap
pears from said original bill on file in
ii.ii. nle. and that said proposed
amendment is submitted to the quali
fied voters of the state ot eorasua
for their adoption or rejection at the
general election to be held on Tuesday
the 5th day of November. A. D. 1000.
In testimony whereof. I have hero
....... ... inv' lumd nnd alllxed the
nun i"- -"j - - ,
groat seal of the state oi Nebraska.
Done at Lincolu this 'Jlth day ot
July, ih the year of our Lord One
'im, ,'.,, ....I vim. Hundred nnd Six. of
Has just received a
complete line of
Also handles
Flow Feed
Telephone 51. '
Nlss Jessie Wert
Piano, Dip and Voice
Studio at Mrs. Josie Moran
ville's, two blocks east of
school houso. Phoho 201.
RedJCloud, - Neb.
Six Gompanle
the Independence of the Tnited States
the One Hundred and Thirty-second,
and of this state- the Fortieth.
(skat.) Secretary of State.
For Congressman, Fifth Dist.
G. W. NOR1US, McCook.
In lha District Court of Webster County, Ne
ThoraBsJ. RodKerM, PIrIuUIT, )
v. r
Loretta KoilgerB, DefendRut. )
To Lorclla HodKers, Kon-resldout Defoadnnt:
You fre heioby notified thnt on tho 13th day
of July. lOOrt. ThomttHJ. KodKern lllcd i ieU
lion a i list you In the Plhtrlot Court of Web
iter Couniy. NobrnskB, tho object and proyor
of which are to obtain a divorce from you. on
the Kroiuul tnai you imvo wuhhiij unw
a id abandoned tho plaintiff, without Rood
caiifce, for Iho term of two years and more last
P You are required to answer M'cl notltlon on
or before the t lofiS" V 'iffiDaiSUB.
Uy Kcenry A Salor, his Altoriieys. iuikIO
Soo policies represent
ing over $2,000,000 in
surance in Webster
county. Now is the
time to get in the
Band Wagon.
Insurance and Notary.
Telephones: Country, No. 36
ueu, io. us.
To Cure Cold a In One Day.
Take Laxative Bromo quinine tab
lots. Druggists refund money if it
fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signaturo
t t- 1. Cy i
is on euuu uux. -o uuui.