The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 31, 1906, Image 7

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    ?! . j.1
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il JS. & JUCJkOIO -v
.. "1 -
ood fiea'
f Good B-& s i! Coffee
M To many persons the most elaborate meal without
ml good coffee is not :i meal. And the most modest spread Vl
To many persons the most
good coffee is not a meal. And the most modest spread
with the addition of a tempting cup of Defiance Coffee at
once becomes a feast.
There is that something about the delightful taste and frag
rance of Defiance Coffee that creates appetite, enhances the
flavor of the food and sends one away from the table with
absolute satisfaction.
The great care in selecting, preparing and packing Defiance
Coffee is the reason for this. It is strictly a first-class cof
fee, cured, roasted and blended in a first-class manner.
comes to your kitchen absolutely pure, fresh and sound,
kept so by the airtight package in which it is put up.
There will be no guess work, no uncertainty about the qual
ity of your coffee and the -goodness of your meals if you use
Defiance Coffee. Try it a week for proof.
FREE A Beautiful Breakfast Set
of 31 pieces, with your initial in gold, given with Defiance
Tea and Coffee. Full particulars in each package. Ask
your grocei'.
Letts-Spencer Grocer Co., St. Joseph, Mo.
ft Mm v m ine aclllul0n ol il tempting cup ol Ueuance (Jotlee at 11
They Ivnw Neither IilItMiexH Sot
Iticiii'H Nor I'ovorty.
The flocks of Humus bclonucd to tho
win and the Iuca. It was death to
l5L. one. At certain seasons of ths
ycaMhey were collected from the hills
ami shorn. Largo numbers were sent
lo supply food for the court and to bo
used at the religious festivals and sac-
it rillces. Male llamas only were killed.
Tin wool belonged to the Incu and
". stored In the government deposi
tories and dealt out according as the
they were provided with warm cloth-
lug. When they had worked up enough
wool into clothing for themselves they
were then employed In working up
material for the Iuca. Tho distribu
tion of the wool and superintendence
of its manufacture were In the hands
of oillcers appointed for tho purpose.
J No oue was allowed to bo Idle. Idle
ness was a crime and was severely
All. the mines belonged to tho Inca
nnd were worked for his benefit. The
Ij various employments were hhuuII.v
K the hands of a few and became here
Ktnry. What the father was, that t
son became. A great part of the agri
cultural products was stored lu grana
(frles scattered up and down the coun
try and was dealt out to the people as
required. It will thus be. seen that
here was no chance lor a man to be
onio rich, neither could he become
-v lilt; r( il l ll til r-u-i'iiiumm nun uu
iisienco mere. i;uumners journal.
(A Clever Svlipnin 'Mint AVa Spoiled
In the DruiviiiK'.
Two young men In a French village
'iwcro called on to draw for conscrip
tion. One only was wanted to complete
the number, and of the two who were
Ua 1 i tip aha iina tlin onn i lVlt fntrn-
1U Ulll H U1IU "HO lilU nun Ul 41 1 11,11 14111-
W nnd tho other tho child of a noor
The farmer ingratiated himself with
he superintendent of the ballot and
premised him a present If he could And
'neuns to prevent his son from going
)n the army. In order to accomplish
his the official put into the urn two
iilack balls lnstend of ono whlto nnd
ine black ball. When tho young men
ume, ho said:
"There are two balls, ono black and
no white, In the iirrn lie who draws
elaborate meal without
tTio black one liinst serve. Your turn
is first," pointing to the widow's son.
The latter, suspecting that all was
not fair, approached the urn and drew
one of the balls, which he immediately
swallowed without looking at it.
"Why," said tlio superintendent,
"have you done thatV" How are we to
know whether you have drawn a black
or a white ball?" ,
"Oh, that's very easy to discover,"
was the reply. "Let the other now
draw. If I have the black, he must
necessnrlly draw the white one."
There was no help for It, and tho
farmer's son, putting his hand Into the
urn, drew the remaining ball, which, to
tho satisfaction of the spectators, was
a black one.
I'rntikN of tin Typcx.
Tom Moore wrote the line, "Had
taken up In heaven his position," but
the printer made It read, "Had taken
up to heaven his physician." In a
weekly story paper a love story con
tained no less than twenty ridiculous
errors. Instead of fulling Into a rev
erie the young lady fell Into the river;
"bull pup" appeared for '-'pull up,"
"nasal" for "natal" and "trombone"
for "trembling." The fair heroine was
awfully "hungry" Instead of "angry."
llor heart was filled with "et ceterns"
and not "ecstasies," and when slio
meant lo say "thine" the types made
her say, "I am thin, I am wholly thin."
A newspaper in telling of a cow cut
Into halves by a railway train said tho
cow was cut Into calves.
A Cutting Ilchuke.
In some parts of Scotland It Is cus
tomary for a bride to bring a dower to
her husband, no matter how little.
Ono couple who had experienced the
Btrlfe of wedded bliss for some years
were having the usual row, when tho
husband taunted the lady with the
paucity of worldly goods with which
she had endowed him.
"Awa!" said he. "When ye murrlt
me n' ye brought was a cosk o' whisky
an' the nuld Bible."
"Weel, Jock," was the response, "gin
ye had paid ib muckle attention to the
book as ye did tue the whisky, ye
would hue been a moenlster o' tho
gospel tho noo."
There is no building material so du
rable us well made bricks. In the Brit-
s i i' ."i'ii inv I vlcks fiken friti the
hi. l.u. in N.M'uh ni.d I'aljl'iii
which Muw no sl.'.is of decay or di-iu
tegratlou, although the ancients did not
burn or bake them, but dried them In
liio sun. The bailn of Caracalln and
of TltiH lit Home ami the Thymine of
Diocletian have endured the ravages of
time far better than the stone of the
1 ill ppmI I'nr I tun n I UK.
."isn't It awful," remarked llrowolK
looking over bis gas bill for the last
(punter; "Isn't II surprising how gu
l'HN run up':"
"Not sirprlslng," replied Kidder,
"considering how many thousand feet
tiny have."-Philadelphia Press.
MarkelN it ml I'iiItn In Chiirohyarilit In
Knrly KiikIiiiiiI.
It may safely be asserted that from
the time of the t'ompieror (10M-10S7)
Sunday trading received much atten
tion. In early ages markets and fairs
were held on Sundays and frequently
hi the churchyards.
In iaur the Inhubltunts of Cocker
mouth presented a petition to parlia
ment, as their market was fast declin
ing through the Inhabitants of Cros
thwalte dealing in corn, flour, beans,
fleah. fish, at their church on Sundays
and that thereby they were unable to
nay their tolls to the king (Kdward I.).
An order was issued for closing the
church market at I'rothwalte.
At Bradford. Yorkshire, during the
same reign the market was held on a
Sfiday, doubtless In the churchyard.
The toil ;. lelded ". per annum.
In l'JSri a statute was passed enact
ing that henceforth neither fairs nor
markets be held In churchyards, for
the honor of the church.
In KllU a market was granted to the
town of Sedgelleld, Durham, to be held
on a Friday, but was soon changed to
In I'M" the archbishops of Canter
bury and York delivered charges di
recting, among other things, that "we
firmly forbid any one to keep a mar
ket In tho churches, the porches and
the cemeteries thereunto belonging or
other holy places on the Lord's day or
other holy festivals." Notes and
The I'roeeNN of .MnUlnsr It Discovered
by nn Accident.
"A woman," said a paper maker. "In
vented blue paper. It was by accident
that she did It though. Before her time
all paper was whlto.
"She was the wife of William Kastes.
one of the leading paper makers of
England In the eighteenth century. In
passing through the paper plant one
day she dropped a big blue bag into a
vat of piflp. Hastes was a stern chap,
and so, since no one had seen the acci
dent, Mrs. Kastes decided to say noth
ing about It.
"The paper In the vat, which should
have been white, came out blue. The
workmen were mystified, Hastes en
raged. Mrs. Hastes kept quiet. Tho
upshot was that the paper was sent to
London, marked 'damaged,' to be sold
for whatever It would bring.
"But the selling agent In London
was shrewd. He saw that this blue
tinted paper was attractive. He de
clared It to be a wonderful new Inven
tion, and he sold It off like hot cakes
at double tho white paper's price.
"Hastes soon received an order for
more of the blue paper an order that
he and his men wasted several days
In trying to vainly nil.
"Then Mrs. Hastes came forward
and told the story of the blue cloth
bag. There was no dilllculty after
that In making the blue paper. This
paper's price remained very high, the
Hastes having a monopoly in It."
I'll Hunt hroplc Sparrow.
An incident which, tho writer de
clares, raised tho pugnacious sparrow
several degrees in his estimation Is
described in Outing. It shows that the
sparrow has other good qualities be
sides his sturdlness and self reliance.
For several days four or five sparrows
had visited a certain place on the roof
near my window. They always brought
food for another little fellow, who
never tried a flight from the spot. The
visiting sparrows never, came empty
billed. They woukl drop' tiny morsels
of food near the little sparrow. Whim
It began to eat the crumbs the others
set up a great chirping and then flow
away. After watching this for a few
days I went out on tho roof and ap
proached the lono bird. It did not flut
ter away from me nnd made no resist
ance when I picked It up. The spar
row was blind. Its eyes were covered
with n mllkllko fllm.
Will Entcrtalri Northwestern Hotel
Keepers' Association Next Year.
Omaha, Aug. 23. Tho fourth an
nual convention of the Northwestern
Hotel Keepers' association concluded
Its meeting at tho Millard hotel. Dos
Moines was chosen as the place of
meeting for the flf th annual ponvontlon
In 1907. There were elected oillcers
for tho ensuing year: George H.
Christian of Des Moines, president;
Alfred A. Pocock of St. Paul, C. L;
Klngaloy of Waterloo, 11. K. Droxel of
Omaha. V. II. Kent of Huron, 12, 12.
Colo of Fargo, N. D., vice presidents;
H. M. Johnston of Mitchell, S. D., secretary-treasurer.
Tho matter of employing an attor
ney for the collection of had debts
and of formulating n bill fixing tho
liability of hotel keepers for loss of
valuables entrusted to their caro by
guests was referred to tho executlvo
Republican Convention Takes
Ballots for Senator.
Lincoln, Neb., Aug. 123. In a stren
uous session of twelve hours the Re
publican state convention nominated
a ticket headed by Attorney General
Noriia Brown for United States aena- '
tor and adopted u platform which Is,
in some rcBpucts, a radical departure
from past party declarations In that it
demands "a new deal" in tho levying
of railroad taxes and for railroad regu
lation and commits the party to the
direct primary method of nominating
oillcers. The principal fight was on
senator, six ballots being required to
nominate Drown. His leading com
petitor wan the veteran Omaha editor,
Edwnrd ltosewater, who accepted his
defeat giucefully and in a speech
pledged support to the ticket and con
gratulated the party ou its Inaugura- i
tlon of new principles.
Following is tho ticket: i
For United States senator, Norrla
Brown of Buffnlo county; for governor,
George L. Sheldon of Cass; for lieuten
ant governor. Melville H. Hopewell of
Burt; for railroad commissioners, Hud
son J. Wlnnett of Lancaster, Robert
Cowoll of Douglas, Andrew J. Will
in ma or l.orce; for secretary of state,
George Junkln of Gosper; for auditor. I
Hdward M. Searlc, Jrx, of Keith; for
state treasurer, Lawsou J. Brian of
Boone; for attorney general, William
Thompson of Merrick; for superin
tendent of public instruction, Jasper
Ij. MoBrlen of Johnson; for cominls- i
sionur oi piionc luuos aim ouuumga,
Henry M. Eaton of Dodge.
and the
one year
the Time
Do You
When ycu oro hungry r.nd
want somothig nice In tho
meat line, drop into my
market. Wo have tho nicest
kind of
and moats, fish, nnd game
in season. Wo think, and
almost know, that wo can
please you. Give us a
Koon Bros.,
Successors to
1 You want lo HIT what you are ainihic at
1 be it liitJ.bcaM or Ur;el. Male your
shots count by iluiolim; the SI 1A1.NS,
for j,i years STKVKNS ARMS li.ive
canieil ofU'K KM li:i HONORS for AC
CURACY. Our line:
Riflesrshotguns, Pistols
Ak jiMir Drilrr In. herul 4 u, In tumpi
Ittnn the STKVKNS. fur ijoi-aije Culalw:
If ou cannot ulitatn, of complete output. A
we M clltrct, tf nluiMelioik nfrelci.
frtit frtpAui, iiniii enie for I'revnt nnd
rrie!itiifcitalt;ile tinmm.tUe hnntrr.
lieautilul three-color Aluminum Hanger will
be lorwarucu lor 10 cents in Mamiis.
J. Stevens Arms & Tool Co.,
I. 0. Box 4096 0
60 YEARS',
Trade: Marks
Copyrights Ac.
Anynno jpndlni; n nkctrli nnd description inny
quickly ascertain, nur opinion frco wlii'tlier hd
Invention Is probably piiiontiiiiln. Conimunlcii
tlonnHtrictlyrnnllilunUal. HANDBOOK on Patents
Bont fno. Olilvst iiuunry for fcciirmp jmlcnln.
1'atnntH taken llirouuli Miinn A Co. receive
special uotlct, without clnirno, lu tho
Scientific American.
A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Trcest cir
culation if any sclent lUn Journal. Terms, (3 a
your: four months, fl. rjoldbyul) nowndealors.
MUNN & Co.3G'D'oad. New York
Urauch OHIco, fUi K tit.. Wushluutun, 1). 0.
Red Cloud, Neb.
31. JOE
32. LOUIS and
ll points east and
and all points
Vo, 18. Passonger dully for Obcrlln
and St. Frnncln branched. Ox
ford, McCook, Denreraud all
polntB wont 7-OS a.ta.
So, 14, PaKseiiKtT dully for St. Joe,
Kbiibbk City, AtehlHon. St.
LouIh. Lincoln via Wymote
and all polntH enot and tiotith 2'03 a. a
So 15. I'ftKsencor. rtnlly, Denver, all
points in Colorado, Utah and
California . 7:60p.m.
So. 16. I'AbfuiiKcr. daily for St. Joe,
KaiiKnK City. AtclilKoo, St.
LouIh and till polntb emit and
1.011th 10:10 a.m.
Vo. 1TJ. Accommodation. Monday,
Wedni'Kluy and KrMny.Hiist
I n KB, drand Island, lllacfc
Hlllh nnd all polmx In the
northwest j!j;iii p.m.
Sleeping, dining, mid reclining chair car,
scats f rcoi on through trains. Ticket t.o!d and
onggago checkod to auy point lu the United
states or Canada.
For Information, time table, maps or ticket
jail on or address A. Counter, Agent, lied
Cloud, Neur. or L. W. Wakeley. Gaueral Pai-
songot Agent Omaha. NebrasK
Myetlc Cure for Rhoumatlnm and Neuralgia
radically cures lu 1 to 3 days. Its action upoti
the system Is remarkable and mysterious. It
removos at once tbo cause and the disease Im
mediately disappears. The first dose greatly
benefits. 75 cents and8IO Sold by II X
Grtee Druggist, Red Cloud
Ask For Allen's Foot-Ease.
A powder for swollen, tired, hot,
smarting feot. Samplo sent froo. Also
froo samples of tho foot-oaso sanitary
corn-pad, a new invention. Address,
Allou S. Olmstoad, Loltoy, New York,
I 1