The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 31, 1906, Image 6

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Roads Doing Best to Keep Law, but
Tariffs Still In Press on Date of Op
erationShipper Meets but One
Charge Conference in Washington.
New York, Aug. 28. The new rail
road rate law, which applies to all rail
roads dtflng an interstate business,
went Into effect at midnight last
night. It will be enforced by the In
terstate commerce commission. Ac
cording to the new law the roads were
to have filed with the commission by
midnight all tariffs and charges, show
ing not only the full cost of trans
portation from point to point, but also
what ltemB go to the making up of
this cost. From today on there can
bo no "extras," but the shipper Is ex
pected to he able to obtain In advanco
a final statement of the charge he has
to meet.
It was stated that In fact not a
single compnny has been able to com
ply fully with the provisions of the
law requiring them to have all their
schedules on file by midnight. Tho
schedule of swltchmg charges was tho
moBt difficult of completion and It Is
said that no road has been able to
finish It in time to file as tho law di
rected. Under the law every company which I
failed to complete its schedules may
be fined, but it Is understood that the
Interstate commerce commission will
give additional time In every case,
when a road has given evidence of
sincere Intent to comply with the law.
To discuss this and other points, a
committee representing the big east
ern railroads will go to Washington
today In order to meet the commis
sion. The conference will be attended
by representatives of the anthraclto
coal roads, who are anxious to obtain
a ruling from the commission on that
section of the law which prohibits a
railroad from carrying from state to
state any article manufactured, mined
or produced by It. except for Itn own
use. This would Include coal.
It is expected that shippers will find
themselves benefited by the provision
which requires the railroads to Includo
all charges of whatsoever nature tn
their quoted rates. Heretofore a
shipper has had to figure for himself
on Icing, refrigerator and elevator
charges, and the dozen or more other
incidentals, dickering with the sep
arate companies which had a hand In
the transportation or care of his ship
ment. Now tho railroad must do that
and tho shipper meets but one chargo
and deals with but one concern. All
the sources of side charges are con
solidated and private cars, sidetracks,
spurs, terminals, olevators are made
subject to tho law.
As a direct consequence of the pro
vision of the rate bill, the Union Pa
cific railway has determined to Install
Its own system of refrigerator cars.
Tho new law also requires the rail
roads to establish a uniform system of
accounting, and to keep their books
open for Inspection at all times by the
expert accountants of tho commission.
The feature Is expected to go far to
ward abolishing the rebate evil of tho
Forces of clerks from all express
companies have for the last few days
been engaged here in the task of re
vising express rates to comply with
the provisions of tho rate bill, but
have been unable to finish their task
in time to file schedules with the In
terstate commerce commission before
tho bill became effective. Tho public
will reap no benefit from the new ar-
rancement. The rates will not be low.
erod. Tho rates of every company will
bo Identical with those of every other.
Says Packers Are Trying to Comply
With Full Letter of the Law.
Chicago, Aug. 2S. Secretary of Ag
riculture Jnmes Wilson arrived In Chi
cago from Milwaukee, lie will leavo
for the east today. Secretary Wilson
said that he found packing plants In
Milwaukee and at points in Iowa and
Nebraska, whero he had mado Investi
gations, to be In good conditions and
that officials In every Instanco mani
fested a willingness to comply with
Intestines Protrude Through Wound
Made by Broken Whisky Flask.
Lincoln, Aug. 28. While Frank Bab-
cock, night watchman at Capital
beach, was returning to his duties
last night, ho fell oft' his wheel near
tho west end or tho viaduct. A bottlo
of whisky In his pocket was broken
and the jagged glass Inflicted cuts so
tonlblo that his Intestines protruded.
Ho is dnngeiouHly wounded and Ills
recovery Is doubtful.
Federal Grand Juries at Chicago Re-j
port Ten True Bills for Rebating.
Chicago, Aug. 27. 'l!io first and
second fodejnl grand Jurlos roturnod
ten indictments against tho Standard
Oil company before Judge lioUioa in
tho United States circuit court. The
indictments, which contain G,42S
counts, nro all In connection with tho
grnntlng of rohptes. No railroad was
mentioned In the Indictments.
Ends Life In Burning Barn.
Valparaiso, Neb., Aug. 28. Tho barn
of John O'Connell, a farmer near
hore, hurucd. In tho ruins was found
tho body of Roy O'Connell, a son, aged
twenty. A noto written by him said
he had set tho barn on flro and his
body would bo found Inside.
President Orders Public Documents
Printed According to New Plan.
OyBtor Bay, N. Y., Aug. 25. Presi
dent Roosevelt has endorsed the Car
negie spelling reform movement. Ho
issued orders to Public Printer Still
ings that hereafter all mesaageB from
the president and all other documents
emanating from the white houso shall
be printed In accordance with the rec
ommendation of the spelling reforn
committee headed by Brander Mat
thews, professor of English at Colum
bia university. This committee has
established a list of 100 words in
which tho spelling is reformed. This
list contains such words as "thru" and
"tho" as the spelling for "through"
and "though."
The president's official sanction of
this reform movemont Is regarded as
the most effective and speediest meth
od of inaugurating tho new system of
spelling throughout the country. Not
only will the documents emanating
from the president utilize the reform
spelling, but his correspondence also
will be spelled in the new style. Sec
retary Loeb has sent for the list of
100 words, which have been reformed
and upon its arrival will immediately
order all correspondence of the execu
tlce force of the white house spelled
in accordance therewith. As tho spell
ing reform committee will adopt new
reforms, they will be added to tho
president's list and also that of tho
public printer.
Man Supposed to Havs Been Dead Is
Discovered in Michigan Town.
Chicago, Aug. 27. Last April Mrs.
P. J. Kerapler of this city reported to
the police that her husband had dis
appeared and later she Identled as his
body the corpse of a man which was
found floating in the drainage canal.
The body was taken to the homo of
Mrs. Kempler, a funeral was held ana
Mrs. Kempler collected an insurance!
policy amounting to $2,000 and an
other small policy, which Kerapler
held In a fraternal organization. In
the latter part of May the body of a
man was found floating In Lake Mich
igan and Mrs. Kempler, while not be
ing able to identify the features, de
clared positively the suit of clothes
found on the body was that worn by
her husband when he disappeared.
She now Informs the police that her
husband Is alive and residing in Alle
gan, Mich. She declared that she re
ceived information some time ago that
caused her to think Kempler was liv
ing In Allegan and she went there in
disguise. She says that she saw her
husband and talked with him without
him discovering her Identity. Two de
tectives have been sent to Allegan to
arrest Kempler and, If possible, un
ravel tho mystery concerning his dis
New York Aeronauts Remain in
Twenty-four Hours.
New York, Aug. 27. Dr. Julian P.
Thomas, the amateur aeronaut, who,
with his brother, Jefferson Davis
Thomas of Augusta, Ga., mado a bal'
loon ascension hero Saturday evening,
returned to his residence in Seventy-
second street after having been In tho
air for nearly twenty-lour hours and
i having passed through two states and
reaching an altitude of about 10,000
feet. Ills voyage ended In Oakdale,
Sullivan county, this state. In rela
tion to his experiences, Dr. Thomas
"During this trip the propeller,
which was carried for tho flrst time,
worked nicely. I found that wo were
able to go either to tho left or right,
and in fact turn tho balloon complete
ly around. Wo reached Breemervllle,
N. J., and there mado a descent. Wo
had supper and stayed In a farm
house all night. Shortly after 8 a. ra.
,wo again ascended. We went up
through tho clouds and reached an al
titude of 10,000 feet. I then slept for
an hour. When I awoko I discovered
that we wero descending rapidly, In
fact we wore going down almost In a
straight lino. Wo then mado prepara
tions to land, but coming from tho
clouds, found ourselves over a forest.
Throwing out tho guy rope, wo caught
hold of a treo and pulled ourselves to
tho earth."
Quako Stricken City" Will Be Rebuilt
on Finer Lines.
Valparaiso, Aug. 25. As tho result
of the splendid courage of tho peoplo
and with tho co-operation of tho city '
government, Valparaiso will ho rebuilt,
within a ftw years on finer and more
beautiful lines than before tho dlsastor
of Aug. 10. ,
The rain last night caused most of '
tho peoplo to desert tho tents which j
they have occupied since the earth
quake and return to their houses.
Almost nil tho walls are cracked, but
there was no violent earth tremors
during tho night. Many of tho people
had to walk long distances, carrying
their bed clothes on their shoulders.
There nro no conflagrations, but tho
blowing up of damaged and dangerous
structures with dynamlto continues.
Otherwise tho town has assumed an
aknost normal appearance. Many
business houses have been reopened.
Ono thousand of those who wero
killed by tho earthquake already have
been buried and there are more than
1,000 corpses beneath the ruins.
ShcdB are being constructed for the
sheltering of destitute
Shumway Named for Congress.
Broken Bow, Neb., Aug. 24. Demo
crats of tho Sixth Nebraska district
nominated O. L. Shumway of Scott
Bluff county for congress.
Returning Nebraskan Will Be Wel
comed by Acting Mayor McGowan.
Home Folks Given Luncheon at
Hoffman House by Norman Mack.
Now York, Aug. 29. The program
of tho reception to be accorded to
William Jennings Bryan on his ar
rival In this city tomorrow was given
out by the reception committee.
The official reception will begin with
the arrival of Colonel Bryan at pier
A, North river, at 4 p. m. tomorrow.
He will be,met there by a aubcommH
tee, headed by the chairman of ths
reception, Governor Folk of Missouri.
He will be welcomed by Acting Mayor
McGowan In behalf of tho city of New
York. Arriving at the hotel, a spe
cial commission, consisting of flvo
members of the reception committee
from each state, will receive Colonel
Bryan. Then will follow the general
reception, after which Colonel Bryan
will spend the time in informal dis
cussions until 7 o'clock, when he will
retire to his private apartments to
make ready to go to the garden at
7:45 o'clock.
Norman E. Mack, Democratic state
committeeman, gave an Informal
luncheon at the Hoffman house to the
western visiting mayors here to at
tend the W. J. Bryan reception and to
several other state committeemen.
Those who were Mr. Mack's guests
were Mayors F. W. Brown of Lincoln,
J. C. Dahlman of Omaha, W. F. Green
of Nebraska City; Henry Gerlng of
Plattsmouth, F. W. Hunker of West
Point, It. E. Walzke of Humboldt, M.
Ulze of Holdrege and William Burke
of Friend.
State Commissioners Conclude Suc
cessful Session at St. Paul.
St. Paul, Aug. 29. Ono of tho most
successful sessions of tho commis
sioners on uniform legislation came to
a close at the new state capltol. From
the point of attendance, It was espe
cially good, there being twenty-two
states represented by thirty-eight com
missioners. "This has been the best conferenco
wo have held," said Amasa M. Eaton,
its president, after adjournment. "Wo
have accomplished what wo sot out to
do. After some thorough revision the
bill to mako uniform the law of ware
house recoipts was approved. Tho
commissioners will now report this to
their governors, who, In turn, will rec
ommend tho pasBngo of the act by tho
various legislatures."
A communication wns received from
an oil refinery company asking tho
commission to draw up a unl-fcrm law
for tho inspection of oil In tho various
stntes. Their attention was called to
tho fact that nearly every state which
has an Inspection law on Its statute
books has a different test for oils.
Tho communication stateB that It
would bo much better for the personal
safety and tho protection of property
If a uniform law was adopted.
Press Clubs at Denver.
Denver, Aug. 29. Tho sixteenth an
nual convention of the International
IiCaguo of Press Clubs opened hero.
President T. J. Keonan or Pittsburg
presided nnd delivered an appropri
ate response to several addresses of ,
welcome mado by tho cjty and state
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets, m
Seven Million loxes sold In past 12 months. ThlS Signature, ?
llf tCi III F1!
Tho Kind You Have Always
in uso for over SO years,
All Counterfeits, Imitations and4 Just-as-good "are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverlshness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
Bears the
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
officials, and Eiwari KesAing, presi
dent of tho Denver Press lub.
Neck Broken in Fall.
Iowa City, la., Aug. 20. Jacob
Franco was killed at Lono Tree, John
son county, by falling down stairs.
His neck was broken. His niece found
his body lying In the hall.
Priest In Charge Says Enemies of
Church Are Responsible for Fire .
Lincoln, Aug. 29. Fire destroyed '
the First Christian church at Four- j
teenth and K streets, tho loss being '
$50,000. Tho Catholics purchased the .
building a year ago and were chang
ing it into a handsome cathedral.
Father Shine charged that enemies of
the church set fire to tho structure,
Thirty minutes after the fire was dls-1
covered the walls fell In, four Are '
men narrowly escaping death.
W. B.
Deputy Attorney General Gets Office
TUI, dii.
on Third Ballot.
Lincoln, Aug. 29. William B. Itoso
deputy attorney general, was chosen
chairman of tho Republican state cen
tral committee. Ho was named on the
third ballot. A. B. Allen, private sec
retary to Governor Mickey, and Judgo
W. H. Hayward of Nebraska City
were his competitors.
Name Sutherland for Congress.
Hastings, Neb., Aug. 29. Democrats
and Populists of the Fifth Nebraska
district fused and nominated It. D.
Sutherland of Superior for congress,
Mr. Sutherland Is a Populist.
Jewish Orphans Not Deported. '
New York. Aug. 29. All but two of (
tho fifty Jewish orphnns who were or-
dered deported by tho Ellis Island
authorities wero releused from the
iiiillUKriuum siuium uiitiui oiuuits iiuui
the department of commerce and la-
hor at Washington.
lie UnilcrMtooil.
"Walk right In, dear. Your sup
per's ready, your slippers are right
where you can find them easily, nnd
your pipe and tobacco nro on tlio writ
ing desk, handy for you."
"AH right, Molly," groaued the tired,
suspicious husband. "You can get
that new dress tomorrow."
Properly there Is no other knowledge
but that which Is got by working.
Tho rest Is all yet a hypothesis of
knowledge, a thing to bo argued of In
schools, a thing Hunting In the clouds,
In endless logic vortices, till wo try
i lx It Carlyle.
To Cure a Cold in Oec
Bought, and which has been
has borno tho signature of
- and has been made under his per
"ffljtAs sonal supervision since its infancy.
Signature of
Vm.r-CfU jttrUJi
ii-ikiuf yjjc?&
Ely's Cream Balm
This Rmdy Is a Specific,
Sure t Civs Satisfaction.
It cleanses, soothes, heals, and protects the) S
diseased membrane. It cures Catarrh anij j
drives away a Cold in the Head quickly.
.Restores the beuses of Taste auu onioll.
Easy to use. Contains no injurious drugs.
Applied into the nostrila and absorbod.
jMgt) Size G0 centfl nt Druggi8tfl or by
mail; Trial Size, 10 cents by mail.
ELY BROTHERS. 56 Warren St.. New York,'
This Morning?
A Gentle Laxative
And Appetizer
Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets
A Busy Medicine for Busy People.
Bring Golden Health and Eonewed Vigor.
ana Hivokache. It's Rocky Mountain Ten In tao
let rorm, 35 cents u box. Oemilim made by
Holusteu Dnuo Company, Madison, Wis.
rieansn ami tx-autinef th hIr.
1'romutei a luxuriant growth.
Never rnils to Itoutoro Dray
Ilalr to ItB youthful Color.
Cum fi-alp illwan-i A. liair laljlri.
ftttf.awlSUiQnt DruggUU
Cures Crip
in Two Days.
f v&
4 f-fCy
os every
yrznn0 box. 25c.
A. specific for Constipation, Indigestion, Llvs
and Kidney Troubles, Pimples, Eczema, Impure
UlCXXl. Bad Rrpnth. Rlnrrolah Ttnmnla U.n.lnMlA
itJSH ii inmiMnii,
wrZS-jww, Hww&mW''trytMt'z r . tv
V,r t
tnwv !. ( v4Mtta?irflanmmirtWMiirw-w