ML Smoke Pure Stock Red Cloud Chief Lady Gertrude 5c CIGARS No Better Made 94444 . LOGALETTES Dr. E. A. Thomns, Dentist, Damerell uloek. A. T. Walker was in Franklin Mon day. W. T. Auld spent tin; week in Hud I 'loud. Miss Georgia Hani is home from Lincoln. Adair Galushu is down from Lincoln this week. Lennie Day of Riverton was here '1'lmrsday. New laces, embroideries, neckwear, 1 Newhouse. Anson Gurber was up from Guide Rock Friday. Frank and Mary Peterson were in Franklin Monday. Sheriff Hedge returned from Lin coln Sunday night. Mrs. Sam Foe and two sons returned from Denver Sunday. George Rradshaw came up from Su perior Friday night. Foji Sai.k My restaurant, stock and fixtures. J. O. Lindley. Leon larsh of Grand Island was in the city this week. Icttfts ' linker and wife were down from McCook this week. .lohn Uuy of lllue Hill was in town between trains Thursday. Tlios. Hurden of llladen is visiting his son .las. Hurden. O. R. Tichnor of Milton, Iowa, was in Red Cloud Wednesday. Win. Collins and wife were down from Naponee Wednesday. Dr. Reck of Superior took in the re union the first of the week. Mose Wilson of lllue Hill enrolled with Tin: Chikf this week. Arthur Hoby returned to his home in Ren-trice this morning. Miss Lulu Hughes of Guide Rock is visiting in town this week. Jolin Hutledge and son returned from Hebron Saturday night. Hurry Engels of Fairbury was visit ing in Red Cloud over Sunday. John Harker. formerly of the Frank lin Sentinel, was here today. Clare Hailey of Mankota, Kansas, is risiting his uncle, .1. II. Hailey. dim Wiggs, the Lebanon real estate man, was in town Wednesday. Mrs. Harry Ileal of McCook is visit ing at C. H. Potters's this week. Miss Juliet Galusha returned to her home in Lincoln Saturday morning. Mrs. Ed Gillard of Naponee is visit ing her mother, Mrs. Anna Tulleys. Miss Jessie Ducker has returned from an extended visit in Vermont. Mr. and Mrs. Wash Heed were down from Hladen to attend the reunion. Fred Hunter of Riverton paid this oflice a very pleasant call Tuesday. Fay Hrewer of McCook was in Red Cloud this week enrouo to Lincoln. Mrs. Paul Storey and daughter Ver non are home from their Colorado trip. E. R. Chrisman of Unionvllle, Mo., is visiting with his cousin the Hedges. Mrs. Will West and children came down from Naponee Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Fearn of .Mc Cook are in the city visiting relatives. Stewart Woolsoy and E. C. John ston were up from Superior Thursday. Mrs. Lizzie Howard of Pueblo, Col., is a guest at the home of Jus. Hurden. Judge Hurke of Arapahoe is here visiting his daughter, .Mrs. J, H. Mer cer. Dr. Thomas gives special attention to disease of women and children. Oillee in Dameroll block with E. A. Thomas. Hoth phones in olllee and residence. F. E. Chamberlain of Shiekley has accepted a position in Cotting's drug store. Merrill Wright of Superior is in the city this week assisting the Alma band. Mrs. L. M. Vance and chlldJen re turn to their home in Hastings Satur day noon. Issac Pierce of Kearney is visiting with the Warren, Howard and Pierce families. John Wall and wife returned to their home in Nevada, Mo., Monday morning. Miss Ethlyn Thurman of Hastings is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Peterson. Mrs. Will Hurden and daughter of Cumpbell are visiting at the home of Jas. Hurden. Mrs. .1. II. Woolley and daughter Florence are visiting at the home of D. S. Coombs. Mrs. E. A. Van Dyke and children of Franklin are visiting friends in Red Cloud this week. T. W. Connor of Heaver City is vis iting his sister, Mrs. L. II. Rust, this week. Chas. Godsey of Alma was shaking hands with lied Cloud friends this week-. Miss Clara Schoebel of Hloomiugton is in the city visiting her friend, .Miss I one' Albright. Arthur Collins of Oberlin. Kansas, has been in town this week, renew ing acquaintances. Mrs. Ruth Davis and daughter re turned Tuesday from a visit in Hird City, Kansas. J. F. Winters, formerly of this city, but now of Lincoln, attended the in stitute this week. Mrs. Cora Kydd of Scdalia, Mo., is spending the week with her mother, Mrs. Charley Hesse. PosMnaster and Mrs. T. C. Hacker returned Sunday morning from u trip to the Pacific coast. L. A. Kirkpatrick of the Clay Cen ter, Kansas Times was a pleasant cal ler at this oflice Friday. Miss Ethel Osborne, who recently suffered a severe attack of appendici tis, is able to be around. J. M. Sellers returned Saturday morning from a ten day's visit with relatives in Moulder, Colorado. Mr. ami Mrs. Geo. Itlair of Lincoln arrived in Red Cloud Sunday night for a week's visit with friends. Mrs. John Williamson of Nevada, Mo., is In Red Cloud visiting her daughter, Mrs. Winlleld Palmer. John Heauchainp, an old timer in these parts, came In from Trenton, Neb., to see the boys. Misses Gussie and Clara Koehler of lllue Hill are visiting at the home of W. C. Frahm this week. Miss Hessle Rarber and Searle Wil liams of Oberlin, Kan., are visiting at the home of Ed MeCune. Mr. and Mrs. Will Meyer and baby of Alma were in Red Cloud Wednes day visiting Miss Jessie Wert. Mrs. Hert Hatiield ami daughrer Vera of Jamestown, Kan., are visiting relatives In Red Cloud this week. Mrs. J. II. Morrison and Misses Nel lie and Minna Sankey of Superior are visiting at the home of W. W. Warren. W. W. Applegate, wife and children of Gibbon, Neb., are visiting at the home of Frank Henson this week. Don't miss the Arington Comedians September (5. 7. and S. A continuous performance with good specialities. Mrs. Mark CoiVey and Miss Liberty of Alma are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Amuck this week .Miss Odess Steele of Lincoln arrived in Red Cloud Sunday evening for a visit with Mr ami Mrs. Win. Tuber. Mr. and Mrs. Hervey Conover and son of .McCoolc are visaing in me home of Mrs. Peter Conover this week. Lew Clapp received word Monday that his brother, G. W.'s sun was very ill with typhoid fever in Hloomiugton. Mrs. Alfred Hadell and daughter May returned Monday evening from a six weeks' visit in Chicago and Michi gan. Foil Sai.k a live room house with six lots on a corner. One of the best locations in the city. Inquire at this oflice. I I . Visitors To the G. A. R. Reunion in Red Cloud are most cordially invited to make our store headquarters during1 the week. I S'e Cowden-Kaley Clothing Co., ALWAYS RELIABLE First Door North of PostofJlcc, Red Cloud, Nobr. I September 0 at Arington's In beautiful story Fok Sai.k The best located and best equipped restaurant m Lebanon. Kansas, Geo. V. Ducker. Don't forget the date September 0, 7, and 8 at the opera house. Tickets on sale at the usual place. , Rev. G. II. Rice and family left Wednesday noon for their new home in Spokane, Washington. Apples for sale 3 miles southeast of Inn-vale. Picked apples 50 cents, windfalls 2.r cents. D. Norris. G. Shanklin went to Weeping Water Thursday morning, where he will visit for several weeks with his son. We Want You to Phone Us If you could be sure to get the right qual ity and a square deal you would phone for your groceries, would n't you? We give both. Phoning saves time. Try Us McFARLAND 13he GROCER All the Phones The season opens the opera house. "Sandy Hottom." A of back wood folks. Arington's Comedians will open the season at the opera house three nights Thursday, Friday and Saturday, September (S, 7 and 8. A. F. llutler came over from North Hranch Tuesday to have Dr. Cook re move an abscess from his right cheek. He went home Friduy. L. J. Copps.'of Hastings, and mem ber of the executive committee of the Republican State Central committee, was In town this week. C. E. Putnam, of Cowles, and Mrs. Margaret Gemmell of Milford, were married at the Congregational parson age in Cowles Tuesday. "Sandy Hottom" Is the opening play of Arington's Comedians, Thursday, September 0. Tickets on sale on at the usual place Monday. Mrs. A. C. Hindu, enroute from Col orado to her home in Perry, Okla., visited her brother, II. H. Morgan, Tuesday and Wednesday. The scheme of decoration Inaugur ated by F. W. Cowden and Del Tur nure makes the greatest display of Hags the city has ever seen. Mrs. M. M. Mcssmore and son re turned Wednesday morning from a six weeks' visit with her parents in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Alex Smelser, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smelser formerly of this city, was married Wednesday in Courtland, Kansas, to Miss Maude McCullen. Foil Sai.k my residence property of seven lots, with house of nine rooms, centrally located. For particulars In quire at residence. Mils. AV. H. Ronv. Foit 3110 acres, known as the Moon ranch, three miles west of Red Cloud, $5.r an ucre If sold soon. Call on or address, 11. F. Hashor, Red Cloud. Foil Sai.k one brick store building two stories, 25 by 100; one restaurant building, 25 by 00; one dwelling house, with 0 lots. Inquire of James Me Guire. J. A. Reid, who was recently taken to the Soldier's home at Milford, suf fered another stroke of paralysis Wed nesday afternoon, and there is no hope for his recovery. Foit Sai.k Vi head of horses, one sorrel team, weight 10M); sorrel team weight 1100; team of ponies well matched, weight 800 and black single driver, weight 1100. 8 head of cattle, two fresh cows. Two sets of driving harness, nearly new. One sot of work harness, nearly new, set of new single harness. W: A. Duvoid, Red Cloud. J. F. Diener of Syracuse, Neb., senior-vice commander (J. A. R. depart ment, will not be present at the re union, owing to the press of otllcial duties which detain him at Syracuse. Miss Eliza Cotting, sister of C. L. Cotting, accompanied by her niece, Miss Ella Upson, of Rrlstol, Wiscon sin, are visiting at the home of C. L. Cotting and Mrs. Lucy Stonebreaker. Prof. Percy Adams of Wahoo stop ped over in Red Cloud to take In the reunion. He is on his way to Oxford where he has been re-elected princi pal of the schools there for the com ing year. Principal G. W. Dudley was in Hast ings Tuesday to attend the funeral of his classmate, I. E. Campbell, who was superintendent of the Nelson schools last year. Prof. Campbell died at Nelson Saturday. Old maidswould be scarce and hard to find. Could they be made to see, How gr ace and beauty is combined' Hy using Rocky Mountain Tea. c. I. Cotting. The. Hrunswick lunch room has just opened up a new eating place. Meals at all hours and lunches of all kinds. Try our coffee. Hasement of Tabor building. Scrub yourself dally, you're not clean inside. Clean insides mean clean stomach, bowels, blhod, liver, clean healthy tissue in every organ. Moral: Take Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. .'IS cents tea or tablets. C. L. Cotting. f00fJtifS0f0J New Fall Goods The new Fall Goods are now arriving on every train from the Eastern Markets. These were recently bought by an ex perienced Dry Goods buyer while in Chicago and other large markets. Millinery Millinery will be a leading feature in our store this fall. Miss Clara Yaple of Maryville, Mo., will have charge o this department. Miss Yaple has had years of experience in millinery and is an artist in this line. At this writing only part of the stock is in, but we expect by the first of the week the stock will be complete the largest and best ever shown in the city. TURNIRE BROS lr xaAWWsavsAW WvVWvWW to ft v r I I fe m II i-r-rz-'-mvMft , . ,&rtmnm V ) iOMWi