The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 31, 1906, Image 1

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S Subscription
Eight Pages
$1 a Year
in Advance
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w J f V
Great Gathering
of Old Soldiers
The seventeenth annual reunion of
thu Nebraska and Kansas Interstate
Kuuuion Association opened Monday
morning under auspicious circum
stances. Tin' weather was cool and
the sky clear.
Hy noon on .Monday most of the
tents had been erected for the accom
modation of the ollleials and the vete
rans, while the tents and caravans of
the concessionaries were mostly in
place long before that time.
At 10:30 a. m. after a musical reci
tal by the band Comrade Davidson of
Franklin was introduced and for half
an hour entertained the crowd with
stories of the war and giving expres
sion to optimistic thoughts with re
rani to the future of our country.
riie Red Cloud quartette sang a
patriotic song.
Col. .1. 11, Prcsson, commandant of
the Soldiers Home atMilford was then
introduced and for an hour, held the
pi... i,i., vmititiil .ii." Mint close attention of Ins audiecce witli a
it was a reunion of veterans of the patriotic, eloquent and touching ad
civil war was the arrival of Captain dress. He told of the bright as well
Hagan's martial band from Guide as the dark side of army life and paid
itock. Captain Hagan brought with ' a glowing tribute to the wives and
him a fife and drum corps of eleven mothers, the daughters and sweet
pieces, besides himself. The other hearts of the boys in blue,
members of the corps are: Dolphie At twelve o'clock the balloon ascen-
and Bvron Vaughn, Artie Hall, John .felon took place.
and Wilbur Watt, Fred Sherbachcr,
Leland Strickland, Albert Pace, Er
o'clock the W.
R. C. began
balloon ascension at 2:30, but owing
to the high wind this was postponed
until 7:30, when a successful ascension
and parachute drop was made.
The manager of Rrown's Tennessee
"Ministrels became offended at a fan
cied slight on the part of the reunion
eommltteeiand at 0 o'clock pulled up
btakes and went west. However the
vacancy was filled Tuesday morning
hy Helm's Vaudeville Company.
The biggest attraction in the line of
amusements was "Lucky Hill" New
ton's dog and pony show, which visit
ed Red Cloud early this year, and re
turned for the reunion.
After the balloon abcenbion Monday
evening, quite a large percentage of
the crowd adjourned to the court
house park to listen to the program
arranged for that night.
Hagan's Martial Hand opened the
program with a few selections, and
Chairman E. .1. Overing, Jr.. then in
troduced Attorney .Joseph C. Saylor,
who delivered an oration upon "The
Evolution of the Republic." Attor
ney Fred Maurer spoke upon "The
Soldier as a Citizen," and was follow-
ill by Judge Albert H. ICeeney, who
gave, some interesting and amusing
rem'miseenes of the Spanish-American
war. Judge ICeeney. while himself a
very young man, could not resist the
temptation to call the veterans of '01
'05 by the endearing term of "boys."
He read a little poem about "The
Honolulu Flea," and was interrupted
by Joe Warren, who informed him
that during the civil war those same
ileus were culled "gray-backs."
Judge Keeney was followed by
President Dietrick, of the Wed Cloud
llusiness College, who recited Captain
.liw.l f'lMiivfui-iVs! noelll. "The
!-. !- I I.'
Veteran and His Grandson," which
was highly appreciated by those pres
ent. This completed the program tor
the evening, and everyone went home
well pleased.
Tuesdav morninir the Woodman
nest Crow, Emery Guy and Claude thelr cxcrcibes of the afternoon. Two
Sheeley. This martial band was or- thousand pcople were entertained by
ganized about eight months ago, and w rx program. After music by the
the music rendered by then shows the baml and a &ong y the mixed Glee
careful training they have been given clul) whci responded to an encore,
by Captain Hagan. I Mrs Ducier as president of the after-
There was not much doing Monday, noon introduced "Uncle Sara Roys" a
excepting preliminary work. It had company of young "soldiers" who were
been announced that there would be a trained in military tactics by the Rev.
Mr. Austin, gave a arm wnicn was
greatly enjoyed. Prof. Dietrich then
read "Corporal Rill" with good effect.
Mrs. Morgan of Alma then gave a
brilliant and eloquent address on the
work and results of the W. R. C.
Since this auxiliary to the G. A. R.
was orgonized sonie 25 years ago, it
has grown from a membership of 40
to 100,000. She advocated that here
after at all reunions a half day be
given on the program to the boys and
girls, that patriotic intelligence and
good citizenship might be fostered.
Thursday's programme was the best
of the week. Gov. Sheldon arrived
Wednesday evening and attended the
cunnflre. Norris Rrown arrived on
13 Thursday morning. He was escort
ed to the grounds by Hagan's Martial
band. Mr. Rrown's address impressed
the crowd very favorably.
tiearge L. Sheldon of Nehawka, re
publican candidate for governor,
came in Wednesday evening. He de
livered an address Thursday afternoon
which placed him high in the estima
tion of those who heard him. Mr.
Sheldon was not known here prior to
the convention, but there is not a per
son in lied Cloud who had the pleas
ure of shaking hands with him that
will not acknowledge that he is a rev
elation to the politicians. He is slow
of speech and slow of action, but every
word and every movement counts.
Friday was Old Settlers' day, and it
was expected that A. C. Shallenberger,
fusion candidate for governor, would
be present to address the crowd.
Everyone was disappointed when a
teleirram was received from Mr. Shal
lenberger Friday evening announcing
his inability to be present.
.1. S. Gilliam. I. H. Rlackledgo and
.1. M. Chailin. of Red Cloud and Judge
Sutherland of Nelson entertained the
veterans with speeches.
The following is an almost complete
hlierman or ,,, , cl , ,. ..,, inf
upon "The
band from Alma arrived in all its list of the veterans who Have regis-
splendor. The band is one of the best tered during the reunion:
in the state, and furnished sweet ii.i.i.vois.
music to the crowd during the week. j , Davidson, F, 12 cav.
The eampfire Tuesday evening was an- N y, Whiting, I, .17 inf.
dressed by Prof. A. I
Columbus, who spoke
Measure of a Man."
Music was furnished by a quartet
composed of Dr. M. II. Thomas, A. It.
Scllars, Mrs. Sherwood Albright and
Miss Josie Igou. )
Wednesday, the third day of the re
union was warm and dusty. A large
crowd, however, was In town enjoy
ing the reunion exercises and taking
in the "side shows. "
John Weede, I, 05 inf.
W. M. Makey, C, 14 inf.
W. P. Kenady, D, 50 inf.
D. Eastwood, Henshaws Itattery, Light
J. 11. Presson, 58 inf.
Henry Hubbard, K, 8 cav.
D. A. Whitaker, H, 135 inf.
I). L. Groat, A, 15 inf.
.1. Vance, 15, 11 inf.
Ti (I 1 l.i rt t..e
I'., .11. wiiiu, r, .m int.
J S. A. Saunders, F, 1 10 inf.
II. C. Wolfe. K, Tit inf.
Jesse Itrooks, E, 08 inf.
Harry Reinley, I), 02 inf.
J. W. ltogenrief, A, 05 inf.
A. Leonard, II, 1 cav.
Henry Stump, 11, 12 cav.
Alexander Davis, It and F 3 cav.
Jason Lyon, I, 73 inf.
Sam Johnson, E, 120 inf.
Jerome Itackus, I), 31 inf.
Curtis Heal. F, 50 inf.
E. II. Keeney. K, 05 inf.
E. K. Conrad. I). 80 inf.
(5. W. Saunders. 1, 17 inf.
Geo. Garner. I. 118 inf.
E. W. Lynch. II. 122 inf.
E. II. Foote. II. 105 inf.
1. W. Edenburn, I. 23 inf.
H. R. Stone. II , 12 cav.
M. II. Farnhani, 11. Ill inf.
J. C. Harton, C, 12 inf.
J. H. Carr. H, 140 inf.
John Ess, II, 47 inf.
J. J. Chitwood, II, 2 cav.
Eli Rrown, H, 77 inf.
C. S. Cartwright, P, 13 inf.
J. T. Mills, E, 77 inf,
J. L. Phelps, D, 85 Inf.
II. D. Radley, K, 2 inf.
T. Rarnett, K, 125 inf.
II. C. Alexander, H, 12 cav.
Frank Druinmond, II, 2 art.
E. E. Ladd, U, 11 inf,
p. N. Richardson,-II, 4& inf.
A. L. Campbell, A, 59 Inf.
S. II. Sheeley, A, 130 Inf.
W. n. Walters, R, 3rd art.
Jas. J. Shlpman, R, 09 inf.
Robertson Adamson, K 40 inf.
Thos. Rurden, D, 73 inf.
II. A. McCune, C, 11 cav.
R. S. Picknall, C, 52 inf.
J. S. Tipton, G, 2 cav.
J. II. Cline, E, 38 cav.
D. M. Gregg, D, 2 cav.
Jack Forgey, R, 40 inf.
J. Rushton, H, 117 inf.
T. 1. lmtier, l, U7 mi.
R. D. Rurton, K, 07 inf.
T. G. Montgomery, E, 03 inf.
Wm. Montgomery, G, 128 inf.
Chas. Munger, D, 112 inf.
David Frances, C, 177 inf.
Albert Wauflle, E, 153 inf.
Levi Robertson, A, 143 ins.
John Thornton, E, 77 inf.
Geo. Greig, E, 2 art.
Chas. C. Putnam, H, 5 cav.
John U. Meyer, G, 4 inf.
Joshua McClintock, A, 28 inf.
D. H. Spanogle. I, 10 inf.
John K. Ault.. F. 205 inf.
M. C. Fulton, A, 10 cav.
Pete Johnson, 1st battery.
Simeon Johnston, It. 11 inf.
A. II. lledden, C, 52 inf.
Curtis Heal
II. H. Simons. C. I cav.
E. H. Camp, C, 2 art.
J. F. Hassinger. II, 133 cav. and inf.
L. Campbell, I, 57 inf.
Wallace Moranville. 13, 0 inf.
Fred Newliouse, I), 22 inf.
A. II. Ilouchiu, 13. II inf.
Capt. F. Ilouchiu, II, II inf.
S. M. Milligan. i, 17, inf.
Geo. Ilouchiu, II. 1 1 inf.
Geo. Shuuklin. A, 10 cav.
R. A. Turner, 15, A ,' 1 1 cav.
W. S. Hamilton. C. 21 inf.
Win. Scott, F, 21 inf.
A. Hriuly, F, 2 cav.
II. C. Scott, C, and G. 15 inf.
John F. Smith,, C, 10 inf. .
II. M. Lull, C, Neb. cav.
John W. Kennison, C. 1 cav.
T. J. Ward, 13, 21 cav.
John W. Vest, A, 3 cav.
W. A. Rrown, L, 4 cav.
Geo. W. Hagan, G, 10 inf.
13. A. Douglas, D, 38 inf.
Jos. W. Warren, 11, 11 inf. -J.
II. Ferman, H, 1 cav.
Ed Robbins, K. 30 inf.
R. M. Hennett, L, 3 cav.
Is Dead
Omaha, Neb., Aug. 31. Edward
Roscwatcr. proprietor and editor of
the Omaha Hee, and piomineiitly
identified with the political, financial
and business allairs of Omaha and the
state of Nebraska for forty years, was
found dead in district court room No.
0, on the third floor of the lice build
ing early today. Mr. Rosewater had
evidently sat down tin a bench in the
court room and fell asleep, dying of
heart failure, while asleep.
Edward Rosewater, founder antf
editor since 1871 of the Omaha Hee,
was horn at Hukovan. Kohcmia, in
ISI1. He came to the I'nlted States
in Is.M and began work as a telegraph
operator when eighteen years old.
From 18(51 to 1803 he was a member of
the United States military telegraph
corps and in the latter year becaimr
manager of the Pacific Telegraph
company at Omaha.
J. F. Webb, A, 5 inf.
W. II. Wilson, II, 27 inf.
J. W. McCracken, E, 15 inf.
R. It. Fulton, R, 1 cav.
Jacob Rowsman, K, 0 inf.
Nathan Click, F, 17 inf.
D. F. Rudd, 4 battery.
F. It. Conner, F, 20 inf.
Robert Wilson, G, 22 inf.
John Kinkaid, II , 24 inf.
Thos. Paul, D, 2 cav.
John S. Robertson, A, 3 cav.
Geo. W. Raker, I, 40 inf.
Sylvester Ludlow, D, 31 inf.
C. II. Coleman, F, 24 inf.
T. W. Holmgrain, 11, 24 inf.
I. N. Mahaffcy, R 32 inf.
Henry Delinger, II, 1 inf.
J. Hummell, II, 45 inf.
S. H. Edwards, D, 11 inf.
J. L. Grandstaff, I, 20 inf.
I. Drain, H, 0 cav.
II. II. Waldo, E, S cav.
I. Frisble, F, 35 inf.
John McCallum, R, 4 cav.
I rl!ii-ili VInnml K i. onv.
Geo. Wisgarver, I, 7 inf.
B. P. Norris, I, 8 inf.
E. P. Travis, E, 45 inf.
Wm. McCullough, E, 0 inf.
G. W. Clapp, R, 4 cav.
Orin L. Lake, E. 5 cav.
A. L. Hurke, Mexican, 1st civil war,
H, 3 inf.
D. Lindsey, A, 18 inf.
Frank Abbey. A, 38. inf.
N. L. D. Smith, H, 10 inf.
J. M. Sellars. 1), 11 inf.
13. A. Rasser, M. 3 cav.
W. S. Clarke. 8, 33 inf.
Isaac Iluyek, A, 13, U. S. A. Regulars.
John Huss, H, 23 inf.
II. M. hull. K". 12 inf.
Jus. McMahon. (1, 18 inf.
J. R. Horn. It, 13, inf.
L. J. Main, I), 23 inf.
Adam Vanmeter, E, 132 inf.
S. IS. Kixer, H. 10 U. S. A.
Chas. C. McConkey, E, 31 inf.
J. S. Heal, 1st lieu't. 10 inf.
S. R. Royce, II, 128 inf.
II. II. llunsicker, K. Ill inf.
Samuel Farquhar, K, 21 inf.
13. M. ISenson, G, It inf.
II. M. Warner, G, 11 inf.
Jacob lluber, E. 183 inf.
II. A. Meyers, C, 171 inf.
J. F. Morgan, A, 0(5 inf.
E. W. Smith, 13. OS inf.
M. Wilson. L, IS cav.
IS. Sweet. (1, 05 cav.
M W. Spicer. Cor. l S. A.
J, II. Thomas, I, 77 inf.
J. W. Fletcher, 13. 78 inf.
13. C. Smith, II , 27 inL
J. It. Porter, II. 07 inf!
Ezra House, I, 150 inf.
Hester, Ethel Sherman. Winifred
Pope, Rlanche Reiher, Etta
Shottenkirk, Alta Gross, Addiu
Matheson, Effic Howard, Mabel
Rrooks, Jessie
Kent, Rertha
Householder, Hatte
Hedge, Laura
Peterson, Grace
Itrooks, Radical
Goble, Carrie
Lambrecht, Clara Householder,
Taylor, Ed Frances
Dickerson, Maggie Woods, Thomnv
Klatt, Clara Wholmcs, M. S.
McCallum Delia Rrown, Elsu
Demurs AlphonslneSkjelver, Grace
Squires, Jessie Deakin, Lottie
Laird, Jessie McClure Lida.
StolTregan, Florence Laird, Olive
Vance, W. A. Rrown, Emma
McKl ney, Velma Gilliam, Annie
Thomas, S. R.
Schultz, Ada
Mrrker, Rernice
Fawcett, Roll
Herri ck, Chas.
Peterson, Esther
Rickard, Murray
Walker, Emly
Householder, Ruth
Shannon, W. G.
Teachers' Institute.
The teachers of Webster county
have been in session this week. The
programs have been interesting, but
lack of space forbids giving a detailed
account of the proceedings. The
following teachers were enrolled:
Weesner, Lora Wecsner, Cora
Largent, Lena Cooper Chester
HerrickWinnogcneEdson, W. D.
Day, Mabel Evans, Margaret
nrown, Lillie Farquhar, Carrie
McReth, Mury Palmer, Ray,
We understand that N. D. Illings-'
worth has just received another ton
of the Medical Chemical Co.'s Hog"
Powders, of which he has already sold
six tons in Red Cloud and vieinitjv
within the past two months. Itseems
to be giving wonderful satisfaction
Among the hundreds of hog raisers
who are using the medicine are the
following, who recommend it very
highly, many of whom claim it is the
best remedy they ever used, as it not
only expels all kinds of worms, but
also tones up the entire system of
hogs, horses and cattle, makes them
thrive in a miraculous manner and
sharpens up their appetites. Many of
them claim if fed according to direc
tions it will prove to be worth to any
stock raiser SI. 00 per pound and it
only costs 10 cents a pound. Many
claim it is the best remedy ever used
for chickens. Some of the farmers
who are using this medicine are:
A. C. Slaby, C. II. Kaley, M. P. Doyle,
1). It. Stunkard, Grant Shidler, Frank
Amaek, Jacob Reigle, W. II. Moore,
W. M. Hayes, 13. 13. Fogg, C. G. Pit
ney, C. T. Dickenson, L. Ksslg, James
Doyle. G. M. Pierce, Geo. Amaek. A.
N Delph. Julius Nelson, William Au
bushon. Ed Ilimes, W. I). Davis, II. J.
Jenson, Henry Wilinot, Tom Ivvalick,
JeiV lleauehiimp. W. T. Mountford,
Joe Saladen, .1. W. Reigle.
Bert IMf,kcyIniurc(l.
While Elmer Koon, Itert Dickey anil
Ray Palmer were driving along Divi
sion street Monday evening the horse
became frightened at a boy on a
bicycle, shied to one side and tipped
the buggy till' the culvert. Koon . and
Palmer jumped and escaped without
injury, but Dickey's foot became en
tangled beneath the buggy seat and
went over with the vehicle. Mr
shoulder and arm was badly injured,
but no bones were broken. The
buggy was a complete wreck.
Andrews, Pearl
Pettit, Martha
Hunter, Lloyd
Ward, Frances
Cox, Otha
Lambert, Llssa
Martlndale Clara
Martin, Fraukie
Hughes, Lulu
Kon.ack, Eilie
Stedman, Etta
Kirkpatrick, Elsie
Semi-annual meeting of stockhold
ers and report of Red Cloud creamery"
associdtion Saturday, September 8, at"
2 p. in. at the court house. Hy order
of President.
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