0r ft t 4, .! fV. rtwMaM , NEWS OF NEBRASKA. Judge Graves Nominated for Congress. jn order to effect fusion, four cnndl KjrfcilK Nob., Auk. 2I. .Judge Guy ,inton already nominated In the Demo- Glares of Potukr was nominated for corgncs by the Democrats and Popu- lists of the Third Nebraska district. Footings on Assessment. Lincoln, Aug. 2'. The work of conv j idling the figures of the state board .of equalization has been completed j .and the returns have been made to I he various county clerks. The total .assessed value or the state Is $313, OC0.301, against $301,470,901 last year. Printer Under Cars. Louisville, Neb., Aug. 18. A young man, who gave his name as C. E. Negus, and his home at Des Moines, was run over by a freight train in tho Turlington yards here and had both legs crushed. Physicians amputated Hie left leg above the knee, and Bay that it will be necessary to amputate the other one should the young man ' live, which Is considered very doubt ful. He Is a printer and had been employed In the Republican office at Weeping Water. HEAT KILLS AGED WOMAN One Man Overcome by the High Temperature in Lincoln. Lincoln, Aug. 18. Southeastern No tiraska Is experiencing tho hottest weather of the summer. In Lincoln the maximum was 5(7 degrees. Street thermometers Indicated 101 Near Kpragno, In this county, Mrs. Catherine llrrzog. an aged woman, died hi the field from heal and ex haust Ion. There was one prostration jn Lincoln. DELEGATE FATALLY HURT John Waters Struck by Switch Engino and Dies in Hospital at Lincoln. ; Lincoln. Aug. 17. .John Waters of' Doniphan, eb.. a delegate to the Pop- itlist state convention, while suffering from heat, left his hotel and wandered to the uurliiigton railroad yards and was struck by a switch engine. He died in the hospital as a result of In- juries. In the same yards a stranrr (supposedly overcome by heat, fell on Hie track and was run over and killed Tho maximum temperature In Lincoln was 9S 'ASK MICKEY TO JOIN "UPLIFT." Albion, Neb., Citizens Point to Folk's ' Reform Work. Omaha. Aug. 17. At a mass-meet- of citizens held in Albion a reso lution whs adopted commending tho efforts of Goernora llUgius, Hnnly, Hoch and Folk to entorce laws against popular vic( s in cities and tailing up on Governor Mickey "to honor Ne braska and himself by a fearless proc lamation Informing all citizens of the exact provisions of tlie laws most fre quently violated, and ordering public olllcers to fully enforce such laws on penalty of dismissal or other punish ment." NEBRASKA'S CORN CROP. Union Pacific Cets Up Statistics of Acreage and Yield. Omaha, Aug. 17. Nebraska's corn crop promises to bo lilg enough If U were all shipped to fill a train of 250,. 000 cars. The Union Paciilc's crop es timate for 190(1 is about completed, and will be ready to give to the public in a few days. The figures hnve been obtained by exports who have been through the grain producing counties of the state, visiting farmers and by conferring with the elevator men. and others along the lines of the road. In acreage thev got these figures: Winter wht at has an increased acre age of 110.220 acres over last year; spring wheat, 50.031 acre decrease; corn. 30S.110 acres increase, and oats, 22.144 acres increase. Winter wheat 1 estimated at from IS to 30 bushels ppr acre; spring wheat, 11 to 20. and corn, 20 to no. The coni rop of the present year -niOBt of which in ronld"red safe un less there nhould he an early killing frost is estimated nt 2oO,00t,6oO bush ols. FUSION TICKET IN NEBRASKA. Democrats Accept Populist Nominees for Four Places. Lincoln, Aug. 17. Tho following ticket was nominated by the Populist ment In the southwest caused strength nnd Democratic conventions' Fori tmlnv j tho iocni wheat market. At United States senator, W. II Thomp-' Ul0 cioso Wheut for September dellv fion of Grand Island (Dem.): fur gov- 0,.y WftB ,, ii.o. Com was up c. ernor. A. C. Shallenbeiger or Alma oats wero off 'Ae. Provisions were un (Dem): for lleutunant governor, Will- changed to 6G 7,''C lower. Closing lam u. ureen oi ureignin UJem.); ior railroad commissioners, A. P. Pitzsim mens of Tocumseh (Dem.), George Horst of Polk (Pop.), John Davis of Fillmoro (Pop,); for secretary of state, Carl R. Gaucher of Wnhoo (Dem.); for treasurer, F. C. Babcock of Hastings (Dem.); for auditor J. S. Canaday of Mlnden (Pop.); for land commissioner, J. V. Wolfe of Lincoln (Pop.); for attorney general, Lyslo I, Abbott of Omaha (Dem.) ; for state su perintendent, R. II. Watson of Valen tine (Dem.). Fusion was effected In the eleventh hour, and at a time when hope for an amicable agreement had almost fled rnitle convention withdrew from the ticket to make place for Populists, These are Ed II. I.ulkhart of Mad!- son, who had been nominated for and- jtor. 13. Knstham of Custer, who )lUi i,ctn nomlnnted for land commis- Bi0nor, and E. J. Ward of Webster and m, h, Welsse of Thayer, nominees for raiiroad commissioner. . INSPECTS PACKING PLANTS Secretary of Agriculture Visits South Omaha Unannounced. South Omaha, Aug. 22. "I am going to Omaha, but I don't want my iden tity known," was the parting state ment of Secretary of Agriculture Wil son as he left this city in a carriage for Omaha shortly after noon. "I have Inspected all tho packing houses and have found them in good condi tion." Secretary Wilson arrived in South Omaha about 9 a. m., coming in a closed carriage alone. He was driven to tho Swift plant. Manager Edwards escorted him through the various de partments of tho plant. Secretary Wilson re-entered his carriage then and drove to Armour's, where ho mium mum, mi.u nun Malinger nowo. j suing nrougn ine plant, ami later he again entered his carriage and was : driven to the Cudnhy plant. , PAT CROWE BEGINS LIFE ANEW Settles Down In Gotham and Turns Newspaperman. ' New York. Aug;. 22. Pat Crowe of Omaha, who was taken in charge by tho local police, but later given- his freedom, called at police headquarters I In accordance with an arrangement made last night. Crowe had a long talk with Sergeant Dunn. Ho told him !l ,iaI fi'ven up his old life. Ho said ,10 was ongnRod In newspaper work an't meant to earn an honest living henceforth. He was told that he could remain In the city as long as he did hc promised. 1 DOUBLE TRAGEDY AT SIOUX CITY Fred Soucy Fatally Shoots Paramour and Then Kills Himself. Sioux City, Aug. 22. In a resort hero Fred Soucy shot his paramour, Annie ingebrlghtson. three times with a revolver, each bullet taking effect, and then turned the smoking revolver' upon hlmFolf and died instantly with a bullet through the temple. The girl is still living,' but her wounds aro probably of a fatal nature. Jealousy was the cause of tho tragedy. Denver Franchise Contest. Denver, Aug. 22. Mrs. Emma Wells, judge of election in tho Twelfth ward, stated on the witness stand in the franchise contest before Judge Ben B. Lindsey that she was appointed by S. Campbell of tho Denver Gas and Elec tric company before election and of fered $25 if her precinct was carried for the gas franchise. She added that an additional offer was made Iter of a position In tho gns company's office for her niece if tho precinct returned a favorable majority. Rain In Wisconsin. Superior, Wis., Aug. 22. Tho seri ous drought, which lias threatened tho potato crop in northern Wisconsin, was broken by a drenching rain. lie ports from tho Vermillion nnd Mosnba ranges in Minnesota indicate that the rain there was bountiful. Forest fires on theso ranges aro not entirely smothered, but the danger Is thought to have passed. Claim Jumper Fatally Shot. Goldfleld, Nov., Aug. 22. A tele gram received hero reports a shooting affair at the gold camp of Ramsey, about twenty-flvo miles from Virginia City. Tom Ramsey, a millionaire mine owner of Goldlleld, shot and fa tally Injured a man named Brown, who had. it is alleged, jumped one of his claims. CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Features of the Day's Trading and Closing Quotations. Chlcauo. Auk. 21. Wet weather in th northwest nnd a decreased move- pijces: Wheat Sept., 71c; Dec, 7'lc. Corn Sept., 48c; Dec, 4 4 Vic. Oats Sept., 29!)ic; Dec, 31c Pork Sept., $17.50; Jan., $13.50. Lard Sept., ?8.(;2K..; Oct., $8.07. Ribs Sept., $9.00; Oct., $8.75. South Omaha Live Stock. South Omaha, Aug. 21. Cattle Re ceipts, 0,500; best steady, othors low er; native steers, $4.256.25; cowb und heifors, $3.005.00; western eteers, $3.25&5.25; Texas steers, $3.00 4.25; range cows and heifers, $2.00 i 3.85; canners, $l.G02.7G; stockore nnd feeders, $2.754.35; calves, $3.00' 5.7(5; bulls, stags, etc., $2.004.00. 1 HOBS neceipis, iu,uMu; rau iu " 10c lower; heavy, $5.75fK.'J5s mixed, $3.8G?5.90: light, $G.y5C.2j; pigs, $r..00(J.0O; bulk of bales, $:5.90Cy 0.05. Sheep Ilocelpts, 22,000; stoad, eas ier; yearlings, $G.2r0.00; wethers, $4.fi5QT).25; owej, $1.004.90; lambs, $(!.G07.G0. Chicago Live Stock. Chicago, Aug. 21. Cattle Receipts, 4, GOO; dull; common to prime steers, $3.7G6.76; cows, $2.8G4.7G; heifers, $2.G0G.3G; bulls, $2.004.G0; calves, $3.007.G0; stockers and feeders, $2.G04.G0. Hogs Receipts, 20,000; strong to Gc lower; choice to prime heavy, $0.3G0.40; medium to good heavy, $G.10C30; butcherwelghta, $G.4G9G.G5; good to choice heavy, mixed, $G.16G.3G; packing, $6.60 G.25; pigs, $6.G0G.G0. Sheep Re ceipts, 20,000; steady; sheep, $4.26 5.76; yearlings $5.0O6.50; lambs,' $G.008.00. Rattlesnake Bites Baby. Harrison, Neb., Aug. 17. The flf-teenth-montho-old son of John Popp, residing twenty-eight miles southeast of Harrlsoa. who was bitten by a rat tlesnake ana was brought into town, died in five hours after reaching here. Meet Next at Detroit. 0mn,m( A 8.-The International Brotherhood of Stationary Firemen clos(1(, Rs oIghth ,jleiinlnl SPSsion nt ' Labor Temple. Timothy Hcaly of Now York was elected president and C. L. Shamp of Omaha secietnry-treus- urer. The next convention will be held in Detroit. Affirms Conviction of Krauses. St. Louis, Aug. 21. Tho United States court of appeals 'afllrmed tho judgment 01 tne rsenrasun united States district court in tho eases of John and Herman Kinuso of that state. Tho Krauses were convicted of fencing 4,500 acres of government land in that state. CLEMENTS ARE BOUND OVER Father and Two Sons Held on Chargo of Killing Goldlc. Papllllon, Neb., Aug., 17. After a preliminary hearing lasting two days, Fred Clements and his two sons, Carl and Ernest, have been bound over to Itw. ,1luM.,.t ,.r,.,... ,, .. ,.,nir nf 1MII.I 1 a WI.3VMl-t w.. wi lb ''f)V lug Luke Goldie nt Albright on tho night of Aug. 3, during a quarrel over d"S belonging to Goldio. LINCOLN MAKES COMPLAINT. Judge Field Authorized to Take Up Rate Question With Federal Board. Lincoln, Aug. 21. The Commercial club of Lincoln has authorized Judge A. W. Field of this city to carry a complaint of Lincoln shippers to the interstate commerce commission, with a request that alleged discriminating rates be changed and that Lincoln bo granted a number of concession:. It Is alleged that tho present freight schedules discriminate in favor of Omaha. YOUTH COMMITS SUICIDE. Ends Life With Revolver at Em ployer's Home Near Beatrice. Beatrice, Neb., Aug. 21. Harry El wood, sixteen years of age, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Elwood of this city, committed suicide at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lewis, two miles south of town, where ho has been em ployed this summer. Tho body was! found lying across tho bed by Mr. Lewis, with a bullet hole In tho head ' anil a revolver by his side. No enuio is assigned. NOMINATED FOR CONCRESS Republican Congressional Convention at Fremont Names Judge Boyd. Fremont, Neb., Aug. 17. Congress-1 man McCarthy was beaten in tho fight f for tho congressional nomination of I tho Third district in tho convention i hero, nnd Judge Boyd of Neligh sc-' cuiod the plum. Tho matter was sot-1 tied on the first bnllot, the vote being 129 to 123. Lincoln, Aug. 1C T. J. Doyle of Lincoln was nominate!' Tor congress by tho Democrats of tho First district. II. H. Hanks of Otoe was first given tho nomination, but declined. Seward, Nob., Aug. 15. James J. Thomas of Seward was nominated for congress by tho Democrats of tho Fourth district. MOB SHOOTS NEGRO TO DEATH Governor Heyward Makes Frultlesa Anneal to Prevent Lynchinn. Greenwood, S. C, Aug. 17. "Bob" Davis, the nogro who assaulted Miss Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. $ Seven MDllon boxes sold In fust 1 2 months. ThlS Signature, - &XStt i r Tito Kind You Have Always in u.so for over 30 years, .aBMOTpjEiPS.1Vr. Tf3UK(3tlNaiUtiM9wmmm and has been made under his per 44572 sonnl supervision since its infancy. rt -C6CC44, Allow 110 one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" arc but Experiments that trillo with and endanger tho health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Fovcrishncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Si Bears the W lfcurt The Kind You Haio in Use For Over 30 Years. THC CCNTAL-n CONirAMY, TT MUriBAV STflCCT, NCWVORI', CITY. Jennie Premiss noir here Monday, was lynched here last night. G-nernor Ileyward made u stiung r.pial to save the negro, hut the mob wa d" termluled nnd shot the negro to cYath. Governor -I 'y''i.(i rcache' the scene shortly after the- negro had been capMtied. A platform was erected In " ":ml "i--i '" ""-" Iviui?vn ui im.- victim's father and from it Governor Ileywanl addressed the mob. The governor was cheered, but the mob removed tho prisoner from the view r.r the governor and riddled him with l,".l- j lets The negro was positively ideal ifi. ' ! by Mif-s Hrooks. He was led to within loo yards of the Hrooks home and lynched a negro woman firing tho first shot. CAR OF DYNAMITE EXPLODES Fifteen Persons Killed by Accident Near Chihuahua, Mex. El Paso, Tex., Aug. 17. A special frnm Phlhimhiin. Mev.. cmitnlns tlie aw... -v .......... .,.., .-.-,..., , .... ....., ..... louowmg ncwjuui 01 mo iiyiuuiiuv u.x- plosion there: Two cars of dynamite were blown to atoms a mile south of the Chihuahua station, on the Mexican Central railroad. Two women, two children and eight men, all Mexicans, were killed. A. L. Lewis, an American employed by tho Robinson Mining company, was Injured. Several steel cars and all buildings in tlie vicinity of the explosion were annihilated. This explosion caused another explo sion in the Andrescobellto factory, two blocks away in the explosion of this factory three persons were blown ' t0 l"1e,s .""'' .!' "w"? YuiiilUMi. i iiv lai-iui wi "nt i i The shocks were felt over the ont,re city, windows being cracked and plas ter loosened In many of the houses Find New Trail of Stcnsland. Colusa. Cal., Aug. 21. Paul O. Stensland, defaulting president of tho Milwaukee Avenue Stato bank of Chi cago, is thought to have been seen In Colusa Sunday. ESCAPES SHOWER OF BOMBS. Nervous Shock to Governor General Skallon May Result in Paralysis. ' Warsaw, Aug. 21. In connection j with tho attempt on tho life of Gov- ernor General Skallon, twenty-eight arrests have been made on suspicion. Tho nervous shock to the governor general, caused by the explosion of and Hncfearno. it's Rocky MountnlnTra In tao thnn hnmlm In hit linmoillnto vlcln- lCl f". 35 cents n liox. ficnuliw mailo by mrto uomus in nis liumcuiaie iun- Holmstcu Dnco Company, Maillson, Wis. u y, uiiK neuii so gru.u unit puraiynis is feared. Of tho sixty-three civilians who wore killed In the massacre here Aug. 1. lorty-uvo wore .lows, ui live revo- lutlonlsts arrested for shooting police men, four woro Jews. To Cure a Cold in One Day Bought, and which has been has borne tho slgnnturo of Signature of fjEVY0Rif BSMKXd Ely's Cream Balm This Remedy is a Specific, Sure to Give Satisfaction. GIVES RELIEF AT ONOE It cleanses, soothes, heals, and protocta the dfaeiwd membrano. It cures Catarrh and nvca uwy h worn in inn iieau quiCKiy. .lJ .. "1..I.-I f 11... Tr - .1 .ii Restores tho Senses of Taste and Smell, Kasytouw. Contains no injurious drugs, Applied into tlie nostrils and nbsorbed. Large Size, CO cents at Druggists or by mail; Trial Size, 10 cents by muil. ELY BROTHERS, 5G Warron St.. New York. FEELING LIVER-ISH This Morning? TAKE !rSK& J& -1&! m T"J sg I I S!lg&gSV' A Gentle Laxative And Appetizer , (j N&K? SJKH322H322H3IH2SiSS222ni2ZS HOLLISTER-a Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Busy Medloine for Easy People. Brings Golden Health and Renewed Vigor. specific for Constipation, Indigestion, Live ' n'lOT1 , n ilQLDEN NUGRETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE PARKER'S , HAIR BALSAM Otfanici ami tieniiliries ttin liIr. lroiiitp a luxuriant growth. Never Fails to Knstoro Ory llulr to its Youthful Color. Curii iralp dlnraii'i U hair Falling. aie.andtl.in) at Drugglita Cures Crip In Two Days. on every f 7 A 5 box. 25c yffir u?l Always BongM CATARRH ?3uei y y v l -r rjvf' " fv- - f-il " V"H nWrWlW'"'