The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 24, 1906, Image 4

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    I i
ibtfahUivbbvtUiviifaUfiibtivbU&uvfclMkvlbUibU Miss Maudo Foster of Bloomiugtou.
John Cliiinoy, a farmer living nc
Jiewsy flotes prom jieighboring Tomns
(From the Journal.)
Mrs. David Boltlor, who lives on tho
Superior Cattlo Co.'s ranch, is about
the most cool headed lady drivor wo
have soon in a long time. Saturday
afternoon tho lady was holding a team
hitched to a wagon near tho Journal
ofllce when one of the horses becamo
anxious and bogan to rear. Aftor
oeveral attempts tho horse got his
front feet over tho wagon tongno and
threw himself. All the time tho
horses wore backing up and "tearing
up Ned" Mrs. Beitlor was as cool as a
cucumber, and at times used her whip
expeditiously. Most women in simi
lar circumstances would have thrown
down tho lines, hollowed "murder!"
and jumped from the wagon.
Miss Sadio Adams has beenEbnving
a serious experience with one of her
bands tho past few days. Miss Adams
ad been either stung by a poisonous
insoct or the eruption was only a small
pimple. She Is unable to account for
its origin. The day of tho Ruskin
carnival hor hand boron to swell, and
for a fow days it was thought to bo a
Berious case of blood poisonidg, but
the young lady's condition is improv
ing. The case against It. S. Hinklo for
wife desertion, in tho city hall this
afternoon, was dismissed and tho
prisoner discharged. The reason for
the dismissal was tho failure of Mrs.
Hinkle to appear as a complaining
witness against hor husband.
Paul Boehm met with a very bad
accident yesterday, one and one-half
miles west of Hardy. It is reported
that while chasing pigs he in some
way fell over a gun which he was carry
ing and brok it. This caused the gun
to discharge and the contents struok
his leg between the knee and the
thigh, badly shattering that member.
The young mau is badly hurt and his
condition is considered serious.
J. E. Fitzslmmons, who was charged
with obtaining money under false pre
tenses aud hrougnt hero this morning
for trial, plead guilty and was fined
340 and costs. Fitzsiinmons drew two
checks hero a short timo ago, ono to
B. C. Ambersou and one to J. H. Mor
rison ngainst the Liudsoy State bank
in which ho had no money on deposit
for a long timo. His reason for com
mitting tho oifenso was that tho money
for cattle which ho was taking to
Kansas City would be in tho bank be
fore the chock was there, but his
scheme failed and his arrest was tho
shoe stowed away boneath tho seat.
Can anyone furnish a plauslblo ex
planation? Mrs. Win. Mathony and slstor Miss
Bessie Soymour left Saturday for
Winchester, Va where they will spend
about throo weeks visiting at the old
homo with relativos and frlonds.
(From the Times.)
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Myers and Mr.
and Mrs. John Cooley wont up near
Inavalo Tuesday on a fishing excur
sion. Last Thursday, tho mombers of tho
Smith county bar prosontod Miss
Leila Mossman with a handsome
dismondand pearl broooh in apprecia
tion of the courtesy shown them by
her during tho nine years she has
been court stenographer.
Mont Nichols has commenced ex
cavating for his new brick building.
(From tho Nows Letter.)
Petor Fish was in town ono day this
weok looking over tho placo and visit,
ing with friends. Mr. Fritz is 88 years
old, aud since comiug from South
Dakota has been making his home
with his daughter, Mrs. Chas. Lowry,
south of the river.
It got so hot Wednesday af tornoon
that Dr. Robinson's boos swarmed into
the well, where it was cool, and re
fused to come. out until he turned the
hose on them.
J. S. Marsh informs us that Elmer
Parsons threshed twenty acres of
wheat the other day that yielded 625
bushels a little over 31 bushels per
We understand it has been definite
ly decided to run the new bank and
Hayes building up another story.
This will make it the tinest building in
Guide Rock, not excepting that of the
Odd Fellows hall.
horo, suffered a sovoro accident Mon
day aftornooon. Aftor returning home
from a hunt ho took his gun from tho
buggy and iu attempting to placo it
against a post that stood noar tho
buggy, struck tho hammor of tho gun
on the stop of tho buggy, which dis
charged the gun, blowing off tho
second, third and fourth fingers on his
right hand, and breaking tho bone
tearing off the nail aud otherwise
lacerating his thumb, also blew off tho
rim of his hat. A fow of the shot
camo so close as to graze his chock.
that will
(From the Citizen.)
Ed Osboru had rather a trying ex
perience Monday. Iu attempting to
hive a swarm of bees ho must have
said something to make them mad
aud what those beos did to Ed was a
sin and a shame. Whon they got
through with tno job he looked liko
an advanced case of erysipolas with
iodine trimmings, not to mention be
ing swelled to twice his normal size.
After three weeks of intense suffer
ing Mrs. Chas. Harper passed away
early Thursday morning at her lato
home iu Campbell.
it is u mutter for some speculation
whon one of tho Campbell boys hires
a livery rig Sunday evening and re
turns in the morning with a baby's
(From the Advocate.)
The sad news was received horo this
week of the death of Marie, oldest
daughter of Mr. and Mjs. Voluey
Mr. Reynolds, tho hog buyer, met
with a paiuful accident at tho stock
yards yesterday that will probably
cause him the loss of one of his
thumbs. Whila assisting one of his
customers to unload stock at the
yards, his thumb got caught between
tho wheel and wagon box aud was
horribly mashed.
Marsh & Mooro aro building a good
sized addition to their warehouse in
which tuoy will store tholr implement.
Mrs. Dewey of Edgar spent Sunday
in town.
Mrs. Arnold and daughter Jessie
visited Sunday at tho homo of L. E.
A. W. Cox was In Lawrence Wed
nesday. Mrs. R. C. Chevalier Is spending the
week in Lincoln.
Mrs. CharUs Cowley and children
aro in Red Oloud this week, visiting
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B.
Relativos of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Krall
aro here from Illinois this week.
Quite a number of Bladon people
attended Campbell Bros.' show in Red
Cloud Wednesday.
Mr. Frederick Andrews and Miss
Estelle Richondifer, both of this placo,
wore married in Red Cloud Wednes
day, August 22. Both parties aro well
known and their many friends extend
Albert and Ira McCoy were visiting
in Cowlos Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Reed went to
Red Cloud Wednesday.
Wm. Clauson and Mr. Molllice were
passengers for Culbertson Monday.
Mrs. Myers' cousin, from Culbert
son, is visiting here this week.
A. Reod and wife spent Sunday at
the home of Fred Reed.
Mrs. L. E. Warner diod at her home
In this city Tuesday at 10 o'clock. Fu
neral services were hold Thursday at
10 a. m., at the M. E. ehurch.
James Best of Arizona is here visit
ing at tho home of his father, R. C.
Rev. Priestley and son Willio of
Harvard, Neb., were visiting in town
this weok.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert McCoy spent
Sunday at the home of hor father, Mr.
W. B. Householder and family
hold their shape and give to
sririsfnrrinn. That is the
kind of Suits I am sell
ing. SHOES that are the
snappy, stylish kind, com
bined with wear-resisting
to MnSr'
to WF
to Jit
to iflHMML
1 raw V mWISkMm
to Wmwmr
to mMnWtimmT
to Wmmm
UK !
DW rim I
to W J !
to M JM$f
to mJmwWr
to Mrmr
1 fW$
fcPAUL STOREY, Clothier
1 ,.r
That will
Keep You Cool
and look well. UNDER
that are cool and will not
Straw Hats
to crown all this, and as
surance that you are well
dressed and have money
enjoying a
the east.
visit from relatives
No Longer an
The idea that has become general that first class building material
could no longer bo had is certainly knocked out, when you take a
look at the complete line of clear Soft Fine "Finish and Siding
carried in stock by
Saunders Brothers
of Red Cloud, Neb. What is also pleasing to the buyers of Lumber
and building material is tho fact that tholr prices are reasonable,
aud they guarantee a 9QUA RE DEAL. They also have a nice
line of Oak, Hickory and Poplar Wagon Material. Soo their Shin
gles. You can not help but admire them.
The members of this outorprising firm, assisted by plenty of
excellent help, aro always glad and take pleasure in showing to tho
public this nice stock.
When the
Hair Falls
(From the Sentinel.)
Cochrano Bros, have disposed of
thoir hardware aud implement busi
ness, selling out to tho Crittenden
Bros., who moved hero from Iowa
about six mouths ago.
J. S. Williams received a telegram
Sunday morning informing him of tho
death of his daughter Lena at Fair
bury. J. A. Chapman returned this weok
from a trip to southwest Missouri.
Joppa Lodge A. F. & A. M. attended
in a body and conducted tho core
monies at tho burial of (irandna
Ilirsch at Naponeo Wednesday.
Stono is partly iu placo for a good
serviceable sidowalk from Central ave
nue to tho high school grounds which
is a much needed improvement.
Then it's time to act! No time
to study, to read, to experi
ment ! You want to save your
hair, and save It quickly, too!
So make up your mind this
vary minute that if your hair I
ever comes out you will use
Ayer's Hair Vigor. It makes
.,. i i 11... nrt. i.-:-
1 inu scam iicuuny. a uc nun :
stays in. It cannot do any
thing else. It's nature's way.
Tho boat kind of u testimonial
" Sold lor over nlxty yoars.
ill Mdo byJ.O, AyerUo., Lowell, i
I r m Aim mauuiaoiurern ui
(From the Review.)
Mr. La'ld of Inavavo gave Dr. T. B.
Myers a 1-irgo meerschaum pipe with
Gorman silver mountings that had
boon a part of tho Ladd ownlngs for
over 50 years.
Miss Graco Rakestraw had tho mis
fortune to break hor leg as tho result
of a fall.
Tho Cross Owen wedding occurred
Wodnosday evening of last weok at
seven o'clock at tiio homo of tho
bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L.
Joss Rd wards' little son, two and a
half years old, was drowned at Scotts
Bluffs on August 12.
Wedding bolls again ring nt Bloom
ingtou, announcing tho marriage of
Mr. Geo. Harwood of this placo to
Thrown From a Wa&on.
Last Friday afternoon as Walter
Means was coming into town his team
became frightened and gave a sudden
jump. Walter was thrown to the
ground with groat violence and his
nose was fractured. Medical aid was
summoned, the wound was dressed
and he was able to go home in the
Common Can p.
Tho Scotchman's disposition to re
gard his own Judgment as the best that
can be found Is welt Illustrated In a
story once told of the moderator of a
Scotch presbytery. This man's opinion
differed "widely on a certain question
relating to church discipline from that
of tho associates with whom he was
ostensibly consulting. At last he said
that he would lay tho matter before tho
Lord In prayer and then wait for his
guidance. "O Lord," said tho mod
orator fervently and with perfect sin
cerity of purpose, "0 Lord, grant that
wo may bo right In this matter, for
thou knowest that we are very de
cided "
Here Is Relief for Women.
Mother Gray, a nurse in Now York,
discovered an aromatic pleasant herb
euro for womou's ills, called Australian-Leaf.
It is tho only cortain
monthly regulator. Cures female
weaknesses aud backache, kidnoy,
bladder and urinary troubles. At all
druggists or by mail 50 couts. Sample
freo. Address, The Mother Gray Co.,
LeRoy, New York.
Fourth Averwie
Our Prices are the Best
Burllnftton Bulletin.
You will find some attractive oxcur
sidu rates that will interest you.
To Chicago and return very low
loss than half rates for tho round trip.
August ltli to 0th, August 11th tolHth. sound, returning via Northern Pacific
Ample rotnrn limits. Burlington lino via Billings. All tho
To Now England and Canada-daily attractions of tho west included in this
low round trip ratos to Canada and nito and ronto. Daily, Soptmnbor 3rd
on August Sth and 2'Jud to Now Eug- to tho 11th, limit October Hist,
land resorts. Denver, Colorado Springs and
G. A. H. rates to Minneapolis and St. Pueolo for Piko'.s Peak oolobratiou,
Paul August 11th to Kith. Much loss ono faro round trip, maximum 81ft
than half rates for tho round trip. j from tho Missouri rlvor, Soptotnbor 10
To San Francisco and Los Angeles! to 22.
nnd return only 8fi0 direct routes aud j llomosookors' oxcurslons frequent
SOil.ftO via Shasta route aud l'uget ly each mouth, according to territory.
Ask your agent. Write D. Clom
Deavor, Agent Burlington's llomo
sookors' Information Bureau at 1001
Farnnm St., Omaha, at out getting
hold of a freo section of Kinkaid land.
Thousand of acres of thoso lands aro
bolng vacated, and wo assist sottlors in
locating on thoso lands.
Consult nearest Burlington ticket
agent about low ratos for summer
tours in any direction. J. P. Edwards,
" wmmmm&m?mm)im'm
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