The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 24, 1906, Image 1

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Eight Pages I
$1 a Year
in Advance
Home Print
Norrls Brown Wins the
Senatorshlp Sheldon
for Governor.
Secretary of State Al (iiiluslm was
turned down by the Republican state
convention Thursday morning and
George .hinkin of Gosper county was
nominated to succeed him. Mr. Ga
lusha put up a strong fight, but lie
was unfortunate enough to have the
ill-will of some of the other state of
ticers and the combination downed
him. We will venture the assertion,
however, that Al will be found in the
forefront among the workers for the
ticket this fall.
Morris llrown of lluffulo county,
the present attorney general, received
the indorsement for senator. While
Mr. llrown has made a splendid rec
ord in the attorney general's oflice,
many people thought Edward Rose
water, the veteran editor of the
Omaha Itee, who has for years fought
everything that even bore a semblance
of corporation influence, should have
received the indorsement.
State Senator George L. Sheldon of
Cass county received the nomination
for governor on the second ballot. He
was one of the most popular and in
fluential members at the last session
of the Legislature jmd has always
been a recognized leader in reform
Auditor Seurle, Superintendent Me
Ilrien and Land Commissioner Eaton
were renominated without much op
position. State Treasurer Mortensen was not
a candidate for renomination, and his
place on the ticket will be filled by
Lawson G. Itriun of Boone.
Following is the complete ticket:
Republican State Ticket.
For II. S. Senator
For Governor
For Lieutenant Governor
For Railroad Commissioners
II. J. WINNKTT, Lancaster.
A. .1. WILLIAMS. Pierce.
For Secretary of State
For Auditor
E. M. SEARLE, JR., Keith.
For Superintendent
.1. L. MfllRIEN, Fillmore.
For Treasurer
For Attorney General
WM. T. THOMPSON, Merrick.
For Land Commissioner
County Ticket.
For Representative
For County Attorney
A. M. WALTERS, Hlue Hill.
For Commissioner
W. R. ANDERSON, Mndun.
For Senator
W. E. THORNE, ltladen.
Float Representative
R. F. RAINES, Red Cloud.
Por Congressman, Fifth Dlst.
G. W. NORMS, McCook.
Electric HAM Plant Grows.
The electric light people have fin
ished placing the five hundred poles
and braces necessary to wiring the
city. Fifty residences and business
houses have been wired, making pro-
Red Clovid, Augvist 27September 1
vision for six hundred lights. The
foundation for the power house is in
readiness and the house is ri'pidly ris
ing. The machinery with the excep
tion, of the heavy pieces, which will
be here in about two weeks, is here.
On Tuesday last the fifteen men who
are faithfully doing the heavy work
began placing "cross arms and line
Midnight darkness will be turned
into glorious day, when the live are
lights, on Webster; one at the brow
of the hill, at Seward and Second
street, and seventy two-thirty two
candle power lights, flash their bril
liancy forth, chasing the darkness
back to its den.
' To John Mart, belongs the credit
for faithfully pushing the work so
rapidly. Red Cloud appreciates his
services and her people will rejoice
when the Electric Light Plant stands
forth complete.
Naval Recruits Wanted.
We are in receipt of a circular from
M. H. Signor, lieutenant commander
Lf. S. N., in charge of the naval re
cruiting station at Omaha, in which it
is stated that the navy is short of
men. It seems that the principal dif
ficulty in securing recruits is caused
by the departmental regulation re
quiring recruits, to present certificates
as to age. No profession can be more
honorable than fighting for your
country, be It in the army or the
navy, and the call for men to man the
magnificent fighting machines which
the government is building for the
defense of the country should appeal
to the young men, upon whom the
nation depends in time of trouble.
The circular states that at some time
in the near future a moving picture
show, which will be in charge of a
naval olllccr, will visit several towns
in Nebraska, giving free exhibitions
depicting life on lTncle Sam's floating
forts. We hope to have the exhibi
tion brought to Red Cloud, If for no
other reason than to show the boys
what kind of treatment I'ncle Sam
accords his defenders.
Monday Nliht's Program.
The reunion committee having been
disappointed in its speakers for Mon
day night, the following program has
been arranged by some of our well
known local talent:
"Evolution of the Republic," .1. C.
"The Soldier as a Citizen," Fred
"Reminiscences of the Spanish
American War," A. H. Kceney.
Reading "The Veteran and Ids
Grandson," Paul S. Dietrich.
E. J. Ovcrlng, Jr., chin.
Hadley In Jail.
Frank 'iladley was arrested Wednes
day afternoon on a warrant sworn out
by Rufus Miksch, charging him with
disturbing the peace. It is probable
that Iladley will be taken to Lincoln
under the dipsomanle law. It does
and Kansas
seem a pity that men will allow them
selves to become victims of the drink
habit to such an extent that they are
irresponsible and have to be taken
care of by the state. The greatest
evil of modern times is the drink
habit, and when men like Hadley,
who are barred from buying drinks in
the saloons, are compelled to sneak
around in the alleys and drink liquor
in large quantities from bottles and
buckets, it makes them so much
worse. The fault, of course, is large
ly with the victim himself, but so
long as saloons are allowed to run,
the people who give them the privi
lege of running are more or less re
sponsible. The County Attornayshlp.
A. M. Walters, the Republican nom
inee for county attorney, has made as
good a record in that oflice as any
man who ever filled it. However, for
some reason the Argus declines to
support him and has throw Its influ
ence to L. II. Rlackledge, the fusion
nominee. The Argus got after Al
Galushu because he was said to favor
the railroads, yet it comes out in sup
port of a fusion candidate who Is a
railroad attorney. If the Argus is
sincere in its light for reform it will
hardly continue to support the rail
road attorney for county attorney.
We are willing to admit that Mr.
Rlackledge is a line man, but we can
see no reason for deserting the Repub
lican nominee.
Saunders Bros.' Enlarge.
Roone Saunders, vfho lias had charge
of Saunders Bros.' lumber yard here
for the past year, was down to Wy
more the first of the week consulting
with his brother about plans- for en
larging, their Red Cloud yards. We
understand that arrangements were
made for extensive improvements and
increased facilities to handle their in
creasing business.
The Circus.
Campbell Rros.' circus exhibited to
two largo crowds Wednesday. Some
features of the show are particularly
good, but taken as a whole, it was
not as good us last year. However,
the show has been in exceptionally
hard luck this year.
So many have wanted to take the
normal course that the Rusiness Col
lege has decided to put in the neces
sary branches leading up to a county
second grade certificate, providing
there are enough to make a good
class. Send in your name at once if
you want to take Normal. Paul S.
Dietrick, Pres.
Fou Sai.k 12 head of horses, one
sorrel team, weight 1050; sorrel team
weight 1100; team of ponies well
matched, weight 800 and black single
driver, weight 1100. 8 head of cattle,
two fresh cows. Two sets of driving
harness, nearly new. One set of work
harness, nearly new, set of new single
harness. W: A. Duvoid, Red Cloud.
Lin Callahan, Horsethlef, Escapes
From Jail, but Is Recaptured,
Lin Callahan, the Alma horsethief,
who has been held in jail here for
several weeks, walked out of his cell
Sunuay morning stole John Weesner's
horse and buggy, which was tied to
the rack at the M. E. church, and be
fore his absence was noticed had got
as far as the river in his attempt to
escape. When he reached the river
he saw an automobile comum-. ,m.i
- nT ....
uiinuing it, was the sheriff in pursuit
of him, he abandoned the horse and
buggy and hid in the brush. This
was before noon, and during the day
he hid in the brush and cornfields
until evening, working his way toward
inavaie. lie somehow managed to
get hold of a suit of overalls, and it
was this fact that fooled his pursuers.
At Inavaie he was finally arrested by
Wade Koont., who was on the look-
out for him.
Callahan told Sheriff Hedge that he
was just on the point of stoalinir an
other team when he was arrested by
Ivoontz. He also told the sheriff that
he had not been out of iail an hour
when he wished he was back with the
He claimed that tqe soeriff left the
cell door unlocked when he brought
in some drinking water. This is
doubted, however, and it' is not im
probable that he. had assistance from
the outside, he had almost sawed
two of the bars of his cell window in
two, using a coomjt in a manner simi
lar to the way in which the two Alma
thieves were doing when they almost
got away from Sheriff Mo Arthur last
A Nice Present.
Rev. Guy II. Rice, pastor of the
Congregational church, who leaves
ne.t Tuesday with his family for
their new home in Spokane, Wash.,
was the recipient of u handsome testi
monial from the members of his con
gregation last night. About forty
members of the church dropped in at
the parsonage and presented the pas
tor with SUS as a token of their esteem
and appreeiatton. Mr. Rice has made
many friends here, and we are sorry
to see him leave.
Alvin Snapp is expected from Man
zanola, Colo., tomorrow or Sunday,
to accept a position at Grice's drug
store. Mr. Snapp is an experienced
band leader and instructor, and will
have the training of the new Rod
Cloud cornet band. It has been a
long iime since Red Cloud had a first
class band and the citizens are In con
dition to appreciate a good musical
musical organization.
Ask For Allen's Foot-Ease.
A powder for swoilon, tired, hot,
smarting feot. Sample sent free. Also
froo samples of the t'oot-oaso sanitary
corn-pad, a new invention. Address,
Allou S. Olmsteud, Lolloy, Now York.
Items of News Found In The
Chief of Twenty Years Ago
This Week V V v
C. W. Kalcy's handsome new house
is about completed.
R. V. Shirey was in Chicago this
The Raptist church has been re
painted. John Dueker has returned from (he
east, where he has been buying a
large of slock of dry goods.
"Hush little baity, don't you cry,"
sang John Storey the other dav when
his first heir made its appearance on
this munduuc sphere.
O. R. Downs' youngest child died on
Saturday, after an illness of several
days and was buried on Sunday after
noon. Judge Mclveighan was in Hastings
this week.
Mrs. R. P. Hutchison is in Sterling;
this week.
I). M. Piatt is remodeling his resi
dence property.
Mrs. Emigh starts east on Sunday
evening for a visit in Illinois.
Miss Mary Cruikshank of Pittsburg,
Peiin., is visiting her uncle, II. It.
Simons. J. Campbell's house at Hicks was
struck by lightning the other day.
Mrs. Dueker and daughter Jessie
Joliet, 111., mother of John and May
Dueker, are visiting in the city.
J. S. Gilliam is the happy father of
a bouncing "little lawyer" which wa.i
admitted to the bar this week.
J. R. Howard, late lieutenant in the
regular army, who has been living in'
Red Cloud for several months,
lately received a pension of SlOHfi.
Will Emigh left last Tuesday for
llurlington, Iowa, where he expects
to attend college the ensuing year.
Prof. Picking returned home from
Mindon Friday so as to be present at
the public examination.
Quite a severe hail storm passed
near Catherton last Friday afternoon
stripping the corn of its leaves and
doing considerable.
J. A. Crawfor, "initio host of the 4th
Avenue hotel while sinking a drive
well the other day, was Injured by
the pipe falling across his forehead
which cut a severe gash and laid him
up for repairs.
The house belonging to Jonathan
Campbell living six miles southwest
of this place was struck by lightning
a few days ago, throwing down the
chimney and doing considerable dam
age. Geo. Holland is now a bloated hotel
owner, In having lately purchased of
the property owned by her and known
as the Gardner House.
Sprinkler Runs.
Frank Cowdeu circulated a subscrip
tion paper this week to secure money
to pay for running the street sprink
ler. It is understood that every busi
ness man but one subscribed, and he
kicked on paying !." cents a week for
the purpose. Of course he gets the
benefit of the sprinkler just as much
as others. The man who circulates a
subscription paper in Red Cloud gen
erally gets "cussed" by, one or more
people, just as though he was getting;
a "rake-off" for dojng the work.
The Reunion.
All preparations have about been
completed for the big reunion which
begins next Monday. Indications are
that Red Cloud will have the greatest
time in its history. Some of the most
prominent speakers in the west will
be present, and the amusements bid
fair to excel anything in their line
which have been seen here. The
merry-go-rounds, Lucky Rill's show,
balloon ascension, slide for life, etc.,
will furnish plenty of amusement for
the children.
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