W'W(fmftJUkJrfi,kJ---..,wr- i i t fr 4- moke Pure Stock Red Cloud Chief Lady Gertrude 5c CIGARS BMnBHMraawMMianNMnMnMMani0M INIo Better Made lArAIFTTFC hvvnbbaibv n Mrs. 11. II. .Morgan is on the sick list. Lou White has been quite siek this week. Dr. E. A. Thomas, Dentist, Damerell block. ' Richard Turner was in (Snide Rock Tuesday. New laces, embroideries, neckwear, F. Newhouse. Ward Hays, is home from Lead, South Dakota. Mrs. .las. Morauville has been quite iuk this week. Lew Soderberg was down from Mc Cook Saturday. Wm. Sullivan was in Lincoln the lirst of the week. W. II. Tuber was in Lincoln this week on business. Miss lone Albright has returned home from Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Romford are home from Omaha. Mrs. .John Myers was down from Riverton Wednesday. MfH. Henry Tiejen of Riverton was chopping in Red Cloud-Wednesday. Lee De Tour was in Lincoln with the politicians this week. Raul Storey returned Saturday morning' from Colorado. A. T. Walker was in Campbell on business early this week. Foil Sam: My rest inrant, stock and fixtures. .1. O. Lindley. Corn for sale. See U. W. Dow or Fred Rarber on the farm. Mrs. O. O. Hoit of Cowles is visit ing Mrs. Q. W. Hutchison. Miss Nell Sherman returned from Riverton Tuesday mnrnfiig. Mrs. Anna Tulleys was ""Visiting in Naponce the first of the week. Dr. Thompson and Edna Cordell returned to Superior Monday. Mil' Geo. I'omeroy of Riverton was -shopping in Red Cloud Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Myers came over from Lebanon, Kansas, Tuesday. Clarence Jones and family were lown from Inavale Sunday morning. Preparations are already in progress for opening the public schools on Sep tember 4. ' A new house is being built on the Goble ranch nine miles southwest of Red Cloud .1. M. Sellars went to Roulder, Colo., Tuesday evening for a ten days' visit with relatives. I. 11. Holmes of Horton, Kansas, is in Red Cloud this week looking after his interests here. Arthur Myers and son and Mrs. Geo. Matkins went to Lebanon, Kan., Tuesday morning. Roy and Kay Teel and Rerta Green went to Cadams, Neb., Wednesday morning for a visit. Mm. Frank Smith is expected home Saturday morning from her visit in Salt Lake City, Utah. Foil Sai.k The best located and best equipped restaurant in Lebanon, Kansas, Geo, V. Dueker. Editor Hale of the Nation is Web ster county's member of the Populist state central committee. MissHattie Morrison departed Wed nesday morning for a visit with rela tives at Dwight, Illinois. , Ed Araack and wife are entertain ing II. P. Jackson and wife of Meta mora, Indiana, this week. Apples for sale 3 miles southeast of Inavale. Picked apples ,r0 cents, Avindfalls 25 cents. I). Norris. Mrs. James Gilliam, Mrs. Henry Gilliam and daughter left Wednesday morning for an outing in Denver. District court will convene Septem ber in. at which time the new ollieial boundaries of our eity will be lixed. Chas. Grout has sold billots in the east side of town to Mrs. Wiekershain. who will erect a residence on .them. Mrs. W. C. Cox is enjoying a visit this week from her brother. John Cooley and wife of Lebanon, Kansas. A. E. Strohm, the Inavale druggist, succeeded in giving bond last Friday and was released from the county jail. Mrs. Harry Morauville and son of Fairbury arrived in Red Cloud Satur day morning for a visit with relatives. Mrs. ,lo. Kubiek. son and daughter ( returned to McC'ook Monday evening. after a visit with Mrs. .las. Morauville. All parties who .engaged Scotch j Collie pups of Samuel Castell are noti- lied that same are ready for delivery. Foil Sam: a five room house with six lots on a corner. One of the best locations in the eity. Inquire at this otliee. Harry Gilliam is nursing a mons trous carbuncle this week that has incapacitated him for duty at Turnure tiros, store. Dr. Morrison is in Omaha this week to attend a meeting of the State Dental association, of which he is one of the otlleials. O. C. Teel can be found at the court house this week too busy to talk. He is preparing the tax list for the coming year. Elmer George, traveling salesman, for the Monarch Typewriting Co.. of Omaha, was visiting Roseoe and John Weesner Monday. Mrs. Win. Mitchell and daughter Pearl of Lincoln were in Red Cloud the lirst of the week visiting Mr. and Mrs. James Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Charley Milligan and daughter Gertrude left las night for an extended trip through California and other western states. Wanted couple of women or girls for dining room work during reunion week at Ron Ton. ST per week, room and board. W. S. Reuse. According to his, statement, otlicial- ly filed, it cost Congressman G. W. Norris S3. 84 to capture his renomina tion at Hastings last week. The Sunday school of the Christian church held a picnic at the Fisher grove on Tuesday. A good time is re ported by all who attended. There will be two special trains run out of Red Cloud during fair week. They will leave on Wednesday and Thursday via Hastings and Edgar. Mrs. R. F. Raines and children ac companied by Miss Georgia Scott of Cowles, departed Wednesday morning for a two weeks' outing in Denver. Foil Sam: my residence property of seven lots, with house of nine rooms, centrally located. For particulars in quire at residence. Mas. W. R. Roiiy. Foit Sai.k one brick store building, two stories, 2.1 by 100; one restaurant We Want You to Phone Us If you coujd be sure to get the right qual ity and a square deal you would phone for your groceries, would n't you? We give both. Phoning saves time. Try Us McFARLAND T5he GROCER All thm Phonos building .' by hi. nnedu ellin hmi-1 with tl lots. Inquire of Jauu-s Me Guire. Foil S m: ;i;io aeren. known as the Moon ranch, three miles west of Red Cloud, S.'t.'i an acre if sold soon. Call on or address, It. F. Rashor, Red Cloud. The Rrunswick lunch room has just opened up a new eating place. Meals at all hours and lunches of all kinds. Try our eoll'ee. Raseinent of Tuber building. Dr. Thomas gives special attention to diseases of women and children. Olllee in Damerell block with E. Thomas. Moth phones in otliee and residence. Mrs. A. O. Ilinde of Perry. Oklu . stopped in Red Cloud last evening for a visit with her brother. Homer Mor gan. She is on her way to Fort t ol lins. Colo. Ed Walter, son of W. II. Walter of this eity, is home from the City of Mexico, where he went a short time ago to act as umuhiuuii for Atiibassa gor Thompson. Frank Marker was this week engag ed in clearing the dirt and rubbish from the gutters, and did a good job of it. It was something that should have been done long ago. A winner for agents health and ac cident insurance on popular monthly payments. For liberal terms address Continental Casualty Co,. OS I Ex change bldg., Denver. Colo. James K. Wall was overcome bv heat Tuesday while helping unload electric light poles at the depot. He soon recovered, however, and now is apparently as well as ever. The railroads have been verv liberal with the old soldiers and have made a rate of one fare plus .10 cents for the round trip from all points within 100 miles for the Red Cioud reunion. Mill Hayes' dray horse took a notion to run away yesterday, but did not get very far. He turned into the yard just north of the Mutual Telephone otliee and stopped of his own accord. Old maids would be scarce and hard to find. Could they be made to see, How grace and beauty is combined My using Rocky Mountain Tea. C. L. Cutting. Ed Dickson is moving his family in today and will occupy the Wall house south of the mill. Ed has secured a position in the R. F. D. service and will rent his farm during the coming season. A new cement crosswalk is being laid from the north side of Fourth Avenue to the corner of the Hugh Miner residence and Mr. Miner is ex tending the same along the east front of his property. Mrs. II. II. Hurley and children re turned to their home in Denver Wed nesday morning, after a pleasant visit at the home of D. R. Spanogle. Miss I tell Spanogle accompanied them for a several weeks' visit. Mrs. Tillie Van Riper and daughter Sallie returned to their home in New York City Wednesday morning, after a pleasant visit at the home of Dr. Emigh. Mrs. N. II. Morrison accom panied them for a short- visit. Scrub yourself dally, you're not clean inside. Clean insides mean clean stomach, bowels, blood, liver, clean healthy tissue in every organ. Mural: Take Hulllster's Rocky Mountain Tea. 3.1 cents tea or tablets. C. L. Cotting. The cemetery board requests that lot owners will look after their lots. Right now is the best time to kill the weeds and sandbars, and If attended to in the next few daos it will save a great deal of work and worry next spring. A woman worries until she gets wrinkles, then worries because she has them. If she takes Ilollister's Rocky Mountain Tea she would have neither. Itright, smiling face follows its use. 35 cents, tea or tablets. C. L. Cotting. People from this vicinity who have been out on the St. Francis branch say that the crops In that vicinity are actually the best they have ever seen. To hear them talk one would think they had found the real garden spot of the world. Miss Rell Spanogle entertained twenty-one little folks at her home Monday afternoon from 5 to 8 p. in. in honor of her little nephew and niece, llertrand and Itcatrix Hurley of Denver. Refreshments were served and the little folks had an enjoyable time. Geo. W. Llndsey Is planning to start around the circuit with his fa mous bull, Pat Ryan. He will visit fairs at Lincoln, Topeku, Des Moines, Denver, Kansas City, Pueblo and Chicago before returning. Mr. Lind sey's Galloway herd Is becoming fa- &ts2) (SsssBasfi m fflzsmssm w Gmmmm?& OT) We Have Just Invoiced and as usunl with all stores we have some left overs we are anxious to close. About 100 pairs Mens Odd Pants, tail ends of lots. Pants from Suits etc., are being sold at prices that will force you to buy. Special Sale Men's Oxfords. Men's Dress straw hats 20 per cpnt discount from regular prices. Bargains here at all times but special inducements just now. obe Cowden-Kaley Clothing Co., ALWAYS RELIABLE First Door North of Postofficc, Red Cloud, Ncbr. 1 inous as a result of Pat Ryan's ability to win prizes. Foil Sam: 12 head of horses, one sorrel team, weight 10M); sorrel team weight 1100: team of ponies well matched, weight 800 and black single driver, weight 1100. 8 head of eattle, two fresh cows. Two sets of driving harness, nearly new. One set of work harness, nearly new, set of new single harness. W: A. Duvoid, Red Cloud. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Danker, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Danker, Mr. and Mrs. Fay Danker, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dank er and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Danker came down from Riverton Wednesday and had their pictures taken in a group. Mrs. Henry Dai k r was taken quite sick, having had an attack of heart failure, but she was able to go to the gallery with the rest of the family. Red Cloud, Wednesday, Au, 22 Campbell Bros.9 Great Consolidated Shows Larger, Better Than Ever Florence Family 2 Herds of Wisest Acting Elephants Oapt. Dimirti's Company of Russian Cos sack's and Marvelous Whirlwind Dancers Largest, Grandest, Richest Free Street - rade ever seen in l I Every building in this city should be literally smothered in Mags an bunting reunion week. This is going to be the biggest time Red Cloud has ever seen, probably the greatest time it will see for years too come. Too much honor can not be done the old soldiers, who will not be with us a great while longer, and there will be thousands of other visitors whom it will be our place to entertain. There are more men at work in this city just at present than there has been at one time for years. The extra work on the electric light sys tem, the water works improvements, I the new Catholic church, the great. demand for cement and other building work makes everyone feel cheerful, and if there is an idle man in town it is through his own choice. Not only that, but wages are good, day laborers getting 82 and 2.2.1. EUROPE'S FORE MOST ACROBATS In daring feats that seem impossible. the city at lO o'clock i ? i.1 ( i Vu t VI.V ii II II '. ' V f I .1 1 ' i i I l! "ii a m ' 1 i .KM 1 111! i 'Y.?V h m m " . r "