The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 03, 1906, Image 5

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n-nrrii-imiim ir frfnuwunnrdwiuiwiwiwiw mhwi mi guij uiljijih ju nu
S.J.-V "V-"
Pure Stock
Red Cloud Chief
Lady Gertrude
No Better ma tie
Mti riwi ami
Mrs. Cecil MoCsill is quite sick.
.1. P. Hale Is home from Colorado.
Lon Deno has returned from Indiana.
Hev. Hates has returned to Red
Or. K. A. Thomas, Dentist, Dameroll
Kay Brewer was down from McCook
Ivan Dlckorson went to Denver
.1. I). Crans went to St. .loe Monday
Charles Lovereheek is building' a
new barn.
13. 13. IIuiT was up from (Juide Rock
New laetis, embroideries, neckwear,
F. .Newhouso.
Lonny Lyle has returned from Mary
ville, Missouri.
Adair Galusha was down from Lin
coln this week.
Tom Dillon was over from North
liraneh Saturday.
V. H. Anderson was down from
liladen Wednesday.
W. II. Parker came up from Super
ior Saturday night.
Mrs. Anna Van Dyke went to Den
ver Monday evening.
For. My restaurant, stock and
iixturcs. .1. O. Lindley.
W. 11. and O. W. Tuber went to
Pauline, Neb., Tuesday.
Dr. Gardner anil wife came up from
'Wymore Saturday night.
Corn for sale. See G. W. Dow or
Fred Barber on the farm.
Charley Fort visited with his par
vents the first of the week.
Saunders Bros, are building an addi
tion to their lumber sheds.
Miss Lora Mason came up from
liuide Itoek Monday night.
13. llenson. claim agent for the 15.
Xr M., was in town Monday.
Mrs. R. F. Raines and children went
to Endicott Friday for a visit.
Mrs. Silas Garber goes to Denver
'Monday evening for an outing.
iMra. "Ward Hayes Is moving into the
Fourth avenue hotel this week.
Miss Mabel Hayes went to Riverton
Monday night to visit her sister.
Roscoe Weesner came home from Be
Joit, Kan., the first of the week.
.1. II. Ilailey went to Omaha Tucs
luy morning on a business trip.
Harold Turnure went to Chester
Tuesday morning to visit friends.
' Miss Zella Taylor went to Lincoln
Thursday morning to visit friends.
lSaptismal services were held at the
llaptist church last Sunday evening.
Miss Pequita Studebaker went to
151uu Hill Friday noon to visit friends.
John GrilVeth and Lawyer Saylor
were in Riverton Monday on business.
Tomorrow is the last day of the
-jrrout piano sale of the Gaston Music
Frank Smith', the shoe man, .icturned
from-Salt Luke City Thursday morn
ing. Mrs. .1. 11. Bailey returned Wedncs-
i,i morning from a Week's iit ill
IK nwr.
Mr. and Mrs. dames Auiick are the
parents of a bnby girl, born Monday
Robert Smith, trainmaster of the
Wymore division, was in Red Cloud
Win. Sullivan returned from Colo
rado this morning, greatly Improved
in health.
Marvin and .1. S. I3inigh returned to
their home in Aurora, 111., Wednesday
Miss Maude Foster of P.looinington
was the guest, of Mrs. C. W. Grout
Paul Storey and family leave Satur
day night for a month's outing in the
Miss Hay of Norton. Kansas, is vis
iting this week with her friend. Miss
Zoe Sanson.
.loe Rlair was in the city Saturday
and Sunday shaking hands with his
many friends.
Misses liernlce lligby and lone Al
bright went to Omaha Wednesday
morning to visit.
Grant Turner and family went to
Rlue Hill Monday noon to visit Mrs.
Turner's parents.
Will Letson arrived from Deadwood,
South Dakota, last Saturday for a vis
it with relatives.
Miss Myrtle Kaley came up from
Chester Wednesday evening to visit
relatives and friends.
Charles Sherer returned Saturday
night from Superior, where he had
been visiting relatives.
Mrs. I). M. Abel and daughter Clurrt
went to Salt Lake City Monday night
for a month't outing.
Frank Swancara returned .Monday
evening from a visit with his father
at Rlue Rapids, Kansas.
Miss Ruth Campbell of McCook Is in
Red Cloud this week visitingherfriend
Miss Gertrude Milligan.
W. S. Latta has resiirnod his nob as
driver of the street car and has been
succeeded by I31era Ralph.
Mrs. Frank Lea and children left
today for Coteslleld, Neb., to visit her
sister, Mrs. '.. T. Whitney.
Miss Elsie Morse came home from
McCook last Saturday morning, where
she has been visiting friends.
Apples for stile :i miles southeast
of I mi vale. Picked apples ."() cents,
windfalls !." cents. I). Norris.
Edgar Cowden returned Saturday
morning from a two weeks' visit in
Moulder, Colorado, with friends.
D. A. Dickey went to Adair, Iowa,
Saturday night, being called there by
the death of his sister, Mrs. George
John Weesner returned Monday
evening from Concordia, Kansas,
where he has been attending summer
Commencing Sunday August flth,
our store will discontinue opening on
Sundays. The Cowdcn-Kuley Cloth
ing Co.
Meginning w.ith next Sunday, Au
gust 5, I will discontinue opening my
store on Sundays. Paul Storey, The
Miss Mreta Hale entertained several
little girl friends at her home yester
day afternoon in honor of her 7th
It is reported that Win. D. Edson
has accepted the principalship at
Cowles for the next school year at StiO
per month.
Ed Piatt returned home from Chi
cago Saturday night, where he has
been for several months having his
eyes treated.
Ridge Leggett has completed the
digging of a JixUTi foot cellar beneath
the high school building, to be used
for a coal bin.
A. T. Walker, Peter Leaderbrand,
F. M. Marlow and John McGulre went
west .Monday evening on a land in
specting tour.
Mrs. George Springer and children
of Idaho arrived in Red Cloud Wed
nesday morning for an extended visit
with relatives.
Mrs, J. JL Hoggess left Saturday
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Su!li;ri. 1
Moulder. Colora '. are the parents
a baby boy.
Rev. W. F. Mugbey of Waverly. 111.,
will oeeupy the Congregational pulpit
next Sunday morning and evening.
Mr. and Mrs. E. 11. Jones of lua
vale have gone to Aurora, 111., where
they will make their home with their
daughter, Mrs. Harry Markell.
Mrs. Julia Newbury of Mrlslol. Wis
cousin, arrived in Red Cloud Tuesday
morning, called here by the sickness
and death of her son. Julius Newbury.
Mrs. A. M. Walton, who has been
visiting at the home of A. G. Green
for a few days, returned to her home
in Los Angeles, Gal., the llrst of the
Dr. Thomas gives special atUnti.m
to diseases of women and children.
Olllce In Dainerell block with E. A.
Thomas. Moth phones in olllce and
Elera Ralph has resigned his posi
tion as carrier on route three, after a
continuous service of thirty-four
months. He has been succeeded by
Ed Dickson.
Frank W. Cowden, buyer for the
Cowden-Kale v Clothing Co.. leaves
Sunday for the eastern markets to buy
the fall and winter stock for their
clothing store.
R. 13. Foe and wife went to Horn-
don, Kansas, Saturday, and packed
their household goods and shipped
them to this city, where they will
make their home.
Dr. McKeeby returned to his home
in Pueblo. Colo., Wednesday night.
.Mrs. .McKeeby went to Kansas City
for a visit oefore returning to her
home In Colorado.
Misses Mabel Meckwith. Alice and
Grace Coombs and Mattie Abel re
turned from McCook Saturday morn
ing', where they have been attending
the summer normal.
Mrs. A. Garber, Mrs. Jos. Garber,
Mrs. .1. J. Garber, Mrs. 13. S. Garber,
Miss Cora Garber and Mrs. M. Dun
ning went to Guide Rock Tuesday and
visited with relatives.
im mmmmm a mmmmm iwm&mwz mw
We Have Just Invoiced and
as usual with all stores we have
some left overs we are anxious to
About 100 pairs Mens Odd
Pants, tail ends of lots. Pants
from Suits etc, are being sold at
prices that will force you to buy.
Special Sale Men's Oxfords.
Men's Dress straw hats 20 per
cent discount from regular prices.
Bargains here at all times but
special inducements just now.
Gbe Cewden-Kaley Clothing Co.,
First Door North of Postofficc, Rod Cloud, Ncbr.
day evening from an extended visit in morning for Syracuse. Neb., where she
Ohio. i w 111 visit her parents. She will re-
Miss Josie Igou returned homo Sun- turn in September.
day from a two weeks' visit In Mis-! Col. Kaley, Mrs. Annie Cathcr, Miss
so.uri. I Stella Mlaek and Miss Messie Kaley
J. F. Winters of Lincoln was in Red left Thursday for a trip through the
Cloud Saturday looking after his in- mountains of Colorado.
terests. Mr. anil Mrs. Oscar Sears of Kansas
J. 13. Yost has bought Wisecarver's City arrived in Red Cloud Saturday
interest in the Fourth avenue meat morning, and went to Riverton in the
market. I evening to visit relatives.
Mrs. Fred Taylor and Mrs. Charles ; Mrs. W. C. Steele, who has been vis-
Glick came down from Riverton this Ring at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
morning. Alex Mentley, returned to her homo In
Miss Edith Crowell returned Thsur Geneva, Neb., Wednesday.
Cards are out announcing the ap
proaching marriage of Mr. Sherwood
Albright and Miss Mildred Thompson,
which takes place at the bride's home
in Stanford, Wednesday, August l.'th.
Miss Meulah Harman, formerly of
this c-ity, and Arthur Carpenter of
Columbus, Ohio, were quietly married
in Mloomington last Friday night and
left Saturday morning for their future
home in Ohio.
Mrs. Ada Gross and daughter, Miss
Mlanchc, went to Riverton Saturday
night, in answer to a telegram an
nouncing the death of Levi Cook, who
was seriously burned by gasoline the
first of last week in Arapahoe.
Would you like to get a position in
an olllce like the above. Then come
to the Red Cloud Musiness college.
We have had no graduates so far but
our students are securing positions
before graduating. Write for cata
logue. Dr. Warrick, the eye, ear, nose and
throat specialist has just returned
from the New York eye, ear, nose and
throat hospital. Me will meet patients
and those needing glasses properly lit
ted at Dr. Damerell's olllce, Saturday,
August 1.
Fourteen acres of wheat on Charley
Piatt's pluce west of town yielded a
fraction less than 10 bushels per acre.
The threshers say it would have yield
ed considerable more had it been al
lowed to ripen a little more before
being cut.
Foil 12 head of horses, one
sorrel team, weight 1050; sorrel team
weight 1100; team of ponies well
matched, weight 800 and black single
driver,-weight 1100. 8 heud of cattle,
two fresh cows. Two sets of driving
harness, nearly new. One set of work
harness, nearly new, set of new single
harness. W: A. Duvold, Red Cloud.
hind the bent, and work was not ser
iously delayed. '
Superintendent Mart, upon whose
judgment the city administration has
gone ahead with the work, is emphatic
in his belief that It would be folly to
remove the water work's from the
present location, and it is probable
all efforts In that direction will be
Meanwhile, the preliminary work on
the electric light system has been go
ing smoothly forward, Mr. Mart, and
Ins assistants Having aireauy none
considerable inside wiring. Work on
the new building for the plant will
soon begin.
Deaths and Funerals.
Work at the Old Plant Resumed With
Good Prospects.
The work of lowering the tiling
which leads from the south well to the
manhole about .'100 feet northwest has
been progressing rather slowly owing
to the dilliculty of attempting to place
the new tiling in position without re
moving the old. One thing has been
demonstrated, however, and that is
that there is plenty of water there if
handled properly. This time the
water will run downhill instead of up
hill, as has been the case for years,
and it is thought a flow of at least 40
gallons pel- minute can bo secured
from this source alone. The renortcd
cave-in was merely the result of escap- Douvor,
Julius Newbury.
Julius Newberry, who has been pre
scription clerk in C. L. Cotting's drug
store for about three and a half years,
died Wednesday morning at PJi.iri.
Death had been expected at almost
time since Saturday evening when he
was discovered in his room in an un
conscious condition. Medical aid was
immediately summoned but all efl'orLs
of the physicians failed to arouse him.
Do had just returned from a trip to
Wyoming, and was apparently in the
best of health, when he was stricken
with the malady which resulted In his
Julius was of a quiet, unassuming
disposition, and had made friends with
everyone with whom ho came in con
tact. There is not much to be said
about his personality, save that he
was a whole-souled man and a con
scientious Christian.
Julius U. Newbury was born at
Pilot Point, Texas, December 27, 1877,
where he made his home until he came
to Red Cloud about three and a half
years ago.
Funeral services were held at the
homo of his uncle, C. L. Cottlng, this
afternoon, conducted by Rev. Ward L.
Austin, assisted by Rev. G. II. Rico.
Burlington Bulletin.
You will llnd somo attractive oxcur
sidn rates that will interest you. ,
To Chicago and return vory low
less than halt' rates for t ho round trip.
August lth to (5th, August llthtol.'ltli.
Ample return limits.
To Now England and Canada daily
low round trip rates to Canada and
on August Sth and iliud to Now Eng
land resorts.
G. A. R. rates to Minneapolis and St.
Paul August 11th to 13th. Much loss
than half rates for tho round trip.
To San Francisco and Los Angolos
and return only $50 direct routes and
$02.00 via Shasta routo and Ptigot
sound, returning via Northern Pacific
Burlington lino via Hillings. All tho
attractions of tho vos included in this
rato and routo. Daily, Soptombor Urd
to tho Uth, limit October 31st.
Colorado Springs and
to the Depot
That makes 23 tho Indian
sign it moans
That's tho word to tag all
groceries with that you'do
not got at
Rural, 35.
Bell, 79.
ing water wushing out the bank be-. Puoolo for Piko'd Pouk colobrutiou,
ono faro round trip, maximum f 15
from the Missouri rivor, Soptombor 10
to "(
Ilomosookors' excursions -frequent
ly each month, according to territory.
Ask your agent. Write D. Clom
Doaver, Agout Burlington's Ilomo
sookors' Information Bureau at 1004
Farnam st., Omaha, at out getting
hold of a froo sootion of Kinkald laud.
Thousand of acres of those lauds are
being vacated, and ro assist settlors in
locating on those lands.
Consult nearest Burlington ticket
agont about low rates for summer
tours in any direction. J. F. Edwards,
la tho District Court of Webstor County, Sfe
t. i
TliomuH J. HodKors, Plaintiff, ,
Lorotla HodKom, Defendant.
To Loretta HodKorB, Non-resldent Defendant:
You Are heieby notillod that on the 13th day
of July, lixw, Thomas J. KodL-erti tiled a notl
Hon against you In the District Court ofWob
Bter County, Nebraska, tho object and prayer
of which are to obtain a divorce from you, on
the ground that you havo willfully deserted
and abandoned tho plaintiff, without good
cause, for the term of two years aud more last
You are required to answor nald petition on
or before tho 3Ut day of August, 1000.
Dy Keuuey &. Saylor, bin Attorueya. auglO
( M
1 K"