Hsp v ijg p"g" "lp'0 M Wt JW I i;uihjw jiiL'ilBJiurria.niuii'tiin'iiiumiii.inviwiiimu ii'iiwii.iiTiiimHii'iMiii,iiMwiuMmuta'i.i.u'uiuj B.fiiiiaiiiuii.BKjjimjmiimimiiini'fi'KWJiiiiaiiiJwjjjmiiiu I I ' I i i H K W P Vl) rVUV KXTWti or pnunsri lor iku . ) Ali, l.U .1 UVj IliMlMl; r (i,0 (r)tPfl state OFFICIALS ORDERED TO CRUSH REVOLT IN RUSSIA. .Agrarian Dlsordcru Have Broken Oul ' 1 In Vicinity of St. Petersburg Revo- ! lutlonicts Hold Meetings and Dls-I ! cuss Plan of Action. 1 St. Pctfrshsft'tj, July 25. War to the knife with revolution, and tli'J lcnlfe to the hilt, was proclaimed by Premier Stolypln In a telegram ad dressed 'to the governor generals, gov ernors and prefects throughout Russia and to the viceroy of the Caucasus, who are ordered to strike and sparu not In efforts to preserve order and crush the "enemies of society." included li- this category, as shown ly the events of the day, are not only i evolutionists and socialists, but tilst: the educated liberal and landed classes ropreitented In the constitu tional democratic party, whose clubs, everywhere have been closed, nnd all the progressive newspapers, which arc -not permitted to lift their voices any- .where- throughout tho entire land. The manifesto bears ti romarka.ii.. similarity to the earlier compositions of Ministers of the Interior Plchvc mid Iiress f against Frederick I A. Hyde, John A. BeiiRon, Henry I. IMmonri and Joost II. Schneider, In dicted In connection with public laud frauds In Oregon nnd California, in which It was sought to compel tho government to elect as to .which of the counts In tho Indictments they will bo tried upon. The court, how ever, granted a motion to compel tho government to furnish a bill of par ticulars to specific charges against tho defendants. Quo Warranto Proceedings Filed. Lincoln, July 2-i. Quo warranto proceedings to oust Drs. Alden and Nicholson were filed In supreme court. Move to Oust Alden. Lincoln, July 23. Governor Mickey has decided to begin ouster proceed ings against Superintendent Alden and Assistant Superintendent Nichol son of tho Norfolk hospltnl for the In-' sane. At his request papers were pre-, pared at tho attorney general's olllco and will he filed In the supreme court ' today. The state's pleadings enumer-1 ate the charges of mismanagement against the asylum officials. I ton, foioph II. Vaughn, Joseph C. Vaughn, Cheyenne county, 2,100 acres. Daniel Hill, Henry Oberwctter, John W. 11111, John M. Lowry, Sheridan county, 13,320 acres. j Cyrus Joy, w. N. Wilkinson, Mar tha Patmore, Thomas lllggins, A. M. Wilson, Sheridan county, 5.GG0 acres. Tho DeFrnnco Cattlo company, C. Jamison, James P. Nolan, Lcaltc Bnl llngor, M. C. Hubbell, W. Lotspich, H. Lotsplch, John It. Webster, Frank An Ueney, Deuel county, 20,000 acres. Star Ranch company, Charles H. Tulleyv Anthony M. Wilson, Sheridan county, 22,000 acres. Itush Creek Land and Live Stock company, Thomas E. Wells, Reuben Llsco, Samuel P. Jones, Deuel county, 15,900 acres Albert Metzger, William Metzger nnd Metzger Bros., Joseph A. Sault, George E. Shadbolt, II. C. Shadholt, William Floischman and Shadbolt Bros., Daniel Webster, Edwnrd Weed, John Bishop, Jonathan F. Young, Bishop & Young, Cherry county, 3D, G20 acres. Emsgmmsssg Starves to Death in Asylum. Nebraska City, Neb., July 18.- Either remorse or Insanity caused ! BOLT STRIES GRANDSTAND. Five Persons Killed and Score In jured at Manitowoc, Wis. Manitowoc, Wis., July 23. Just be fore a ball game between a local team and a Plymouth (Wis.) nine a flerco llMillffln, and the reactionary r remorso swept over the city nan had slight dilllculty In ( "oyd. who strangled her sister a Qf i Uu) grandstand, where tho spectators and players had sought shelter. Five per il,,,, ii .iWii nc ilmv nlr.m.iv hn.l dona tholr boma nenr here on June 30, with the imperial manifesto, Into an1 stnrve ,ierself to death in an asy- . . . Mint fet ir Innnnn nt T Innnln Thft appeal to the "League of Russian, Men'' and other old school Russians to rise and smite all the piogrcsslvu class.es. Even before the dt duration of tho dissolution of the lowor house of par liament, tho A-iir office had perfected Its plans Toi handling expected disot ders. 'jenei:il Mulk-r Zakomclhky was recalled from the command of a corps) and placed at the disposition of the war olllco to be used wherever trouble may first be manifested. Both tho government and the revolutionists ex pect this outbreak in the south, and ih.it it will i oil north to the two cap itals. This may Induce tho proletariat to postpone the declaration of a general strike from St. Petersburg until con tagion is boine up from the south. Tho railroaders, however, are anx ious to have this strike declared at once. Members of tho railway em ployes union with whom tho Asso ciated Proas correspondents here and in Moscow have talked declared that they were ready to walk out at tho first call from the League of Leagues, with which the union is federated. The strictest censorship over news of military disorders is maintained. Meetings are being held In a dozen houses in St. Petersburg and just across tho frontier railway employes, peasants socialists and revolutionists of different bhados of opinion are dis cussing the best plan of action to throw tho whole machinery of tho government out of gear. Agrarian disorders have broken out in tho vicinity of St. Petersburg. The estate of General Baron Fredericks, aide-de-camp to the emperor, forty miles from the capital, has been plun dered by peasants. General Freder icks asked tor troops from Gatchlna, uut wa3 Informed that the situation was too serious to permit of the changing of the present military dis positions. Under threat of dispersal at tho point of the bayonet the dissolved par liament adjeurned at Vlborg after adopting nn address to the peoplo calling for a revolution to win liberty. lum for the Insane at Lincoln. Tho I sisters lived alone. Miss Lloyd admit ted killing her sister. She gave as her only reason that she feared tho ; sister was going Insane. She protested ' her own sanity, hut was adjudged In sane and taken to Lincoln. There she absolutely refused to touch food and slowly died. The funeral was held at the family homo In Wyoming, six miles north of here. i LaFollcttc at Hastings Chautauqua. Hastings., Neb.. July 23. The clos ing clay of tho Hastings Chautauqua sons were killed outright and twenty or more injured. At least fifty moro wore stunned by tho shock. Tho dead: Albert Skuhra, Walter Handl, Irvine Woellert, Anton Knrke, William Knaitx.cn. Most seriously injured: Harvey Kono, limb? paralyzed; Frank Boehn. splinter of wood forced into breast, Walter Boehn, shocked, unconscious; Theodore Burmeister, paralyzed, may die. When the storm came players and spectators alike sought shelter in tho Tlio Kind You Havo Always Bought, nnd which has been ia uso for over 30 years, lias borno tho signature of and has been inado under his ncr- fflit-jr soual supervision since its infancy. '"CoCCt4&i Allow tin nnn fmlnnnlvn i-n 1ilu All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-ns-good" are but Experiments that triilo with and endanger tho health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms and allays Feverishnoss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of mz fdc&$4 mil n i l M Yon HaY8 Always Bought in Use For Over 30 Years. THE CCNTAUfl COMPANY, TT MURRAY STREET. NCWVOKK CITY. great feature of tho day was the ad dress of United States Senator Robert M. LaFollcttc, which was the magnet that drew one the largest out-of-town crowds seen In Hastings for many a clay. When Senator LaFollette was introduced by Hon. J. N. Clarke at tho Chautauqua auditorium he faced an audience estimated at over 8,000 peo ple. Senator LaFolletto spoke for three and one-half hours, and prom inent public men and politicians pres ent from nil over this section of the i state declare it to havo been tho most eloquent and effective pica for repre-1 scntntivo government, for honesty in ' public life and political reforms In state nnd nation over listened to hero or delivered in Nebraska. , k .1 rti. I...1 iu..l. 11. proved to bo by far the best. The' srumiHuiuu. mo uun miugk iu ium ami (lescenneu among ino crowu, knocking scores of people flat. Two were found dead In the stand and tho other three Just outside on the field. IDE WILL HUNT PULAJANES. Under sudden terror 500 Jewish fam ilies sought refugo In other parts of tho city. Two Shot by Jealous Husband. ' Peoria, July 25. One man was in stantly killed and another fatally wounded In a shooting affray at Ed wards station, near Peoria. The dead TRAGEDY AT NEBRASKA CITY. Hotel Clerk Shoota Himself and His Young Sweetheart. Nebraska City, Neb., July 19. Con siderable excitement was occasioned in and about the Morton house when a woman was heard pleading in one of the upper rooms In tho servants quarters and a scream for help was followed by two shots. Ofilcers were called and found tho Governor of Philippines Sends Regu lars Against the Outlaws. Manila, July 25. Governor Ido has requested military aid to punish tho Pulajanes In the province of Leyte. man lg Edward Church of St. David's, A battalion of the Eighth Infantry aml jnines Donnegnn of Elmwood Is from Hollo and a battalion of thb' (lyJng at a hospital .In this city. Ligo ' Fourth infantry from Camp Domus vng's. a coal miner, fired the fatal have been sent to tho assistance of I sll0ts m a flt 0f jealous rage, and then the constabulary. General Allen ex nc(l lo (tno timber, where he is still a peeled possibly to conduct a campaign : fgiuVo Church and Donnegan were in Cobu, but the ladrone chief and boarders at tho Wages home. forty-eight men have surrendered, and Governor Oamena reports that thero are no more outlaw bands there and that the island Is completely pacified. The ladrone leaders, Montalon, Sa kay, Vlllefuerte, Devega, Carreou and Natlvldad, fcavo pleaded guilty to tho charges of bandolerlsm at Cavlte. CATARRH &SS m Sffifiuf &ot scares. fuivcn.rin s6?vu feSP" JHKffift 6 Man Hunt In Ohio. Zanosvllle, O., July 25. A man hunt through tho woods of Perry coun ty ended In a victory for the pursuers In the woods near Gloucester. Whllo door of tho room locked. They broke the eight-year-old daughter of Charles it open nnd found Charles Norrls, tho J Hummers of Misco was picking black night clerk of the hotel, lying, fully I berries she was seized by a man BRYAN'S IDEA PREVAILS. Nebraskan's Proposition In Cause of Peace Unanimously Adopted. London, July 23. William J Bry an's proposed rider to file model arbi tration treaty was dismissed at a sea-' Was insanely jealous. sion oi mo international dressed, in a pool of blood on tho floor wiin a bullet hole through the side of his head, and Miss Pearl Crouso, one of the dining room girls, lying on the bed, partly disrobed, and blood streaming irom a 'hole In her forehead. From what can bo learned, Norrls, who came hero about a month ngo, mot tho girl and became infatuated with her. They were both together a great cieai on tue streets aim no Negro Soldiers Wanted for Murder. Shoshoni, Wyo., July 2-L Two col ored cavalrymen from Fort Washaki will be arrested charged with tho mur der of City Attorney Moody and the shooting of Banker Adams here a few days ago. The authorities have learned that two soldiers who had trouble with Night Watchman McCoy were looking for McCoy on the night of the murder, and it is generally be lieved they killed Moody by mistake. Xr WS" sy.,V'j -Xs2V EWY0RIT council of the Interparliamentary union and re suited in its being recast as follows: If a disagreement should arise which Is not Included In those to be, submitted to arbitration, the contract-1 ing parties thall not resort to any act' of hostility before they separately or' jointly Invite, as the case may neces sitate, tho formation of nn interna-1 tlonal commission of Inquiry or me diation of ono or moro friendly pow ers, this requisition to take place, If necessary, in accordance with articlo 8 of tho Hague convention, providing for a peaceful settlement of Interna tional conflicts. Tho above was unanimously adopted nfter speeches by former Austrian Minister of Commerce Von Plener and Mr. Bryan, warmly supporting tho amended rider. Tho latter said that Ills amendment was aimed at widen ing the scope of arbitration so as to include questions of national honor, the chances being a hundred to one that tho proposed Investigation of facts would also settle any question of national honor. If the hand of war could be stayed until the conscience awakened, wars would become moro remote. The amendment, thereforo, was a long step in the direction of peace. Oregon Land Fraud Cases. 1 Washington, July 25. Justlco Gould In criminal court denied tho motion He Is thought to havo called the girl into her room and, after making her partly disrobe, shot her in tho forehead, and, thinking sho was dead, placed tho revolver to his head and discharged It, blowing a large holo In the side, from which blood and brains gushed. SUITS AGAINST CATTLEMEN. Civil Action Brought for Violation of Fence Law. Omaha, July 24. Civil suits wero brought by tho government In the United States circuit court against a large numbor of cattlemen and ranch men on the chnrgo of illegally enclos ing public ' lands in northern Ne braska. The allegation In tho peti tion charges tho defendants with un lawfully erecting and maintaining fences on certain public lnnds, nnd that they have failed to go onto or : Improve the lands and havo prevented accuul homesteaders from making set tlements. Tho court is asked to or der tho removal of tho fences within flvo days, and In case the order is not obeyed to romovo and destroy tho fenco and to restrain defendants from farther violation of tho lawB In this respect. The sultB aro against tho following parties, specifying tho amount of va cant land tho different parties have unlawfully enclosed: Harry H. Boll wood,. James .BelhyomJ, R.l, Hamn- named Lew Eblln. Her screams brought h'sr elder brother to her res cue, and EDlin fled. A posse was formed and bloodhounds nut on tho track. After a chase lasting through' tho night and part of the day, tho! posse came upon Eblln, who surren-' dorod. Ho had fired all of tho loads of his revolver at ono of the blood hounds which attacked him. and se verely wounded him. Hartje Divorce Case. Pittsburg, Pa., July 25. From tho statement mado by District Attorney John S. Robb, there are more sensa tions indicated In connection with tho Hart jo dfvoico case than havo here tofore been disclosed. Mr. Itobb, whllo nttendlng the hearing, said that as soon ns the Hartje case was sub mitted to the court thero would bo ar rests which would develop pronounced sensations. It is expected that a great legal battle will take placo when Hartjo's attorneys endeavor to show how the Madino love letters wero se cured. Situation In Odessa. Odessn, July 25. There has been no actual pogrom hero, but drunken Cossacks endeavored to Instlgato an anti-Jewish massacre In tho Industrial suburb of Maldovanka, but wero scat tered by Infantry, who Instantly sur rounded the Jewish quarter and threatened to annihilate tho Cossacks. Tho latter wero withdrawn to the 'bar racks by .their. c.Qmmand.ajH'a order. Shaw to Speak in Iowa. Washington, July 25. Secretary Shaw will leave Washington today for Chicago. Later In tho week ho will , go to Iowa, where he will deliver an address at a Chautauqua near Des Moines. Ho also will deliver several , addresses throughout the state and will attend tho stato convention at Des Moines on Aug. 1. Mr. Shaw will return to Washington about Aug. 15. ' Ely's Cream Balm This Remedy is a Speclflq, Suro to Clvo Satisfaction. OIVE8 RELIEF AT ONOK It cleanses, soothes, heals, and protects tiia diseased mombrano. It cures Catarrh, and drives away a Cold in tho Head quickly. Restores tho Sonsesof Taste and SmolL Easy to vlbo. Contains no injurious drugs. Applied into the nostrils and absorbed. Large Size, CO couts at Druggists or by mail; Trial Size, 10 conts by mail. ELY BROTHERS. 56 Warren St.. New York.' FEELING LIVER-ISH This Morning? 1A.H.U Dlwer Perishes Dene&th River. St. Louts, July 25. W. II Pickard, while woi king many feet beneath the Mississippi river in a diver's suit, lost J his life through the breaking cf his life lino. It was flvo hours beforo ho was brought to the surface, and al- though the air hose remained Intact, . he had suffocated, probably because i he had not been able to signal to the pumpers the amount of air he desired. Lincoln, July 23. Preparations are well under way for making the second Nobinska corn contest the largest and best of Its kind ever lipid. The meet ing will continue for Ave days, Dec. 11 to 15 next. Some of the best tal ent In the country has already been secured for tho meeting. The com mittee is after tho best music that the state can provide. The location of the meeting has not yet been decided. The executive committee, composed of the state officers of both associations, together with the manager, will de cldo upon the question of location and other Important matters relative to tho convention at a business meeting which has been called to meet at York Friday. A Gentle Laxative And Appetizer HOLLISTER-a Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A 3nsy Medlolne for Busy People. Brings Golden Health and Benewed Vigor. A. flpeciflo for ConBtlpntlon, IndlRostlon, Llvo Blocw. Bad Broath, sWclsh riowels. ifeailache. and uackacho. It's Rocky Mountain Ten In taD let form, 35 conts n box. Genuine tnndo by rjoLLisTEn Dni'o Company, Madison, Wis. WLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE KJip?ifl PARKER'S r1 HAIR BALSAM Cltaniti ji(l beautlflcf the hlr. Promutf. a Imuran! growth. Never Pails to IloBtoro Gray Cutti i ;p dUrtiei fc hlr taUlnfc t Wc.tnJeUx;tt DruggUU To Core a Cold in One Day Td Laxative Bromo Quinine tin. tvA SwenMHtonkdMsoMfaHw-on8- Thb signature, - J- 4r OrtiGrb fa Two pay on every DOX.Z5C i ( - j - 'annum w