The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 27, 1906, Image 5

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i MUi i. 'JU2MX::JL'
Tiitnriii mt timiiiniiii
Pure Stock
Red Cloud Chief
Lady Gertrude
No Better Made
t Kwi-mawH BMW
Dr. E. A. Thomas, Dentist, Damerell
Miss Francos Nesbit is visiting1 in
New laces, embroideries, neckwear,
P. Ncwhouse.
K. Peters of Guide Rock was in th e
city Tuesday.
Dr. Cook is adding a new porch to
his residence.
I. W. Crary'of Guide Rock was in
town Tuesday.
W. T. Auld of Lincoln was in Hed
Cloud Tuesday.
Herbert Plumb went to Omaha Wed
nesday morning.
Dal Sheard was over to Mankato the
first of the week.
Miss Myrl Gittings was up from Su
perior this week.
A. B. Sellars returned from Boulder,
Colorado, this morning.
Corn for sale, bee' G. W. Dow or
Fred Barber on the farm.
An increase of pension was granted
to W. P. Kenady this week.
Mrs. N. L. D. Smith of Garfield is
reported as being quite sick.
Mr. and Mrs. Ned Grimes were
down from Blue Hill Sunday.
.loe Polnieky's twenty-live room
farm house is nearly completed.
Miss Lola Hunter was up from
Guide Rock the first of the week.
Sherwood Albright returned home
this morning from Sheridan, Wyo.
Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Robinson are the
parents of a baby girl, born Saturday.
.1. E. Jarboe has built a fine large
barn on his farm northwest of town.
John Winters is building a large
liouse on his farm north of Red Cloud.
Charley Etnick is back from a
lengthy stay in Spokane, Washington.
Mrs. E. E. Harvey and Mrs. A. Mil
ler were down from Inavale yesterday.
Stewart Albright went to Orleans
Wednesday morning to visit relatives.
Art Carpenter and Ralph Hunter
were down from Inavale Wednesday.
H. J. Sheldon has finished a fine
new liouse on his farm north of Red
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sherwood and
sons are home from a visit to Salt
Audrey Miller, living north of Ina
vale, had a horse killed by lightning
Rev. Austin baptised a number of
converts in the river last Sunday
James Amick is now conductor of
413 and 04. William La Rue is engineer
of the train.
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Rant, went to
Downs, Kansas, Wednesday morning
to visit friends.
W. N. Watson, vice president of the
Lincoln Business college, was in Red
Cloud Saturday.
Clay Orchard, Rob and Mint Garner
and Orris Matkins were down from
Inavale Monday.
A. L. Hews, living about three miles
south of Red Cloud, is having a new
brick house built.
C. F. Cather made a Hying trip to
Worland, Wyo., this week. He will
return tomorrow.
Roy Snow and wife and Mrs. Stella
Jackson of Lebanon, Kansas, were in
Red Cloud Monday.
Sheriff Hedge was in Beatrice this
week attending a meeting of the
sheriffs of the state.
Mrs. J. 0. Butler is still under the
care of a physician at her home in the
north end of town.
Mr: W. H. Taber and children went
y.o Lincoln Wednesday morning to
visit with relatives.
Hilly" Hunt of Itiverton has accept
nl a position in Sheard' barber shop.
Will 1'Msou is back from Peru, where
h,' has been attending the summer
term at the Normal.
Charley Frey of Norton, Kan., has
taken a position as night transfer
man at the Burlington.
Frank Yetter left Wednesday for
Salt Lake City, Utah, where he ex
pects to make his home.
Mrs. W. W. Warren and children
went to Superior Thursday morning
for a visit with friends.
Dr. Damerell and family departed
Wednesday for a three weeks pleasure
trip through Wyoming.
W. II. Taber has made arrangements
to open a lunch room in the basement
beneath his billiard hall.
Mrs. Mary Arneson and daughter
Sara went to Inavale Tuesday night
for a visit with relatives.
Mrs. F. R. Mandeville and children
have returned from a two weeks' visit
with relatives at Seward.
C. W. Brigham of York, represent
ing the Crancer Piano Co. of Lincoln,
was in Red Cloud Tuesday.
I). F. Tennant left for Denver Satur
day, where he expects to make his
home for the present at least.
Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Follmer of Oak
were in Red Cloud Saturday attending1
the funeral of Joseph Garber.
M. A. Mercer and wife returned
Tuesday from Gibbon, Neb., where
they had been visiting relatives. .
Marvin and J. S. Emigh of Aurora,
Illinois, are enjoying a ten days' vaca
tion with relatives in Red Cloud.
Geo. Beardslee and W. A. Maynard
have commenced the erection of new
residences in the west part of town.
Geo. Wittwer, a prosperous farmer,
living about nine miles south of Red
Cloud, is building a new frame house.
Frank Crablll and Pat Kellet, north
west of Red Cloud, have both built
new houses and barns on their farms.
Mrs. Emma Ducker is planning to
attend the National Encampment of
the G. A. R. at Minneapolis on Aug. 13.
The Brunswick barber shop Is fitted
with bath tubs and all modern appli
ances. Under Taber's billiard parlor
Miss Winifred Perkins writes from
her. home in Mullen that she .has been
alllicted with the mumps since leaving
Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Hacker departed
Thursday evening for a three weeks'
pleasure trip through Yellowstone
Mrs. Minnie Roberson of McCook is
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C.
T. Dickerson, living five miles west of
George Osborn returned yesterday
from Council Bluffs, Iowa, where he
has been for the past three or four
Work on the Catholic church was
begun yesterday and it is hoped to
have the building completed by No
vember 1.
Misses Margaret and Norma Rich
ardson returned Wednesday evening1
from an extended visit with relatives
in Chicago:
I. II. Holmes of Norton, Kansas, is
in Red Cloud this week looking after
his interests and shaking hands with
old friends.
The storm Wednesday played havoc
with the city water supply. The
water has been too muddy for domes
tic use since.
Married, Monday, July 23, by Judge
Edson, Mr. F. P. Cayer of Superior
and Miss Emma I. Wilson of Phillips
burg, Kansas.
Mrs. E. Runchey and son Oliver
went to Sheridan, Wyoming, Sunday
evening for a visit with Misses Eula
and Rose Runchey.
Julius Newberry and Harry Roats
returned Wednesday morning1 from
Thermopolis, Wyoming. They had a
very pleasant trip.
Miss Leslie C. Frame, who has been
visiting her cousin, Miss Eurella Cald
well, returned to her home In Kansas
City Sunday morning.
Mrs, T. B. Myers and son returned
to Rlverton Saturday night, having
been called here by the death of her
father, Joseph Garber.
The ladies aid society of the M. E.
church will serve dinner and supper
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of
For Infants and Childrtn.
Till Kind You Han Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
tin reunion week.
W. It. I'laine of Temple. Tesns, was
in Red I loud Monday, having been !
called to Cowles by the death of his
mother. Mrs. John llliiine.
R. 1). Gaston of Hastings was in this
city Wednesday and is making prepa
rations to have a big piano sale com
mencing Saturday, August 1th.
Several young ladies of this city
gave a picnic at Aniboy Wednesday
afternoon for Miss Mary Tumple, who
is visiting here from Kansas City.
A little love, a little wealth,
A little home for you and me;
It's all! ask except good health,
Which comes with Rocky Mountain
Tea. C. L. Cotting.
Dr. Thomas gives special attention
to diseases of women and children.
Office in Damerell block with E. A.
Thomas. Itoth phones in otllce and
Mrs. Henry Eckman and little
daughter of Denver, Colo., arrived in
Red Cloud Wednesday morning for a
visit with Mr. and Mrs. George Smel
scr. A fare of one cent per mile has been
granted by the railroads to all who
may desire to attend the national G.
A. R. encampment at Minneapolis next
The county commissioners are busy
this week checking up the various
county otllces. They will be in regu
lar session the first Monday in next
J. W. Auld, cashier of the State
bank, returned home Wednesday morn
ing from Griswold, Iowa, where he
had been for a few days' visiting hi
Frank Hensou has moved his barber
shop from the Taber building to the
basement of the Potter building, in
the room formerly occupied by O. A.
The ladies Union aid society of
Lester were entertained at the home
of Mrs. F. W. Hines of this city Wed
nesday afternoon. A delightful time
was had.
Mrs. Henry McCune and grand
daughter, Ethel McKeighan, went to
Inavale Tuesday. Miss McKeighan
has almost recovered from her recent
severe illness.
T. E. Penman was in Red Cloud
Monday enroute from Cowles to his
home in Denver, Colo. He had been
called to Cowles by the death of his
Mrs. E. M. Crone and children, ac
companied by her father and sister,
went to Guide Rock Wednesday morn
ing to visit relatives, before going- to
their home in Sterling1, Colorado.
Archie Potter of Spearflsh, South
Dakota, arrived in Red Cloud Wednes
day noon for a visit with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Potter. Mr. Potter
is on his way to Missouri and Okla
homa. Mrs. Nellie Castor informs us that
Ishe has plans for the coming teacher's
institute so nearly completed that she
can make the program public next
week. It will take place during the
reunion week.
"Uncle" George Saunders has re
turned from a trip to hift old home in
Illinois, and the trip seems to have
done him an immense amount of good,
as he is looking better than he has for
several years.
It has caused more laughs and dried
more tears, wiped away diseases and
driven away more than any other
medicine in the world. Hollister's
Rocky Mountain Tea. 35 cents, tea or
tablets. C. L. Cotting.
Abqut thirty of the young friends of
Herbert Plumb gave a farewell party
for him Tuesday evening1 at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Smith, north of
town. A lovely time was enjoyed by
all the young people.
Anyone who desires to study teleg
raphy need not go away to school as
the Business college has put In a
course In that science. The instru
ments will soon be Installed. Write
or call for a catalogue.
N. B. Truth, St. Paul, June 31, '08
I've lived so long, remember well when
the Mississippi was a brook. My good
health and long life came by taking
Hollister' Rocky Mountain Tea. 35
cents tea or tablets. C. L. Cotting.
There will be a Woman's meeting
next Sunday afternoon at 3:30 at the
Christian church. Subject: "What
can I do for the meeting?" Plans will
be made for a permanent organiza
tion. A large attendance is desired.
Dr. Warrick, the eye, ear, nose and
throat specialist has just returned
from the New York eye, ear, nose and
throat hospital. He will meet patients
and those needing glasses properly fit
ted at Dr. Damerell's office, Saturday,
August 4.
Negligee and
I Outing Shirts
i rail H
IH "' I'i i III 111 H
ft Bd i i J hi u aW
Ghe Cowden-Kaley Clothing Co.,
First Door North of Rostotltce, Rod Cloud, Nebr.
The scarcity of houses to rent in
town just now is a cause of anxiety to
a number of families who are obliged
to move from their present residences.
Red Cloud needs some capitalist who
will meet this demand by erecting a
number of houses to rent.
About 84,500 worth of wire and
other material for the inside wiring
is here and John Mart, with a gang of
half dozen men began work at noon
today. The poles are expected to ar
rive tomorrow, and from now on the
work will be pushed rapidly.
About 250 excursionists from Red
Cloud took in the Chautauqua at
Hastings last Sunday. All spoke very
highly of the entertainment and
grounds. They seemed to be especial
ly pleased with the address of United
States Senator Robert M. La Follette.
There will be a meeting of those
interested in the Woman's auxiliary
to the district encampment at the
home of Comrade Robbins in Red
Cloud on Wednesday, August 1st, to
plan for Womans' R. C. day at re
union. Exchanges please copy. By
order of President.
Tress Ilarwood is having1 sand haul
ed on to the boulevard next to the
south walk at the south walk at the
school ground with the utmost Idea of
boulevarding the street front. If the
council would cooperate by draining
the nasty mudhole in the street at
that point they would earn the ever
lasting gratitude of the public.
At the Nebraska State Fair the first
week in September, the fish commis
sion will have the largest channel
cat-fish ever caught in Nebraska waters
on exhibition. The weight of this
monster cat is 87 pounds. Messrs.
Carter and O'Brien can always be de
pended upon to make the fish exhibit
one of the best attractions at the fair.
Fok Sai.k 12 head of horses, one
sorrel team, weight 1050; sorrel team
weight 1100; team of ponies well
matched, weight 800 and black single
driver, weight 1100. 8 head of cattle,
two fresh cows. Two sets of driving
harness, nearly new. One sot of work
harness, nearly new, set of new single
harness. W: A. Duvoid, Red Cloud.
S. M. Milligan met with a slight
accident yesterday while bringing a
colt from a pasture near the river.
While leading the animal to a buggy
near by, in some way it struck him in
the forehead causing a wound which
bled freely. Mr. Milligan is in no way
worse for his experience except that
he will carry the bruises for borne
Col. J. W. Warren was happily sur
prised yesterday to receive a letter
from his daughter, Mrs. Jessie Dar
ling, written by herself. It was less
than two weeks ago that Mrs. Warren
was summoned to Lake Preston, South
Dakota, expecting only, to reach her
daughter beford death. This will be
good'news to the many friends of Mrs.
Darling in Red Cloud.
The Methodist Sunday school had
planned a picnic In Crablll's grove on
Tho mi mi to tlio weathor
lias a warm uppoarunco,
just that minuto mon be
gin to think of
Our Shirts como from
tho best makers known- -best
both in cutting and
Wo order months ahead
of most dealers, and so
have confined to us ex
clusively "The very cream qf' the
Sea so n 's Sh i t tings' '
Choviot, Madras, Cambric,
Porcalos, Mohairs, with or
without collars. Prices,
50c to $3
Are You
About what you
Is Quality more
of a considera
tion to you than
Then I want
your trade.
My price are as
right as the qual
ity, which is the
Rural, 33. Mill, 79.
Indian creek for yesterday but owing
to the storm of Wednesday night the
rove was unfit for use. They took
possession of the court house park as
a substitute and had a capital day of
sport, everyone enjoying themselves
thoroughly. J. S. Gilliam says that
he did not have to walk so far
to get home even if he did not get to
a ball game.
Ask For Allen's Foot-Ease.
A powder for swollen, tired, hot,
smarting feet. Sample sent froo. Also
froo samples of tho foot-ease sanitary
corn pad, a now invention. Address,
Allen S. Ohnstoad, LeRoy, Now York.
Ia tha District Court of Webster County, Ne
braska. Tilt in as J, Rodgers, Plaintiff, 1
t. f
Loretta Rodgers, Defendant.
To Loretta Rodgers, Non-resident Defendant:
You are heiebjr notified that on the 13th day
of July, 1008, Thomas J. Rodgers Died a peti
tion against you In the District Court of Web
ster County. Nebraska, the object and prayer
of which are to obtain a divorce from you, on
the ground that you have willfully deserted
and abandoned the plaintiff, without good
cause, for the term of two years and more last
You are required to answer said petition on
or before the 3Ut day of August, 1900.
By Keenly & Saylor, his Attorney!. auglO
i vt
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