jUttOCf Jim HP ..ua,uni iMiiniiiirinnnmrtTTmriniii iiitt-tii friniTH rn-r n ' ' " ' it'-ii i niiiiini mi n linn i in i iinn mat fwVimiMiWllRSttFJU.1 J bull-, ki.i-. fn.. SJ f.il.IWJ. JI 'ii-' Ui- i tt'lptM, ."!; 5" Hc lower: ln-my. t) ' 1 ..".; Illlxi'cl, .(!.1.V-MI..,U. 1IK1U, fcU.li'" ' ?r. .,'(.-; limit ni hiiics, n, in . ,.1in.,.1tt,. i.r.mrimnn rospnndoiit at LIkIkhi wye, that accord IJl ,ttY IWS V (OMUTEB Inir to liitHltemce received there tne Insurrection in MnttoOrospo, Hrazll, Is i "-"-; i.ih. .... ..-; iuii. .h.-n ...... .welling to I.UR0 proportions. The J SJSr1,:A.oS?i: insurgciuH, h is iujujihh, hhvu "ib" lzod a largo army and arc marching on Itio Janeiro and have already enp tured several cities. General Rlbcrio, with 10,000 federal troops, has been sent against tho revolutionists. Fear ful carnage Is reported and tho killed are- saJd to bo already more than 4,-000. IS&2SS25 kmX&MJSaKKM FRENCH ARMY CAPTAIN IS COM PLETELY EXONERATED. Officer Or.ce Degraded as a Convicted Traitor Will Be Restored to Place In Army Given Full Certificate of Innocence and Honor. SENSATION IN HARTJE CA8E. Parla, July 13. Alfred Dreyfus was completely acquitted of tho charges on which hu waa condemned as a traitor, dismissed troui the army and Impris oned on Devil's island and regarding which Franco has been torn for years by tho most bitter political and racial agitation. His vindication is twofold, tho sunreme court first annouuc Its decision establishing tho v uocenco of the accused man ministry later deciding to present an urgent bill In parliament restoring I Us resumption was contingent upon uwt'O, ?I.7iVji5.H; luinlw, ?U.'i(7.75. Chicago Live Stock. Chicago, July lO.-CuUlc Iteeelpts, 27, 000; lict Htoaily, others 10c lower: com mon to prlmu BtcrrH, SV-'.VfKJ.W): town, $l!.7."!N.r0; helfer. $'J.7.V."j.a3i bulla, $L'.(W (fM.'JTj; calvcH, $r.7(VUl,uO; stockors ami feeders, $L'.(X34.'Jo. Hogs Kuci'lpts, W,' :)0; lOo lower; choice to prime heavy, $0.60 C'O.M; medium to Rood heavy, $().(XK3.7r; butcherwelKlits, $0.7r,&"; good to choice heavy, mixed, $0.fl."Vft..7ii; packing, $0.00(3 D.W. Sheco-lteceliitM, '.! 1,000; hIow; sheep, M.a.v?irt.'AV, yearlings, ?5.400.M); lambs, Judge Scores Millionaire's Attorneys 3',iVjam for Try ng case n Newspapers. . . . ,,,., niutai. July n.-nopif with' . " ,;crtp, sensations as it has been from tho ,.M)00. stlMlly t(, Ktrong; native Htecrs, start, the climax of sensationalism in $i.oofd.lo; western fed nteers. .?:i,"fui.r; nouuclng the llartjo divorce came was reached Muckers ami rceticiH, , j.,.m...u; cows. entire In- J when an attempt was made to resume ' nS-UeeoipTTOO;' lite and tho; tho case before Judge Fraser. When iwer; top, $.B; bulk of sales. $rt.co?r tho caso wns adjourned last Friday ' imkp,,.: heavy, $u.ttWMJ.:Ji.; packers, o.rtVu J.ii.; pig anil iigni. .i.wiimj.. Mioep Dreyfus to tho army with advanced! the turning over of tho famous forty letters which nro exhibits in the ca3o to Mrs. Hartjo's couiibcI. The uudcr- rank and otherwise giving tho govern merit's most ample reparation. The decision of the court was a foregone conclusion, as exhaustive In quiries had completely demolished tho fubrlc of tho accusal ion ugalnst Drey fus, showing that the real culprit was Major Count Esterhazy. The decision therefore annulled the condemnation of the Itennes court-martial and or dered that tho acquittal be posted aud published throughout France. The decision of tho court was read by M. Hnllot-Beaupre, president of tho court of cassation, Immediately on the reassembling of tho court at noon.1 'I he palace of justice was thronged by nn eager crowd seeking ndmission to tho court room. Among those pres ent were Mi'.thew Dreyfus, brother of Alfred Dreyfus; Maltro Momard. coun sel for Captain Dreyfus; Joseph Rein iich, tho historian of tho Dreyfus af-, fair; Colonel Plcquart, Mine. Zola and many others who have figuied In varl- rir olnitno rC ttt swi1rt1nn t nil men ' WHO dlKWi) lil UIU AiVUHHVU V.IIOVI Captain Dreyfusi was not present, con 4iiittwr lilo linfittitnl cnntnnv hv in. . . ',,,,.,' t i ' case would proceed malnlng secluded In the garret whero .. ' , lie lias hitherto been cut off from tho outer world. The ministers held a protracted special session at the Klysce palace under President Falliercs and deter mined upon tho government's course In carrying out tho decision. The text Kceelpts. G.ooo; ctimig; lamb. $.00iiJ.U0; fed sheep and yearlings, .f.".0(lt(i.Uo. ! AUGUSTUS 1IAHTJI3 Pr'eparrng for EncamrJme'iit, Lincoln. July 10. A roster of tho officers of tho Nebraska National Guard as It will appear In the field at Fort Itlley Is now being prepared by Adjutant General Culver. The en- ' campment Is now only two weeks ! away and tho companies throughout the stato aro all busy drilling and preparing for tho event. Most of tho companies have- been recruited to their full llmlt: Strawberry on Raspberry Bush. York, Neb., July 1C Several York county horticulturists are experiment ing in bettering quality and size of various fruits and flowers. N. Ken nedy has been experimenting and has produced a berry that he has named strawberry-n.spberry because both in shape and size it resembles a straw berry and It grows on a bush resem bling a raspberry cane. These plants commence to bear early and continue 1 to benr for three months. They re- Tho Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has boon in uso for over 30 years, has homo tho signature of and has been mado under his ncr- 77 vy sonal supervision since its infancy. 'C6CCi(64 Allow nn nnn bwlnriolvn vnu in f1i!u All Counterfeits, Imitations mid" Just-as-good" nro hut .Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTOR1A Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphino nor other Narcotic substance. Its ago is its guarantee. Ifc destroys "Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Pood, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears tho Signature of ffi tk Kind You Hare Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. I OrntlHtlrr limn Mint ATf Ihu'llll'o nntiTi, aww......b o n..iv mi.i. iiiuijwo v..... ... 1144. , ,u l ,j letters and the '1U,IU muu trtM- 11,u i,u B licious and has a combination llavor of both tho raspberry and strawberry. lass&s THC CCNTAUn COMfltU, 7T MURnAY JJTntCT, NCWVORK CITY. w sel would have the I After some minor enses had been disposed of In tho court, tho Hartju case was called and Mr. Free, of Mrs. Hartjo's counsel, cxpluined that ho had been unable to get the letters and wns therefore unprepared to go BAPTISTS RE-ELECT OFFICERS. Put In All Executives Save Vice Presi dent Gaines of Atlanta. Omaha, July 14. All the executivo near this city. The surveyors put In grading stakes within about a mile or this city. REUNITED AFTER 32 YEARS. on. Judge Frasor thereupon took the j olllcers save one were re-elected for Chapter in Life of Strom3burg Man nniuiRol for hnth shins tn task and another biennium by tho Baptist1 Which Has Few Counterparts. of Uo hills v,as formulated, which, c,fl them wRh sh cl(Jal, 0 Y People's Union of America on, Stromsburg, Neb., July 14. Thirty- will bo Introduced in the chamoer of severol censured both siaes, and cs-! tho second day of its convention. The, six years ago two boys, one three deputies concerning respectively Drey. ...' BhnnB11, ,, ttnrnnva fnr ' unminntimr mmmlttoo made Its re-1 years of age and the other a few fus and Colonol Plcquart, with tho ob- M H ,, f t u , ca ,n i t renominating all the officers ex-, years older, were kidnaped from their the newspapers. 1 cept Vice President W. W. Gaines or o" " "o uy uhhh ui uuminB Tho case will bo resumed today, as I Atlanta, who, it Is understood, did not musicians and brought to this coun- CATARRH grM G& MM RM T msem ject of restoring both to the ranks they would have held if they had con' .l....n.r.1.. ...! I.. !. T".. ......u..BO .-" i ij. " th0 0Xhiblts wore turned over to Mrs. fus consequently will he nominated a I n tJ . Be, ftt th(J commnnd oI ninjor, with oventual early promotion, jU(1eo praier to a lieutenant colonelshlp. Plcquart j ' '1 '. will Immediately become a brigadier Alfred Belt Passes Away, general. Dreyfus' name also will bo London, July 17. Alfred licit, tha Inscribed on tho list for 'the Legion of, well known South African nnnncier, &mps&. riJMvrnfr.inft &rvA LT1 rtC VJ&& Honor. Discussions of the bills will be taken up Immediately and the minis ters will endeavor to have them pass both houses In the course of the day, tho cabinet desiring to settle the mat ter before the parliamentary vacation it dead. Mr. Belt, who is said to have been the richest man In London and who controlled tho output of gold in South Africa, was at one time alleged to bo forming a "gold trust," In which names of prominent American flnan1 clers were mentioned. He gave largo desire a re-election, and the report of the committee was adopted with-' out dissent. These arc the officers re-elected: President, John II. Chap man of Chicago; vico presidents, George A. Miller of Baltimore, Pro fessor A. L. McCrlmmon of .Toronto, George W. Truett of Dallas, Tex; re cording secretary, H. W. Reed of Rock Island, 111.; treasurer, H. B. Os good of Chicago. GRAIN RATE WAR IS ON. try. They were subjected to such brutal treatment that, after four years of thankless service, they determined to make their escape. Accordingly, as the train was pulling out of Clarks, Merrick county, the younger of tho two. aided by his brother, jumped off. Tho older brother expected to follow him, but failed to accomplish his escape. rA?c3r Nj..Vi .XaJV sqS&e? ctvi w fltWYQRK in order to avoid a recurrence of the' sns of money to the Bed Cross and other institutions and recently donat ed $500,000 to found a university at Hamburg. Ely's Cream Balm This Remedy is a Spoclflo, Sure to Civo Satisfaction. mups Briipr at nunr A farmer driving to his home in It clonuses, soothes, heals, and protocta the Polk county came across the boy and diseased, moinbniuo. It cures Cntarrh and mndo him onn nf his household. Thnt ilrivps n.wnv n. Cold in tho Head nuieklv. I homeless lad to whom the farmer gave Restores tho Souses of Taste ami Smell. Again and Bur- r h(jme wm prnnk pruI(le Qf gtrt)ma. Kasytouso. Contains ino injurious drugs. agitation of the country. GIRL MURDERS BROTHER. burg. Trial Trip of Cruiser Milwaukee. San Francisco. July 17. Tho trial announced that It had met the recent reduction of lVi cents per 100 pounds, Man Who Killed "Holy Roller" Shot aa Act of Revenge. Seattle, Wash., July 13. Esther. trjj, 0f the cruiser Milwaukee, which Mitchell shot and killed her brother, ims been completed at the Union Iron George Mitchell, in tho waiting roomj WOrks, was had In San Francisco bay. ; ma,i0 by tho Burlington, Northwestern of the Union station. The shot was The cruiser Milwaukee will cost tho I nmi Missouri Paciilc. The announce ilrcd just as Mitchell rose to take tho government about $1,500,000. It is ment 0f the Union Pacific also brought train for Oregon. Tho brother, who stipulated in the contract that tho tho information that it would continue wus acquitted Tuesday of killing vessel must attain a speed of twenty-' ti, nnvmnnt nf IV, cents ner 100 two knots Union Pacific Slashes linnton Goes Below. st . l . i..1 n 4.ntn 4 1m tminn on iAn iui.1 erata oducts from count' nml for BOVOral years was a arTrlistoriOMntelSaiU on giain and gialn prol cts lrom guccessful fnnncn Later he W(mt inlo Pl Y ' RnTHFn, ' R wi. Kr points west o xne iuisbou.i i w , tho restnurant business here, in whldi Omaha aro all out of line. On ad- he ,g stjn on.,arcd vices from Chicago, tho Union Paciilc . T-,ni, nn. ' ,wn vnnra .. ii-"m; -iif w j4o Hf At1Sfwl tttln lirt t Auf titln til nhCAtltnrl Ho grew to manhood in this ?.'' ::"lurn "f"B. nLr . i ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren St.. Now York. Franz Edmund Crelheld, tho leader of tho "Holy Hollers." diopped in his tracks. Esther Mitchell was at onco urresU'd. Tho Mitchells, George, Perry and Fred, wero sitting with Esther on a bench in tho big waiting room, talk ing together, and apparently on tho best of tetms. When the Oregon train was announced, George Mitchell rose and started forward. His sister Btopped to his side and pressing tho revolver close to his head, pulled tho trigger before anyone had realized what was happening. Esther Mitchell is the sister to r.vonge whoso treatment Georgo shot Creifleld. She has refused to have nnything to do with her brother since the Bhootlng and It was tho first timo they had beon seen togetlier on good terms. Directly after tho shooting Perry Mitchell and Fred Mitchell wero ar rested as witnesses. Tlioy were found together on a bench In the depot, sob bing on each other's shoulders. Woman's Song Charms Lion. Deadwood, July 13. Mrs. John Un derwood of Now York, encamped with her 'husband In a remote gulch near Harney's peak, in tho Black Hills, was attacked by a mountain Hon while a milo from camp. She screamed. Tho lion paused, with one foot on her breast. Sho changed her screams to a song. As tho animal still hesitated, she continued to sing till morning, when her husband found hor and lilllod the Hon, which apparently waa charmed by tho song. Tho woman was slightly injured. Rebels Win in Brazil. London. July. 14v The Leader's cor- Standing of the Clubs. NAT'NAI. IXAOn:, AMi:iUCAN ASS'N. W. I,, v. w. I-. V. ,D7 lil 701 Columbus ..r.H .'II WJ .Wi -J7 Kill1 Mllwa'kuu .-17 W ."till Frulde heard nothing of his brother or any other member of the family. Owong no extreme youth when stolen he had forgotten his own name. Recently a band of traveling mu sicians wero here and to them Mr. 1 Frulde told his story. Upon hearing pounus 10 insure uio iiruuiin uiouui..B lt ono of tn0 ,iumber expressed the be of its cars. ilof that h0 jjnow ti10 brother, who, ho Tho Information wired to tho Union EnW res,(lc(1 m chlcag0 Mr aml Pacific was also wired to tho Burling-, ,, r,.,...,,. Ioft fnr pi.nnn ClilrnRO .. Ni'v York. 1'lttrtlMirg rhll'plila . Cln'natl .. St. Louis.. Itroolvl.vu . HoHtOII .W) US HIV .10 10 WW Toledo 11 US Ml! Mlnn'polls .-40 -10 f:.1 J I 47 40! Louisville .4:5 40 Did .HI .11 "7S ,'M IS 1177 n n:i :w8 amhhi'N LKAtnn:. New York..4tl 20 01.1 l'hll'phlu ..4(1 JJ Mil Cleveland .45 ai 0DJ cidcngo . . .1:1 :i4 r58 Detroit ....-10 :m r.''tl st. Louis... :m 38 raw WuHli'ton ..'-'7 40 3M Uostou ....10 CO J44 Kau. City.. 38 ir. irs st. i'aiii....3:i no 3i)s ludlu'polls .30 51 370 WKST'HN MJAtSUh I). Moines. .W) '-'2 (11W Oiualta ...,:i0 32 541) Denver . . . .37 3! 507 Sioux City. 32 40 4H Lincoln ....: 42 417 Pueblo . . . .28 44 3SJ ton and that road Immediately an nounced that It would make a still far ther reduction of IV cents per 100 pounds on all grain nnd grain prod ucts from the west to Omaha. CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Features of the Day's Trading and Closing Quotations. Chicago, July lO.-Untavorntilc weather in southern Hussla and diminished exports from thnt country were the chief reasons for a Htroiu: tone today In the local wheat market. At the close September wheat was up j-T.e. Corn anil outs wero oil lV?Vc. Provisions were uncliaiifc'ed to Co lower. Cloning prices: Wheat-July. 78'Ae: Sent., 78Ti,c; Dec, S04c Corn-July, 01iK201?ic; Sept., 51c; Dec., c Oats-July, 371380; Sept., aiwuoijtcs Dec., :ir.c. l'ork-July, $18.05; Sept., $17.30. Lard-July, $8.02; Sept., $9.03. ltlliH-July, $0.40; Sept., $0.35. Chicago Cash Prices No. 2 hard wheat, 7&70c; No. it hard wheat, 7078c; No. a corn, 51c; No. 2 oats, 35&C. South Omaha Live Stock. Qnntli Onintin .llllv IP. Pnttlo ItOCelDtS. 3,500; steady native steers, $4.35Q0.03; 1-owb and helfi $3.00fl4.40; western steers, $3.50fj4.".'; cows and helfors, $2.25 (S4.50; canuers i51.50g2.80; stockcrs ami leaders, J3.O0ij.4.25j calves. S'iJiSlS.lij NORTH PLATTE LINE IS RUSHED. Union Pacific Makes Rapid Progress With Construction Work. North Platto, Neb., July 1C The Union Pacific branch under construc tion up the valley of tho North Platto river Is moving along nt a rapid rate. Tho track has been laid across tho North Platto river north of Paxton. At Keystone, a townslte has been laid out and a public sale of town lots will take placo Saturday. The Union Pa cific is at tho present time about flvo mile3 from Keystone and by tho time of tho sale will probably have reached thnt place. About twenty Burlington survoyors have reached n point about three miles from tho city. They aro work ing from tho east. Grading stakes have already beon put in from New ark, south of Kearney, to the proposed crossing of the South Platte river Mr. Frulde has written from Chl cngo that he had found his brother, whoso name Is Rocco Evanglista. Be sides Mr. Frulde was greeted by an other brother and a sister, who aro also residents of tho Windy City. FEELING I LIVER-ISH I This Morning? I TAUU MM Burlington Pay Train Wrecked. Louisville, Neb., July 13. A heavy rain hero swept away the piling and supports of a bridge on the Burling ton ono mile west of town, causing tho wreck of tho pay train. Tho rails wore left spanning tho stream and tho engineer did not see the danger until lt was too late to stop his train. Ho threw on a full head of steam and tho engine and paycar fairly leaped across tho bridge without leaving tho track. The track sagged at least four feet in the center and when tho train struck on tho opposite bank tho ten der loft tho track and went into tho ditch. None of tho trnln crew was hurt. The Injured: Paymaster Beans, sevoro scalp wound and cut about face; Roadmaster A. Ibson, back sprained, chest bruised and face cut. I A Gentle Laxative And Appetizer HOLLISTER'3 Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Busy Medlolns for Baty People. Brings Golden Hoalth and Beaewod Vigor. A. specltlo for Constipation, Indigestion, Live and Kidney Troubles, Pimples, Eczemi, Impure Blood, Had Ilreath, RIiistrIsu Ilowels, Headache-, aud Unokacho. It's Rocky Mountain Tea In tno let form, 33 cents a box. Genuine mado by Hollister Dnun Company, Madison, Wis. GOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE SKIP'S PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Cltinwi nml bfautillej tho lulr. l'romotu luxuriant growth. Never Fails to Ilostoro a ray Ilalr to Its Youthrul Color. Cun.1 clp iliirtiet A hair iallloic. SOcandtUMat DruwrUU To Cure a Cold in On Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine n ?:&. gy. A Sven rvusion poxes mm w ? -ty-- Cures Grip la Two Days. on every rvt box. 25c. X T 1