H6? CHIEF RED CLOUD, NEB. PUBLISHED I3VBHY FH1DAY, Kntcrcd In the Postnlllcc nt lied Cloud, Hob , r Second i'Ium .Mnltcr. PAUL C. PHARES, Editor WAIvp OlS 0.1 I; T.Rubl CRIMINAL ACTION AGAINST ROCK' , EFELLER COMPANY. Evidence of Quilt Already Collected Is Dnslo of Suits Against High Officials of Standard Oil G rammer Summoned as Witness, I 1 Cleveland. July 17. Tho Plalndenlor Bays: liualnc lila opinion upon tho ' testimony nliendy submitted to tho federal grnnil Jury in this district, At- ' torney General Moody believes that ' tho government has at last secured ' tho evidence which will lead to bringing tho Standard Oil company ' to its knees. The return of District Attorney Sullivan from an all day conference- with the attorney general at New York will mark n completo change In the plans of tho government in tho light, to stamp out trade ill criminal ions lu favor of giant corpora tions. Tho change of plans Includes a com pleto reversal regarding J. G. Gram mer, vice president of tho Lake Shore and Michigan Southern railway. Gram- iner will not bo Indicted In this or any other xleral district. Instead, Jie win no asked to assist the govern- inonl In forging a chain of evidence about the necks of some of the biggest Stnndard Oil officials In the country, Acting upon the orders of District I Attorney Sullivan, Assistant District At torn oy Garry Issued another sub poena for tho appearance of Gram nier before the grand jury today. Grammer was Immediately served with tho subpoena by District Deputy Marshal Fanning. He seemed pleased with tho turn of events, which innkes it certain that he Is not to be made the scapegoat for violations of the law on the part of others. The Bwitch on the pait of tho gov ernment in finally deciding to sum limn l-.riMiilimr no n ,,lh,c0 I.. ..... ,,inh,,i i.v ,i. :,.. . .. . V .," .,: . plnlned by tho statement that tho single desire of tho department of justice at present Is to get at tho Standard Oil company. A telegram from District Attorney Sullivan said that nothing wns to be left undone to accomplish this purpose. The attor ney general is firmly of the opinion that Indictments can bo secured hero nnd District Attorney Sullivan will resume work with tho grand Jury with this cud In view. In addition to order ing tho issuance of a subpoena for Grammer, Sulllvuu wired to have all tho omployes of the Lake Shore rati way who havo testified before the grand jury recalled. It is known that the government of ilclals are eager to obtain one more link in the cvhlmmo ni.-on.iv mm I link In tlio evidence already secured against tlio Standard Oil company. A most determined effort will be made to completo the chain through Grammer and Jnmes L. Clark. What tho government officials want partic ularly Is the names of the Standard OH company's olllclals through whom it is alleged rebating arra gcmen.s ' were made with the Lake Shore and I 2SWn5rion'2,y S'SXr-lio I attorneys aro certain that some one ! of the witnesses to bo called today ! hnows tho definite Information so greatly desired. The plan Is to forco the giving of tho names and facts by real sweatbox examinations before the grand jury. Alton Appeals Rebate Case. ClllCaKO. JllIV 17. .Tlllll'O P.l-nccmm r - ..o -- & tj V. ll in tho United States circuit court j granted tho Chicago and Alton Itnil road company John N. Faithom and Fred A. Wann writs or supersedeas, staying tho execution of a lino aggre gating $00,000, assessed against tho three defendants a short tlmo ago by Tudgo Lamlis In tho United Stntr . district court, on charges of granting i Illegal rebates to the Scliwnrsphiiii a: aiuzuurger 1'acKing company. At tho same time a bond of $00,000, cov ering tho fine ponding an appeal of tho caso to tho United States circuit court of appeals, was filed by tho de fendants. This is practically a friend ly proceeding, because both sides of tho case are desirous of having a de cision of tho higher courts on tho re bate question. r. r.... .. . . I Battleship Nebraska Shows Speed. , Seattle, Wash., July 17. Tho battle ship Nebraska, under direction of the government trial board, went over tho courso off Vashon Island fourteen times. Tho vessel developed great speed between the stake Hags and all conditions wero favorable for tho trial. Tlin pnntrnnt n. HI. tm Hf.... t company calls for a speed of 19 JmotB. Tho vessel will next receive an endurance test and a sea test. . i'muj,MJLMmiunimi:iinmju,s mm jjuijjii mMimuutJitu .wu.iMu.rxgLimin hmm RECUSTEft FOR LAXD i CROWDS AT SHOSHONE, LANDER, j THERMOPOLIS AND WORLAND. Work on 'Canals May Enable Entry men to Live on Land This Winter, Estimated That Fully 40,000 Per. son3 Will Register Their Names. Shoshone, Wyo., July 17.- Tlio rog- istratlon for Kind in tlio Shoshone or 11M...1 til. T...lf.. . .i,... i.. ,... Wind River Indian resenntion is on nt Shoshone,' Lander, Thorniopolis and Woiiiuul. Largo crowds nro arrhinn , nnd officials of tho general land or i flee estimate that fully 40,000 persona will register for homos. The regis tration will close at 0 p. in. on July 31. The drawing will begin on Aug. 4 and will continuo until Aug. 1j, when tho reservation will bo formally opened. There nro about 1,000,000 ncres In AI1-. IH V 11 IJ Wilt J,VUUVUU IIUIVO II n, irnni . .,,.. n.i ... -. 000 to 30o,ooo ncres will bo capablo of reclamation by Irrigation, Tho i adopted by tho slate prom, iscs to make tho opening of tho shoshono reservation the most sue. C0Ssful of recent western Indian land openings. Tho stato engineer has prepared a completo series of maps nnd specifications for a'compichcnsivs irrigation system, nnd tlio water rights to the entire tract, which nro vested In the state, will he conferred upon tho company which will contract to furnish water to tho settlers at tho lowest cost per acre, the entire system to event unity bocomo tho property ol! tho settlers. It is estimated that water In this manner can bo put upon over 260,000 ncres of land at a smnhcr cost to the settler than If ho built his own dam and ditches, Tho bids will be opened on Aug. 1 nnd it Is expected that the company getting tho contract will Immediately stnrt nnoraiinna i n a,iiinii,,i.. in- scale to enable many of tho settlers to move on their lands and obtain em ployment this winter. There are about 4,000 good agricultural claims on tho reservation, nnd government reports show valuable minerals In the Owl Creek mountains. TO MEET ON MARBLEHEAD. United States Warship Proffered to Guatemala and Salvador. Washington, July 17. Tho navy do !' ". "8 IIllorillUH Uy CUUICgnilll from Commander Mulligan of the nr- rival of his ship, the Marblehead, at La Llbertad, from Panama. Hct'ora sailing Commander Mulligan was ln otructed by tho navy department to report to the American minister, Mr. Combs, at La Llbertad, which is tho port near San Salvador, tho capital of of Salvador. In tho absence of Mr. Combs, who Is detained at Cham perlco awaiting next Friday's steam er, Mr. Brown, tho American secre tary and charge in Salvador, will com municate with Commander Mulligan and that olltccr will place his ship at the disposal of the American legation so that Mr. Brown will bo In a po sition to carry out the instructions I , '" lmm , lnfeton to nroffur to Ul Governments which woro cabled him from Wash of Salvador and Guatemala tho uso of this American warship as a place of meeting for the peace commission ers. The details of tho meeting will be left to tho American legation. It Is stated that neither Minister Merry nor Messrs. Combs and Brown will T i.1, y acommla' B onor ,to , olt ier c0,,ntrV loy, nr VVf'tT .to friendly relations Wlthout f"rthcr l09S 0t lloot1' WINNERS MAKE THEIR ENTRIES. act In tho capacity of peace commls Only Scventy-eight Take Advantage of Chance to Get Homestead. Billings, Mont., July 17. Tho doors of tho local land ofllco were opened for tho filing of tho land on tho Crow reservation, drawing for which took place In this city July 2, 3 and 5. Of x"''' iO lj If ltJ M U Utlll U( Vl. the 125 nnmes slated for entry, only seventy-eight appeared to take advan tage of their chance to got a home stead. Tins Is only a small fraction over CO per cent, and is a much small er number thnn was predicted by even the most conservative. The first man to nio wns riwnn n wminma who drew No. 1, nnd ho mado his en- try on a quarter section a short dls tanco east of Custer, the place where he resides. No. 2, Henry Johnson of Sheridan, Wyo., filed on a tract In tho Sanders townslte. No. 3, John Swartz of Chicago, located near Hunt ley, a small place twelve miles east of this city. Oklahoma Republicans Meet. Guthrie, Okla., July 17. The Re publican central commltteo of Okla homa met hero nnd adopted resolu tions recommending that the congres sional conventions In tho First, Sec ond and Fifth congressional districts of Oklahoma bo held Aug. 2S. By tho arrangements mado tho Republican congressional convention In Oklahoma will bo held before tho olectlon of del- egates to tho constitutional couven ' iion nm lx0 l)iir'y leaders assort that t,l ftepublieans will then ho In hotter j shapo to securo control of tho constl- tutlonal eotrvcntlon. Challenge Roosevelt to Debate, Dca Moines, July 17. Bachelors and old maids of Iowa, who will hold a Mate convention at Forest City, July j 25, for the purpose of placing a state ticket In the field; have, through Clin ton Merrick, temporary chnirman, ' sent a challenge to President Theo- ' dore Roosevelt to bo present and de bate with thorn on the nfilrmative of "Resolved, That race suicide Is caused by too few births." NEWS OE NEBRASKA. Cow's Stomach a Diamond Mine. Orrahn, July 12. A packing liou-e employe found a diamond set in fin r"ld in the mjinnch of a cow. Tho stone is valued at $100. Meikellohn Out for Senator. Fullerton, Neb., July 12. George D. ! Molkeljohn. In an open letter ad ' dressed to the Republicans of No1 braska, announces his candidacy forj United States senator, both before tho I state convention and before the legls' lature. I Mother and Daughter Burned to Death' Avnmlln Vnlt ! -in .. irftt iiv.uinti, i-ivu., jui i. iurs. win- Jam Mistier and her three-year-old daughter wore burned to death hero by en explosion of gasoline. Their clothing Ignited and a boy, tho only one who could help them, was unablo to extinguish the llames. Hennings Commits Suicide. Omaha, July 12. August II. Hen nings, former city treasurer and un successful candldato for the Repub lican nomination for mayor Inst spring, shot and killed himself In tho bathroom or his home. Disappoint ment In politics caused the act. Mickey Urges Investigation. Lincoln, July 11. County Attorney Kocnlgsteln of Madison county has received a letter from Governor Mick ey suggesting that ho Investigate the charges of murder and cruelty in the Norfolk asylum before the grand jury In the hope that Justice may bo meted out to the attendants If guilty. Woman Bitten by a Tarantula. Omnha, July :. Bitten by a taran tula while serving a customer with a dozen bananas, Mrs. Lebrand do i Christian, wife of the proprietor of a fruit stand at Sixteenth and Dodge streets, is in a serious condition. Sho was about to clip some bananas from a large bunch when a spider-looking Insect leaped upon her hnnd. infilctintr ' a bite upon tho third finger of tlio left hand. Baptist Young People Convene. Omaha, July 13. Two thousand people assembled at tho Auditorium to participate in tho opening services of the fifteenth international conven tion of the Baptist Young Peoplo's Union of America. The formal open ing services wero preceded by a short musical program, given by tho general chorus of 200 voices under the leader ship of Professor D. B. Towner of Chicago. A short praise service fol lowed. Asylum Officials Refuse to Vacate. Lincoln, July 13. Governor Mickey announced on his return from Norfolk that ho would began quo warranto pio ceedings in the supreme court to oust Dr. J. M. Ahien, superintendent of tho hospital for the Insane at Norfolk, and his assistant. Dr. Nicholson. Gov ernor Mickey personally served notice on them to vacate, but they refused to obey the order of removal. The governor said ho would not attempt to remove tho officials by force. Bad Blaze Visits Johnson. Tecumseh, Neb., July 12. A firo which broke out at 3 a. m. In Johnson, a small town fifteen miles east of here, destroyed thrco one-story brick busi ness houses, with their contents. The first building to burn wns Paul Fels tor's harness shop, tho firo originating there, and tho llames soon spread to Dick Burns' billiard and pool hall and from that building to Frank Tebo's sa loon. Tho blaze was checked when It reached tho First National bank build ing. Loss, $0,000. Three Children Kidnaped. Lincoln, July 13. Grief stricken, broken hearted, Peter PillJard sits In his deserted homo near Roca, mourn ing for his threo children. While ho was at work in the cornfield two wom en drove up to the farm house and took tho children away. It Is reported that tho little ones have been taken to Nowcastlo, Wyo. One of tho wom en is thought to bo tho former Mrs. Pilllard and tho other her mother, Mrs. McKlnnon. Pllllnrd and his wlfo woro divorced. Tho father was given tho custody of tho children. Seismic Shock In New Mexico. Santa Fo N. M .July 17. Consider able property damage was dono at Sororro, San Marclal, and nearby set tlements by an earthquake shock, which was tho severest of the 200 shocks that havo occurred In that part of Now Mexico during tho past two years. The shocks aro local and aro caused by earthslldes In the Mag dalona mountains. . .. . ii.uuM.i,aui.j.xjii.iuiLiwTjLu,m,j.'imiiiA.nv.i.,iJJLj':Lurj Thousands Have Kidney Trouble anil Never Suspect it. How To Flud Out. Fill a bottle or common glass with your water and let it stand twenty-four hours ; nsc'lnnentorset llingindicatcsan unhealthy con dition of the kid neys; if it stains your linen it is evidence of kid ne troiiLle; too frequent dibire to pa.H it oriMin in the Lack is nlo convincing proof that the kidneys and bladder are out of order. What To Do. There is comfort in the knowledge ho often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy, fulfills even1 wish in curing rheumatism, pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder nnd every part of the urinary passage. It corrects inability to hold water and scalding pain in passing it, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant ne cessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up ninny times during the night. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most dis tressing cases. If you need a medicine you should have the best. Sold by drug gists in fifty-cent and one-dollar sizes. You may have a sample bottle and a book that tells all about it, both sent free by mail. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co., Ring- Uaniton, N. Y. When writing mention this noma o( Swamp-Root paper and don't make any mistake, but remember the Maine, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Koot, and the address, IlinghaiHton, N. Y. OYSTERS in every style. Ca tering to parties and dances a specialty. Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes, Candy and Cigars. The Bon Ton W. S. BENSE, Proprietor. A.B.(haSE I fzrp friifllJ ilin M. ttt'rraii For "'4HQ During all these years havo been acknowledged to grade. Tho most critical and them unsurpassed in Tone, Action and Durability Wo are district distributers Pianos, and will gladly put our representatives, or mail and special prices. 0LNEY-GAST0N MUSIC CO. St. Joseph, Sbcocsvots to T. J. WASHBURN. Eatabllsbed In 1868. 4ilvkifcuvbvbbifcibibkixbvbfrthkbii'-VtlAbbvbb i 9 9 4 S -J - - 4 5 AY, niSTER! Do you know that it will pay YOU, as well as US, to buy your Building Ma terial and Coal at ouryards? Not only that our prices average lower, or at least as low, as those of our competit ors, but because w tak especial eare of and protect all can be classed as REGULAR CUSTOMERS. 4 4 4 4 4 4 PL ATT Coal. 4 4 5J(f()fiviTi"ivi,i,i,i,iivin!rii,ii,i,ifr City Dray and 1 W. STUDEBAKER, TROP. Goods Delivered to any part of the city. Charges as low as the Lowest CITY AGENTS FOR ADAMS EXPRESS CO. TELEPHONES, Residence 188. Office 119 tuuuHua-uuf iuiunui.i-jafxu:ai JLtM Happy Home To have a happy home you should have children. They are great happy-home makers. If a weak woman. Id you can be made strong enough to bear healthy chil dren, with little pain or dis comfort toyoursclf,by taking A Tonic for Women VJ It will ease all your pain, reduce iiv iiinuimuuuuii, v.uiu leuturriiun, U 3 (whites), falling womb, ovarian 55 V3 ten. il.lt .!!.-.... I..v.t . .. I I. Vi s ..- . -..... ...,..,.,...-,, ..,.,- uLiii.-. iif.ui.itim, cic., aiui in.iKC ciiilJl irth mtural and easv. Try it. At ail dealers in tucdlcines, in SI. 00 bottles. "DUE TO CARDUI Is my lul-y tdrl, mw two weeks h OM," writes .nrs. J. Priest, of Web ster Ot. Iowa. "She Is n fine 1' ilt!iy lah! and vca..lHilh loine Ws ti.ct'l. 1 am stdl taUi. r.-m?ni. m "H and would not be without it in 0 vie i .., ,e. ' kjv SZ3SS!SgiSSSCJ m INSURANCE against Fire, Lightning, Cy clones and Windstorms, see JNO. B. STANSER, agent for tho Farmers Union Insnr i ance Co., Lincoln, Neb., the best in 1 surance company intho stft. INFLAMMATORY RHEUMATISM CURED IN 3 DAYS. Morton L. 11111. of I.Fbnnriti Incl.. snynj "My wife tind Inlliimmntori Iiheiimntlvin In every runt-clo mid joint, lier MiU'erlni wan terrible and her body and face were swollen ulraot be yond recognition: had been In bed nix wcekp and linil elKht physicians, but received no benefit until s-he tried the Mjutlc Cure for liheiimatlMn. It pave Immediate relict auG sho was able to walk about in three davs. J nm ftire It Mived her life." Sold by H. 'fi. Grlco. Druggist. Red Cloud. Send for twr ctwivlncloc bookfctt WHY." Twenty Years., A. B. CHASE Pianos bo of tho very highest export musicians And of tho A. B. CIIASE you in touch with ono of you catalogues Alo. H luZ.taJ I r lt-L7Tt lx fcSatf -vnra,. a&a39 l--. S- I 6 . 6 ft C ( FREES CO. Lumber. Express Line. M 1 r F' . ?r .te.Mr i.itv f&autn