The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 20, 1906, Image 1

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I Subscription
EigiAt Pages
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$1 a Year
in Advance
VOLUME xxxlv.
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1 Deaths and Funerals.
Joseph Garberf Sr.
Joseph Garber died Wednesday morn
ing at one o'clock. While he himself
had apparently hoped for his recovery
until nearly the last, the physicians
had told his relatives to expect his
death at any time. Mr. Garber is the
last of the seven Garber Brothers, of
whom Silas, the ex-Governor, was per
haps the most distinguished. Four of
the brothers made their homes in this'
county, Samuel, Abraham, Silas and
Joseph. The three younger brothers
came to th'.L "'r.mty together in June
1870. Although McCalluni and Peters,
with one or two others, were then in
county, they could hardly be termed
settlers, since they were without fami
lies, cattle or tools for farming. The
Garbers brought with them cattle
and farming implements, and Joseph
brought his wife and one of the child
ren of Abraui. In the true sense of
the term, the Garbers were the flrss
actual settlers of the county, and it
was the man who has just died, who
caused the first log house in the
county to be erected on his farm one
and one-half miles east of Guide Hock.
Mr. Garber was the first justice of
peace in the valley, when all this part
of Nebraska was a precinct of Jeffer
son county. As justice of the peace,
the duty devolved upon him of hold
ing the first examination for a murder,
and binding over the accused to the
district court, whenever a district
- court should be held.
Me helped to organize the county,
anil was one of the first three commis
sioners to be elected. At the time of
his death there was no otuer of the
early commissioners of the county liv
ing. Between the births of his eldest
daughter Cora, and his eldest son
Daniel, Mr. (Jarber removed a few
miles east, and found himself in Nuck
olls county, where he served two terms
as county clerk. It was while he was
in Nuckolls county that he was elected
jis a delegate to Unconstitutional
convention, and took part with others
to frame the present constitution of
the state. Returning to this county,
lie engaged in business in the city for
awhile, then he purchased the farm
just north of town, where he made his
home until two years ago. Since his
return to this county he has served as
members of the board of education of
the Red Cloud schools, and as one of
the board of county supervisors. His
six children are all graduates of the
Red Cloud schools, save Lawrence,
the youngest boy, who left before he
had completed the course.
Mr. Garber was one of the most
neighborly nen in the country. lie
was always ready to do a service to
any one in need, and he mnde it easy
for those in need to prefer a request,
a request which was certain to be
granted, if within his power. Since
his removal to the eity he has never
been a well man. He suffered from
some asthmatic diiliculty, and this was
complicated with Bright's disease, so
that several times his life has been
despaired of by his relatives. A year
ago he tried a trip to the mountains,
but was compelled to return home
immediately because of the altltufe.
He was sixty-six years of age at the
time of his death, and he leaves a
widow and his six children, Cora,
Daniel, Mrs. Grace Tait, Mrs. Lucy
Myers, Joseph S. and Lawrence.
Mr. Garber was a member of the
G. A. R. Post of this city having
served three years during the Civil
war. He was also a member of Char
ity lodge A. F. & A. M.
Funeral services were held at the
home this afternoon at 2:110 conducted
by the G. A. It.
Mrs. Sophia Graves.
The many friends of Mrs, Sophia
Graves were pained to learn of her
sudden death which occurred at Mar
tinsburg, Missouri, on Saturday last.
While she had been in ill health for
some time past no one expected her
tdekness to result fatally, and she was
Nebraska, and Kansas Interstate
Red Clovid, August 27 -September 1
except to How Kuley and as that hap
pened after he arrived at home we will
draw the curtain of secrecy about it.
visiting her daughter in Missouri, ex
pecting by rest and change of scene
to regain her usual strength. Death
came quickly, she having arisen in
the morning and eaten a hearty
breakfast, after which she had planned
work to be done during the day.
About 3 a. in. she became suddenly
ill and before assistance could be ob
tained she had passed away. 'I he
body was brought to Red Cloud by
her soiuin-law, Chas. Rollison-and the
funeral was held from the Christian
church on Tuesday afternoon, Rev.
Davis in charge.
Mrs. Sophia Loder Graves was 08
years of age at the time of her death,
having been born near Coshocton,
Ohio, Decembers, 1837. She was mar
ried to Joseph Graves, December 31,
1S54, and after living near the old
home for some years they removed to
Mahaska county, Iowa, in 1807 and
again to Webster county, Nebraska,
in 1880, where they resided on a farm
near Bladen. In 1885 they removed
to Red Cloud where she has sihee lived.
Her husband died in this city seven
years ago.
Fifteen children were the result of
this union, nine of whom are still liv
ing. Six of these were present to fol
low the mortal remains of the mother
to their last resting place in the ceme
tery. Those present were J. W.
Graves, of Atlantic, Iowa; Mrs. Alice
Riggins, of Bladen; C. W. Graves, of
McCook, and Leslie, Ernest and Ein-
1 ma, of this citj The deceased was
an earnest Christian woman, having
been a member of the church of her
choice since she was 21 years of age,
and she will be greatly missed by a
large circle of friends in that body as
' well as throughout the entire community.
Luclan Auman.
Lueian Auman, a retired farmer,
living in Kent, Illinois, was accident
ally killed by the cars the first of the
week. Mr. Auman was a brother-in-law
of "Mike" Finkenbinder of this
city, and was quite well-known here,
I having made several visits to Red
1 Cloud. The funeral was held at his
home Wednesday.
TIlC Beatrice Creamery Co.'S Square ' and do not mix warm cream with cold.
Deal Grading RulCS. ft. Keep the cream, pail or can in
Since the inauguration of the hand , L'ohl.wator !U"1 wlll' '"vering to the
Milium cover ine same wini aiuuuaci.
Republican County Convention.
The republican electors of Webster
county are hereby called to meet in
county convention at the court house
in Red Cloud, Wednesday, August 1st,
1110(1, at 11 o'clock a. m. to transact
the following business:
To place in nomination candidates
for the following ofllces:
One county attorney.
One representative for the 11th rep
resentative district.
One county commissioner for 1st
commissioner district.
To select delegates to the followsng
conventions: II delegates to the state
convention, II delegates to the lifth
district congressional convention, 11
delegates to float representative and
11 delegates to the twenty-six sena
torial district. And to transact such
other business as may come before
such convention.
The several precincts are entitled to
representation as follows, being based
on the vote cast for Supreme Court
Judge Letton in lOOft, giving one dele
gate for each ten votes east and one
for each major fraction thereof and
one at large.
Guide Rock in
separator system the tendency of the
cream patron has been to deliver cream
when it best suited his convenience.
t He has also neglected giving the same
j proper care. Consequently the general
quality .or standard of cream has been
I lowered. At the same time the patron
expected the creamery company to
pay the top price and seemingly did
not realize that good cream was essen
tial to make good butter and that poor
butter meant lower prices for butter
fat or a loss to the creamery man.
From the fact that infrequency of de
livery and thin cream are the princi
pal causes for poor quality, we de
cided on .Ian nary 1, 11)00, to grade
cream based on the following rules:
No. 1 cream would consist of cream
that was delivered twice each week in
good condition and testing 30 per cent
or over.
No. 2 cream would consist of cream
that was delivered less frequently or
testing less than 30 per cent.
A differential of three cents was
paid between No. 1 and No. 2. Since
the adoption of this plan we have
received numerous letters from patrons
throughout our territory protesting
against the rules that the same were
working an injustice, claiming that
when they churned a part of their
week's cream and delivered the bal
ance in good condition they were
forced to take second grade prices;
others claimed they would deliver a
part of their week's cream at one
town, the balance to another, and be-
Lost His Money,
Some little commotion was caused
Thursday morning when Mike Dono
van announced that he had been rob
bed of his "roll," amounting to $270.
Later in the day the money was found
in the yard in the rear of Polnicky's
saloon. However, the entire amount
was butSfl5.30, and as Mike was pretty
well jagged the previous day as well
as at the time he announced the sup
posed robbery, it is probable he got
back all the money he lost. It was
reported this morning that he had
again lost the money.
This will prevent heating the cream
in summer or freezing in winter.
Last, deliver often.
In summing this all up: What we
want is good cream and plenty of it;
and you will always find us ready to
do the right thing with the right
cause our records did not show that ished.
both deliveries were made to the same
agent they were forced to accept
sccong grade price.
Realizing that ill feeling and dissat
isfaction have never built up an in
dustry, and knowing that the farmers
as a class are always ready to meet a
fair proposition half way and will do
their part if approached in the right
manner, we have decided, beginning
July 1ft, 11)00, that we would grade all
cream delivered at our stations on the
merits of its quality instead of any
arbitrary rules, and this means that
the Beatrice Creamery Company has
confidence in the cream patrons of
their territory to do the right thing
when properly appealed to, and would
ask the attention of all cream produc
ers to a few simple rules:
1. See that the separator, pails, cans,
and all milk utensils are thoroughly
washed and scalded before using,
2. Skim the milk as soon as possible
after milking.
3. Keep the cream screw set to de
liver a thick cream and the separator
run at the proper speed which will in
sure a uniform test.
4. Cool the cream immediately after
separating, to remove the animal heat,
Had a Big Time.
The combined Sunday schools of the
Congregational churches of Red Cloud
and Indian Creek held a picnic at the
old Fisher grove four miles northwest
of town on Tuesday and everyone pres
ent reports more fun than they had
found for a long time. Four hay
wagons carried the youngsters and
older young people, while numerous
other conveyances landed the older
people in the shade of the grove at an
early hour of the day.
Plans had been laid for amuse
ment for the crowd, even to the music
lovers who were entertained by an ex
cellent graphaphone, while the young
er element engaged in athletic sports
and games galore. Conspicuous among
the athletic accomplishments were C.
J. Pope's artistic tree climbing and
E. J. Overing's tale of ten-foot jumps
he used to make when in school.
When dinner was ready every body was
so hungry that they could hardly wait
until the blessing had been asked upon
the spread. There was not much left
to tell the story when they had fin-
After dinner the youngsters and
some of the older ones indulged in
wading in the creek, while the men
and boys' repaired to a nearby pasture
and organized for a contest at the
national game. Two teams under
CaptainJOvering and George Newhouse
contested hotly for seven innings when
the score stood 10 to 10 in favor of
Overing's semi-professionals. Con
spicuous in this game was the battery
work of the two teams, Overing's
baritone "rooting" and the high and
lofty tumbling of Rev. Rice at second
for the Overing's, while the longing
desire of J. S. Gilliam to hit the ball
and GeorgeNewhouse's slide for life
furnished the features for the other
side. After this jjame was finished a
team of Indian creek players tried
their mettle against u nine of Red Cloud
players and J. S. Gilliam got so in
terested in this game that he missed
the wagons and had to walk home.
The Indian creek people turned out
in a body and helped with the good
time. It was a great day and night
for some of the picnickers as their
happy tones suggested when the last
load arrived somewhat before mid
night. The day was devoid of accident
Stillwater 0
Oak Creek 0
Garfield 7
Pleasant II ill
Elm Creek 7 .
Potsdam , 13
Jill I, ttatl
Red Cloud township 10
Batin 4'
Glcnwood j t
Walnut Creek "IT. 4
Iuavale ;
Cathertou 4
Harmony 3
Red Cloud city 1st ward 1)
Red Cloud 2nd ward 14
By order of republican central com
mittee of Webster county, Nebraska.
Ciias. F. Cathkii, Chairman.
Gko. F. M. Ni:wnotJHK, Secretary.
Caucus Calls.
The following caucuses have been
called to elect delegates to the Repub
lican county convention to be held
Wednesday, August 1st:
Saturday, .July 28, at the usual vot
ing place at 2 p. m. W. R. Rykor,
oaiikikm) '
Monday, July 30, at Pope school
house at 2 p. m. F. R. Amack,Com.
Saturday, July 28, at school house
in district 34, usual voting place, at
10 a. m. J. W. Mclntyre, Com.
Saturday, .July 28, at Art Wolcott's
hall at 8 p. m. Win. Rankel, Com.
Saturday, July 28, at school house
in district 3 at 8 p. in, C. R. Dicker
son, Com,
iti:n cr.oun township
Saturday, .July 28, at court house at
2 p. in. 0. II. Potter, Com.
Archie P. Lemon and Mabel A. Fish
of Campbell were married by Rev.
Austin at the Methodist parsonage on
Warren V. Caster of UurrOak, Kan.,
and Ocie L. Michael of Esbon, Kan.,
were married by Judge Edson this
Joe Rent of Red Cloud and Annie
Arndt of Blue Hill were given a li
cense to wed by Judge Edson last Fri
day. Ernest F. W. Starke, the younger of
the three Stnrke llros., was married
at 1) o'clock Sunday morning to Miss
Maggie Van Dusen of Guide Rock.
The wedding took place at the Starke
ranch at Lester, Rev. G. 11. Rice ofllc-
iatlng. The hnppy couple left on No.
I 10 for a visit at the old home of the
Starke Uros. in Milwaukee, after
. which they will be at home at the
, ranch. The numerous friends of the
parties unite in hearty congratulations.
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