The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 13, 1906, Image 7

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ASfrnaM mi '
itiumiuiiiiiL.uuiMiLmuiiiijmminiiiniiiniiii nwin.iunjiminMmju.'uliinjnmniiyiJijiiiniiinmi'jjii.iiiii.'iutL'4 j.jiumwm
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Jieuisy flotes from
(From the Times.)
lluby Short, who has been attending
normal at Mankato, returned homo
Saturday evening.
Billy Wadloy brought thirty-six
head of hogs to town Saturday, for
which, ho received $030.
Miss Li.zio Davis, tho 31-year-old
daughter of Mrs. Ruth Davis of Logan
township, was before tho probate
.iudgo today ou a charge of insanity.
She lias boon insane sinco childhood
but only of late sho has been consider
ed dangerous. She will shortly bo
committed to tho insane asylum.
(From the Sentinel.) j
G. U. Chestnut, state representative
of tho American Yoeman, a fraternal
order, is in our city for the purposo of ,
organizing a local homestead hero.
Another lino rain, one of tho best of !
tho season, visiteM this section Satur i
day afternoon. Tho precipitation j
seamed to bo quito general over tho
southern half of tho county. I
Herb Bailey suffered u painful
wound this week from tho tines of a
hay fork. His team was running away
..-.i ...t..i a : a ii i. i. '
jouterod his loft hip, making an
nfnw1 lila Ififf liin YimL-inrr o lirrlT-
Hilsabeck's construction gang aro
doing themselves proud in tho matter
of laying cement sidewalks. Thoy aro
now fultllllng their part oftho contract
by putting down over 400 feet of four
' foot walk daily.
(From the Advocate.)
Tho Hoskoll Indians will play ball
at this place on tho 20th of this month.
A littlo son of Jas. Purcell ono day
this wook broko his arm and had tho
same dressed by Dr. Sumner.
Ono night recently while going homo
from town Roy Gritlin's team was
frightened at falling rocks near tho
bridge and ran away doing consider
able damage.
H. C. Rogers, the postmaster at Up
land, was ono of the lucky number to
draw a prizo in tho Crow reservation
drawing. After 2713 men have select
ed thoir claims ho cnu have tho chance
of making a soloction.
Len Holmos ono day last week wont
to Franklin to attend lodge and came
near having to walk home. IIo drove
his mother's old family horse, and a
rnan from Red Cloud who had lost a
worse tried to convince Air. Holmes
jKhat ho was driving his horso. Tho
$lost horso was six years old while tho
horso Lou drovo wussoverul times that.
old bnt it did not seem to make any
(From tho Citizen.)
Miss Ruth Jackson, of Upland has
boon elected to tho position of second
primary teaoher in tho Campboll
schools. Two positions nro yet to be
illlod, including tho principal.
Tho only Fourth of July nccidont
so far reported occurred on tho even
ing of tho 0th to Dewey Guy, tho 8-yoar-old
son of Mr. and Mrs W. L.
Guy, who shot himself in tho Hngor
with a blank cartridge. Tho wound
was blown full of powder and paper
mid is a nasty ono, owing to tho dan
ger of blood poisoning.
Dr. Art, of
Hastings was called in
with Dr. Swatslauder
Food to work on is food to live on.
A man works to live. He must live
to work.
He does both better on
Usieeda Biscuit
the soda cracker that contains in the
most properly balanced proportions a
greater amount of nutriment than 'any
food made from flour.
Uneecia Biscuit
4 rrr i-
Neighboring Tomns
Sunday, to perform an operation on
Albert Ncodhani. son of Mr. and Mrs.
Dave Needham, living about ten miles
north of Campbell, who was thrown
from a horso about two mouths uiio.
Tho fall resulted in breaking tho boy's
knoo cap, and tho operation Sunday
was for the purposo of wiring tho two
portions of tho fractured bones to
gether to permit its healing.
(From tho News Letter.)
Wo seo that J. II. Crary. of this
placo drew a homestead allotment in
Crow reservation distribution, but as ,
tho number is away down tho lino ho i
will probably never realize ou it. j
Young Henry Ohmstedo had the
mibfortune to break his arm during
tho celebration at Superior. A plat
form on which a number of people .
were standing, collapsed and In tho'
fall Mr. Ohmstedo received his injur
ies. As wo aro making ready for press
word comes of tho death of Mrs. H.
Wichmann, at her home south of tho
river, Tho news of her death comes
ns a shock to everyone who knew tho
lady, as sho had been in ordinary
health up to Thursday morning, and
her death occurred shortly after noon.
Heart failure is tho causo assigned.
While W. F. Groves, from near Bost
wick was in Guide Rock Friday of last
week on business, he rocelved word by
telephone that his house had burned
down and his wife sovorely lujured
while trying to put out tho tiro and
save some of tho goods. Mr. Groves
immediately started for home and
later telephoned J.S. Marsh that his
loss was almost total, only a few small
articles of furniture being saved. Mrs.
Groves was burned about tho head and
foco, but tho injuries though painful
aro not considered dangerous.
(From the Monitor.)
Buffalo's second buso ball team de
feated the North Branch team on Man
kato's grounds, Sunday. The scoro
was 10 to 10.
Tho other day Judge McGehoo was
attacked by a small belonging to Hunk
Diamond. The conflict wus furiously
waged for a few momonts and the
judge was the loser by tho scrap.
Brnco Noiswinder's' dray team be
came frightened today, at a big tonk
in front of Hanna's hardwaro and with
only the tonguo and front whools ran
east. Tho team is small but thoy
mado a record breaking dash to thoir
(From the Review.)
Roy Moffett stopped on some hot
irjn iu front of tho blacksmith shop,
and received a bad burn on his baro
Win. Smith was born at Portago
Wisconsin, March 10, 1801, and met his
death at Rivorton ou July 1, 1900.
After attaining his majority ho came
west from Wisconsin and followed
railroad work. IIo was married March
20, 18S0. After his marriage ho follow
ed farming for some time and lator
moved to Rivorton, where ho engaged
iu blacksmithiug till tho timo of his
Last Wednesday Goorgo Connor nnd
a tramp painter got into a fight and
wore lodged iu jail. Later in tho even
ing Ernie Carpenter was placed in
with thorn; tho latter was intoxicated.
Tho trio was left thoro to sober up.
On Thursday morning tho painter was
turned loose, and by noon Uormim
Hancock had mndo it posiiblo for
Ernlo to bo turned loose, by paying
nls Mno of Sl"r0. but. (Juorfto refused
liltU iU f UIU. IV 111 IIIU (II tUI nMMI Mill
was found guilty and lined Sll.'.T), and
as yet has not paid tho tine. ,
(From the Journal.)
Julius Harmau, an employe of Hon
uiugseu Produce Co., mot with a very
painful accident yesterday. Tho
tongs foil and struck him ou tho head,
cutting a very bad gash.
Miss Una Vance of Guide Rock camo
in on tho Santa Fo and took tho B. &
M. for homo yesterday evening. Miss
Vance has booh spending a month
among tho llowering wells of Now
Two small boys by tho name of Lo
gan and Moore did what they thought
was a bright trick last Sunday, but
which iu reality gives them a black
eye in the minds of respectable peo
ple. They wore down at the river
dam and while there tolo a horio and
buggy belonging to Ciydo Goodall of
Webber. Tho boys wont to Guide
Rock to whore an uncle of ono of tho
boys lives. This undo phoned down,
inquiring whoso rig it was, and learn
ing that it had been stolen, tho author,
ities at onco arrested tho boys and
brought f.bem back to Suporior.
Tlie Phonetic Phenomena of the Word
They were talking about spelling re
form and the Idiosyncrasies of English
spelling in general.
"There's that very word 'phonetic,'"
said ono of the men. "That's a sample
of English spelling. Tho reformers cull
their system the 'phonetic system,' and
yet they have to spell 'phonetic with a
'pho' in order to let people know what
they mean. The very word that means
'spelled as pronounced' Is as far from
It as possible."
"Now, now!" drawled his friend.
"You're too hard on the good old Eng
lish speller. You ought to be proud of
'phonetic' Why, that word Is so trim
med down and sawed off and cut short
that I wouldn't know It was English if
I mot It alone on a blank page. You
ought to thank tho language for that
word. It Is a beautiful word. That
'pho' might have been spelled like
'dough' and the 'net' like 'ette' In 'ro
sette' and tho 'Ic' like 'llo,' In 'liquor.'
That would be a good old stylo English
word nhoughncttclq. But It 1b com
ing! Phonetic spelling Is coming! Look
at the word 'phenlx.' It is spelled 'phe
nlx' everywhere now, and I remember
It always used to be 'phoenix.' That o'
has gone. That shows"
"Nothing!" said tho objector. "What
does It show? That the phenlx la a
bird, Isn't the phenlx a bird? Yes!
Well, that round thing you say was an
'o' was an egg. That's all. 'Twas Just
an egg, and the phenlx laid tho egg.
That's all." Success Magazine.
lie linn No MiiNtcr mill In AliNolutely
There are no chieftains in tho Eski
mo community. They all regard them
selves as free men, with an equal right
to hunt, llsh, sleep and eat. Everybody
shift for himself. IIo Is absolutely
and unconditionally Independent. His
only ambition is to bo a good hunter
and to rear sons who will Inherit his
skill with lance and harpoon, lie has
helped himself against tho elements
for centuries, and tho white man de
scending on his shores ostensibly to
confer the blessings of civilization has
never been ablo to Improve his condi
tion, but only to detract from the old
time happiness and advantages of tho
aboriginal Eskimo community. Tho
natura.l helpfulness of the. Eskimo Is
(li tusin of tho socialistic state In
which In; lives. He will risk hln life to
save that of another, oven his enemy.
He will share tho spoils of the. hunt
with his nolnhhoi'H. If his neighbor '
dies and his wife Is loft alone with
children he will provide for her until
she marries iijjnlit. IIo does not shin- '
dor or tell tales; lie does not abuse any
one, and he does not lljrht. He is a .
man of peace. Ho loves pence for its i
own sake, and his life Is one Ioiik. labo
rious attempt at happiness for himself '
and his people. Chicago Chronicle.
Mow (ho KiKyillil Sinn.
Everybody is familiar with tho rasp
liiK notes known us the katydid's
"soni;." It Is the male only that is ca
pable of etulttlm; tho well known
bounds, and he does It In a most pe
culiar manner. His "vocal orpins" are
at the base of his wIiikh and consist of
two lint excrescences of thin, dry
membrane. It is the rubbing of these
two membranous plates together which
produces tho "souk." If your shoulder ,
blades were so loosely put together i
that one could be slipped under tho
other and tho underside of one and the
upper side of the other were so roiich '
that tho operation of slipping them
past each other would cause a rasping '
sound you could lliiltate tho katydid's
musical efforts very nicely.
Why Thoro Aro So Slimy SiiiKIin.
At tin" time of tlie adoption of stir
names every artisan whoso work re
quired the striking blows ou metal
was known as a smlter or smith, and
the community therefore had Its black
smith, whitesmith, goldsmith, sliver
smith, arrowsmith and several others
of the same character. The number of
Smiths of the present day may there
fore be readily accounted for when we
remember that each of the different
kinds of smiths wan as much entitled
to the use of his trade name for a cog
nomen as any other artisan. John the
blacksmith and John the coppersmith
were both known as John the smith, an
appellation which naturally resolved It
self Into the family name of John
and the
one year
the Time
fttti ii- mi iminiiiiTTrinrTr
I Do You
Meat ?
When you &ri hungry
want somethig nice In tho
meat lino, drop into my
market. Wo have thonievst
kind of
and meats, fish, nnd game
iu season. Wo think, and
almost know, that v run
please you. Give us a
Kooii Bros.,
Successors to
You want to HIT what you ate .limine at
le It bird, beast ot target. Make your
xliots count by snooting the STKVENS.
lor 41 yearn STEVENS AUMS have
carried off l'UEMIER HONORS (or AC
CURACY. Our line:
RiflesTShotguns, Pistols
Ak mir Driler In Semi 4 it. In t.nnp
tUtiin tlirhTKW'NH. for WMttfC Caulotr
If) on cannot cbttlu, nf complete output. A
we hli illtnr, Mlu.itiletuwkuriefrr.
frett frf.nJ, uiin ence for iucriit tml
rrceltofcMaliit.rUe initlvr iIimjIcm.
beautiful three-color Aluminum Hanger will
be lorwarueu lor 10 cents In Mamps.
J. StevensJrms k Tool Co,,
v7b. Box 4096 4
60 YEARS'"
Trade MarkSu
Copyrights &c.
Anrnne bonding n sketch nnd description mny
quickly rucortnln our opinion frco whether an
tloiisturlctlyronndcntml. HANDBOOK onl'atenta
invention is nroontiiy pnutnrnnin. .
out free. Oldest nconcy for fiucurliur patent.
ratonts taken tlirouKh Munu & Co. Twelrv
ipeetal notice, without chnrao, In tho
Scientific American,
A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Tnrcft cir
culation of nny sclotitlUo Journal. Terms, 93
year: four months, $L Bold by all newsdealer.
MUNN&Co.36'8'"" New York
Branch Office. 026 V BU Washington, D. O.
time table.
Red Clcud, Nek,1
81. JOE
82. LOUIS nnd
all points east and
and all point
tiaix lkayk ai rLi.ews:
Mt, II. Passenger dally for Obcrlln
and 81. Francis branches. Or
ford, McCook, Denver and all
polum west..,.. .. ... 7 06 n.xiu
Ha, 14. Passenger dully for St. Joe,
KnnsHB city, AtchUou. SI.
Louis. Lincoln Tin Wjmert
nnd (til point cnu and south 200
! 15. Passenger, dully. Denver, all
points lu Colorado, Utah and
California ........... 7.M p.Bk.
No. 16. PafcfcetiBer. dally for St. Jet,
KantAH City. Atchison, St.
Louis and all polutv ran and
south H:U.j.
Mo. 174. Accommodation. Monday,
Wednt'Mliiy ami Krlday.llasi.
ItiRH, Grain) Island, Ulack
Hills and all points in tho
northwett.. 18;:
Sleeping, dlnlnc, and reclining chair narsi
(seats free) on through trains. Tlckeu sold ami
oaggage checked to any point Id the Unite
SUtos or Canada.
For Information, time tables, asps or llektA)
call on or address A. Connver, Agent, Hr-d
Cloud, Nebr. or L. W. Wakeley, Oner&l ?.
sengei Agent Omaha. Nebraska.
A Certain Cure fr Chlblslns.
Shako into your shots AlUn's Foot
East, a powder. It cures chilblains,..
frostbites, dump, iwentinj:, swollen
feat. At all drugKists and shoo store
25 cents. SnnipU fre. Adtlreea
Allan S. Oluuted, LeKoy, N. Y.
Myotic Cure for Rheumatism and Neuralgia
radically cures In 1 lo .1 days, Its action upotu
tho system Is remarkable and mysterlor.s 114
removcH at once the cause and the dlcae)it
mediately disappear. Tlia flrt-t dose frmij
benofltn 75 cents tuul!lu t.c)d by H t.
Once Druggist, Red Cloud