Kfr TiWWWpAWTV ( rntuKvy -iw t0i,-wfytrr jMKMMnRW) - JWi.iCX- . anw pK-iyjlmlliSllX0 (Kf!? y " Lincoln Mixed Paints are sold full measure by United States stand ard 231 cubic inches to the gallon. It has been used in this coun ty for 25 years and is fully guaranteed. Buy the best and save time and money. Chas. If. Cotting The Druggist ; LOCALETTES D. H. Kaley is on the sick list. Mrs. J. O. Kutlcr is on the sick list. Dr. E. A. Thomas, Dentist, Daraerell block. Mrs. G. W. Ilutchison is visiting in Hustings. Mrs. W. C. Frahm is in Blue Hill this week. Bert McCoy was down from Bladen Wednesday. A. B. Sellars went to McCook Mon day evening. K. S. Worden went to Inavale Sun day evening. New laces, embroideries, neckwear, F. Newhouse. Earl Crabill returned home Thurs day morning. Henry Poppee of Chester was in Red Cloud Tuesday. Superintendent Castor is in Hold regc this week. r C. B. nale is now night clerk at the Burlington hotel. Mrs. A. D. Brown went to Holdregc Wednesday noon. A. L. Funk of Lincoln was in Red Cloud Wednesday. ' ' Rev. Bates came in from the west Saturday morning. J. 0. Wiles came down from Orleans Thursday morning. (Roy Palmer came down from Ina vale Saturday night. Miss Bertie Woodside was down from Bladen Tuesday. Frank Condon was up from Superior the first of the week. Homer B. Clemmons went to Chi ugo Saturday morning. Mrs. W. W. Warren returned from St. Joe Saturday evening. Mrs. V. B. Fulton returned from Holdrege Saturday morning. Miss Edythe Crowell arrived from Oeston, Iowa, Friday night. Frank Winters returned to his home an Lincoln Sunday morning. Mrs. Homer Bayles came down from McCook Wednesday morning. Will Auld has had a cement walk laid in front of his residence. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Tress Har vood last Sunday, a baby boy. Wm. Bailey and children went to Wray, Colo., Saturday morning. Irene Crone returned home from Ot tawa, Kansas, Sunday morning. R B. Fulton went to Fairbury Tues day morning on a business trip. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Myers came over from Lebanon, Kansas, Thursday. Mrs. Lulu Matthews and son Hugh were down from Inavale Thursday. Miss Josie Igou left for Joplin, Mo., Tuesday for a two week's vacation. Smoke Pure Stock Red Cloud Chief Lady Gertrude 5c CIGARS No Better Made Lil'e Graves. II. II. and Roy Mor gan went to Franklin Sunday night. Misses Sadie Wright and Nellie Rut ledge were visiting in Kansas Sunday. Mrs. Win. Reeves and Miss Addie Ely were up from Guide Rock Sunday. Joseph Garbcr, Sr., is very ill and there is very little hope of his recovery. Mrs. Guy Barker and Miss Inez Hold rege were down from Inavale Satur day. Mrs. A. Clark of Orleans is enjoying a visit with relatives and friends in Red Cloud. Furnished rooms for rent for light housekeeping. Inquire of Mrs. F. W. Studebaker. Mrs J. C. Wolfe has so far recovered from her recent sickness she is again able to be out, Mrs. E. Runchey leaves this week for a visit with her daughters at Sher idan, Wyoming. Miss Georgia Gard went to Lincoln Saturday night, where she has a posi tion in a laundry. Herb McCoy and wife left for Bladen Wednesday, where they will make their future home. John Wolfe and family returned Friday night from a few days' visit at Courtland, Kansas. John Foster and daughters Blanche and Eva go to Hastings tomorrow for a visit with friends. "Jack" Brown, of Burr Oak, Kan., an old timer, was renewing acquaint ance here Thursday. It is reported that S. M. True will retain his present position as cashier of the Inavale bunk. L. A. Haskins began work on his experimental well in Piatt's pasture, Wednesday morning. Jesse Baker went to McCook Tues day evening, where he has a position in a tonsorial parlor. Mrs. Thomas Ryan, south ward, suffered living in the a stroke of paralysis Wednesday. Dean Smith came up from Topeka Sunday to attend the funeral of his sister, Mrs. B. F. Reed. A. B. Sellars and family went to Boulder, Colorado, Thursday morning for a visit with relatives. Miss Frances Myers of Superior wus a guest at the home of Wilbur Hamil ton the first of the week. Editor Phares and Dr. Asher go to McCook in the morning to witness the Sells & Forepaugh circus. Quite a number of Red Cloud people went to Hastings today to see the Forepaugh-Sells Bros, circus. Judd Leggett of Jones county, Iowa, is visiting with his cousin, Ridgeway Leggett and family, this week. Omer Wolfe, who was operated on last Saturday for appendicitis, is re ported to be rapidly improving. Miss Blanche Ferguson of Guide Rock visited in the city Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Wilbur Hamilton. Mrs. J. O. Wiles and son Charles of Orleans lire visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Fort this week. Mrs. S. Rife departed on Wednesday morning for a visit with relatives at Weeping Water, Beatrice and Lincoln. Mrs. C. W. Grout and son and Miss Flora Sellars went to Holdrege Wed nesday noon for a visit with relatives. The Brunswick barber shop is fitted with bath tubs and all modern appli ances. Under Taber's billiard parlor. Mrs. Herigstad and children re turned Thursday morning from a month's visit with relatives in Denver. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Parkes camo down from McCook Sunday morning for a visit at the home of Wm. Parkes, Sr. I. J. Wehrman of Nelson, brother-in-law of Dr. M. U. Thomas, was in town Tuesday on his way to Beaver City. Wednesday a swarm of bees took possession of the north wall of this office. They made things lively for a time. E. E. Ladd of Inavale was called to Streator, Illinois, the first of the week by the death of his sister, Mrs. Clara Gibson. Mrs. Alex Bentley departed Thurs day morning for Sheridan, Wyoming, where she will make her home with her son. Dr. Fred McKeeby arrived from Pueblo, Colo., the first of the week for a visit with his mother, Mrs. G. E. McKeeby. The Republican state convention meets August 22. Isn't it about time the county central committee began to get busy? It has caused more laughs and dried more tears, wiped away diseases and driven away more than any other mcdiclm in the world IIoIUsUt's Rocky Mountain Tea. Il.'i cents, tea or tablets. C. L. Cotting. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Blair returned to their home in Lincoln Sunday morn ing, after a week's visit with relatives at Lester. Second-hand "Fox" typewriter for sale cheap. Standard machine and in good condition. M. M. Messmore at the depot. Miss Mae Gulllford returned to Chi cago Saturday morning, after a brief visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Gulllford. Miss Iva Crabill gave a lawn party Saturday evening for Miss Inna Vance of Hastings, It being the hitter's six teenth birthday. Miss Nellore Joyce returned to her home In Lincoln Tuesday morning, after a week's visit with her friend, Miss Jennie Cotting. Thorvald A. Resum of Valley, Neb., and Miss Lulu V. Davis of Red Cloud were married Wednesday evening by Rev. Ward L. Austin. Mrs. Miller Adams and daughters, Margery and Lottie, of Hastings, were guests of her sister, Mrs. George Newhouse, this week. Miss Irma Vance and Miss Helen Heacox, who have been visiting at the home of P. C. Phares, returned to Hastings Wednesday. Mrs. A. Cummlngs will go to Bea trice Sunday for a two week's visit with her daughters, Mrs. Jenkins and Miss Ethel Cummlngs. Regular examinations for teachers will be held at Red Cloud, Friday and Saturday, July 20 add 21, 1900. Nellie West Caster, Co. Supt. The bank of Rosemont, capital :,uuu nas ueen cnariereu uy the sec retary of state. The Gunds of Blue Hill will own the bank. Mrs. John Walsh leaves Monday morning for her home in Helena, Mont., after an extended visit in Red Cloud with her parents. Mrs. W. W. Davis left Thursday for Wray, Colorado, where her husband is engaged in business and they will make their future home. Mrs. J. W. Kinsel is improving un der the treatment she is receiving in Lincoln, and it is hoped she will be able to return home soon. Applications for concessions for re union week are pouring in upon the committee in charge, and there will 'be no lack of amusements. miss lame acnucuci 01 umalia ar rived last night for a visit with her uncles and aunt, the Newhouse broth ers and Mrs. P. C. Phares. Mrs. M. U. Thomas returned home from Weeping Water Saturday night, where she had been called by the seri ous sickness of her mother. W. T. Bohrcr was out to Wauneta, Imperial and Benkclman the latter part of last week looking after some cement work in that vicinity. Mrs. Doolittle and two sons, who have been visiting with Mrs. Leroy Tarr, returned to their home in Sa- Una, Kansas, Monday morning. The Quaker Comedy Co., a medicine show, will be in Red Cloud all next week and will hold forth in a large tent north of the firemen's hall. Miss Minnie Buerstctta of Tecum seh arrived in Red Cloud Wednesday evening for a visit with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Bensc. Miss Inez Holdrege, trimmer in the Bomf ord-Hays millinery store,re turned to her homo in Schuyler, Neb. , for her summer vacation Tuesday morning. Miss Lulu Bailey, who has been a guest at the home of C. W. Grout for a few days, returned to her home in Almena, Kansas, Tuesday morning. Judge Bradley and wife and grand daughter, who have been visiting rela tives at Inavale, returned to their home in Enid, Oklahoma, last night. A little love, a little wealth, A little home for you and me; It's all I ask except good health, Which comes with Rocky Mountain Tea. C. L. Cotting. The 7-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs Thomas Hawkins, living south of the river, fell from the top of a 10-foot corn crib last Saturday and broke his arm. Mrs. Thos. Hanna of Denver, Colo., who was called to Holdrege last week to attend the funeral of her father, CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Till Kind You Havi Always Bought Bears tho Signature- of &&: omnnm m mtimmamm I Negligee and i5be Cowden-Kaley Clothing Co., ALWAYS RELIABLE flrot Door North of RoBtoftlce, Hod Cloud, Noltr. I Jas. Goble, visited In Red Cloud this week. Art Carpenter, who now travels for a wholesale house in Columbus, Ohio, visited with relatives and friends at Inavale and in this city the first of the week. Elder E. C. Davis and family left Monday for Kansas City. Mr. Davis will return tomorrow, but the family will remain there the balance of the summer. Dr. Thomas gives special attention to diseases of women and children. Office in Damcrell block with E. A. Thomas. Both phones in office and residence. Mrs. E. S. Garber is in Guide Rock this week having their house rcpaper ed and repainted. The Garber family will move to Guide Rock in about three weeks. Miss Helen Kochler of Hastings, who will assist the P. E. O.'s In their concert July 17th, holds two gold medals awarded her by tho Sta'e Declamatory contest. Mrs. I. W. Edson gave a lawn party to seventeen little folks Thursday afternoon from 3 to 7 p. m. Refresh ments were served and the children had a delightful time. Mr. and Mrs. Art Good of Edgeley, South Dakota, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Storey. They were on their way to Colorado for the bene fit of Mrs. Good's health. Mrs. Josie Kaufman of Hot Springs, South Dakota, is visiting with her brother, John Osborn. Mrs. Kauf man's husband was recently killed in a mine accident in Dakota. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith left Wed nesday evening for a three weeks' va cation in Salt Lake City. E. S. Gar ber will have charge of the shoe store during Mr. Smith's absence. The soaking rain of Wednesday night and Thursday morning was a blessing to tho farmers. While corn was not suffering, the rain assures Its bafety for at least three weeks. The Congregational Sunday school will have a picnic at the old Fisher farm, four and a half miles northwest of Red Cloud, on Indian creek, next Tuesday. Friends of the school are invited. Elias Goble is home from noldrege, where he had been to attend his fath er's funeral. He was accompanied by his brother, Win. Goble of Trinidad, Colo., who visited in Red Cloud' over bundaj'. Elenore, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Warner, died last night at tho home, 2010 P street. The funeral wus held at 4 o'clock this afternoon at the residence. Tuesday's Lincoln Star. John W. Tulleys, state examiner of county treasuries, came in from Lin coln last night for a visit with friends. When asked who would be the Repub lican nominee for governor, ho replied that he was "for Searle for auditor." Further than this he would not com mit himself. I Outing Shirts Tho minuto tho woathor has a warm nppoarnnco, just that minuto mou bo gin to think of SOFT SHIRTS Our Shirts come from tho host makers known host both in outtitig and finishing. Wo order months tihond of most dealers, nnd so have confined to us ex clusively "The very cream (if the Season's Shirtings" Choviot, Madras, Cambric, Porcalos, Mohairs, with or without collars. Pricos, 50c to $3 I Are You Particular About what you eat? Is Quality more of a considera tion to you fHan price? Then I want your trade. My price are as right as the qual ity, which is the best. McFARLAND T5he GR.OCER PHONE: Rural, 35. Boll, 79. JUST RECEIVED Another large shipment of Buggies ! for the Fourth of July trade. A guaranteed leather quarter top buggy for $45. rjfj POPE BROS. M ! l 11 It I t i!i 1 a St ' ! I JVI w h I t'f 1 warn