The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 06, 1906, Image 4

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fleiasy Jiotes From neighboring Toians I
J1UUIJJ XWJ wu piHuvvuuH wi. l(
w c .
Interesting Items Gathered
yiyw rtwmwwmm "wrvwrntd"!' n-9mr
that will
MANTUA TO ' There was considerable excitement
WftiNiu. on the street this morning. A young
by Our County Reporters
man by the name or ueo. Wage
(From the Monitor.)
S. A. Metz shipped out a car of hogs
this week that paid out 50.20 on tho
homo weight. How's that for Jewell
rounty products.
Mrs. Goo. Sterling, formerly of Man
Vato, but now of Kdmond, Norton
county, was burned to death in a gaso
lino stove explosion last week. Frank
McBride's little son was also badly
The many friends of Miss Garnett
Lynn and Mr. Claire Bonuott will be
pleasantly surprised to learn that a
courtship begun iu chlldhorid days
tmd continuing on through years of
young manhood and youug woman
hood has culminated in that most
beautiful and most sacred of all cere
monies -the holy rites of marriage
Wednesday, .June 27. At tho present
time thoy are both residing in Los
Angeles, California, and Claire has a
home in readiness for his bride.
(From the UeviewC
Chas. LiunberL took the train
day night for Wolllleet,
other western points.
Mr. Howe of Jerleo, Vermont, is vis
iting at tho B. W. Shepherdson resi
dence with his daughter.
S. B. Connor came into tho Iteriew
ollico Tuesday afternoon with two po
tatoes from his garden which made us
9 nice meal. Let the donations be
John Schounamau returned Wed
nesday from Kansas City, where he
had been with 80 head of hogs. He
reports having received 50.10 per hun
dred for them.
Littio Lounie. the three-year-old son
of John Patterson, fell oil" the door
stop at tho Patterson home Wednes
day morning, and broko both bones iu
the left arm just below the elbow.
down from Guide Rock this morning
looking for a horse and buggy that
had been stolen from him last night.
Ho reached here a littio before the
thief and was standing on tho street
when tho outfit put iu appearance that
he was looking for. As soon as the
thief saw his captor ho put the whip
t tho horse and left as fast as pos
sible up the Nelson road, followed by
several in buggies and on horseback.
Tho chasing party soon gave and re
turned to town. No news of the
thief's capture lias yet been received.
His name is Ezra Orscndorf.
Wheat harvest is in full force.
Burr Oak
(From the Messenger.)
W. 11. Stone and wife went down to
Jin 11k a to, Tuesday morning, where
Ward will take treatment at the sani
tarium for rhoutnatic troubles.
Charley Rogers of the Konsington
mills was on No. 27 Monday eveniu en
route to Kensington. He had been up
to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, for a couple
of week's atteudiui: a meeting of the
millers' association.
Thomas McDonald, a farmer and
stockman was killed in a runaway in
Phillipsburg last Thursday evening.
He had brought in a load of hogs and
had imbibed a little too freely. Thus
ioozo has added another death to its
long list.
W. J. Waggoner, aged about 50 years,
died at his home in White Rock town
j.hip yesterday at 8 a. m. Mr. Wag
jjouer has has been one of Smith
i-ounty's steadfast farmers, at one
time a grain dealer at Lebanou, and
Jeaves many sorrowing relatives and
(From the Journal.)
Wednosday evening, June 27th, at
the home of the bride's parents, Mr.
kud Mrs. J. R. Fitzgerald, occurred the
zi-irriage of their daughter Winifred,
to Ross McKeowu.
(i. L. Day Received word today that
his sister-in-law, Mrs. Frd Day, had
died at her home in Los Angeles, C'al.
Mrs. Day, livod hero several years ago,
nd will be remembered by our old
About forty of Mrs. Joe Hasty's
iriends gathered at her home in south
Superior last night, the occasion being
fc great surprise to the hostess and her
family. Mrs. Hasty has sold her prop
erty to John W. Williams and will
leave tomorrow for Fairbury, where
she expects to live.
When the
Hair Falls
Then it's time to act! No time
to study, to read, to experi
ment! You want to save your
hair, and save it quickly, too!
So make ud vour mind this
very minute that if your hair
ever comes out you will use
1 Ayer's Hair Vigor. It makes
the scalp healthy. The hair
stays in. It cannot do any
thing 'else. It's nature's way.
The best kind of a testimonial
Sold for over sixty years.1
M Mad
Alto mmnuboturvri of
Lowell, Mm.
(From tho News Letter.)
Mrs. Eugene Shuck and Miss Olive
Dickerson loft Tuesday for Funk,
Neb , to attend the wedding of Mr. 1).
F. Dickerson and Miss Anna Bell
Rose, which occurred Wednesday.
Word was received hero the fore
part of the weok of the death of Mrs.
Elizabeth Hardy, at Atoka, Indian
Territory, Sunday, June 24. Mr. and
Mrs. Hardy were among tue earliest.
settlers of this section,
here in April 1871.
Chas. Suyder was in
Mrs. Matt Baker has been very
the past week.
Mel Herrick was transacting busi
ness in Esbou Friday.
Cal Francis has added a span of
driving horses to his pleasures.
Our Highland sports rsturned from
tiieir normal duties at Maukato Sat
urday. A large number of Highland folks
took advantage of the low rates to Be
atrice Sunday.
Miss Maggie Shippen of Jewell City
is spending this week with her sister,
Mrs. Guy Merrill.
Dr. S. R. Wagoner and daughter of
Seattle, Wash., and Mary, Edith and
Robert Mohler passed through North
Branch en route for a visit with rela
tives in Burr Oak.
On Monday of this week E. T. Mer
rimau sold his residence property in
the west part of town to H. I). Fish
burn: consideration 11500. Mr. Merri
man retains sixty feet of the north
side of the lots and will commence to
build a new house on them at once.
Dr. C. F. Moranville left Wednesday
morning for Chicago, where he will
take a post graduate course iu one of
the leading homeopathic institutions
iu the city. He expects to be gone
about a month and during his absence
we understand his brother, Dr. J. W.
Moranville of Red Cloud will make
occasional trips to Guide Rock.
On Friday the 8-year-old daughter
of Mr. UpdegrafF had a narrow escape
from death by being hooked by a
vicious cow. The child was danzer-
having come ' ously injured, but tho latest rsports
say tho chances for her recovery are
(From the Sentinel.)
Bob Walker has engaged the Shaw
steam engine to use on the street
grader and proposes to put our streets
in good shape.
Mrs. Chas. Rose returned from Hast
ings Wednesday night. Mr. Rose is
buildiug a house and barn there with
the expectation of moving to that city.
Miss Anna Fountain is stopping for
a short time with Mrs. Emma Smith.
Mrs. Pearl Ailes has been iu town a
portion of the week waiting on her
sister, Mrs. Effie Reed, who is very
Mrs. Emma Smith and Mrs. Myrtle
Rathjen were in town Wednesday at
the bedsido of their daughter and
Mr. Lippincott had a selsct party
the evening of the Fourth to witness
a large and beautiful pyrotechnic dis-
1 play with which he dismissed the
grand old Fourth on his annual visit.
The elite of Garfield donned holiday
attire on the first and departed for
Beatrice on pleasuro bent. They re
turned in tho small hours of the night
, lighter iu purse and loaded with recreation.
ft nisMr&rfr
S Ki
m mm wMm
m ttgtf fit1 MEi 1
2i W 1LB7
ffi mm mm
hold their shape and give W
satisfaction. That is the W
kind of Suits I am sell- 2?
snappy, stylish kind, com- q
bined with wear-resisting j
qualities. (
That will
Keep You Cool
and look well. UNDER
that are cool and will not ff
flPAUL STOREY, Clothier
x?jg; gi fc fc ' Cj. & & ; & & & & & & & & i & & jS"
Straw Hats
to crown all this, and as
surance that you are well
dressed and have money
Sixteen of the dagos here struck
last Saturday for higher wages, and
when their request was refused they
jumped their jobs and went back east.
(From the Citizen.)
Mrs. Peter Smith, living near Up
land, went to Omaha yesterday morn
ing with her sou Nels. The latter is
being treated for deafness.
Messrs. Bentley and Lyons hud a ' D,r- Callard reports tho first case of
bout a la Sullivan last Saturday, and 1 typhoid fever for the season 190. The
Bentley and Kliug argued a la chair I )p yenr-pld son of Martmus Larson,
Monday, but no wrongs were righted i,vnf sx? m.ile.s northwest of Camp
or difficulties adjusted thereby. 1 beI1 is thB victim and is quite ill.
n ,- .. , ., , , , , . , ' Lulu, tho 7-year-old daughter of
.' .",.. ..: . T .uoi. ?M."V . I Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ross, had the mis-
' fMfnno ff Kf-nolr Yiat otm Afrtrwlnt
evening about six o'clock. The limb
, received immediate surgical attention
and is now doing as well as could be
, expected.
Died, at his home three and a half
miles southeast of Campbell on Satur-
the school census of this district last
week. The total number of children
of school ago residing in the district
is nv, an increase over last year 01 o.
1 17 re A MNT
(From thi' Time.)
Clark Weldon received a letter from
day, June 2.'l, about 9 p. m., Rudolph
Kieck, aged ;0 years, 51 months and 1
days. Mr. Rieck had been ill for more
tliHn a year past with dropsy, follow
ing cancer of the liver, and it was gen
erally recognized that the malady
could uot be cured. When the eud
Paul Schroedor. who graduated this , " W 1' ll0:.. !e1ie(i.?lnC,e.:
nr!r frnm t, tfoncue otato n,r..Sl . 1HJ' Uimug MUUBUt Ulb UCU B.niUC.J
"J HI vau s.awu wvw
his father. Geo. Weldon, a few days
ago, who is at Lincoln, with his wife,
who is being trpated for her eyes, say
ing that Mrs. Weldon was not improv
ing very fast.
No Longer an
The idea that has become general that first class building material
could no longer be had is certainly knocked out, when you take a
look at the complete line of clear Soft Pine Fiuish aud Siding
carripd in stock by
Saunders Brothers
of Red Cloud, Neb. What is also pleasing to the buyers of Lumber
aud building material is the fact that their prices are reasonable,
aud they guarantee a SQUARE DEAL. They also have a uico
line of Oak, Hickory and Poplar Wagon Material. See their Shin
gles. Vou can not help but admire them.
The members of this enterprising firm, assisted by plenty of
excellent help, are always glad and take pleasuro iu showing to the
public this nice stock.
tural college, came homo Friday even
ing nnd visited until Monday morn
ing, when he left for Fairbury, where
he has a lucrative position in the Ne
braska Creamery Company's plaut.
Last Thursday afternoon, Will
B radon, who is farming tho Adams
Bros, place, about four and one half
miles north of town, left tin hay field
telling the other parties, who were
working with bim, that he was going
to the house but he did not mako his
appearauce there and could not bo
found by tho parties searching for him
It was reported that he was seen in
Burr Oak Saturday. His relatives and
friends are very anxious to locate him
as it is thought that his mind is in a
deranged condition as no other plausi
ble reason can bo given for his disap
five minutes before breathing his last.
(From the Advocate.)
Last Wednesday night at Macon fire
destroyed the store and its contents
belonging to Mr. Shopsrd. We under
stand tho fire was sot by the explosion
of a lamp.
David Williams, of Hildreth, recent
ly got into a row with his wife and at-
1 tempted to chastise her by forco s.nd
, was brought before Esquire Marr aud
assessed ?," aud costs for the luxury.
j Wm. Allen of tho uorth part of tho
county was arrested one day last weok
tor snooting a dog belonging to O.
Buugor, and before the case came to
trial a settlement was made by Allen
paying $25 for tho privilege of killing
a dog that was only assessed $5.
Marriod, at ton o'clock Wednesday
JorlB Jt ths Catholic church, Mr.
Mieheal Grace of Omaha to Miss Mar
garet Corcoran of this place, Father
Lutz, oillciating. Tho wedding core
mony was attended by a largo circle
of friends and was a very protty and
impressive one.
Openlnft of the Shoshone Reservation.
Register at Worland for the govern
ment drawing entitling you to draw
1C0 acres of fine irrigable lands in the
Shoshono reservation; only $1.50 an
acre, one-third cash. 400,00(' acres or
2500 farms to be drawn for; besides
this, there are 800.OC0 acres of timber
and mineral lands that may bo taken
in the usual way, some of these lands
are supposed to be of great value.
One faro for tho rgund trip to Wor
land, with maximum of $20 from Lin
coln. Omaha and Nebraska points.
Tickets sold July 12 to 29, final limit
August 15. Take this grand trip
through the rich irrigated lands of
tho Big Horn Basin. This will bo one
of the greatest events in the history of
tho distribution of Uncle Sam's do
main. To tho Pacific coast daily low ex
cursion rates for this tho greatest
railroad journey in the world.
To Colorado and return About
half rates daily and oven lower rates
Perfect In quality.
Moderate In price.
Fourth Avervue
Furniture, Carpets
and Undertaking
Bargain Prices.
our line is complete at
Our line of CARPETS comprises all of the
newest and latest designs.
have the Goods.
and OIL CLOTH we
Remember, second door west
of G rice's Drug Store ....
for tho Elks' big gathering at Denver
July 10 to 15, inclusive.
Also daily low rates to eastern re
sorts; frequent homeseekers' excur
sions, in fact tempting excursion rates
in all directions throughout tho sum
nearest Burlington ticket
J. F. Edwards.
Rlverton Nan Killed.
William Smith, the Rlverton
smith, was discovered Sunday morn
ing by the crew of u freight train,
lying dtad near the Burlington tracks.
Ho was last seen allvo about 11 o'clock
in the evening at tho barber shop,
and at that time lie had a considerable
sum of money with him. While ho
had been drinking, ho was not so far
under the inllucncu of liquor that ho
would have been liable to lie down on
black-, the track, and foul i!:y Is buspectcd.