The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 29, 1906, Image 5

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are sold full measure
by United States stand
ard 231 cubic inches
to the gallon. It has
been used in this coun
ty for 25 years and is
fully guaranteed. Buy
tne best and save time
and money.
Chas. L. Cotting
The Druggist
3 .
Dr. Thoinaa gives special at
tention to diseases of women
and children. Ofliee in Damcr
ell block with E. A. Thomas.
4 Both phones in office and resi-
Mrs. Paul Storey is very sick.
Ancil Crabill is liome from Lincoln.
Mrs. A. II. Saladcn is quite sick this
Miss Irene Miner is home from Blue
Dr. E. A. Thomas, Dentist, Damerell
Fred Bortfeld was in Guide Rock
Mrs. T. C. Hacker is expected home
Link Skaggs of Lebanon was in
town Tuesday.
Miss Anna Gray of Guide Rock was
town Tuesday.
I. II. Inman was down from Blue
Hill this week.
A. F. Dahlgren was up from Super
ior Wednesday.
George Overing was in Lincoln the
6rst of the week.
C. H. Douglas of Bloomington was
In the city Wednesday.
Mrs. D. J. Myers is quite sick at the
home of F. W. Cowden.
Vera Emick returned Wednesday
Jrom a trip to St. Louis.
Miss Minnie Fearn went to Guide
Rock Thursday morning.
Henry Alloway of Lebanon, Kan.,
was in town Wednesday.
Miss Edna Crone has returned to her
home in Ottawa, Kansas.
Dwight Wilson 1ms accepted a posi
tion in Cook's drug store.
Harry Engels was here from Fair
bury the llrst of the week.
Mrs. .1. C. Myers went to Guide
Rock Wednesday morning.
Mrs. .1. C. Myers went to Guide
Rock Wednesnay morning.
Mrs. L. II. Fort returned from Or
leans the close of last week.
Miss Vera Crabill returned from
Horton, Kansas, Friduy night.
D. W. Turnure was in Chester Mon
day looking after his interests.
Mrs. Sherwood and Miss Stevens of
Oxford were in Red Cloud Saturday.
W. II. Rosencrans returned to his
home in Bulvidoro, Illinois, this morn
ing. Mrs. .John Greenhalgh and daugh
ter of Cowles were in town Wednes
day. Postmaster Hacker's salary has been
Pure Stock
Red Cloud Chief
Lady Gertrude
No Better Made
raised from SI, M)0 to SI, 700 dollars a
Mr. and Mrs. Marion Mercer left
Thursday for Gibbon, Neb., for a short
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wagoner went
to Inavale Monday night, for a week's
We desire to call particular atten
tion to the "ad" of Pope Bros, in this
Charley Grout has purchased the
Fortune house in the northeast part of
D. J. Myers and son Don have re
turned to their home in Boulder, Col
orado. Omer Butler came down from Omaha
Sunday for a week's visit with his
Mis. A. Galusha and children re
turned to their home in Lincoln this
Mr. and Mrs, II. G. Sawyer and E.
E. Ladd were down from Inavale
Rev. Con Hewitt of (Jeneva, Neb.,
was the guest of W. II. Rosencrans
Furnished rooms for rent for light
housekeeping. Intniire of Mrs. F. W.
Miss Gertrude Coon has as a guest
this week, Miss Ella Johnston of
Beaver City.
Miss Delia Morrison went to Hast
ings Wednesday noon to visit Miss
Irma Vance.
Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Smith of Kansas
City are the parents of a baby girl
born June 5.
Misses Flora aud Daisy Sellars of
St. Joseph, Mo., are visiting relatives
in Red Cloud.
Mrs. Vernor Pierce and little baby
of Kearney are visiting her aunt, Mrs.
II. A. Howard.
A. Carpenter and son Lloyd took a
party of land seekers to Imperial
Tuesday night.
A cement walk has been laid In
front of Ernest Welsch's residence in
the south ward.
Hiram Holcomb of Inavale was vis
iting with his sister, Mrs. Mary Arne
son, last Sunday.
Henry Poppce, a real estate man
from Chester, was in Red Cloud the
first of the week.
Frank Winters of Lincoln was shak
ing hands with old friends here the
first of the week.
Mrs. Fred Hunter and Miss Bernice
nunter of Riverton were shopping in
Red Cloud Monday.
Mrs. Brown, mother of Mrs. A. A.
Pope, returned to her home in River
ton Tuesday night.
C. C. McConkey, wife aud daughter,
returned Wednesday morning from a
three weeks' in Ohio.
II. Dean Lapp of Nelson was in Red
Cloud the first of the week visiting his
friend, James Thomas.
Chester Pope is home from Denver.
Colorado, for a visit with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Pope.
Miss Jessie Ducker leaves Saturday
for an extended visit with relatives in
New York and Vermont.
Grant Bailey returned to Omaha
Tuesday morning, after a three weeks'
visit here with his parents.
Mrs. T. N. Foultss and little daugh
ter went to Oxford Monday morning
for a visit with her parents.
Miss Mae Guliford came home from
Chicago Thursday morning, for a two
weeks' visit with her parents.
The Brunswick barber shop is fitted
with bath tubs and all modern appli
ances. Under Taber'.s billiard parlor.
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Smith of (Jar
field township are the parents of a
daughter, born Thursday of last week.
Mrs. A. Galusha and daughter Patti
of Lincoln, arrived in Red Cloud Mon
day evening for a visit with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Audrey Miller were
down from Inavale Saturday and Sun
day attending the tabernacle meetings.
At the new lumber yard for the next
30 days extra star A Star shingles at
( S2.70. Clears $3.20 per M. Will Sulli
van. i Mrs. J. P. Cadinan and children
passed through Bed 'Cloud Tuesday
evening enroute from Lincoln to Mc
Cook. Mrs. Bessie Laughlin returned to
her home in Duraugo, Colo., Monday
morning, after a week's visit in Bed
1 Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Walker and son
Glen went to Grand Rapids, Michigan,
Thursday morning for a visit with
Mrs. Fred Evr.ns and Mrs. John
Evuns returned to Rulo Monday morn-
ing. after a slf)i' visit with .Mrs, Geo
P. .Miller.
Mrs'. M. J. Dewey returned to her
home In Hebron Thursday morning,
after a week's visit with C. S. Palmer
aud family.
George R. McCrary left Monday for
Park City, Mont., where he expects to
spend a couple of mouths visiting with
his brother.
Prof, and Mrs. G. W. Dudley left
Tuesday morning for a month's visit
with the former's mother in Council
Bluffs, Iowa.
Word was received from Gilroy, Cal
ifornia, this week announcing the
death of John McQullken, a former
resident of this city.
Lost Breast strap and tugs to
single harness, between A. J. Green's
residence and town. Finder leave at
this otllce and get reward.
Mrs. J. B. McGrew, Mrs. Kate Hay
den, Mrs. C. II. Waldo and Miss Rose
Owens of Bloomington were visiting
Miss Ella Cook last Friday.
Bert Hatfield came in from James
town, Kansas, where he and his
brother Curt are engaged in the bak
ery and restaurant business.
Attend the Red Cloud Business Col
leoe the coming fall and if you are
not satisfied, you don't have a signed
note compelling you to attend.
Mrs. James Swearinger and children.
Jesse and Lizzie, arrived Friday from
Belliugham, Wash., for an extended
visit with J. O. Llndley and wife.
Robert Fortune came over from He
bron Monday and while here complet
ed the transfer of his residence prop
erty on Elm street to Chas. Grout.
What's the good of keeping from him
Anv good things you may see,
That will lift his load of labor
Like Rocky Mountain Tea.
C. L. Cotting.
Edwin L. Uhe of Churles City, Iowa,
and Albert Altenbcrn of Lena, 111.,
cousins of Mrs. J. P. Hale, arrived in
Red Cloud Tuesday for an extended
Mrs. Thos. Thompson and Miss Mc
Allister of Grand Island were visiting
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Lindsey for a
week. They returned home Monday
Perhaps you have not noticed it, but
Ben McFarland writes the catchiest
ads of any advertiser in Red Cloud.
They ore always brief and to the
Mrs. Cole and daughter, who have
been visiting relatives in Hastings and
Bloomington, were in Red Cloud Mon
day enroute to their home in Decatur,
Vera Bailey of Mankato, Kansas,
who has been here for a few days'
visit with his father, J. II. Bailey and
family, returned to his home Tuesday
Miss Bessie Ducker leaves in the
morning for Omaha to resume her
duties in the Presbyterian hospital,
after a ten days' visit here with her
mother and sisters.
Sheriff Wyatt of Kearney county
visited with Sheriff Hedge Saturday
night. He was on his way home from
Lebanon, Kan., where he had been in
search of some horsethieves.
Mrs. A. S. Thomas and daughters
Lizzie and Georgia, returned to their
home in New Holland, Ohio, Thurs
day morning, after a pleasant visit
with Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Crans.
Don't be fooled and made to believe
that rheumatism can be cured with
local appliances. Holllster's Rocky
Mountain Tea is the only positive cure
for rheumatism. 35 cents, tea or tab
lets. C. L. Cotting.
Mrs. M. .1. Auten and grandaughter,
Fidelia Pine of St. Paul, Minnesota,
arrived in Red Cloud Thursday even
ing for a visit with .Mr. and Mrs. G.
W. Baker east of town. Mrs. Baker
and Mrs. Auten are sisters.
When the baby talks, it is time to
give Ilollister's Rocky Mountain Tea.
It's the greatest baby medicine known
to loving mothers. It makes them
eat, sleep and grow. 35 cents, tea or
tablet. C. L. Cotting.
Communion service with reception
of members will be held at the Con
gregational church on Sunday at
10:30 a. in, Sunday school at 1 1 1 in.
Evening service at 8 o'clock. Sermon
theme, "Never Man Spake like this
( man." C. E. meeting at 7 p. m. After
noon meeting at Indian Creek.
One, of the things most needed at
, the court house is a filing case for the
documents and records in the district
, clerk's office. Owing to the present
I inadequate facilities these records are
necessarily filed away wherever a
place can be found for them; no sys
tem can be maintained for them; and
as a consequence it sometimes requires
suveral hours' search to find the docu
ment wanted.
Negligee arvd
I ' 1 I
til 1 1 'rB
1H ' ;'! H
1 It lil W hi H
"She Cowden-Kaley Clothing Co.,
First Door North of PostolTfco, Red Cloud, Nobr.
Mr. Smith, who was stricken with
paralysis some time ago and later re
moved to the Soldiers' Home at Mil
ford, died on Wednesday morning.
His wife was with him when the end
came, having been summoned a few
days before. The remains were taken
to Inavale Thursday evening and the
funeral held in the M. E. church at
Inavale this afternoon and interment
was made Red Cloud cemetery.
No Celebration.
The Fourth of July celebration has
been called off. Hann's Amusement
Co., which had been engaged to fur
nish amusements, broke up in a row
at Arapahoe last Sunday, and, vas
other towns in the county had already
made preparations to celebrate, the
committee in charge here thought it
best to make no further attempt to
celebrate. Guide Rock, Cowles,
Bladen, Superior, and Franklin are
all making preparations to celebrate,
and there will be plenty of places
to go.
Opening of the Shoshone Reservation.
liogistor at Worluud for tho govern
ment drawing entitling you to draw
ICO acres of fine irrigublo lands in tho
Shoshone reservation; ouly 31.50 an
aero, ono-third cash. 100,00(' acres or
WOO farnn to be drawn for; besides
this, thoro are 800.0CO acres of timber
and mineral lauds that may bo taken
in tho usual way, some of those- Innds
aro supposed to bo of great value.
Ono faro for tho round trip to Wor
laud, with muximum of $20 from Liu
coin Omaha aud Nebraska points.
Tickets sold July 12 to 29, final limit
August 15. Tako this grand trip
through tho rich irrigated lands of
the Big Horn Basin. This will bo ono
of tho greatest ovonts in tho history of
the distribution of Undo Sam's do
main. To tho Pacific coast daily low ex
cursion rates for this tho greatest
railroad journoy iu tho world.
To Colorado and return About
half rates daily and oven lower rates
for tho Elks' big gathering at Denver
July 10 to 15, inclusive.
Also daily low rates to eastern ro
sorts; frequont homeseokors' excur
sions, in fact tompting excursion rates
in all directions throughout tho sum
mer. Consult nearest Burlington ticket
J. F. Edwards.
I Notice of Dissolution of Partnership.
Notice is hereby given to all per
sons that the co-partnership heretofore
existing between the undersigned, was
on the Itlth day of .June, HUM, dis
solved by mutual consent. All debts
owing by said firm are, under the
terms of dissolution of partnership,
payable to Dr. R. F. Rallies.
Dated this !i day of June, litoo.
It. F. ItAINKrt
I M. U. Thomas
Outing Shirts
Tho minuto tho weather
tins a warm nppearanco,
just that minuto mou be
gin to think of
Our Shirts como from
tho best makers known
best both in cutting and
Wo ordor months ahead
of most doalors, and so
havo confined to us ex
clusively "The rem cream of the
Season's Shirtings"
Cheviot, Madras, Cambric,
Percales, Mohairs, wtyh or
without collars. Prices
50c to $3
Well M
Sec east win
dow for dis
play. Price 10,
15 and 20c a
B. E. McFarland
Rural, 35.
Boll, 79.
Another large
shipment of
Buggies !
for the Fourth
of July trade.
A guaranteed
leather quarter
top buggy for