The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 22, 1906, Image 6

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. -ru n. I
Pass Qucctlon and Three Other (
AmendmentsV Still In the Air New j
Argument Advanced Against Five
Days' Notice of Hearings.
Washington, .June 20. From pres
ent indications tho conferees on tho
railroad rato bill will not reach an
agreement until Borne time next week,
which, In all probability, will bo tho
last week of the session. The purposo
of withholding their report, It Is said,
is to avoid a repetition of tho long do
bato In the senate which followed the
recent report of the conferees. This
debate res.ilted In sending tho bill
back to conference.
Conversations had with various
members of Uo senate and house hull
cato that there are only three amend- ,
......, . ..r irivhii' trouble. These
aro tho pipe line amendment, which j Magistrate Elsenbrown to John Jo
makes plpo lines common carriers, tho soph Kean, tho abductor of Freddie
.ffimmmiltv amendment and that Muth, 'tho seven-year-old boy, wno,
commodity amonuiiiuin u.u i.....
... . ..... .1... i. ...,,..,, I
wblch rcouires mm inu aiiciaioiu
commerce commission shall bo given '
llvo da'-s' notice before hearings are
grmted' on applications for Injunctions
netting aside orders of tho commls-
Hlon Tho controversv over tho pipe
line amendment can 'be disposed of ,
by tho change In tho commodity tenced the prisoner to iweniy yum a.
amendment. The change suggested ( From tho time of Kean's arrest until
would provide that railroads, instead ho was on his way to the penitentiary
of "common carriers," shall not en- ' to begin sentenco loss thai: twenty
gago in carrying commodities which four hours had elapsed,
they produce. I his quick trip from liberty to tho
a ......nnintii lmu imnn ndvnncod Kolltiidt of Cborrv Hill, the Inatltu-
iV lU uihniinii. .... --
against tho amendment requiring that
against tho amendment requiring uiai
f vo days' notice bo given of hearings '
for injunctions. Labor organizations
havo demanded that a bill be passed J
which would require that thoy be glv-j
n five days' notice of Injunctions to
restrain them from engaging In
strikes. This Is a political argument
which has given much concern and
tho house conferees, during recent
sessions, havo Insisted that this
amendment be eliminated, for tho rea
son that It would establish a prece
dent for similar legislation in the In
terests of labor.
There aro a number of other amend
ments on which agreements have not
been reached, but which could be, ad
Justed easily by the conferees. Among
these aro tho sleeping car and lateral
branch line amendments. It is ex
pected that tho latter will be dropped
out of the bill and also that tho mens
uro will not bo applied to sleeping
rare. Tho anti-pass amendment Is In
dispute. It Is said that an agreement
concerning It can bo reached by re
drafting the nmendment so as to pro
vide merely that passes shall not be
Issued to members of congress, offi
cials of tho executive departments,
presidential electors and other classes
.over which the federal government ad
mittedly has control.
Agricultural Appropriation Bill Sent
to Conference.
Washington, June 20. With prac
tical unanimity tho houso adopted the
substitute amendment for the Bever
idgo amendment to tho agricultural
appropriation bill relating to meat In
spection, the objectionable features of
former amendments being eliminated
and the amendment perfected to meet
the wishes of the president. An ef
fort was made to extend the tlmo of ;
debate, but Wadsworth. chairman of
tho committee on agriculture, desiring
o get the bill Into conferenco as soon
as possible, objected. After the adop-
i.ion of the amendment the bill was
st-nt to conference, the conferees be
ing Wadsworth, Scott (Kan.) and I
I,amb (Vn.). Immediately niter the i
illspositlon of tho agricultural appro-'
lirlation bill, a largo number of bills j
wore passed under suspension of tho
rules. Through the efforts of Champ
Clark (Mo.) and Williams (Miss.), the
bill known as the subsidiary silver
coinage measuro failed of securing
enough votes to pass it under tho rule.
Senator Knox addressed the senate
at length In support of the lock typo
for the Panama canal, contending that
In point of feasibility and economy
It Is far superior to the sea level plan.
Ho took direct Issue with Senator
Klttrodgo as to tho safety of tho
datum dam. The agricultural appro
priation bill, containing tho meat In
spection clause, was received from
tho houso and tho house substitute or
dered printed for tho Information of
tho senate. The senate ordered an
other conference on tho naval appro
priation bill.
Immunity Bill Goes to Conference.
"Washington, Juno 20. Tho recent
failure to convict tho beef packers in
Chicago of conspiracy under tho lu
terstato commerce law, because of tho
claim of Immunity set up by them
and sustained by the court, has given
rongress no end of anxious moments
with a view of enacting somo law that
will remedy tho defects from which
tho government sufforod by reason of
.7 ud go Humphrey's decision. Tho son
ate passed a bill on the subject which
tho house also passed after Inserting
.. ntWIm .n.i, 1.111 nffni. tlin ntinritltur
Jli CUIUU l.v- u..i wiw i..v u....v...n
clause. It will now go to conference
Tho house hill follows tlio linos laid
down by Attorney General Moody In
tho packers' case.
New Commissioner of Education.
"Washington, Juno 20. Dr. V. T.
Harris, commissioner of education,
ten,orod hls rCBlgnnlIon to tho
,)re8(jcnt nn,j tho latter announced
tho appointment of Dr. Elmer E.
Rrown, proiessor or education in tho
University of California, as his suc
Man Who Stole Philadelphia Boy Gets
Twenty Years In Prison.
Philadelphia, Juno 20. "Had I dis-
position of this case 1 would sun.aion
u largo number of mothers here and ,
turn you over to their tender merely
but as tho law fixes tho penalty for
crimes like yours I can do nothing t
but commit you without ball for tho
action of tho grand jury on tho ,
charge of kidnaping." j
These wonts wero iuuuuts-ii j ,
....n.., i.. .,. ,.... --,. - . ,
. in. l.iu nnntiim wna illunnvornil after
m ...n v.n..v., ,...o ... ,.-. --
a six days' search In a vacant houso
in West Philadelphia. ;
The grand jury found a true bill
against Kean and ho was given an im-
mediate trial and convicted in less
than an hour. Judge Sulzberger sen-
- -
lion which Dickens made famous in
tion wnicn uioKons mum; ."-. ...
his American notes by condemning ts
system or solitary cuimuumuiii, ..
friendly hand or voice was raised in
the prisoners behalf. If he behaves
himself his sentence, under tho law,
will be reduced1 to twelve years and
three months. Tho court bad the pow-
er to give him a mo sentence. (
Suarema Court Ovules Motion for
, Supreme Court overrules muuon i
Jefferson cu, mo., June -u. u
supreme court uvunuicu n uu " j
. .... i. ....!. n niAtm inr
a rehearinc In the case of Mrs. Aggie
Meyers, sentenced to be hanged on
June 29 for tho murder of her hus
band In Kansas City two years ago.
Governor Folk left for Bloomlngton,
Ind., where he will deliver an address I
today. Prior to his departure he said '
he would return Friday and grant tho ;
condemned woninn a respite of either
thirty or sixty days in order to permit
ttttwt Vi. Iiivncttrvntlnn into the fftCtH
of the case and determine whether or j
not to commute her sentenco to Hfo
11I1M IDUlllllVlH.. 1
The sunremo court's decision affects
the case of Frank Hottman, the con
demned accomplice of Aggie Meyers,
and he will be granted a respite by
Governor' Folk when the woman's sen
tence Is respited
Confiscates SauBaae Factory.
Newark, N. J., Juno 20. City health
Inspectors confiscated the contents of
Harry Rosenthal's bologna sausage
establishment. They claim to havo
found the utensils, machinery and tho
room in general recking with filth and
vermin. Four baskets of meat, said
to have tho appearance of scrnps
picked up from tho floors of butchov
shops, dirt and sawdust being present
in abundance, were seized by the In-
specters, together with other scraps of ,
ipectors, together with other scraps oi ,
neat which were said to bo decaying
n the sausage making machines. Pro-
Kf.rvntlvo solutions and coloring mat
I ter were also taken by tho authorities
Standing of the Clubs.
W. I.. 1.
ciiiciio . . .: i" tiirn
I'ltthbiiri: .III 1" l"
W. L. 1.
CohnnbUH .III J." 1"U
TiiK'iio . . . ,:i! in
Now Vurk..:iil 10 ::
IMill'plilu ..'- "8 K
liiooklyn ..'Jl .Tl !WJ
cnrimti ...'j:i im :uk)
IiiiHton ... .17 UT III.'
ami-wan i.i:a(h:k
Cb'Vi'lunil .'M 18 ti'J.'i
Now York..:W W tlbl
Milwaukee W '.n .r.(W
i.duiHviiio .'-".t 2 r.J7
t ! MV
Kiin. Cltv..i!7 i!7 K
Mlnn'imlls .i!" '-". IS'J
St. i'mil....'-'0 :t:t :i77
iniiiii'iiiiiiH Ji ill :iw
vi:sruN i.HAisri:
I). Mobil's.. i!7 ir. (MU
DoiiVL-r ...iltl i!0 ..'
Oiunlin ....i! i!l Mi!
Sioux Clty.'Jl 1! 177
I'liiruidu ,.ui '-,-' ri(V.)
Del mil ....'-ti 's r.:n
St. I.nuls,.U7 'Jit iilO
I.liifoln ...18 i!U
l'tiublo ....17 i!0 HOj
ciiii'UKo ...'-'." in .vx)
vfirtiui .v.) :t:t :itn
liostou its iivS.1
Features of the Day's Trading and
Closing Quotations.
ChlciiKo, Juni! 10. Additional rnlu
tbroiiKliout tho central wont caused ru
ni'woil wcuknosa In thi! local sraln market
today. At the clone wheat for the July
ih.Uvi.rv u'iih nff WTi.Vie. Corn was down
i le. uats Hiioweii a iokh oi vs'.i-- i-
Oats Hliowed a Iosh or w(ic mm i"-
vIhIohh wen- ii'yifioe lower. lMohiiib prleen:
NVheat-July, !c; Sept., Sio; Doc.,
Corn-July, rlej Sept
Dec, ."Oi
oii'tHliily, anVdc; Sept., 3014c; Dee., aoy4.
lork-Sept.. ?UMKi.
Lard-July, 8.80; Sept., 8.0.1.
llllm-July, $l.W; Sept., JfO.'-Tj.
CldeiiKo Casli I'rleex-No. i! bard wheat,
81f(i'(S;i!)1e; No. it hard wheat, 78(fTfii!c; No.
i! corn, ril't'"li)'e; No. i! oatP, SWVjC
Chicago Live Stock,
riilenuo, June lO.-Cnttle-nccelptJi, 3
WX; xteadv; common to prime tUeera, $H0
;,,! IA. ,.,.,. 'UV,,lMl! lielflTH. S'J.T.'lW
i .. . . .-.,ww ,. ... r l..r.w. ntnilii, i
i nyfyljuaj JH.VW; vriiuu. V wnnj. "
to piTnic licixy, ?i1.(W?7!.0: iiiimIIiiiii to
Kooil litMvy, Sd.C.O'ill.lKi: Imtolu'iwollitt.,
$i.S'Jl6'i(tl.(i7l6: K'""' '" choli'H ln'in.v.
mixed. .(i.MKi.J."; pncliliiL', $iMXK,HS.llJi,,.
siDM - pitiTuiptM, in.uoo: Htiwiy. Hin-cp,
l.'mitt.iM .Vf'iirniiBK, ?u.wm.fiu; mioin
laillbH, S.V.VWtO.Tfi.
South Omaha Live Stock.
.South Oimiliii, June 1l. Cnttlti Ucci-lptd,
MM); Htcmly to HtroiiR; native steerx, $4.'JO
(k".4."t; i'owh ami liclfcrx, .TIUMVjU.'j.-,; west
ern steerrt ?a..V4.IO; citniierH, ?1.7.VW.S.";
stockerH iitul feedern, $.7V((-I.'T; calves,
$n.004fl.2.i: btillx, stags, etc., $l!.7tVTf .:..
Hok'h UeoeptlH. 15,000; steady to Htroiig;
heavy, ?(I.:i7Vy7'-.": mixed, $0.:i7ym.4O;
light, $(l.:i.Vl.40; plgH, $(l.v?(0.00; bulk of
sales, ?tJ..'(7yjJ.I0. Hheejt-Uecelpts, 1,000;
Ntpiuly; yemlliiBH, $..7,V(7fl.'J.r; wethers,
$r..0MU5; owes, $.VO(Vafl,0O; Iambs, $0.'-'5
Kansas City Live Stock
KamM CHy Jum 10.caul,.-Uocelpt8,
10lr.o); steady to strong; native steers,
$Mxwri.iO; western fed steer.-, $
g-J-- J" SK: "
u-m0Mt noK-HeceiptH. I7,r,ooo; steady
to HtroiiR; top. 4i.rTV&: bulk of sales. .$tM0
.); heavy, $ti.r..vfi.r7l4; packers. UMaVj
SS," ,. S
Pr; lnmbH, $r..r,o!tt7!75;'fed sueop and ywiir-
imK, m,wu.-..
Lincoln to Welcome Bryan.
Lincoln. Juno 18. Tho neonlo of
- ,
TJnrmti nrn nrnnnrmir a monster rc-
- .
ceptlon to we'.come W. J. Bryan upon
his return to the city "from his eastern
travels. Mayor Brown announced that
arrangements were already on foot to
make tho welcome home the greatest
event ever pulled off In Lincoln.
Judge Woolworth Is Dead.
Omaha, June 18. James Mills Wool
worth, one of the builders of Omaha,
one of the country's big lawyers and
a pillar In tho Protestant Episcopal
church of the United States, died at
his homo. 2211 St
Mary's avenue,
diabetic coma. He
.nBlLtow hours
ULlu, ucul '
nsane Atylum Inmate Drowned.
Lincoln, June 19. With a fishing
rod tislitly clutched In his hand, Wal-
ter Anderson, a patient at th6 Lin
coln hospital for the insane, was round
drowned in Salt creek. Ho had es-
. .nm thn ,, a .,inno nnrt
while indulging In his favorite pastime
,,,., ,,,, ,.,,,ntiv , oio,i
an PePt,c flt' t0 Which h Wa3'
Heavy Rains In Nebraska.
Omaha, Juno IS. Heavy rains and i
thunder storms are reported In most!
parts of the state and are rapidly mov
ing eastward. The Union Pacific re-,
ports soaking rains at all points on c
its lines between Omaha and North
Platte. The storm moving over tho,
state caused a great amount of dim-j
culty with telegrnph and telephone.
.l.. m.w AT (iL-rit'l rlvnr nt DmnhA
ls risng rapidly and is not far from
tn0 danger line.
i snntinrn Tor uicnai ianu rcuiiivi.
Helena. Mont.. June 19. Chrlsto-
pher Koehler, a wealthy Hastings
(Neb.) banker, wns fined $250 and sen
tenced to jail for twelve hours by
Judge Hunt In the United States dis
trict court on a charge of Illegally
fencing government lands. Koehler
was recently Indicted by the federal
grand jury and appeared in court vol
untarily. Ho showed that two sections
of land wero fenced In when ho
bought a 14-000-acre ranch, and on
thlB account the court was lenient.
Joseph Crow Faces Jury.
- t. i Of. Tnonnli fTrnw
' '.. .-.,' i i i.., nt
rorenian oi mo luuuru. biuuu juj
the November term of court, ex-post-
the oJ; -- M
master of Omaha and tw Ice a state (
m-mei u w.u..u .... " I
sena or, n0J ril "j l JjSS
court upon a charge ,f c"uP
cncinK HIS naauuiuiu &.uiiu j"'"'" "j ,
means of distributing to them free j thought possible that one of the trunk
transportation over four railroads.! lines. not having terminal fa
The nd.ctment alleges that ho used' cllltlea of ts own here conteniplates
i.i- i.,n nC fnronmn In an effort ' securing those of the Colorado and
to Induce tho Jury to return no Indict
ment against the Rev. George G.
Ware, who was convicted of consplr-
acy at tho spring term oi conn.
Thinks Evidence Demonstrates Change
Is Necessary at Norfolk.
Lincoln, Juno 18. Tho stato board
of public lands and buildings has not
yet decided when to permit tho attor
neys representing Dr. Alden and Dr.
Nicholson in tho Norfolk asyium mut
ter to make their arguments on tho
testimony introduced. Governor
Mickey upon his return to tho city
said tho matter was up to tho board.
"I did what I thin should havo been
dono when I asked for tho resignation
of tho two physicians upon tho evi
dence which was furnished me. Un
fortunate people of this stato aro sent
tn tho asylums to oo uuiuu i". "-
to tho asylums to bo cared ior uo
unable to caro for
cause hey are un
k U U11MMIW -
.. ,. .,!
z Tre;,ca; ;?
there ls any ovldonco that these havo
been mistreated there should
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine i Tablets- j
Seven Miffion boxes soW la past 1 2 months. ThlS signature, V-'
Tho Kind You Havo Always Bought, and which has been
in use for over 30 years, has homo tho signature of
rmtf nud has been made under his pcr-
fjPLjCit sonal supervision since its infancy.
yutryrt -etCCAZM Allow no ono to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good' aro but
Experiments that triilo with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms
and allays Fevcrishncss. It cures Diarrlnea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
Sears the
The KM You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
change In the management.
"What the board will do in the mat-
tGr r WhBt ,ecotnmenila;Ion U SU
, , c0.,rse i ,0 not know. Tho
i evidence given to me of tho practices
at the Institution demonstrated con-
cluslvely that a change in the man-
' agement was imperative for the Inter-.
ests of the patients. The fact that a
patient wns btrong enough to work In
a blacksmith shop and nine days later
dies after having been beaten by at- j
tendnnts I think warrants n thorough
investigation and an overhauling or
tho management of the institution.
Two of tho attendants employed at ,
tho Institution had been discharged
from another state institution because
rt tlinlf i.rnnltv til InmiltPS. Olllv llll-
mane men should bo employed in the
nays them a salary to get them to look
after the unfortunate Inmates, and as
.v- u... .......- , -..
lnnir no T hnvn autboritv there will be .
nn nrnnltV nrnptlpml nt. nnV fltfltft itl-
UU .VX-.V ..-... w .n-
Denver and Omaha Short Line.
Denver, June 20. Incorporation pa
pers were filed with tho secretary of
state for a new railroad between Den
ver and Omaha, to be known as the
Omaha and Denver Short Line. Tho
Incorporators, with tho exception of
One. arc COHHUUmu Willi u iuw"
hnrn. known to have charKO of the af-
------ - --- - -
fairs of the Colorado and Eastern rail-
road. ThlB B a road that was built,
SQmo fifteen yoars ago to a polnt les8
than twenty miles east of Denver and
novopy beon extended. It 1b
Kastem road.
Telephone Girls Strike.
Iowa City, Juno 15. Ten girls em
ployed In tho Bell Telephone exchange
here struck to secure the discharge of
an objectionable forewoman. Strike
breakers are being used to operato
the exchange.
Union Pacific Cuts Passenger Rates.
Omaha, June 15. Tho Union Pa-
clflc made tho following announce
ment: "Effective July 1 next, local
uiuin. uiiubbnw wm -
passenger fares between all main line
points in Wyoming, Colorado ami Utah
win im n ppntR nor mile, a 25 per cent
will bo 3 cents per mile, a 25 per cent
reduction from tho present tarin.
Carnegie Has a Rival.
Geneva, Nob., Juno 15. Tho present
postofflce building ls to bo turned Into
a nubile library. Dr. L. H. Smith do
nates both tho building and ono of
tho largest private libraries In tho
.. ... . Ii
statotothctown. Tho norary consist
: --jlt-s
ui5 '-' "l "l-'" "
To Cure a Cold in Or?
iiimiin ! im-.!M ,rTT-
Signature of
This Remedy Is a Specific,
sure to uive satisraciion.
ti ... n. i.i ..,t ... it.,
1eanait1 vvifiTvilitMinn Tf nnraa flntnwtl anil
I drives away a Cold in tho Hoad quickly.
U10bUm.U ...W...W.M..V. .. ....I1 MMfc MMV
jLVUSturc-i iuu oeuaea ui o.iio nuu uit.uit.
Easy to ubo. Contains no injurious drugs.
Applied into tho nostrils and absorbod.
Largo Hizo, GO cents at Druggists or by
mail ; Trial Size, 10 cents by mail. -ELY
BROTHERS. 56 Warren St.. New York.
This Morning?
iiitc .aiLLLw
A Gentle Laxative
And Appetizer
nuuuo i en o
pgy Mountain Tea NugD8t8
J m
. ?. . a -ni f m
iirmn uuiudu xibailu ujiu utmowou viimr
Hprclflo for Constipation, IndlRostlon, Llvft
and Kidney Troubles. Pimples. Eczema, Impure
and Kidney Troubles, i'lmples. Eczemn, Impure
Blood, Dad Breath, ShtRclsh Rowels, Headache
and UacJcache. It's Rocky Mountain Tea In tno
let form, 85 cents a box. Oenulno made by
HotMBTEn Dnuo Company, Madison, Wis.
Clrsmei and bfautlfltt the hair,
rruuiotri luxuilsnt RruwUi.
N?ver Pails to Itnntoro Qray
Hnlr to Its Youthftil ColorT
Cuici i calp di.rinf. & mr lalllog.
"-.imfiwi iiruygifta
- sas
TiflV Cures Grip
jr la Two Days. I '
7 & on every I
CKZrznn box. 25c. I J
1 1 in mm mi I A