The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 15, 1906, Image 8

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iave Six j r" Comoames
800 policies representing over $2,000,000 Insurance in Web
ster County. Now is the time to get in the Band Wagon.
Bell No. 98.
O. C
Insurance and Notary.
Country No. 36.
i H: i
Interostlnil Horns Gathered
by Our County Reporters
W. .7. Iltiskins has n now hay stacker.
Will Dollins has finished llstiiiR 125
acres of corn.
All tho farmers uro through with
tho first cutting of alfalfa.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Hicks wcro guosts
of Win. VanDyko Sunday.
Rev. Campbell will preach at Ponpy
(.'rook school houso a week from Sun
day. S. 0. Shuck and Bd Mountford ship
pod their fat cattlo to Kansas City
Mrs. L. D. Reynolds and Mrs. A. J.
Green have returned to their homes
after a brief visit with their parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Van Dyke.
Goosoberries uro ready to pick.
Whoat and oats are heading out.
John Howard spent Sunday
Guide Rock.
Mr. Albin and family camo out to
tho farm Tuesday to put up chorrios.
Godfrey Monia has about completed
i now house. Wobbor and Oritton of
Guide Rock are tho buildors.
Little Becky Howard of Guide Rock
has been spending sovoral days with
hor brother, Emory, on tho farm.
Mrs. Godfrey Monia met with quite
u serious accident on Sunday ovouing.
Sho attempted to climb the ladder in
tho new house to view the upper story
when the ladder wont down with hor
and sho foil, breaking her ankle. Drs.
Pace and Robinson wero called to at
tond tho injured member. Mrs.
Moiiia's sister is oxpoctcd from tho
eiibt to caro for hor.
Illunoy'Suhmithor lost ouo of his
fancy road horses Tuesday.
I' rati k uowden and a number of
othor Rod Cloud braves wore in High
land Sunday.
Prof. Chas. Wiggins of Dutch Flat
was transacting business in North
Branch Monday.
RHonry Snyder has his new house
finished and dodicated it Thursday
with a calico hop.
Mrs. Matthew Baker, who has been
n great sufferer for the past two years,
Is slowly recovering.
The ice oream social at Will
Mitchell's Thursday netted 117, which
goes for the benefit of the band boys.
The new photo car at North Branch
is not altogether a succoss, from tho
Wm HWJjgjyff;flTlBBBBB9l
fact that its shadows show as tho sub-
joct roally is.
Tho Highland M. B church was
dodicated last Sunday. Tho servieos'
tunrn iwiiiflmilnil )v Mm m-nutrll ti if nlrlnr
,.v..v wu..,...wui,. j ..w ,.. uu......n u...u.
and tho Kov. Noal of Jowoll
Thoro was a largo crowd present and
tho people of this community are very
thankful for tho assistance given by
thoso from othor parts. Tho struc
ture is Mulshed, all paid for and a
great monument to tho religious
ouorgy of tho pooplo of this vicinity.
Tom McTigh visitod his sistor, Mrs.
Duiroy, last Sunday.
Miss May Dontou is spending tho
weok with friends in Bluo Hill.
Goorgo Solomau of Atlanta was
iting friends in town this wook.
Mr. and Mrs. Goorgo Donton
Cowlos visited in town over Sunday.
Quite a number from he;e drove to
Deweeso Sunday and spent the day
Herman Fis was 'a passenger for
Red Cloud Monday, roturning in the
Mr. and Mrs. Walker Riokorson are
tho proud parents of a baby girl born
Tuesday, May 12.
Joo Krall roturnod from Gardou
City, Kansas, Monday, whore ho pur
chased somo laud.
Albert McCoy drovo to Rod Cloud
Saturday and visitod over Sunday with
his brother Herbert.
Wm. Marrow roturnod from Okla
homa last Friday, whero he had been
spending tho winter.
Tho milo road south of town is being
graded this week. Boyd Lotner is
doing tho work with his engine.
Kansas City, June 12. Receipts of
cattlo Monday wero 13,000 and tho
market steady for best grades, others
weak to 10 cents lower. Receipts to
day wore 12,000 and steady to 10 cents
lower rates prevailed.
The following table gives price
now ruling.
Extra prime corn-fed steers. .$5 50-5 75
Good corn fed steers 4 90-5a,r
Ordinary corn fed steers .... 4 25-4 05
Choice corn fed heifers 4 75-5 15
Good corn fed heifers 4 35-4 65
Medium corn fed heifers. ... 3 75 4 25
Choice corn fed cows 4 25-4 50
Good 375-4 00
Medium 3 25-350
fanners 2 25-2 75
Choice stags 4 00-4 50
Choice fod bulls 3 75-4 00
The Wonderful Growth
Is due to Its
Perfect Quality
Moderate Price
Used In Millions
of Homes
Good .1 25 -.' (5
Bologna bulls 2 50-3 00
voal calves 5 00-G2i
Good to choice native or
western stockers 4 25-4 50
ail' .". ) )U- 10
n n rr. r.
fjfinil to n.hnlttn lionvv iintivn
feeders 4 25-4 05
Fair 4 00-4 25
Good to choico heavy brand
ed horned feeders. .1 25-4 00
Fair 3 2G- 7fi
Common 2 75-.'l 25
Good to choico stock heifers .')00-.'125
Fair 2 50-2 75
Good to choico stock calves,
steers 100-150
Fair 350-4 00
Good to choico stock calves,
hoifors 325-3 75
Fair 2 75-3 25
Receipts of hogs M6nday wore 8000,
markot strong to 5 cents higher. Ro
coipts Tuesday wero 23,000, market
weak to 10 cents lower, closing at tho
low point with bulk of sales from 86.25
to 7.40; top 10.50.
Recoipts of sheep Monday were 5500,
mrrkot active. Receipts today were
12,000, market strong.
Abllttr of the Fondereaa Aatmal to
Hear Under Water.
It seems perfectly evident that
whales must hear when In the water,
snys tho London Field. This Inference
Is confirmed by the comparatively
small development of tho other sense
organs. Tho eyo, for Instance, Is very
small and enn bo of little use even at
tho comparatively small depths to
which whales arc now believed to de
8cen'"t. Again, tho sense of smell, judging by
the rudimentary conditions of tho ol
factory organs, must be In abeyance,
and whales have no sense organs com
parable to the lateral line system of
fishes. Consequently It would seem
that when below the surface of the wa
ter thoy must depend chiefly upon tho
sense of hearing. Frobably this sense
is so highly developed as to enable the
animals in tho midst of tho vibrations
made by the screwlike movements of
I the tail or flukes to distinguish the
sound (or vibrations) made by tho Im
pact of the water against tho rocks
even In n dead calm, and, In the cose
of piscivorous species, to recognize by
tho pulse In tho water tho presence of
shoal fish.
Falling in this explanation, it is dlfli
cult to Imagine how whales can find
their way about In the scmidarkucss
and avoid collisions with rocks and
rockbound coasts.
Erra If It Be Emotional Iasaallr,
Let Vm Have Pleatr of It.
Some English scientist has reached
the conclusion that laughter Is Insan
ity. He regards a fit of laughter as an
emotional Insanity of short duration.
All right, then, give us a little more In
sanity. There is not laughter enough
In the world at least the right kind of
laughter. We will let the Englishmen
keep their faces straight If they want
to, but It befits the American civiliza
tion better to break out into laughter
once In awhile. Laughter Is good for
the facial muscles. It develops tho
muscles of the neck as well ns the fucc.
It makes the corners of the mouth turn
upward Instead of downward. It gives
the wrinkles of the face a plcuslng out
line, quickens the action of the heart
and gives now life to tho nerve centers.
Yes, we can afford to lot tho English
man look wise and Idiotic If ho wants
to. Ho can stare with fish eyed big
otry whenever a Joke Is perpetrated,
never allowing a ripple of merriment
to disturb the placidity of his couuto
naucc. Ho can do all these things that
ho wishes to, but lot us go on laugh
ing. This kind of insanity mixes very
well with sanity and prosaic life. A
little burst of emotional Insanity breaks
nicely the monotony of facts and fig
ures. Medical Talk.
A Picture of Tennyion.
A writer who once saw Lord Tenny
son on the platform of a railway sta
tion says of him: "He would have been
tall, but his shoulders seemed some
what bent. Ills hair wasjoug; so was
his beurd. He wore an ugly Inverness
capo uudii large slouch hat. He looked
llko a bandit In a melodrama, and I
thought him somo poor actor who had
come out in some of tho stage proper
ties. He seemed so sad 1 felt quite
sorry for him as I watched him walk
up and down the platform,"
your money back"
combined with plain figure
prices steadily adhered to,
has brought us a constantly
growing business. Quality
first, price next. Nothing but
standard made, reputable
goods at lowest profit prices.
Always willing to
and compare prices
or Chicago houses.
Newhouse Bros..
.Jewelers and Opticians. B. & M. Watch Inspectors
Letter List.
List of letters remaining uncalled
for at postotllco at Red Cloud, Nob.,
for the wook ending Juno 14, 1900:
Corwin, Wnltor E Chastaiu Mollio
Davidson Floyd (2) Kastman Harry
Hendricks A E ilewmau John
Porkovco Lillio Sanborn Mollio
Sanbury Willio Wortninn I) B (2)
Thoso will be sent to the dead letter
ollico Juno 23, 11)00, if not called for
before. When calling for abovo ploaso
say "advertised."
T. C. Haokkk, Postmaster.
Nttlce to the Public.
The llurlington Railway company is
charging storage on all less than car
load shipments that remain in their
ware house for more than 48 hours at
the rate of 85 per day for each ton or
fraction thereof, so please call and get
your freight on urrival and save stor
age. J. P. EnwAims, Agt.
Ask Br Alias's Rtt-Eate,
A powder for swollen, tired, hot,
smarting feet. Sample sent free. Also
free samples of the foot-ease sanitary
corn-pad, a new Invention. Address,
Allen S. Olmstead, Loltoy, New York.
Netfce ! Application fw Salwn
Notice Is hereby Riven that Hcnjnmln Drunlo
has filed in tho ofllco or the County Clerk of
Webster county, Nebraska, this 20th lny of Mny.
A. 1). 1WXJ. his petition stoned by tho required
number of resident freeholders of Oak creek
precinct. Webster county. Nebraska. pra)lng
for a saloon licence to bo granted by tho Hoard
of Commissioners of until county, authorising
the sale of mall, solrtous and vinous liquors on
lot eleven (II), block twelve (is). In tho town of
Itosemnnt. WebMor county, Nebraska for a
period of ouo ear from and nfter July 1, A. 1).
1000 Ilearlngof said application will bo held
ni tho meeting of tho board of couuiv rommls
(doners to be held on Tuesday, June ID, WW, or
at tho tlrst meeting thereafter.
Jiiul-15 Lke De Touii, County Clerk.
Miss Jessie Wert
Piano. Oman aol Voice
Studio at Mrs. Josio Moran
villo's, two blocks east of
school hoi.eo. Phoho 201.
"Satisfaction or
show our goods
with either local
Sealed proposals will be received at the office
of the City Clerk In tho City of Hcd Cloud,
Webber County. Nebraska, until noon on thc
iilnd day of Junt, woo, for furnUhlnB nny or air
of the following parts, building, boiler, engine,
feed water heater, boiler feed pump, generator,
switch board. Si crles alternating arc Ihmp.
equipment, lino construction muterial. nil In
accordance with plans and specifications on
llle In the ollico of tho City Clerk Didder may
obtain copies of tho complete plans and pvcifi
cations by sending 11.00 to the City Clerk.
Each bid shall bo accompanied by a certified1
check In the sum numed In the general speclfl
cations, made payable to J. O. Dutler, city
The right to reject any or all bids Is reserved.
h. n. FOHT, CltyCJcjk.
J. MAIITZ, Engineer.
Dated June 1st, HMO. junlS.
nomotat luutUnt growth.
Haver Vula to BhIom am
Cwti itcmlp dlwwM allilr ttW
MTim mJt A v . - 9r
Xlllr la ttm Tmlkftil rialn
Red Cloud, - Neb.
Has just received a
complete line of
Also handles
Floir ) Feed
Telephono 51.
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