u INDICTS MUTUAL MEN GRAND JURY RETURN8 C0UNT3 AGAINST TWO OFFICIALS. Dr. Walter R. Gillette and Robert A. Grannls, Former Vice presidents of the Mutual Life, Arrested, Charged With Forgery and Perjury. Now York, Juno 12. Indictments for forgery und perjury against Dr. Walter O. Gillette and for forgery and filing false HtatementH against Robert A. Grannls, both former vlco presi dents of the Mutual Lifo Insurance company, -wcro returned by the spe cial grand jury which has been In vestigating Insurance affairs for the past six weeks. Six Indictments woro found against Dr. Gillette, flvo for forgery In tho third degree and ono for perjury. Mr. Grannls was indicted for Top gory and for making falso statements to the Insuranco department, the lat ter beli.g a mlsdomeanor. Both defendants Immediately sur rendered ihemselves and were ad mitted to ball, Dr. Gllletto In $10,000 and Mr. Grannls In $5,000, their oases being put over until tho first Monday In September. One of the Indictments agalnBt Gll letto recites that while vico president of tho Mutual, on May 4, 1904, ho caused to be made In tho account book of tho company, known as tho blotter, a falso entry that $4,500 had boon paid to tho firm of George Mc Klbbln & Son for advertising Indebt edness, when, as a matter of fact, neither that sum nor any other sum was paid to Georgo McKlbbln & Son. Another Indictment charges that on tho same to bo used for the sufferers in tho re cent earthquake there. Tho supplies nro being sent by tho Chlcngo Com mercial association In compllanco with a request received from tho American National Rod Cross society, which has charge of tho work in San Francisco. Shaw to Speak at Davenport. Washington, Juno 12. Secretary Shaw left for Davenport, la., where ho will deliver a political addrcBB be- foro tho Lincoln club tomorrow night. NEWS OF NEBRASKA. ley, a 'wealthy farmer, wbb found in Boll creek. It was almost entirely covered by tho water and was badly decomposed. Headloy disappeared three weeks ago. A gunshot wound In tho head plain ly Indicated the manner of death, and Biirrounding circumstances proved be yond doubt that tho wound wns not self-inflicted. At tho Inquest it was shown ho should have had between $50 and $100 on his person, but no money was found, his pockets evi dently having been rifled before tho body was thrown Into the creek. Headloy was flfty-four years old and loft besides his wife, four sons and ono daughter. Ho Is estimated to be worth $100,000. Crulg, Neb., June 12. The coroner's Jury laid the murder and robbery of Mueller Gets Fifteen Years. Norfolk, Nob., Juno 11. August Mueller, the German farmer who shot his child w.fe and her parents in , , Ti Hnf,inv nf thn door of his Stanton couuty, has been sentenced to tWQ 80U8 j08gC( nlnotcon( and Noah fifteen yearB in the penitentiary with i fourtcon yenr8 of ag0( and ortiered Bomary connnomeni on eucii uuui- b t, ,,oys held for tho crIme The vorsary of tho crime. Count Crelghton's Home Is Burned. Omaha, Juno 9. Count John A. Crelghton's beautiful old-fashioned home at the northwest corner or Twentieth and Chicago streets was almopt wholly destroyed by flre, en tailing a total Iosb of his fine library, paintings and curios. Four Cars in Ditch. Kimball, Neb., Juno 9. No. 7, the hLos Angeles limited, was wrecked soventeen miles west of Kimball. The eldest son is held as tho principal and the younger as an nccossory Robbery 1b ascribed as tho motive for the deed. iSroaEI Weston Is Candidate. Lincoln, June 9. Ex-Auditor Charles Weston Is a candidate for governor. He will enter the race pledged to sup port conservative Interests. Fire in Armour Packing Plant. South Omaha, June 12. Fire which started In tho oleo room of the Ar mour packing plant caused a loss es- wreck was caused by a break In tho timatod at $100,000. The collapsing of engine, and four cars left tho track j a big 20,000-gallon reservoir on tho and woro overturned in the ditch, roof buried Cornelius Denny, one of. None of tho passengers or trainmen the Armour firemen, In the ruins. James Nichols Acquitted. Fullorton. Neb., June 11. The jury Andrew to University Graduates. Lincoln, June 12. Before the grad- Tlio Kind You Havo Always Bought, and which has been in uso , for over 30 years, has borno tho signature of and has been niado under his por- -2z- sonal supervision since its infancy. All Counterfeits, Imitations and" Just-as-good "are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger tho health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphino nor other Narcotic substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Fevcrishncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend GENUINE CASTORIA AUWAYS Bears the Signature of In the murder trial of James Nichols llatlng class of tho University of Ne roturned a verdict of not guilty. It braska Chancellor E. Benjamin An- date a fraudulent entry of waa alleged that Nichols shot Orlando drcws delivered the baccalaureate ad $20,C01. for printing and stationery, was made, when, as a matter of fact, only $12,701 was paid for that purpose. Tho Indictment against Grannls for forgery In tho third degreo charges that his report for tho year ending Dec. 31. 1904, filed with tho Btato su perintendent of Insurance, failed to make any report whatever of profit and Income from the salo and matur ity of ledger assets, while, as a mat ter of fact, tho company's net profit from that source for tho year Indi cated was $1,044,058.23. The grand Jury In a presentment to tho court says: 'The evldenco before it has clearly shown that each year for many years past largo sums of tho company's money have been ob tained by means most Irregular and fraudulent, and though probably ap plied to uses thought to 1)3 for tho benefit of tho company, such expendi tures havo been of so Improper or questionable a character that no en tries of them havo been made on the books of tho company 'nor have any vouchers showing tho character of the disbursements been maue." Fish in the leg In a quarrel over tho dress. The exercises were held in the possession of real estate on Murch G, Pish dying from the Injuries on May 6. OH Gusher Near Lincoln. Lincoln, Juno 11. In driving an oil well for development purposes at Yan- university chapel and were largely attended. Chancellor Andrews sub jeet was "Grant." CA&fyY ui&4 The KM You toe Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THC CENTAUR COMPANY, TT MURRAY TRCCT, NCW YORK CITY. '333 On the Edge of Being Too Dry. Omaha, June 12. There aro por tions of Nebraska that begin to feel appealed to the supremo court of the or Peiroiuuni " ' '' I crop report for the Alliance, Sheridan Unltod states Is doubteo. Mrs. Lllllo i'SLVi Wyomlntf divisions has been re-, receIved the news shortly before re- celved. On the Alliance division wheat tiring. Her ill fortune was gently keo Hill, near Lincoln, a large amount the Qf The Burlington.a feet. The product Is pronounced uy experts to be a good quality of crude petroleum. This Is the first authori tative discovery of oil in Nebraska. Bryan to Return In September. Lincoln, Juno 8. Discussing tho proposed reception nt Nov York to Is growing fast and the soil In good condition. It Is getting rather dry for oatB and tho crop has been dam aged some by tho high winds of last week. It has been too cold for corn, but It has made fair progress. Po- William Jennings Bryan in August, on mtoes are doing fairly well. Pastures his return from Europe, Charles W. i are In good condition and the first FOUR DIE IN NEW YORK BLAZE. Two Firemen Injured by Falling From Burning Tenement House. Now York, June 12. Four persons are known to bo dead and several oth ers are missing as a result of a flro in a five-story tenement house at 209 East Ninety-seventh street. Two firemen were injured by falling from tho building and one of them cannot live. Scores of thrilling rescues took place and Just as the firemen were about to take a woman and her two-year-old baby from the flre escape on the third floor, the woman fell, over come by smoke, and dropped the baby. It was dashed to the pavement thirty foet below. The other bodies were found on the top floors of the tenement. All of them were so badly burned that they have not been iden tified. The building was occupied by twenty-ono families. The lire spread so rapidly that most of tho inmates were cut off except by tho flre es capes. The four victims of the fire wore Identified at the morgue as Rebecca Rabinowitz and her children, Abra ham, seven months; Ida, five years, and Fannie, eight yearB. Bryan, a brother, said ho believed the Now York committee had a misunder standing as to the date of William J. Bryan's return, which wap, ho said, early In September, Instead of August. When Mr. Bryan left on his world tour it was with tho Intention of re turning to Lincoln about the middle of September. Charles W. Bryan said there had been no change from that plan. SHOOTING TOURNAMENT CLOSES Benson Off for Washington. Topokn, Kan., Juno 12. Judge A. W. Benson. In a brief Interview with Govornor Hoch, formally nccepted tho appointment of United States Bonator and departed on an afternoon train for Washington. Governor Hoch im mediately forwarded to Vice Presi dent Fairbanks an official announce. mentpf,tho appointment, which, It is stated, probably will bo brought up In tho'senatfe tomorrow. Kansas Man is High Gun at Lincoln. Capps Wine State Championship. Lincoln June 8. Tho State Sports men's association closed a successful three days' shooting tournament. A high wind throughout the day cut down tho previous good averages. E1 O'Brien of Florence, Kan., was the high gun or tho meet, with a total of 470 hits out of 500 targets; Heer of Concordia, Kan., and Dixon of Joplln, Mo., tied for second, with 468, and George Mackey of Scammon, Kan., fourth, with 4CG. W. H. Capps of Kearney, won the state championship, limited to Nebraska shooters, with 24 out of 25. The state association elected D. Morrill and Frank Dworak, both of South Omaha, respectively president and Becretary-treasurer. The next tournament will be at South Omaha. ALREADY FEEL EFFECTS. Nebraska Stockmen Hurt by the Pack ing House Exposure. Lincoln, Juno 12. Nebraska cattle mon havo already left the effects from tho packing house exposures, says State Auditor Searlo, who has Just returned from Alliance, whero tho convention of stock growers met last week, but they aro anxious that tho exposures bo complete and conditions permanently bettered. Tho Associa tion passed resolutions calling for rigid rules of Inspection of tho pack ing houses. A resolution was also passed asking congress to amend tho freight laws so that tho railroads may glvo return passes to stockmen who take stock to tho markets. Another resolution passed was that calling upon congrws to pass a law providing cutting of alfalfa has been put away. Nebraska Town Fire Swept. Benkelman, Neb., June 8. A very destructive fire visited this town, con suming an entire block. The fire orig inated in Larlmore's livery barn, de stroying the whole stock, Including fifteen horses, valued at $1,500, with a total loss of $8,000. Other losses were: howuoux'b restaurant uunu lng, $1,000; Wendland's shoe Btoro, $1,000; Larlmore's residence, $1,000; Styers' implement house, $1,000; Lar lmore's meat market, $G0O; Hamilton's feed store, $1,000; Wells' printing of fice, $600; McEvoy's furniture storo, stock saved, loss on building, $3,000. Killed by Live Wire. Hastings, Neb., June 12. W. P. Green was electrocuted on a wire of 2,200 volts opposite the carnival grounds. Green was employed by tho carnival people and claimed to be an electrician. He was on a fifteen foot pole nnd In lifting his head between the wires to make connection for tho wiring of the carnival grounds, struck the side of his face on an exposed wire. It was impossible to ascertain among the carnival people where his home is, but he carried a card "W. P. Green and company, paper hangers, 2877 Binney street, Omaha," He camo from Grand Island here. communicated to her by tho Beemers. She bore up bravely, hor expression less face betraying no storm of emo tion. There were tears in her eyes. She said nothing. The efforts of Judge Hamer had been expended in trying to get the court to entertain a mo tion for a rehearing. This the court refused to do. CATARRH 35M & & FARMS FOR SIX THOUSAND. Land Commissioner Richards Gives Forecast of Next Land Lottery. Omaha, June 9. Commissioner W. A. Richards of the general land of fice at Washington Is In the city on his way to the northwest, where he goes to superintend tho registration and subsequent drawing for about 6,- Sffifiu? maam &m b m WnKWWM VE&A ? -XaSV soj M ryowr Ely's Cream Balm This Remedy is a Specific, Sure to Give Satisfaction. GIVES RELIEF AT ONCE 000 claims on tho Crow and Shoshone , It cleanses, soothes, heals, and protects th Indian reservations, opened to settlement. soon to bo ; diseased membrane. It cures Catarrh and Speaking of tho country that is to bo opened, he said: drives awuy ft Cold in tho Head quickly. Dupont for Senator. Dovor, June 12. Henry A. Dupom. was decided upon for United States I for the selling or leasing of tho public senntqr, by a caucus of Republican lands of the state. Tho Klnkald bill members of tho legislature. Dupont re. was gonerally condemned, celved 20 votes and J. Edward Ad- j Officers for tho coming year were dicks 10 votes. The vote was then , elected as follows: President, E. E. mado unanimous for Dupont on mo- Lowe of Hyannls; vlco president, J. tlon of an Addicks man. Tho lecls- H. Cook of Agate; secretary-treasurer, Dipso. Law Constitutional. Lincoln, Juno 9. That tho dipso maniac law Is constitutional in tho main is tho decision of the supremo court In the application of John Schwnrtlng for a writ of habeas corpus. The court decides that tho law Is pari materia of other laws pro viding for the detention, care and dis charge of persons committed to tho hospital for tho Insane and must be construed In connection therewith. That part of tho law which provides for paroling dipsomaniacs, requiring them to refrain from the use of liquor and to keep out of the company of drinkers waB declared unconstitutional. Restores tho Senses of Taste- and Smell. Easy to use. Contains no injurious drugs. Ar.iilin.1 inrn tltn Tirwfrila nml nlianrllAfl- "There Is much of the land on tho r,.- s!z G0 conta at Dructrists or 1 Crow and Shoshono reservations that I mn.il ; Triul Size, 10 cont3 by mail. is excellent for agricultural purposes, ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren St.. Naw Yoriu' but If tho settler strikes a good tning ho must get a tract that can bo irri gated. There are numerous streams running through both reservations, and much of tho area Is susceptible of ir rigation. The dates for the registra tion for tho Crow reservation land are Juno 14 and 28, and the places Bill ings and Sheridan, both on the Bur lington. Tho drawings will be at Billings. July 2. On this reservation there are about 1,000,000 acres." After closing up the Crow reserva tion, Commissioner Richards will taka charge of the work on the Shoshone reservation, tho registration for which begins at Shoshone, Lander and Thormopolls, Wyo., July 16 and continues until July 31. Tho drawing for this land will take place at Lan der, on tho Northwestern, Aug. 4. FEELING LIVER-ISH This Morning? TAKI Daffodil nnd Anpliodel. Daffodil and nsphodel the latter, ac cording to nomer, covered tho meadow haunted by tho shades of depnrted he roes aro etymologlcally tho same. Old time Englishmen confUBed the two plants, which are quite different, and It was reserved for later generations to restore Its true spelling to tho true asphodel and restrict daffodil, with Its mysterious "d," to tho flower now known by that name. Formerly it wus "affodlllo," nnd tho "d" Is various ly explained as being a childish Inser tion, like tho "T" lu Ted, from Edward, or as representing tho French "flour d'affrodllle" or the Engllsn "tir nuro CBkHtEESBSB M.HM.1WMHM A Gentle Laxative And Appetizer laturo will voto for senator today, and Dupont's election is conceded by tho Addicks following. E. M. Searle, Jr., of Ogalalla. HEADLEY'S DEAD BODY FOUND. Rehearing for Mrs. Llllle Denied. Lincoln, Juno 11. Lena Margaret Lllllo has exhausted every legal re source In her battle for liberty in Ne- j dno., (tll0 definite article) or as the braska courts, tiio supremu tuun tma ..i 0 "mui" in sucu u couiumw decided adversoly on her plea for a tlon a8 fennell and affodll." rehearing. Whether her case, can bo MOLLiSTER'9 Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Bniy Medlolno for Baiy People. Bring Golden Health and Bonewod Vigor. nstlnatlon, indigestion, Lire leu. Pimples. Eczema, Impur , Rlurclsh Bowels, Headache) let form, an cents a box. Genuine made by SoLUSTKn Dnuo Company, Madison, WIb. ULBEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE A. speclflo for Constipation, Indigestion, Lire na junnoy TrouDiea. nmpiea, Eczema, imi looa. uaa Breath. HlUffcrlah Bowels. Headache) and Backache. It's Rooky Mountain Ten In taa PARKER'S , HAIR BALSAM CletiiMf nd btiutiflM the lute. Promote! luxuriant growth. Never Full to nejtore Oray Hnlr to ltd Youthful ColorT Cures icalp dlittiti u hilr UluDCi ax-.amltUiuin nnigfttiti Wealthy Farmer's Decomposed Corpse Is Discovered in Creek. Craig, Neb., Juno 11. With every Supplies for San Francisco, Gh'lcngo. Juno 12. A tralnload of supplies will leave Chicago for Sun ,irm.mRt.in indlnatlni? murder and Francisco today, valued at $100,000, robberyf the body ot Jacob Head- j ' To Cure a Cold in Oro Day T-to Laxative Bromo uinine ( 4 .MMflikNI0MHHRl'WM, "O"""' Cores Crifi ia Two Days. on every DOX.Z5C A il t r tl