The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 08, 1906, Image 8

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    have Six ccekker- Companies
800 policies representing over $2,000,000 Insurance in Web
ster County. Now is the time to get in the Band Wagon.
men No. 98.
Insurance and Notary.
country no. 36. insurance ana notary, m
Interesting Item Gathered
by Our County R.eporters
A nioo ruin foil lioro Sunday night.
Mrs. It. C. Campbell spout Suuday at
Miss Myrtlo Hurtlott is quite sick
vritli inouslos.
O. Ivurson shipped a car of cattlo to
St. Joo Sunday.
Mrs. Tnttlo visited her sister at
Hustings Saturday.
Miss Stewart returned to her homo
Monday at Swanton.
MissPoarl McCullum is visiting her
nunt, Mrs. Lockhart.
Mrs. Borkloy and children spent
Sunday at M. Lotnor's.
Wayno Reed and family spoilt Sun
day at tho homo of H. II. Boyd.
T. J. Davis and Miss Grace Rood
drove over to Bluo Hill Tuesday.
II. C. Chevalier was a passenger for
Culbertson Saturday, returning Mon
day. Willis Lotnor and wife of Hastings
drovo down Saturday and spent Sun
day visiting relatives and friends.
Chas. Snydor was in Burr Oak tho
first of tho wook on business.
Tho Highland M. E. church will bo
dedicated next Sunday, Juno 10th.
Arthur Buloch loft Monday for
Washington for a visit with his aged
Sam Church loft last week for an
extended visit in Ohio and other parts
of the oast.
Mrs. Jack McCormick, who has boon
in poor health for the past year, is re
ported somo what improved.
II. Morrill of Dutch Flat was in
Highland Friday donating somo fancy
pork chops. Thanks Harvey.
Tho North Branch band boys havo
made thoir appearance in their new
uniforms, and Gee! Sousa isn't in it.
We are glad to note that Mrs. H.
Snyder, who has been suffering with
rheumatism for somo time, is out
Joo Delaney entertained his young
friends with a social Thursday even
ing. Good crowd, and Joo always
makes 'em happy.
Miss Blanche Horriok, Miss Ruby
TJtaberg and a number of other High
landers are in attoudanco at tho
Jewell county uormal at Mankato.
A severe electric storm passod over
this vicinity Suuday evening, doing
somo damage to tolophodos, and kil
ling a valuable horso for Jas. Pioieo.
Mrs. Butlor of California, who hud
nil her worldly goods destroyed in tho
Frisco disustor oxcopt thoso worn at
time, is visiting her father, (.'hot But
ler of this placo.
Kansas Citt, Juno 5. Rocoipts of
cattle Monday woro 8J00. Gonorally
steady rates prevailed for all classes
Rocoipts today woro 9000. Bost kil
ling cattlo sold strong to 10 cents
higher; others steady; stookors and
feeders firm.
Tho following tablo glvo prices
now ruling.
Extra prime corn-fed steers. .85 Hfl-5 To
Good com fod steors -JOO-fiSHi"
Ordinary corn fed stoors.... 4 25-1 75
Choico corn fod heifers 4 7n-5 10
Good corn fed heifers 4 50-4 75
Medium corn fed hoifors. ... .1 75 4 25
Choico corn fed cows 4 23-4 50
Good 375-4 00
Medium 325-350
Cannors 225-275
Choico stags 4 00-150
Choioo fed bulls 3 75-4 00
Good 33-3G0
Bologna bulls 2 50-3 (X)
Veal calves 5 00 (5 25
Good to choice native or
western stackers 1 25-1 50
Fair 3(50-4 10
Common 3 25-3 50
Good to choice heavy native
feeders '25 1 0"
Fair 3 70-1 25
Good to choice heavy brand
ed homed fuudois 375-100
I'liir J 25-.I i.j j days as the other months, but Februa-
Common 2 7.V3 23 ,.y wns a continued gambler and lost
Good to choico stock heifers 3 00-3 25 I ftt ,IoniIllo n UIly bolll t() January and
luilr ..... ................ 0U- (oi ( yUlV(.u strange to say, there Is an
Good to choico stock calves, , oM Bl of thQ Qf
p..:r ;5o 4 00
fJnnd t.n idmlnn c,tnnk nnlvos. i
v ... "V" -" w ---. ww- w-.ww.. w.--. -,
heifers 325-3 75
Fair 275-325
Receipts of hogs Monday were DS00,
market weak. Uucoipts today were
14,000, values rangining from strong to t
iy, cents higher, bulk of sales 8(5.20 to
0.35; top 80.43(C.
Receipts of sheep Monday woro (5000;
mnrkot steady. Receipts today woro
2000; market strong. Wo quote
choica lambs, $0.40 to 0.50; yeariings,
80.23 to 0.s5; wothora 85.75 to 6.00; owes,
?5 .50 to 5.G0.
Quick Wit nv.1 Dnrlnff ne
of a
Iltm'ilnn Revolutionist.
Nowhere outside of tho pages of Ac
tion would we expect such an Incident
us the following from the personal
story of the Russian revolutionist Na
rodny. Narodny had Just Jumped from
a window to escape the police. "When
I scrambled to my feet I discovered
myself In the yard and among half a
dozen soldiers. I was without over
coat and hat a very suspicious figure
-and, having neither. I could not es-
cape oven could I get by tho soldiers
who mirrounucu me, ue num. i
..t. .... ....... f .
"I Jerked a card from my pocket to
this day I do not know what It was
ami handed it to one of the soldiers.
'Here Is my card,' I said rapidly. 'I
am a member of the secret police. One
of these revolutionists Is trying to es
cape. 1 am after him. Quick! Give
mo your coat and hat!'
"He automatically obeyed. I slipped
on his coat and hut and to all appear
ances wus a soldier of the czar. I
walked past the guurded gate of the
yard, out into the street. Before mo
were thousands of soldiers. I saw my
friends bclug brought down from tlio
hull and put Into the bluck vans, about
which stood guards of Cossacks. I
marched through my friends (all of
that group arc In prison today save
only myself and tho friend who es
caped with me) with the air of a sol
dier on a very Important message and
pressed on through tho mass of other
soldiers that filled tho street." Amor-
icun Magazine.
When the Itiuor mid the Scalpel
Were Linked In One Trnde.
More than -100 years old is tho ltoyul
College of Surgeons, Edinburgh. At
tho time It wus founded the surgeons
and barbers of tho city woro milted
us one of tho fourteen Incorporated
trades of Edinburgh. On July J, J.'Oo,
they received their charter from tho
town council. The charter of the bar
ber surgeons was confirmed by James
IV., an early Stuart king of great en
lightenment and accomplishment, who
took much Interest in the progress of
tho burgeons on account of tho needs
of his army In time of war.
In tho charter leave was given to the
incorporation to control the medical
cuucuiion oi tne city, sucn as it was
in those days; of bloodletting, to have
the solo right of practice and to put
down (piacks. They were to get every
year the body of a criminal who hud
boon executed to practice anatomy ou,
and they promised In return to do "suf
frage for his soul." Of tho first 158
members of the incorporation six were
surgeons to the kings of Scotland.
As society Improved and medical sci
ence developed tho gulf between the
surgeons and barbers widened, and In
1772, ns the result of a process In tho
court of sosslou, tho connection was
y terminated. Tho deacon, or
president, of tho Incorporation of sur-
geons was for more than 320 ycara"a
member of the- town council of Edin
burgh, ex officio, and several of the
deacons wore members of tho Scottish
February I.rKrcntla.
Why February has twenty-eight days
Is explained In the legends of the past.
One is of an old woman, who, tending
her Hock, ridiculed the month of Feb
ruary because ho had deidt so lenient
ly with her and her sheep. Then Febru
ary felt Insulted and made leap year
ami borrowed a cold day from March
and froze her and her Hock. There Is a
Norman legend which makes It out
that February had originally as many
I'curuary piays lonoiis witn tne moon
and loses certain days.
Not Wholly iKiiornnt.
All applicant for a position In tho
public works department In a certain
cifv was uudcnrolni' a civil service ox-
amlnution. With a view to testing his
knowledge of history tho examining i
oillcer asked him what ho know of tho
Punic wnrs.
"Tho name sounds familiar," said the
applicant, "but I can't Just remember
when It was or where It happened."
"Don't you know anything about
"No, sir."
"Surely you have heard about Han
nibal?" "Oh, yes, I know all about nannlbal.
That's where Mark Twain used to
The "Bere" of 1542.
It Is curious to 'find In a "Dyetary"
of 1542 the Information that "here Is
made of maltc, of hopps and water. It
is a naturall drynke for a Dutcheman.
And now of late dayes It is moche used
in Englando to the detryment of many
EngllsBho men." Tho author was
speaking of "beer," the then new liquor
distinguished from "ale" by being hop
Pwl- n thls BonRe n centh con
tury rhymer says that "turkey, carps,
hops, plccadel and beer came into Eng
land all li one year," "plccadel" being
a kind of ruff or collar.
Knicllith and Scotch Precedence.
At the coronation of Charles I., the
kingdoms of England und Scotland
having been united during the reign of
his father, considerable friction took
place with regard to the order of pre
cedence of the English and Scottish
noblemen. Au arrangement satisfac
tory to all parties was finally conclud
ed, in virtue of which English peers
while In England took precedence of
Scottish peers of the same rank, while
In Scotland this order was reversed,
and the Scottish poors went first.
The Shepherd' Crook.
Although most people have seen a
I shepherd's crook, ninny do not know
the use of It. Some people think that
all the shepherd carries It for is to use
It as a walking stick when ho tramps
to and from the fold. But the crooked
end Itself serves a purpose. It enables
a shepherd to catch refractory sheep.
If a sheep shows signs of running
away tho crooked end has only to bo
placed round his leg, and he Is a cap
tive. London Standard.
A I.mitf Wny Off.
Creditor (determinedly) I shall call
at your house every week until you pay
this account, sir. Debtor (In the bland
est of tones) Then, sir, there seems
every probability of our acquaintance
ship ripening Into friendship.
I.ot of G'lintter.
"What Is he playing?"
"Oh, Mendelssohn's 'Songs Without
Words,' you know."
"lira! Well, the audience seems to
be dolnc their best to sunnlr tho defl-
cloncy." London Bystander,
A friend of th hom0
A foa of tho Trust
Compiles with the Pure Food Laws
of all States.
067? MOTTO: "Satisfaction or
your money back"
combined with plain figure
prices steadily adhered to,
has brought us a constantly
growing business. Quality
first, price next. Nothing but
standard made, reputable
goods at lowest profit prices.
Always willing
and compare prices
or Chicago hozeses.
Newhouse Bros.,
Jewelers and Opticians.
Real Estate Transfers.
Transfers for week ending Wednes
day, May 30, furnished by Walker &
llailey of Webster, County Abstract
Geo W Dow and wifo to C C Mc
Conkey lot 07 block (5, Ked
Cloud wd S 1000
Ira A Pace to (Joo Koeves lot 01
block 1 Vance add to Guide
Rock wd 800
Mary V Redden to Ira A Race lot
10 block 1 Vance add wd 000
Go Reeves to Willis II Rrudford
lot 1 2 3 block 12 Vance add wd 300
William II Spiker and wife to W
S Asliby w2 ne4 24-3-10 wd .... 3000
Robert Mercier and wife to
DolorJRoulier net 21-1-12 wd. . 0000
Mamie E Husband and husband
to A II Keeney s2 net and n2
set 20-1-12 wd .1000
Frank Sadilek and wife to V W
IiUinbrcchK swl 80-3-11 wd.... 0250
Sohn NIIutchin and wife to Jno
Myers and Sarah lots 0 7 8
block 22 Cowles wd 75
Hannah .1 Crow (single) to 13 O
Christy part set 3-t-O wd 41
13 C Christy and wife to Hannah
.1 Crow part lot so 1 w t 3-1-0 wd 05
Harriet C Itrown loSohn H Stan
ser lot 10 11 12 block 21 S ifr
M add to Red Cloud wd 1000
Anson II Raskins und wife to
Eva G TViiiiant lot 7 8 0 10
block 3 It R add to Red Cloud
wd 000
Total 831801
Mortgages filed 83000
Mortgages released $1,100
Notice ? Amrllcatton for Saloon
Notice Is hereby glyen that llenjamln llrunko
has filed in tho ofllce of the County Clerk of
Webster county, Nebraska, this 2Ctb day of May,
A. D. 1000. his petition signed by tho required
number of resident freeholders of Oak Creek
precinct, Webster county, Nebraska, praying
for a saloou llcenso to bo granted by the Iionrd
of Commissioners of said county, authorizing
tho sale of malt, splrtous and vinous liquors on
lot eleven (11), block twelve (18), lu tho town of
Itosemout. Webster comity, Nebraska, for n
period of ono year from and after July 1, A. 1).
1006. Hearing of said application will be held
at the meeting of tho board of county commis
sioners to bo held ou Tuesday, June 10, lOOD, or
at the first raecttug thereafter,
juiiHd Lib Dk Touu, County Clerk.
to shozv our goods
with either local K
' i
B. & N. Watch Inspectors
Scaled proposals will bo received at the onloe
of the City Clerk In tho City of lied CJoiid.
Webster County. Nebraska, until noon on the
82ml day of June, 1900, for furnishing miy or nil
of the following parts, building, boiler, engine,
feed water heater, boiler feed pump. generator,
switch board, 25 herles alternating arc lump-
equipment, line construction material, nil in
accordance with plans and specification 6n
tile In the ofllce of the City Clerk Didder- may
obtain copies of the complete plant, and M't'Ofl
cntlons by sending J1.00 to the City Clerk.
Each bid shall be accompanied by h cenlricd
check In the sum named In tho general i4M 10.
cations, made payable to .1. O. Hutler, city
The right to rtject any or all bldslsre-erted.
I.. H. FOItT. CItyOlert.
. J. MAIITZ. Engineer.
Dated June Ut, WOO. Junlfc
Clttnwi and btintlflM the kik.
l'romulci a laiurlant frovUi.
Never rails to Iteator Qn&
Hair to Its Youthful Color.
Cunt tralD dittiM hair f Allhur.
f0c.andtl.UUa- DTUglta
Red Cloud,
Has just received a
complete line of
Also handles
Flovir Feed
Telephone 51.