The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 01, 1906, Image 7

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invested in a package of
Uneeda Biscuit
teaches you many truths :
That soda crackers arc the best of all food made from flour;
That Untda Biscuit are by far the best of all soda crackers.
That Unttda Biscuit are always fresh, always crisp, always
and the
Do You
When you nr huutfry umi
want KotnethiK nic in tli
meat line, drop ink) my
market. Wo htw the nicest
kind of
find monta, flsh, and rakc
in season. We think, nuti
almost know, thnt wr imti
please you. Give uu a
Koon Bros.,
Successors so
4 S-
flemsy flutes prom Neighboring Touins !
a t
utidny, on n clmryo of swimming in tho
crook on Tom Knight's farm oust of
town. Mr. Knight cluimed thoy wore
in plain viow of tho honso whilo in
swimming. Tho hoys wore lined 81
ouch ami costs amounting to SI-CO
ouch. Young Lott then hud Henry,
tho oldest son of Tom Knight, urrest
od for striking him. Knight plead
guilty and was fined $1 und costs,
which amounted to $G.
(From the Advocate.)
B. McNony. ono of tho brightest
lawyers of Webster comity, was up
from Rod Cloud Thursday on legal
Mr. and Mrs. John Parker started
for Omaha Wednesday night, where
they go for consultation with a special
ist lor Mrs. Parker, who has boon very
sick for tho past three months.
is about to "go
wrong" tins time it being one trom
our own midst. Judge Losoy issued u
marriage license to J. Frank hunt,
of the Hildreth Telescope and Miss
Florence E. Shear of that placo.
Last Saturday while listing corn C.
C. Ingram got tangled up with n
young mule ho was driving and hud u
narrow escape from groat bodily dam
ago, and us it was his face was pretty
badly bruised and his nose brokon.
Married, last Sunday, at tho homo of
Row and Mrs. R. W. Mills, northwest
of town, Miss Karon Christolferson
and Mr. Jay Hill, in tho prosonce of a
number of aolutivos. After tho coro
mony, which occurred at )1 o'clock,
tho company gathered at the homo of
Font Hill, a brother of tho groom, und
sat down to an olegant wedding dinner
piopared by Mrs. Hill.
(From the Sentinel.)
F. W. Barber's residence was slight
ly damaged by lightning Monday.
Tho mother of L, B. Robinott is suf
fering from n broken shoulder re
ceived in a fall Monday.
C. W. Way has the contract for fur
nishing tho architectural plans for
two store buildings and a bank build
ing at Guido Rock. "
John Scheanoman and H. Whit
more, president and secretary of the
Franklin couuty mutual, went out to
David Robertson's Tuesday to adjust
the loss on a steer which was struok
by lightning.
W. A. Chitwood's elevator at River
ton, containing WXO or ' 1700 worth of
grain, was totally destroyed by fire set
by No.lti Sunday, morning. Mr. Chit
wood bad only tlGOO insurance on tho
buildin. which with the contents will
entail a loss of $1000 or moro.
(From the Review.)
Tho graduating program at tho
opera houso lust night wus quite well
Frank Booth surprised us last Sun
day by mooting Miss Louise Werdin
of Denver, Colorado, ut this placo, and
being quietly married before Justice
Glick at tho Franklin house.
Honry Warrinor, of Franklin was on
our streets Wednesday, renewing old
1 acquaintances. Ho brought down 4.ri
pouuds of maple sugar, which he do
I livored to Abo Crny. Tko sugar was
! from Mr. Warrinor of Ohio, a brother
to Henry.
Eight inches of wator fell Monday
i afternoon in two hours. Thin is tho
most wator that has ever fallen in that
length of time in this part of the
country so far as anyone knows. Dur
ing tho two hours rain, ovor nu hour.of
that timo hail fell.
Cramer's little boy. Tho procession
was n big one, thero being forty-four
rigs in line.
Tho trial of Elmer Hildebaugh, ac
cused of tho burning of August
Schmoliug's burn on May 10, which
was to huvo been held yesterday, was
postponed until Friday morning at 10
Mesdames Clara and Cora Lirafelter,
who were called hero by tho sickness
ond death of their father, tho late Mr.
Way, left this mJrning for their homes
in Emerson and Jackson, Nebraska.
k. i i'i i ' M
(From the Messenger.)
Two successful operations for ap
pendicitis, were performed Sundny by
Dr. Bowen of Tonoka. assisted bv Drs.
Slaglo and Rolihrn of this city. ' Tho
patients woro Mory Land, the fifteen
year-old daughter of Mrs. Ed Mun
singor and Mrs. Clareuco Boston.
Emmett George, n well-known nnd
popular young man in this and Jewell
county, has purchased tho Munkuto
Advertiser and will proceod, tho first
of Juno, to got out a fisst class paper.
Mr. George is a teacher of state repu
tation, having been principal of the
Paolo schools for the past few years.
A pretty hot timo is reported at a
dance in Dorr township last Saturday
night. It seems that it turned out to
bo a kind of a free for all fight and in
the mixup Ernest Byflold was stabbed
with a knife in tho left arm by Miko
Janda. Young Jnnda was brought bo
fore I. A. Mullen, Monday, on aohargo
of assault with intent to kill and was
bound over for a hearing tho first week
in Juno. ,
Rob Lott and Aldon Bryant, sons of
Henry Lott and H. S. Bryant, south,
west of town, woro arrested ond
brought before I. A. Mullen last Sat-
(From the Citizen.)
E. T. Jones, who has been painting
quite steadily for tho past two weeks,
was attacked with lead poisoning.
E. O. Bergman, Horman Linger, Gus
Olson and John Marker left on tho
evening train for Grant couuty, pre
sumably in search of land.
Messrs. Sears and Puquin returned
from their Ashing trip to Duwoose
Tuesday. Sam reports tho flsh very
numerous mostly at the wrong end of
the polo.
Mrs. Dolor Roulier returned from
Omaha Thursday evening, having left
her husband in good condition, nl
though not yet in shape to take tho
second operation.
A message was received here about
1 p. m. Wednesday by Mrs. Lymun
Herrick, announoing the fact that her
brother, Chas. Woodward, had been
injured and was not expeoted to live.
The accident occurred at Harvey a
Hiirhnrh nf nhiniurn. wlinrn Mr. Wnnrl.
f ward has for ten years past boon work
1 ing in a fouudry, and although no par-
ticulars wero forthcoming it is sup
posed the accident occurred whilo ho
was on duty. Mrs. Herrick tho train
for Chicago Thursday morning in tho
hope of seoing her brother alive.
(From the News Letter.)
Ernest Hayes-got hit in tho eye with
a baseball last Saturday and hud a
bad looking peopor for sovaral days.
C. P. Norris loaded a car of goods at
it.l i nil 1 1 ..!.! l it. I
uun piucu iimrsuuy nun siiijeu ilium
to Norcutur, Kansrs, whero ho expects
to make his home.
Mrs. Ed Cox and Ohus. Guy woro
called to Oxford Saturday to attend
tho fuueratof A. Arnsbergor, an old
pioneer of this county.
J. M. Roland was in Amboy Tuesday
to see Chas. Teachworth, aud says ho
is a very sick man. His ailment is
pronounced cancer of tho stomach.
While 13d Hugan was helping in tho
work of tearing down tho Garber
building lust Friday, tho ond of a Hy
ing board struck him in tho oyo and
came near putting it out. It came
near enough to puncturo tho eyeball,
but fortunately stopped there.
(From the Journal.)
Miss Agues Hopper, who has been
teaching in an Indiuu school in east
orn Kansas, returned homo a fow days
Tho bull gumo this uftornoon be
tween Fairbury aud the high school
boys ended in a score of 18 to 0 in
favor of tho homo team.
Tho infant daughter of Mr. und Mrs.
Harry Moder died at Fromont at 9:4(1
this morning. Tho body will bo
brought hero for burial tomorrow.
Mr. and Mrs. B. Frees and Miss
Adams of Chicago, are tho guests of
G. L. Day's. Thoy are on their way
homo from Los Angeles, California.
Chris Andorsou drove tho hoarse to
Hurdy Friday for tho funeral of John
(From tlu" Times.)
Lightning killed threo of Low
Noblo's best horses, near Sulom, Tues
day evening.
Fred Clark sold his store at Ueucli,
Kansas, Tuesday, to Mrs. Emma
Myers and son, Charlie.
Dr. Hislop reports Charley Shaffer
confined to his room with small pox
at tho home of his brother, Frank
Shaffer, south of Lebanon.
Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Swartzol of Dum
ming, Mexico, arrived in Lebanon,
Friday, for a visit with Mrs. Swurtswl's
parents, Mr. und Mrs. Jus. Ashbaugh.
Mont Nichols moved his building on
Muin street, out the first of the week,
and will commence immediately the
erection of a two story brick in its
Unolo Dave Heschele and wife left
yesterday morning for Argentine,
Kansas, and Kansas City, Missouri.
They will be gone for some timo for
the benofltof Mrs. Hescholo's health.
Features of the Day's Trading and
Closing Quotations.
Chicago, Mny 20. Favorable weather for
burvcHtliiK In the nouthwent Induced lib
eral prollt-tuklng in the local wheat mar
ket mid eaubcil u weak feeling lu the pit.
At the clouu wheat for July delivery warj
down c. Corn wan up ((l&c. Outs
showed ti gnlii of $(.'. 1'iovUlons
were it tthude to 5c lower. Cloning prlceti:
Wheat-May, 84c; July, SiiyuS-K.c;
Sept., 8H4c; IH'C, 81&C.
Corn-May, 4t14e; July, 47c; Bept., 48
G4Sc; Dec, 47jc.
OntH-Mny, iUo: July, 34c; Sept., a2Vic.
I'ork-Muy, $10.3.r; July, 10.35.
l.ard-Muy, $8.b0; July, $8.83.
ItlbH-Miiy, 10.45; July, $0.47'j.
Chicago Cnnu I'rlcuH No. 2 Hard wheat,
80S8U'.tc; No. .' hurd wheat, Wxysr.c; No. 2
corn, MydMc, No. 2 oatH, :S4Mtf !&-'.
one year
, .
Chicago Live Stock.
Chicago, May 20.-Cnttle Keeelptu, 6,
500; Hteady; common to inline hiccih, $4.00
filfl.20; eowH, :t.2.VH.75; hi'lfeiH, $2.7.V(f
5.10; bullH, $:i.25QH.2.'i; calven, $2.757.00,
HtockiTH and feeder), ?2.7.VU4.M). Horm
Keeelptu, 22,000; Meiuly; choice to prime
heavy, $4J.47',fiJ!.50j medium to good
heavy, $0.42'f(0.45; liulchenvflghttf, $(!,ir,
(141.50; good to choice heavy, mixed, .J0.45
GMI.4714: packing, il.oo$i1.45. Sheep-lte-
celptH, 20,000; Hlow; xheep, ?5.MK.2rj , 4 M-. - - .? M-
yearllugti, Jf5.0Oii0.:i5; shorn lambs, fi.23 j SuMmmSmtmrmmmtF
the Time
TItn illflrrrmelx'tarrnlllttlni: itnl Mlttlng Utlinllf
llTciuclirlrfitn AiciiiMeatuI an Inaccurate A tin.
( house wltel) rilurlinlnatrl Let SII.VI'.NSI
I'ntty et of ccrleni.rit Ixliltnl out Iriut ami
Hllln l'l)HiMpew. i:tc.
Aik )iiunlralt?rnniltniltt
ontheSTfcVKNS, Ifjcnt
rcct, txfrtufrtf.iiif,vn
receipt of rntaln,- i.e.
hrlnl ic I n tainn fur 140
mq cal.ilot! tleiirlMiiK
the rntliehlltVHNs line.
I'tof inely II lustulcd.fttiil
trmtalnt lntt on SI. not
lti. Ammunition.
Ilrautlful tlirreiolnr Aluminum Ilanurr lll tcfui.
Martini fur iurntliiiUii,
I' O, II..X 4 r
Cmmi'im I au.h.Masv.U 8.A.
Trade Marks
Copyrights AcV
Anynno flondlng a sketch nnd dcucrlPtlon no)
quickly nsrortnln our opinion free whether air
InTontlmi Is prolmtiljr pntnnlnhlo, Coiiinitinlni.
tlnntifitricMrrnnUdoutliil. HANDBOOK oil I'nlciitif
iciitfreo. Dltlcat nizptiry foriticurliiK"Jotentri.
rntontii taken tnrouuh Slunn tt Co. rcculvt
tptclal notice, without charge, tu tho
Scientific Jlmericatt,
A hmidaomctr llliintrntncl weekly. Jreet cir-'
ctilntlnn of tiny nrlunlldn Journal. Ternii, f:i
yanr : four monttii, 1L Bold by all nowcdoalcr.
I)rncii Offlco. 625 V Bt, WoiblOKton. D.C.
HI 4
Red Cl.ud, Nek.
81. JOE
81. LOUIS and
all points east and
and all points
Me, 18. Fatsenger dally far Oberlla
and 8t. Prancla brancbtn. Ox
ford, McCook, Denttrand all
point weit............... 7 Ria
14. I'aBsenKer dally far St. Jet,
KaniiaH City, Atchlion. St,
Louli, Lincoln via Wymart
aud all points cant aud south 2 C) a.w
15. FnieenKer. dally. Oenyer, all
points In Colorado, Utah and
California . . 7:Mp..
IS. PansenKcr. dally for St. Jas.
nansai uiiy. Aicuuon. at.
Louis nnd all points east and
south l:lfa.,
lie. 174. Accommodation. Monday,
Wednesday nnd Frldny.llnst
Iiikh, Grand Island, blank
Ullls and all points In tht
north wen U 0 J p. m.
Bleoplng. dlnlnK, and recJInliiK chair cars,
(seats free) on through trains. Ticket sold and
baggago checked to any point In the United
States or Canada,
For Information, time tables, maps or Uekew
call on or address A. Conover. Agent. KoO
Otoud, Nobr. or L. W. Wakeley. Omiera) Paif
ssogor Agent Omsha. Nebraska
A Certain Curt ftr Chilblains. ,
Shuko into your shoes Allen's Foot"
Ease, a powder. It cures chilblainn,
frostbites, dump, sweating, swollen
feet. At all druggists aud shot titort-iJ
25 contfi. Sample free. Addrtbtf
Allon S. Olmstod, LRoy, N. Y.
Mystlo Cure for Khenmatlsm and Neurt!s)t'
radically cures In 1 to 3 days. Its action ni oo
the system Is remarkable and myrterlons 3
removes at once tho cause aud the dlreiire Im
mediately dUappcnrs. The first dois irmt)v
tjenedtB. 75 cents andll or. held by 11 jtf
Qrtce Druggist. Red Cloud