;'ii k r k t Jr Lincoln Mixed Paints are sold full measure by United States stand ard 231 cubic inches to the gallon. It has been used in this coun ty for 25 years and is fully guaranteed. Buy the best and save time and money. Chas. L. Cotting The Druggist LOCALETTES Dr. E. A. Thomas, Dentist, Damerell block. Leopold Herburger was down from RoKeland Sunday. Mrs. .1. T. Romford went to Lincoln Saturday morning'. Mrs. George Matkins has been quite .sick the past week. Mrs. Ralph Hunter was down from Juavale Wednesday. Mrs. Lulu Matthews was down from I mi vale Wednesday. Foit Sai.k Two small showcases. Inquire at this office. Mrs. Fred Taylor of Riverton was in Red Cloud Wednesdsy. Joe Thomas and family were down from Cowles Wednesday. Miss Cora Tulleys went to Lincoln Wednesday for a short visit. Dr. Phillips and wife of Inavale were in the city Wednesday. Win. Holsworth is having a new porch added to his residence. Dr. Thomas gives special attention to diseases of women and children. Oflice over Cotting's drug store. Ralph VanCleef went to Hubhell the first of the week for a visit. Si Fineher is in Kansas City, where he is receiving' medical treatment. Miss Cora (lurbcr came home from Lincoln Wednesday for a short visit. Miss Elizabeth Dempster of Repub lican City is visiting Ethel Cummings. Douglas Cather of Cheyenne, Wyo., spent Saturday and Sunday at home. Dr. Will Ward of Omaha came down to see his sister, Miss Frances, gradu ate. A new cement walk has been laid airoiind the Fourth avenue hotel prop erty. Mrs. M. S. Marsh of Grand Island is in Red Cloud visiting relatives and friends. Mrs. Fred Wessel. and Mrs. Rob Marshall were down from Riverton Monday. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Thomas are the parents of a baby boy, born Tuesday morning. Benjamin Brunke has made applica tion for license to conduct a saloon in Rosemont. E. E. Ladd came down from Inavale Wednesday to attend the Decoration day serviccB. The Rebekah degree team will go to Hardy June 0 to participate in a com petitive drill. Mr. and Mrs. .lack Hayes came up from Guide Rock to attend commence ment exercises. Mrs. A. E. Tiehnor aud children of Milton, Iowa, are visiting Mr. and Mkc A n Unit. Mrs. Ina Wickwire and daughter Vera of McCook are visiting in Red Cloud this week. F. E. Goble of Fort Cobb, Oklahoma, came in Monday for a visit with rela tives and friends. Sanford Fred, who lias been working at Henson's barber shop, left Monday for Topeka, Kansas. Miss Juliet Galusha of Lincoln is in Red Cloud attending commencement and visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Hailey left this morning for a visit in Cleveland and other points in Ohio. Mrs. Win, West and children were down from Naponee this week visiting friends and relatives. Ij. n. Rust has a fine new cement walk on the west side of his residence lots on Seward street. Once more the business men of Red Cloud have been "worked" by a travel ing advertising grafter. Mrs. .lames Goble of Holdrege ar rived Monday for a visit with her son, E. 11. Goble and family. Mrs. .lames McGulre and Misses Rosa and Irene MaGuire went to Riverton this morning for a visit. Foil Sai.k Good 8 room house; and 4 lots; also good house with one full block. H. W. Gulliford. Mr. anil Mrs. Ed Gillard are expect down from Naponee Sunday for a vis it with Mrs. Anna Tulleys. Mrs. John McCune went to Kcarnev Tuesday noon, called there by the ser ious Illness of her mother. Grant Hailey is expected home from Omaha to look after his father's busi ness during the hitter's eastern trip. The Itrunswick barber shop Is fitted with bath tubs and all modern appli ances. Under Tuber's billiard parlor. C. C. McConkey has purchased the G. W. Dow property on north Webster street. The consideration was SI, 000. W. E. Sharp of McCook has accepted the position of night operator at the depot, II. R. Atkinson having resigned. What under the heavens has become of the street sprinkler? If there ever Was a time what it was needed, that time is now. Miss Mae Lewis, one of the instruc tors of the Business College, returned to her home in Hutchinson, Kansas, Thursday morning. Right now, while you are in a good humor, would be the best time you could find to come in and settle that old subscription account. Miss Mildred Thompson nnd Mrs. E. S. Garbcr were given a pleasant sur prise Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Cotting. Mrs. Margaret Zimmerman of Peru, Illinois, is visiting with Rev. Ward L. Austin and family. Mrs. Zimmerman and Mrs. Austin are sisters. While passing through the school yard last Sunday evening about 10:30 Edgar Cowden collided with a tree and received some severe bruises. Miss Blanche Winfrey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Winfrey, and Vern Ackley, who is also well-known here, were married at Omaha Tuesday. What's the good of keeping from him Any good things you may see, That will lift his load of labor Like Rocky .Mountain Tea. C. L. Cotting. Mrs. Al Slaby lias been quite sick the past few days with an attack of the disease for which she was operat ed upon a few months ago in Denver. J. A. Reid was out Decoration day .for the first time since he was stricken with paralysis. He was able to ride to the cemetery and enjoy the cere monies. Miss Millie Slaby of McCook, who has been attending a class reunion at Peru, arrived in Red Cloud Saturday night, for a visit with her brother, Al Slaby. Airs. Uert Hatfield and daughter Vera of Jumestown, Kansas, who huve been visiting Mrs. Hatfield's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. V. Ludlow, returned home yesterday. Frank Reed, who has been going to school here and assisting his uncle, Frank Smith, In the shoe store, left this morning for his old home at Mansfield, Illinois. Don't be fooled and made to believe that rheumatism can be cured with local appliances. Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea is the only positive cure for rheumatism. 35 cents, tea or tab lets. C. L. Cotting. While working on the new home of Alf MeCall's, Monday, Guy Tennant fell from a scaffold striking his knee on a piece of tin, which cut a severe gash and will lay him up for some time to come. When the baby talks, it is time to give Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. It's the greatest baby medicine known to loving mothers. It makes them eat, sleep and grow. 35 cents, tea or tablet. C. L. Cotting. Cy Norrls has purchased the Soder berg restaurant, and took possession the first of the week. Mr. und Mrs. Norrls huve hud consideruble experi ence in the business, und we predict ior mem u goou puirouugc. August France, deputy assessor for IUaden, was in town Monday. He is carrying his right hand in a sling, the result of receiving a kick from u cow. , Mr. France says the cow was angry with him because ho assessed her too low. William Wolfe's new blacksmith shop and Implement warehouse Is go ing up rapidly, and will soon bo ready for occupancy. It is located on the tract opposite W. N. Richardson's home, formerly occupied by Pope Hros. The Franklin papers have consoli dated, both Editor Hadden aud Editor Marker retiring. The new paper will be under the management of Prof. Frank M. Richard, who has been prin cipal of the schools there for several years. We extend a cordial invitation to our subscribers to try the new walk in front of Tin: Ciiii:k otllee. You need not hestitate to cull at the olllce now from four of breaking your leg, If that is what has been keeping you away. The 3-year-old daughter of Mel Mo Cord swallowed the top of a pearl cuff-htitttm Saturday afternoon, but does not seem to be suffering any ill effect. The piece was about a quarter of an Inch wide by three-quarters of an inch long. At the meeting of the Odd Fellows Monday evening four candidates were given the initiatory degree and seven received the first degree. Oflleers were elected for the ensuing term, G. II. Rice being elected noble grand and George Hutchison vice grand. Colonel C. W. Kaley is home from a two weeks' trip through the eastern part of the state. While absent he ut tended the commencement exercises ut the Peru Normal. He reports crops looking fine and much further advanc ed than in this part of the state. Saunders Hros. have put In a cement curb the full length of their lumber yard on the north side. The space between the curb and the brick walk has been filled in and sown with blue grass seed, which in time will make one of the prettiest parkings in the city. Bert Garber is making good with the Almlra, Washington, team. He has pitched fourteen games without losing one. He leads his team in bat ting, llert is making u remarbable record for strike-outs, having recently pitched a game in which he made 27 strike-outs. When reunion time rolls around, every merchant in the city should be prepared to cover both the interior and exterior of his store room with bunting und flags in honor of the "old boys," who will not be with us much longer. Don't put it oil' until the last minute. Now is the time to begin preparations. It was thought for a long time that there would be no music for Decora tion duy, but a number of patriotic boys got together and formed u drum corps which, considering the practice they had, furnished excellent martial music. The boys ure: George Corner, Clyde Whituker, Mao Fentress, Silver Longtin und Charles Ilruele. It is hoped that around this nucleus may be built up a boys' drum corps of froiu twelve to twenty pieces. A little en couragement in a financial way und by the time reunion week rolls around we can have one of the best drum corps In the state. Push it along. Stephen Rayles, who was adjudged insane a short time ago and taken to the asylum ut Lincoln, has been trans ferred from that institution to the soldiers' home at Milford. It seems that, while Mr. Rayles was aged and infirm, examination by Dr. Green of the Lincoln asylum showed conclusive ly that there was not a trace of in sanity, and through the efforts of Sec retary of State Galusha, he was trans ferred to the soldiers' home. It seems a shame that, when people become bowed with the weight of years, their children should so far forget their duty as to wish to be rid of them and allow them to be sent to state chari table institutions on the flimsiest pre texts. Changes In Teaching Force, At the meeting of the school board Saturday evening two new teachers were elected to till vacancies occur ing since the last meeting. Miss Mamie Ellis resigned her place us principal of the high school to accept u similar position at f-Ord, Neb. Miss Irene Hall, daughter of Dr. Hall of Cowles, who hus been nsslstant princi pal of the Phillips County High School at Halyoke, Colo., wns elected to suc ceed Miss Ellis. Miss Guil Cochran of Peru wus elected to succeed Miss Git ting's in the South vard school, Miss , Viola Ward's place as teacher of the fifth und sixth grades in the South ward wus declared vacant, she having fniled to signify her acceptance of the position. However, no one was elect ed to fill the vacancy. The salary of Miss Ada Skjelver, principal of the First Ward school, wus increased to 850 per month. I MEN'S FINE Worsted Suits $8.75, $W9 $11 12.00 Special late season purchase, worth $10, $12, 14 and $15 NICE PATTERNS FINELY TAILORED mixes 39 to 42 SEE THEM BEFORE YOU BUY ?5be Cowden-Kaley Clothing Co., ALWAYS RELIABLE First Door North of Fostoftlco, Red Cloud, Nebr. I Stores Close at 7:30. ii Beginning next Monday evening and continuing during the summer all the business houses in Red Cloud will close ut 7:30 every evening except Sat urday. Take warning and make your purchases In the daytime. FAMILY POISONED. Poisonous Drugs In Home-made Bak ing Powder Almost Causes Death. Rainey Royce and family, of near North Itrauch, Kansas, had an experi ence Tuesday evening which they will long remember. It seems they had some bilking, powder compounded by a North Branch druggist from a recipe which they had procured from some source, and he substituted by mistake a poisonous drug for one of the ingred ients. Mrs. Boyce noticed the baking powder had u different appearance from some which she lied previously made from the same recipe, but went ahead and used it, with the result that the entire family was taken violently sick. Dr. Hershner of North Branch was called and with much dltlleulty succeeded in saving their lives. How ever, they missed the Decoration day exercises. MURDERER JAILED HERE. John R. Lucas, Phelps County Mur derer, Brought Here. John R. Lucas, who was convicted In Phelps county of murder and given a life sentence, but later was given a new trial and change of venue to Harlan county, where he was again convicted and given twenty-one years, wus brought to Red Cloud and jailed this morning. He hus taken an ap peal to the supreme court and will re main in jail here until the case is de cided. The escape of Lynn Callahan from the Alma jail Tuesday night, showing the insecurity of that prison, decided Sheriff Davis to bring Lucas here. Republican State Convention. The republicans of the state of Ne braska are hereby culled to meet in convention ut the Auditorium in the city of Lincoln, on Wednesduy, Au gust 22, 1000, ut two o'clock in the ufternoon, for the purpose of placing in nomination candidates for the fol lowing offices, viz One United States senutor. One Governor. One lieutenant governor. Three railway commissioners. One secretary of state. One auditor of public accounts. One treasurer. One superintendent of public in struction. . One attorney general. One commissioner of public lands and buildings. Webster county is entitled to eleven delegates to the convention, which will have a membership of 857. I I mtt.w.niir,afefc, Deaths and Funerals. mjywMWMJiLx)iJmi Fred McCall. Fred McCall, son of Mrs. Oliver Mc Call, died Monday evening at the home of his mother, seven miles southwest of Red Cloud. Funeral services were held Wednesday morning, conducted by Rev. George II. Rice. Mr. McCall was about 23 years of age, and had been a cripple from infancy, having been confined to his bed since he was about ten years of age. The bereaved family have the sympathy of all who know them. Letter List. List of lottors remaining uncalled for nt postotlluo ut Hod Cloud, Nob., for tho wook ending May 21, lfXXI: Gross, P. M. Mathos, Calviu Koa C. Packard Thoso will bo sont to tho dead lottor olllco Juno 14, 190G, if not called for boforo. When calling for above ploaso say "udvortisod." T. C. Haokkk, Postmaster. Ladies Gome In I want to talk on the grocery prop osition with you. My GROCER IES should be in every kitchen in Red Cloud. My COFFEE and TEAS are the best money can buy. B. E. McFarland FHONE9: Rural, 35. Boll, 79. X i i i M m ,'i A tr f r"Tl"iX J r'f JHKCSSBItWratU iv&x